! Backward compatibility with old sessions file (sessions.db) is broken due to planned config variables in future. New format is:
:login: '1234567890'
— Huge code refactoring and readability improvement
— Removed XMPP features jabber:iq:register (will now try to log in after subscription request) and jabber:iq:gateway (since it does not working on foreign servers?)
— Reworked application logic — now code in `xmppcomponent.rb` only used to XMPP jobs and `telegramclient.rb` aims Telegram.
Because of that, commands like /login /code /password are moved out to `telegramclient.rb` and now are parts of internal command to gateway (chat id 0)
— Reworked /chat and /gateway command list — please, just send /help to gateway or any active chat.
— Improved stability (I hope so...)
— Any other small (and not only) unlisted and forgotten changes..
Warning! It is beta software and it has not been tested thoroughly.
[UPD] Code restructurization. Removed unneccessary XMPPSession class.
[UPD] Recuded memory consumption.
[UPD] Seems like memory leaks fixed too, need test a bit longer
[UPD] Now running in forever-loop, use double Ctrl+C to quit
[ADD] Admin commands /sessions, /debug and /restart
[ADD] New config parameters: xmpp->debug to print XML stream and xmpp->admins[] to give access to above mentioned /commands
[ADD] We can now use memory profiler to get detailed memory usage information: run application with --profiler key (and also gem install memprof2) (yes, fucking leaks...)
[FIX] Fixed secret chat closing (I hope so...)