Release 1.1

Now reading messages instant (if we're online), otherwise we will got duplicate updates.
Code optimizations and simplifications.
Added missing dependency (fileutils)
This commit is contained in:
annelin 2019-05-31 14:30:25 +03:00
parent 711534b909
commit b160e6f2ff
3 changed files with 100 additions and 131 deletions

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class TelegramClient
config.client.application_version = params['version'] || '1.0' # hmm...
config.client.use_test_dc = params['use_test_dc'] || false
config.client.system_version = '42' # I think I have permission to hardcode The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?..
config.client.use_file_database = false # wow
config.client.use_file_database = true # wow
config.client.use_message_database = false # such library
config.client.use_chat_info_database = false # much options
config.client.enable_storage_optimizer = false # ...
@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ class TelegramClient
@me = nil # self telegram profile
@online = nil # we do not know
@auth_state = 'nil' # too.
@cache = {chats: {}, users: {}, users_fullinfo: {}, userpics: {}, unread_msg: {}, incoming_msg: [] } # cache storage
@files_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../sessions/' + @jid + '/files/'
@cache = {chats: {}, users: {}, photos: {}} # cache
# initialize and connect telegram client #
@ -46,14 +45,14 @@ class TelegramClient
return if @client and @client.ready? 'Connecting to Telegram network..'
@client = 'sessions/' + @jid, files_directory: 'sessions/' + @jid + '/files/') # create telegram client instance
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::AuthorizationState) do |update| self.auth_handler(update) end # register auth update handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage) do |update| self.message_handler(update) end # register new message update handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::MessageContent) do |update| self.message_edited_handler(update) end # register msg edited handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::DeleteMessages) do |update| self.message_deleted_handler(update) end # register msg del handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::AuthorizationState) do |update| self.auth_handler(update) end # register auth update handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::File) do |update| self.file_handler(update) end # register file handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewChat) do |update| self.new_chat_handler(update) end # register new chat handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::User) do |update| self.user_handler(update) end # new user update?
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::UserStatus) do |update| self.status_update_handler(update) end # register status handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage) do |update| self.message_handler(update) end # register new message update handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::MessageContent) do |update| self.message_edited_handler(update) end # register msg edited handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::DeleteMessages) do |update| self.message_deleted_handler(update) end # register msg del handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewChat) do |update| self.new_chat_handler(update) end # register new chat handler
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::User) do |update| self.user_handler(update) end # new user update?
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::UserStatus) do |update| self.status_update_handler(update) end # register status handler
@ -63,8 +62,8 @@ class TelegramClient 'Disconnecting..'
@cache[:chats].each_key do |chat_id| @xmpp.presence(@jid, chat_id.to_s, :unavailable) end # send offline presences
(logout) ? @client.log_out : @client.dispose # logout if needed
@client = nil
@online = false
@xmpp.presence(@jid, nil, :unavailable)
@ -112,78 +111,57 @@ class TelegramClient
# message from telegram network handler #
def message_handler(update, show_date = false)
@logger.debug 'Got NewMessage update'
@logger.debug update.message.to_json 'New message from Telegram chat %s' % update.message.chat_id
# we need to ignore incoming messages sometime
@cache[:incoming_msg].shift(900) if @cache[:incoming_msg].size > 1000 # clean cache if it exceeds 1000 messages (but remain last 100 entires)
return if @cache[:incoming_msg].include? # ignore message if it's already seen
return if update.message.is_outgoing and update.message.sending_state.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageSendingState::Pending # ignore self outgoing messages
# media? #
file = nil
prefix = ''
text = ''
case update.message.content
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo # photos
file =[-1].photo
text = "%s.jpg (image/jpeg), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(, 'image.jpg'), update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation # "gif" (mp4) animations
file = update.message.content.animation.animation
text = "gif: %s | %s" % [update.message.content.animation.file_name, self.format_content_link(, 'video.mp4')]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker # stickers
file = update.message.content.sticker.sticker
text = "sticker: %s | %s" % [update.message.content.sticker.emoji.to_s, self.format_content_link(, 'sticker.webp')]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio # music files
file =
text = "%s (%s), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [,, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(,, update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Video # video files
file =
text = "%s (%s), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [,, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(,, update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote # voice messages
file = update.message.content.voice_note.voice
text = "voice message (%i s.) | %s" % [update.message.content.voice_note.duration, self.format_content_link(, 'voice.oga')]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Document # documents
file = update.message.content.document.document
text = "%s (%s), %d bytes | %s | %s" % [update.message.content.document.file_name.to_s, update.message.content.document.mime_type.to_s, file.size.to_i, self.format_content_link(, update.message.content.document.file_name.to_s), update.message.content.caption.text.to_s]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::BasicGroupChatCreate, TD::Types::MessageContent::SupergroupChatCreate # group created
text = "created"
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatJoinByLink # joined member
text = "joined"
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatAddMembers # add members
text = "added "
update.message.content.member_user_ids.each do |member| text = text + self.format_username(member) + ' ' end
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatDeleteMember # kicked member
text = "removed %s" % self.format_username(update.message.content.user_id)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::PinMessage # pinned message
@client.get_message(update.message.chat_id, update.message.content.message_id).then { |message| text = "pinned message: %s" % message.content.text.text.to_s }.wait
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatChangeTitle # changed chat title
text = "chat title set to: %s" % update.message.content.title.to_s
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Location # location
location = "%s,%s" % [update.message.content.location.latitude.to_s, update.message.content.location.longitude.to_s]
text = "coordinates: %s |" % [location, location]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Text # plain text
text = update.message.content.text.text.to_s
text = "unknown message type %s" % update.message.content.class
@client.download_file( if file # download it if already not
@logger.debug 'Got NewMessage update'
@logger.debug update.message.to_json 'New message from Telegram chat %s' % update.message.chat_id
# message content
prefix = []
content = update.message.content
# file handling
file = case content
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker then [content.sticker.sticker, content.sticker.emoji + '.webp']
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote then [content.voice_note.voice, 'voice message %i s.' % content.voice_note.duration + '.oga']
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation then [content.animation.animation, content.animation.file_name + '.mp4' ]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo then [[-1].photo, + '.jpg']
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio then [,]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Video then [,]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then [content.document.document, content.document.file_name]
# text handling
text = case content
when TD::Types::MessageContent::BasicGroupChatCreate, TD::Types::MessageContent::SupergroupChatCreate then "has created chat"
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatJoinByLink then "joined chat via invite link"
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatAddMembers then "invited %s" % self.format_username(message.content.member_user_ids.first)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatDeleteMember then "kicked %s" % self.format_username(update.message.content.user_id)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::PinMessage then "pinned message: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, content.message_id)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatChangeTitle then "chat title set to: %s" % update.message.content.title.to_s
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Location then "coordinates: %s |,%s/" % [content.location.latitude, content.location.longitude]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo, TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio, TD::Types::MessageContent::Video, TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then content.caption.text
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Text then content.text.text
else "unknown message type %s" % update.message.content.class
# download file if needed
@client.download_file(file[0].id) if file and not file[0].local.is_downloading_completed
# forwards, replies and message id..
prefix += "[%s]" % DateTime.strptime((,'%s').strftime("[%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S]") if show_date
prefix += "fwd from %s | " % self.format_username(update.message.forward_info.sender_user_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedFromUser # fwd from user
prefix += "fwd from %s | " % self.format_chatname(update.message.forward_info.chat_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedPost # fwd from chat
prefix += "reply to %s | " % self.format_reply(update.message.chat_id, update.message.reply_to_message_id) if update.message.reply_to_message_id.to_i != 0 # reply to
prefix << DateTime.strptime((,'%s').strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") if show_date # show date if its
prefix << (update.message.is_outgoing ? '➡ ' : '⬅ ') + # message direction
prefix << "fwd: %s" % self.format_username(update.message.forward_info.sender_user_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedFromUser # fwd from user
prefix << "fwd: %s" % self.format_chatname(update.message.forward_info.chat_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedPost # fwd from chat
prefix << "reply: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, update.message.reply_to_message_id, false) if update.message.reply_to_message_id.to_i != 0 # reply to
prefix << "file: %s" % self.format_file(file[0], file[1]) if file
prefix << "user: %s" % self.format_username(update.message.sender_user_id) if update.message.chat_id < 0 # show sender in group chats
# text formatting
text = "%s | %s | %s\n%s" % [, self.format_username(update.message.sender_user_id), prefix, text] if update.message.chat_id < 0 # groupchats
text = "%s %s | %s%s" % [(update.message.is_outgoing ? '🠚' : '🠘'),, prefix, text] if update.message.chat_id > 0 # private chats
text = (prefix << text).join(' | ')
# send and add message id to unreads
@cache[:unread_msg][update.message.chat_id] =
@cache[:incoming_msg] <<
# read message & send it to xmpp
@client.view_messages(update.message.chat_id, [], force_read: true)
@xmpp.message(@jid, update.message.chat_id.to_s, text)
@ -219,18 +197,6 @@ class TelegramClient
text = "✗ %s |" % update.message_ids.join(',')
@xmpp.message(@jid, update.chat_id.to_s, text)
# file msg -- symlink to download path #
def file_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got File update'
@logger.debug update.to_json
if update.file.local.is_downloading_completed then
fname = update.file.local.path.to_s
target = "%s/%s%s" % [@@content_path, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(fname)]
@logger.debug 'Downloading of <%s> completed! Link to <%s>' % [fname, target]
File.symlink(fname, target)
# status update handler #
def status_update_handler(update)
@ -240,6 +206,18 @@ class TelegramClient
self.process_status_update(update.user_id, update.status, false)
# file msg -- symlink to download path #
def file_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Got File update'
@logger.debug update.to_json
if update.file.local.is_downloading_completed then
source = update.file.local.path.to_s
target = self.format_file(update.file, update.file.local.path, true)
@logger.debug 'Downloading of <%s> completed! Created link to <%s>' % [source, target]
File.symlink(source, target)
## LooP handlers #########################
@ -419,40 +397,33 @@ class TelegramClient
# send message and mark chat as read #
@client.send_message(chat_id, message, reply_to_message_id: reply_to)
@client.view_messages(chat_id, [@cache[:unread_msg].delete(chat_id)], force_read: true) if @cache[:unread_msg][chat_id]
# update users information and save it to cache #
def process_chat_info(chat_id, subscription = true)
@logger.debug 'Updating chat id %s..' % chat_id.to_s
# fullfil cache.. pasha durov, privet. #
@client.get_chat(chat_id).then { |chat|
@client.get_chat(chat_id).then { |chat|
@cache[:chats][chat_id] = chat # cache chat
@client.download_file( if # download userpic
@cache[:userpics][chat_id] = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(IO.binread(self.format_content_link(, 'image.jpg', true))) if and File.exist? self.format_content_link(, 'image.jpg', true) # cache userpic
@xmpp.presence(@jid, chat_id.to_s, :subscribe, nil, nil, @cache[:chats][chat_id].title.to_s) if subscription # send subscription request
@xmpp.presence(@jid, chat_id.to_s, nil, :chat, @cache[:chats][chat_id].title.to_s, nil, @cache[:userpics][chat_id]) if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::BasicGroup or chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup # send :chat status if its group/supergroup
# self.process_user_info(chat.type.user_id) if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Private # process user if its a private chat
@client.download_file({|f| @cache[:photos][chat_id] = f}.wait if # download userpic
@xmpp.presence(@jid, chat_id.to_s, :subscribe, nil, nil, chat.title.to_s) if subscription # send subscription request
self.process_status_update(chat_id, chat.title.to_s, true) if < 0 # groups presence
# update user info in cache and sync status to roster if needed #
def process_user_info(user_id)
@logger.debug 'Updating user id %s..' % user_id.to_s
@logger.debug 'Updating user id %s..' % user_id
@client.get_user(user_id).then { |user|
@cache[:users][user_id] = user # add to cache
self.process_status_update(user_id, user.status) # status update
@client.get_user_full_info(user_id).then{ |user_info|
@cache[:users_fullinfo][user_id] = user_info # here is user "bio"
@client.get_user_full_info(user_id).then{ |bio| @cache[:chats][user_id].attributes[:client_data] = }.wait
self.process_status_update(user_id, user.status, true) # status update
# convert telegram status to XMPP one
def process_status_update(user_id, status, immed = true)
@logger.debug "Processing status update for user id %s.." % user_id.to_s
xmpp_show, xmpp_status, xmpp_photo = nil
xmpp_show, xmpp_status, xmpp_photo = nil
case status
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Online
xmpp_show = nil
@ -469,8 +440,13 @@ class TelegramClient
when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastMonth
xmpp_show = :unavailable
xmpp_status = "Last seen last month"
xmpp_show = :chat
xmpp_status = status
xmpp_photo = @cache[:userpics][user_id] if @cache[:userpics].key? user_id
xmpp_photo = self.format_file(@cache[:photos][user_id], 'image.jpg', true) if @cache[:photos].include? user_id
xmpp_photo = (File.exist? xmpp_photo.to_s) ? Base64.encode64(IO.binread(xmpp_photo)) : nil
@xmpp.presence(@jid, user_id.to_s, nil, xmpp_show, xmpp_status, nil, xmpp_photo, immed)
@ -487,13 +463,9 @@ class TelegramClient
lastname = @cache[:users][chat_id].last_name # <N/FAMILY>
username = @cache[:users][chat_id].username # <NICKNAME>
phone = @cache[:users][chat_id].phone_number # <TEL>
bio = @cache[:users_fullinfo][chat_id].bio if @cache[:users_fullinfo].key? chat_id # <DESC>
# userpic #
if @cache[:chats][chat_id].photo then # we have userpic
userpic = self.format_content_link(@cache[:chats][chat_id], 'image.jpg', true)
userpic = (File.exist? userpic) ? Base64.encode64(IO.binread(userpic)) : nil
bio = @cache[:chats][chat_id].client_data # <DESC>
userpic = self.format_file(@cache[:photos][chat_id], 'image.jpg', true) if @cache[:photos].include? chat_id
userpic = (File.exist? userpic.to_s) ? Base64.encode64(IO.binread(userpic)) : nil
# ..
@ -504,21 +476,19 @@ class TelegramClient
def resolve_username(username)
resolved = nil
if username[0] == '@' then # @username
@client.search_public_chat(username[1..-1]).then {|chat| resolved =}.wait
@client.search_public_chat(username[1..-1]).then {|chat| resolved = '@' +}.wait
elsif username[0..3] == 'http' or username[0..3] == '' then # chat link
elsif username.to_i != 0 then # user id
resolved = username
return '' if not resolved
return '@' + resolved.to_s
return resolved || ''
## Format functions #######################
# format tg user name #
def format_username(user_id, show_id = false)
return if user_id == 0 # @me
@ -538,22 +508,20 @@ class TelegramClient
name = '%s (%s)' % [@cache[:chats][chat_id].title, chat_id]
return name
# format reply#
def format_reply(chat_id, message_id)
def format_message(chat_id, message_id, full = true)
text = ''
@client.get_message(chat_id, message_id).then { |message| text = "%s" % message.content.text.text.to_s }.wait
text = (text.lines.count > 1) ? "%s..." % text.split("\n")[0] : text
return "%s (%s..)" % [message_id.to_s, text]
@client.get_message(chat_id, message_id).then { |message| text = message.content.text.text }.wait
text = (text.lines.count > 1 and not full) ? "%s.." % text.split("\n")[0] : text
return "msg %s [%s]" % [message_id.to_s, text]
# format content link #
def format_content_link(file_id, fname, local = false)
prefix = (local) ? @@content_path : @@content_link
path = "%s/%s%s" % [prefix, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(file_id), File.extname(fname)]
return path
def format_file(file, filename, local = false)
if local then return "%s/%s%s" % [@@content_path, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(filename)] end
return "%s (%d kbytes) | %s/%s%s" % [filename, file.size/1024, @@content_link, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(filename).to_s]
# state functions #
def online?() @online end
def tz_set?() return @timezone != '-00:00' end

View file

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class XMPPComponent
# transport shutdown #
def disconnect() "Closing connections..."
@sessions.each do |jid, session| @sessions[jid].disconnect() end
@sessions.each do |jid, session| @sessions[jid].disconnect(); self.presence(jid, nil, :unavailable) end
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class XMPPComponent
req.add_element('nick', {'xmlns' => ''} ).add_text(nickname) unless nickname.nil? # nickname
req.add_element('x', {'xmlns' => 'vcard-temp:x:update'} ).add_element("photo").add_text(photo) unless photo.nil? # nickname
@logger.debug req.to_s
(immediately) ? @component.send(req) :, req)
(immediately) ? @component.send(req) :, req)
# request timezone information #

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ require 'xmpp4r/discovery'
require 'digest'
require 'base64'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'fileutils'
require 'tdlib-ruby'
require_relative 'inc/telegramclient'
require_relative 'inc/xmppregister'