[FIX] fixed sending messages to unavailable chat [FIX] some fixes in /members command [UPD] better formatting of /help message [ADD] add /info id command to get user/chat info by its id
530 lines
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require 'tdlib-ruby'
require 'digest'
require 'base64'
class TelegramClient
# tdlib configuration, shared within all instances #
def self.configure(params)
@@loglevel = params['loglevel'] || Logger::DEBUG
@@content_path = params['content_path'] || '/tmp'
@@content_link = params['content_link'] || 'https://localhost/tg_media'
@@content_upload_prefix = params["content_upload_prefix"] || 'https://localhost/upload/'
TD.configure do |config|
config.lib_path = params['path'] || 'lib/' # we hope it's here
config.client.api_id = params['api_id'] || '50322' # telegram app. from debian repositories
config.client.api_hash = params['api_hash'] || '9ff1a639196c0779c86dd661af8522ba' # telegram app. from debian repositories
config.client.device_model = params['useragent'] || 'Zhabogram'
config.client.application_version = params['version'] || '1.0' # hmm...
config.client.use_test_dc = params['use_test_dc'] || false
config.client.system_version = '42' # I think I have permission to hardcode The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?..
config.client.use_file_database = true # wow
config.client.use_message_database = true # such library
config.client.use_chat_info_database = false # much options
config.client.enable_storage_optimizer = true # ...
TD::Api.set_log_verbosity_level(params['verbosity'] || 1)
# instance initialization #
def initialize(xmpp, login)
return if not @@loglevel # call .configure() first
@logger = Logger.new(STDOUT); @logger.level = @@loglevel; @logger.progname = '[TelegramClient: %s/%s]' % [xmpp.user_jid, login] # create logger
@xmpp = xmpp # our XMPP user session. we will send messages back to Jabber through this instance.
@login = login # store tg login
@cache = {chats: {}, users: {}, users_fullinfo: {}, userpics: {}, unread_msg: {} } # we will store our cache here
@files_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../sessions/' + @xmpp.user_jid + '/files/'
# spawn telegram client and specify callback handlers
@logger.info 'Connecting to Telegram network..'
@client = TD::Client.new(database_directory: 'sessions/' + @xmpp.user_jid, files_directory: 'sessions/' + @xmpp.user_jid + '/files/') # create telegram client instance
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::AuthorizationState) do |update| self.auth_handler(update) end # register auth update handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage) do |update| self.message_handler(update) end # register new message update handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::MessageContent) do |update| self.message_edited_handler(update) end # register msg edited handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::DeleteMessages) do |update| self.message_deleted_handler(update) end # register msg del handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::File) do |update| self.file_handler(update) end # register file handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewChat) do |update| self.new_chat_handler(update) end # register new chat handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::User) do |update| self.user_handler(update) end # new user update?
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::UserStatus) do |update| self.status_update_handler(update) end # register status handler
## Callback handlers #####################
# authorization handler #
def auth_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Authorization state changed: %s' % update.authorization_state
case update.authorization_state
# auth stage 0: specify login #
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPhoneNumber
@logger.info 'Logging in..'
# auth stage 1: wait for authorization code #
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitCode
@logger.info 'Waiting for authorization code..'
@xmpp.incoming_message(nil, 'Please, enter authorization code via /code 12345')
# auth stage 2: wait for 2fa passphrase #
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPassword
@logger.info 'Waiting for 2FA password..'
@xmpp.incoming_message(nil, 'Please, enter 2FA passphrase via /password 12345')
# authorization successful -- indicate that client is online and retrieve contact list #
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Ready
@logger.info 'Authorization successful!'
@client.get_me().then { |user| @me = user }.wait
@logger.info "Contact list updating finished"
# closing session: sent offline presences to XMPP user #
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Closing
@logger.info 'Closing session..'
# session closed gracefully
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Closed
@logger.info 'Session closed.'
# message from telegram network handler #
def message_handler(update, show_date = false)
@logger.debug 'Got NewMessage update'
@logger.debug update.message.to_json
@logger.info 'New message from Telegram chat %s' % update.message.chat_id
return if update.message.is_outgoing and update.message.sending_state.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageSendingState::Pending # ignore self outgoing messages
# media? #
file = nil
prefix = ''
text = ''
case update.message.content
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo # photos
file = update.message.content.photo.sizes[-1].photo
text = "%s.jpg (image/jpeg), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [update.message.content.photo.id.to_s, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(file.remote.id, 'image.jpg'), update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation # "gif" (mp4) animations
file = update.message.content.animation.animation
text = "gif: %s | %s" % [update.message.content.animation.file_name, self.format_content_link(file.remote.id, 'video.mp4')]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker # stickers
file = update.message.content.sticker.sticker
text = "sticker: %s | %s" % [update.message.content.sticker.emoji.to_s, self.format_content_link(file.remote.id, 'sticker.webp')]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio # music files
file = update.message.content.audio.audio
text = "%s (%s), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [update.message.content.audio.file_name.to_s, update.message.content.audio.mime_type.to_s, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(file.remote.id, update.message.content.audio.file_name.to_s), update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Video # video files
file = update.message.content.video.video
text = "%s (%s), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [update.message.content.video.file_name.to_s, update.message.content.video.mime_type.to_s, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(file.remote.id, update.message.content.video.file_name.to_s), update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote # voice messages
file = update.message.content.voice_note.voice
text = "voice message (%i s.) | %s" % [update.message.content.voice_note.duration, self.format_content_link(file.remote.id, 'voice.oga')]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Document # documents
file = update.message.content.document.document
text = "%s (%s), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [update.message.content.document.file_name.to_s, update.message.content.document.mime_type.to_s, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(file.remote.id, update.message.content.document.file_name.to_s), update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatJoinByLink # joined member
text = "joined"
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatAddMembers # add members
text = "added "
update.message.content.member_user_ids.each do |member| text = text + self.format_username(member) + ' ' end
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatDeleteMember # kicked member
text = "removed %s" % self.format_username(update.message.content.user_id)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::PinMessage # pinned message
@client.get_message(update.message.chat_id, update.message.content.message_id).then { |message| text = "pinned message: %s" % message.content.text.text.to_s }.wait
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatChangeTitle # changed chat title
text = "chat title set to: %s" % update.message.content.title.to_s
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Location # location
location = "%s,%s" % [update.message.content.location.latitude.to_s, update.message.content.location.longitude.to_s]
text = "coordinates: %s | https://www.google.com/maps/search/%s/" % [location, location]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Text # plain text
text = update.message.content.text.text.to_s
text = "unknown message type %s" % update.message.content.class
@client.download_file(file.id) if file # download it if already not
# forwards, replies and message id..
prefix += "[%s]" % DateTime.strptime((update.message.date+Time.now.getlocal(@xmpp.timezone).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("[%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S]") if show_date
prefix += "fwd from %s | " % self.format_username(update.message.forward_info.sender_user_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedFromUser # fwd from user
prefix += "fwd from %s | " % self.format_chatname(update.message.forward_info.chat_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedPost # fwd from chat
prefix += "reply to %s | " % self.format_reply(update.message.chat_id, update.message.reply_to_message_id) if update.message.reply_to_message_id.to_i != 0 # reply to
# text formatting
text = "%s | %s | %s\n%s" % [update.message.id, self.format_username(update.message.sender_user_id), prefix, text] if update.message.chat_id < 0 # groupchats
text = "%s %s | %s%s" % [(update.message.is_outgoing ? '🠚' : '🠘'), update.message.id.to_s, prefix, text] if update.message.chat_id > 0 # private chats
# send and add message id to unreads
@cache[:unread_msg][update.message.chat_id] = update.message.id
@xmpp.incoming_message(update.message.chat_id.to_s, text)
# new chat update -- when tg client discovers new chat #
def new_chat_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got NewChat update'
@logger.debug update.to_json
# user -- something changed in user data #
def user_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got User update'
@logger.debug update.to_json
# edited msg #
def message_edited_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got MessageEdited update'
@logger.debug update.to_json
# formatting
text = "✎ %s | %s" % [update.message_id.to_s, update.new_content.text.text.to_s]
@xmpp.incoming_message(update.chat_id.to_s, text)
# deleted msg #
def message_deleted_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got MessageDeleted update'
@logger.debug update.to_json
return if not update.is_permanent
text = "✗ %s |" % update.message_ids.join(',')
@xmpp.incoming_message(update.chat_id.to_s, text)
# file msg -- symlink to download path #
def file_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got File update'
@logger.debug update.to_json
if update.file.local.is_downloading_completed then
fname = update.file.local.path.to_s
target = "%s/%s%s" % [@@content_path, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(update.file.remote.id), File.extname(fname)]
@logger.debug 'Downloading of <%s> completed! Link to <%s>' % [fname, target]
File.symlink(fname, target)
# status update handler #
def status_update_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got new StatusUpdate'
@logger.debug update.to_json
return if update.user_id == @me.id # ignore self statuses
self.process_status_update(update.user_id, update.status)
## LooP handlers #########################
# processing authorization #
def process_auth(typ, auth_data)
@logger.info "Authorizing with :%s.." % typ
@client.check_authentication_code(auth_data) if typ == '/code'
@client.check_authentication_password(auth_data) if typ == '/password'
# /command #
def process_command(chat_id, text)
splitted = text.split # splitted[0] = command, splitted[1] = argument
splitted = ['/sed', text[3..-1]] if text[0..2] == '/s/' # sed-like edit
resolved = nil; response = nil
# if second argument starts with @, try to resolve it
@client.search_public_chat(splitted[1][1..-1]).then {|chat| resolved = chat}.wait if splitted[1] and splitted[1][0] == '@'
case splitted[0]
when '/info' # information about user / chat
id = splitted[1].to_i
response = ''
self.process_user_info(id) if id and id > 0 and not @cache[:users].key? id
self.process_chat_info(id, false) if id and id < 0 and not @cache[:cache].key? id
response = self.format_chatname(id) if @cache[:chats].key? id
response = self.format_username(id, true) if @cache[:users].key? id
when '/add' # open new private chat by its id
chat = (resolved) ? resolved.id : splitted[1].to_i
self.process_chat_info(chat) if chat != 0
when '/join' # join group/supergroup by invite link or by id
chat = (resolved) ? resolved.id : splitted[1]
chat.to_s[0..3] == "http" ? @client.join_chat_by_invite_link(chat).wait : @client.join_chat(chat.to_i).wait
when '/secret' # create new secret chat
@client.create_new_secret_chat(resolved.id) if resolved
when '/group' # create new group with @user_id
@client.create_new_basic_group_chat([resolved.id], splitted[2]) if resolved and splitted[2]
when '/supergroup' # create new supergroup
@client.create_new_supergroup_chat(splitted[1], splitted[2]) if splitted[2]
when '/channel' # create new channel
@client.create_new_supergroup_chat(splitted[1], splitted[2], is_channel: true) if splitted[2]
when '/members' # view members of a group
response = "- Members of chat %s -\n\n" % @cache[:chats][chat_id].title
# supergroup
if @cache[:chats][chat_id].type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup then
@client.get_supergroup_members(@cache[:chats][chat_id].type.supergroup_id, TD::Types::SupergroupMembersFilter::Recent.new(), 0, 200).then { |members| members.members.each do |member|
self.process_user_info(member.user_id) if not @cache[:users].key? member.user_id # fetch userdata if noinfo
response += (@cache[:users].key? member.user_id) ? self.format_username(member.user_id, true) : "ID %s" % member.user_id
response += " | %s\n" % member.status.class.to_s
end }.wait
# normal group
elsif @cache[:chats][chat_id].type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::BasicGroup then
@cache[:chats][chat_id].last_message.content.member_user_ids.each do |member| response += (@cache[:users].key? member) ? self.format_username(member, true) : "ID %s" % member; response += "\n" end
when '/invite' # invite user to chat
@client.add_chat_member(chat_id, resolved.id).wait if resolved
when '/kick' # removes user from chat
@client.set_chat_member_status(chat_id, resolved.id, TD::Types::ChatMemberStatus::Left.new()).wait if resolved
when '/ban' # removes user from chat. argument = hours to ban.
until_date = (splitted[1]) ? Time.now.getutc.to_i + splitted[1].to_i * 3600 : 0
@client.set_chat_member_status(chat_id, resolved.id, TD::Types::ChatMemberStatus::Banned.new(banned_until_date: until_date)).wait if resolved
when '/block' # add user to blacklist
when '/unblock' # add user to blacklist
when '/leave', '/delete' # delete / leave chat
@client.close_secret_chat(chat_id).wait if @cache[:chats][chat_id].type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Secret
@client.delete_chat_history(chat_id, true).wait
@xmpp.presence(chat_id, :unsubscribed)
@xmpp.presence(chat_id, :unavailable)
when '/sed' # sed-like edit
sed = splitted[1].split('/')
@client.search_chat_messages(chat_id, 0, 1, sender_user_id: @me.id, filter: TD::Types::SearchMessagesFilter::Empty.new).then {|msgs|
original = msgs.messages[0].content.text.text.to_s
edited = (sed[0] != '' ) ? original.gsub(Regexp.new(sed[0]), sed[1]) : sed[1]
@client.edit_message_text(chat_id, msgs.messages[0].id, TD::Types::InputMessageContent::Text.new(:text => { :text => edited, :entities => []}, :disable_web_page_preview => false, :clear_draft => true )) if edited != original
when '/d' # delete last message
id = splitted[1].to_i
@client.search_chat_messages(chat_id, 0, 1, sender_user_id: @me.id, filter: TD::Types::SearchMessagesFilter::Empty.new).then {|msgs| id = msgs.messages[0].id }.wait if not id or id == 0
@client.delete_messages(chat_id, [id], true)
when '/dump'
response = @cache[:chats][chat_id].to_json
when '/search'
count = (splitted[1]) ? splitted[1].to_i : 10
query = (splitted[2]) ? splitted[2] : nil
@client.search_chat_messages(chat_id, 0, count, query: query, filter: TD::Types::SearchMessagesFilter::Empty.new).then {|msgs|
msgs.messages.reverse.each do |msg| self.message_handler(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage.new(message: msg, disable_notification: false, contains_mention: false), true) end
when '/history'
count = (splitted[1]) ? splitted[1].to_i : 10
@client.get_chat_history(chat_id, 0, 0, count).then {|msgs|
msgs.messages.reverse.each do |msg| self.message_handler(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage.new(message: msg, disable_notification: false, contains_mention: false), true) end
when '/setusername'
@client.set_username(splitted[1]) if splitted[1]
when '/setname'
@client.set_name(splitted[1], splitted[2]) if splitted[1]
when '/setbio'
@client.set_bio(splitted[1]) if splitted[1]
when '/setpassword'
old_password = splitted[1]
new_password = splitted[2]
old_password = '' if old_password == 'nil'
new_password = nil if new_password == 'nil'
@client.set_password(old_password, new_password: new_password)
response = 'Unknown command.
/s/mitsake/mistake/ — Edit last message
/d — Delete last message
/info id — Information about user/chat by its id
/add @username or id — Create conversation with specified user or chat id
/join chat_link or id — Join chat by its link or id
/secret @username — Create "secret chat" with specified user
/group @username groupname — Create group chat named groupname with @username
/supergroup name description — Create supergroup chat
/channel name description — Create channel
/members — Supergroup members
/history count — Retrieve chat history
/search count query — Search in chat history
/invite @username — Invite @username to current chat
/kick @username — Remove @username from current chat
/ban @username [hours] — Ban @username in current chat for [hours] hrs or forever if [hours] not specified
/block — Blacklistscurrent user
/unblock — Remove current user from blacklist
/delete — Delete current chat
/leave — Leave current chat
/setusername username — Set username
/setname First Last — Set name
/setbio Bio — Set bio
/setpassword old new — Set 2FA password (use "nil" for no password")
@xmpp.incoming_message(chat_id, response) if response
# processing outgoing message from queue #
def process_outgoing_msg(chat_id, text)
@logger.info 'Sending message to Telegram chat %s...' % chat_id
# processing /commands #
return if not @cache[:chats].key? chat_id # null chat
return self.process_command(chat_id, text) if text[0] == '/'
# handling replies #
if text[0] == '>' then
splitted = text.split("\n")
reply_to = splitted[0].scan(/\d/).join('').to_i
reply_to = 0 if reply_to < 10000 # o_O
text = splitted.drop(1).join("\n") if reply_to != 0
reply_to = 0
# handling files received from xmpp #
if text.start_with? @@content_upload_prefix then
message = TD::Types::InputMessageContent::Document.new(document: TD::Types::InputFile::Remote.new(id: text), caption: { :text => '', :entities => []})
message = TD::Types::InputMessageContent::Text.new(:text => { :text => text, :entities => []}, :disable_web_page_preview => false, :clear_draft => true )
# send message and mark chat as read #
@client.send_message(chat_id, message, reply_to_message_id: reply_to)
@client.view_messages(chat_id, [@cache[:unread_msg].delete(chat_id)], force_read: true) if @cache[:unread_msg][chat_id]
# update users information and save it to cache #
def process_chat_info(chat_id, subscription = true)
@logger.debug 'Updating chat id %s..' % chat_id.to_s
# fullfil cache.. pasha durov, privet. #
@client.get_chat(chat_id).then { |chat|
@cache[:chats][chat_id] = chat # cache chat
@client.download_file(chat.photo.small.id).wait if chat.photo # download userpic
@cache[:userpics][chat_id] = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(IO.binread(self.format_content_link(chat.photo.small.remote.id, 'image.jpg', true))) if chat.photo and File.exist? self.format_content_link(chat.photo.small.remote.id, 'image.jpg', true) # cache userpic
@xmpp.presence(chat_id.to_s, :subscribe, nil, nil, @cache[:chats][chat_id].title.to_s) if subscription # send subscription request
@xmpp.presence(chat_id.to_s, nil, :chat, @cache[:chats][chat_id].title.to_s, nil, @cache[:userpics][chat_id]) if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::BasicGroup or chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup # send :chat status if its group/supergroup
# self.process_user_info(chat.type.user_id) if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Private # process user if its a private chat
# update user info in cache and sync status to roster if needed #
def process_user_info(user_id)
@logger.debug 'Updating user id %s..' % user_id.to_s
@client.get_user(user_id).then { |user|
@cache[:users][user_id] = user # add to cache
self.process_status_update(user_id, user.status) # status update
@client.get_user_full_info(user_id).then{ |user_info|
@cache[:users_fullinfo][user_id] = user_info # here is user "bio"
# convert telegram status to XMPP one
def process_status_update(user_id, status)
@logger.debug "Processing status update for user id %s.." % user_id.to_s
xmpp_show, xmpp_status, xmpp_photo = nil
case status
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Online
xmpp_show = nil
xmpp_status = "Online"
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Offline
xmpp_show = (Time.now.getutc.to_i - status.was_online.to_i < 3600) ? :away : :xa
xmpp_status = DateTime.strptime((status.was_online+Time.now.getlocal(@xmpp.timezone).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("Last seen at %H:%M %d/%m/%Y")
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Recently
xmpp_show = :dnd
xmpp_status = "Last seen recently"
when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastWeek
xmpp_show = :unavailable
xmpp_status = "Last seen last week"
when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastMonth
xmpp_show = :unavailable
xmpp_status = "Last seen last month"
xmpp_photo = @cache[:userpics][user_id] if @cache[:userpics].key? user_id
@xmpp.presence(user_id.to_s, nil, xmpp_show, xmpp_status, nil, xmpp_photo)
# get contact information (for vcard).
def get_contact_info(chat_id)
return if not @cache[:chats].key? chat_id # no such chat #
username, firstname, lastname, phone, bio, userpic = nil
title = @cache[:chats][chat_id].title # <FN>
# user information
if @cache[:users].key? chat_id then # its an user
firstname = @cache[:users][chat_id].first_name # <N/GIVEN>
lastname = @cache[:users][chat_id].last_name # <N/FAMILY>
username = @cache[:users][chat_id].username # <NICKNAME>
phone = @cache[:users][chat_id].phone_number # <TEL>
bio = @cache[:users_fullinfo][chat_id].bio if @cache[:users_fullinfo].key? chat_id # <DESC>
# userpic #
if @cache[:chats][chat_id].photo then # we have userpic
userpic = self.format_content_link(@cache[:chats][chat_id].photo.small.remote.id, 'image.jpg', true)
userpic = (File.exist? userpic) ? Base64.encode64(IO.binread(userpic)) : nil
# ..
return title, username, firstname, lastname, phone, bio, userpic
# roster status sync #
def sync_status(user_id = nil)
@logger.debug "Syncing statuses.."
if user_id and @cache[:users].key? user_id then return process_status_update(@cache[:users][user_id].id, @cache[:users][user_id].status) end # sync single contact #
@cache[:users].each_value do |user| process_status_update(user.id, user.status) end # sync everyone #
# graceful disconnect
def disconnect(logout)
@logger.info 'Disconnect request received..'
@cache[:chats].each_key do |chat_id| @xmpp.presence(chat_id.to_s, :unavailable) end # send offline presences
(logout) ? @client.log_out : @client.dispose # logout if needed
## Format functions #######################
# format tg user name #
def format_username(user_id, show_id = false)
return if user_id == 0 # @me
if not @cache[:users].key? user_id then self.process_user_info(user_id) end # update cache
if not @cache[:users].key? user_id then return user_id end # return id if not found anything about this user
id = (@cache[:users][user_id].username == '') ? user_id : @cache[:users][user_id].username # username or user id
name = @cache[:users][user_id].first_name # firstname
name = name + ' ' + @cache[:users][user_id].last_name if @cache[:users][user_id].last_name != '' # lastname
id = "%s ID %s" % [id, user_id] if show_id
return "%s (@%s)" % [name, id]
# format tg chat name #
def format_chatname(chat_id)
if not @cache[:chats].key? chat_id then self.process_chat_info(chat_id, false) end
if not @cache[:chats].key? chat_id then return chat_id end
name = '%s (%s)' % [@cache[:chats][chat_id].title, chat_id]
return name
# format reply#
def format_reply(chat_id, message_id)
text = ''
@client.get_message(chat_id, message_id).then { |message| text = "%s" % message.content.text.text.to_s }.wait
text = (text.lines.count > 1) ? "%s..." % text.split("\n")[0] : text
return "%s (%s..)" % [message_id.to_s, text]
# format content link #
def format_content_link(file_id, fname, local = false)
prefix = (local) ? @@content_path : @@content_link
path = "%s/%s%s" % [prefix, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(file_id), File.extname(fname)]
return path