require 'tdlib-ruby' class TelegramClient # tdlib configuration, shared within all instances # def self.configure(params) TD.configure do |config| config.lib_path = params[:lib_path] || 'lib/' config.client.api_id = params[:api_id] || '17349' # desktop telegram app config.client.api_hash = params[:api_hash] || '344583e45741c457fe1862106095a5eb' # desktop telegram app end TD::Api.set_log_verbosity_level(params[:verbosity] || 1) end # instance initialization # def initialize(xmpp, login) @xmpp = xmpp @login = login @logger =; @logger.progname = '[TelegramClient: %s/%s]' % [@xmpp.user_jid, @login] 'Spawning Telegram client instance..' @client = 'sessions/' + @login, files_directory: 'sessions/' + @login + '/files/') # create telegram client instance @client.on(TD::Types::Update::AuthorizationState) do |update| self.auth_handler(update) end # register auth update handler @client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage) do |update| self.message_handler(update) end # register new message update handler @client.connect # # we will check new messages in queue and auth data in forever loop # begin while not === false do self.process_outgoing_msg(@xmpp.message_queue.pop) unless @xmpp.message_queue.empty? # found something in message queue self.process_auth(:code, @xmpp.tg_auth_data[:code]) unless @xmpp.tg_auth_data[:code].nil? # found code in auth queue self.process_auth(:password, @xmpp.tg_auth_data[:password]) unless @xmpp.tg_auth_data[:password].nil? # found 2fa password in auth queue sleep 0.5 end ensure 'Exitting gracefully...' @client.dispose end end ########################################### ## Callback handlers ##################### ########################################### # authorization handler # def auth_handler(update) @logger.debug 'Authorization state changed: %s' % update.authorization_state case update.authorization_state # auth stage 0: specify login # when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPhoneNumber 'Logging in..' @client.set_authentication_phone_number(@login) # auth stage 1: wait for authorization code # when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitCode 'Waiting for authorization code..' @xmpp.send_message(nil, 'Please, enter authorization code via /code 12345') # auth stage 2: wait for 2fa passphrase # when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPassword 'Waiting for 2FA password..' @xmpp.send_message(nil, 'Please, enter 2FA passphrase via /password 12345') # authorizatio successful # when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Ready 'Authorization successful!' @xmpp.send_message(nil, 'Authorization successful.')! end end # message from telegram network handler # def message_handler(update) 'Got NewMessage update' from = update.message.chat_id text = update.message.content.text.text @xmpp.send_message(from, text) if not update.message.is_outgoing end ########################################### ## LooP handlers ######################### ########################################### # processing authorization # def process_auth(typ, data) 'Check authorization :%s..' % typ.to_s @client.check_authentication_code(data) if typ == :code @client.check_authentication_password(data) if typ == :password @xmpp.tg_auth = {} # unset it to prevent extracting 2fa password from memory end # processing outgoing message from queue # def process_outgoing_msg(msg) 'Sending message to user/chat <%s> within Telegram network..' % msg[:to] message = => { :text => msg[:text], :entities => []}, :disable_web_page_preview => false, :clear_draft => false ) @client.send_message(msg[:to].to_i, message) end end