Release 2.0.0

! Backward compatibility with old sessions file (sessions.db) is broken due to planned config variables in future. New format is:
     :login: '1234567890'

— Huge code refactoring and readability improvement
— Removed XMPP features jabber:iq:register (will now try to log in after subscription request) and jabber:iq:gateway (since it does not working on foreign servers?)
— Reworked application logic — now code in `xmppcomponent.rb` only used to XMPP jobs and `telegramclient.rb` aims Telegram.
  Because of that, commands like /login /code /password are moved out to `telegramclient.rb` and now are parts of internal command to gateway (chat id 0)
— Reworked /chat and /gateway command list — please, just send /help to gateway or any active chat.
— Improved stability (I hope so...)
— Any other small (and not only) unlisted and forgotten changes..
This commit is contained in:
annelin 2019-08-08 13:51:33 +03:00
parent eca1bfcb8f
commit 4dfd278a39
8 changed files with 380 additions and 845 deletions

.hgignore Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

View file

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
### Dependencies ### ### Dependencies ###
* Ruby >= 1.9 * Ruby >= 1.9
* ruby-sqlite3 >= 1.3
* xmpp4r == 0.5.6 * xmpp4r == 0.5.6
* tdlib-ruby == 2.0 with pre-compiled _libtdjson.so_ * tdlib-ruby == 2.0 with pre-compiled _libtdjson.so_
* memprof2 == 0.1.2 (optional, if running with --profiler key to detailed memory usage information)
There is pre-compiled _libtdjson.so_ for Debian Stretch x64 in repository. There is pre-compiled _libtdjson.so_ for Debian Stretch x64 in repository.
For any other distro you need to manually compile [**tdlib**]( and place _libtdjson.so_ to relative **lib/** directory (or **LD_LIBRARY_PATH**). For any other distro you need to manually compile [**tdlib**]( and place _libtdjson.so_ to relative **lib/** directory (or **LD_LIBRARY_PATH**).

View file

@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
telegram: :telegram:
:lib_path: 'lib/'
api_id: '845316' # telegram API ID ( # :verbosity: 1
api_hash: '27fe5224bc822bf3a45e015b4f9dfdb7' # telegram API HASH ( # :loglevel: :warn
verbosity: 2 # 1 = no verbosity, 2 = moderate verbosity, 3 = network requests debug :client:
useragent: 'Zhabogram' # client name :api_id: '17349'
version: '1.2' # client version :api_hash: '344583e45741c457fe1862106095a5eb'
use_test_dc: false # always use false :device_model: 'zhabogram'
loglevel: 0 # 0 = debug, 1 = info, 2 = warn, 3 = err, 4 = fatal, 5 = unknown (ruby logger class) :application_version: '2.0'
content_path: '/var/zhabogram/content' # we will move (symlink) downloaded content here — you must setup web server that serve this directry :use_chat_info_database: false
content_link: 'https://tlgrm.localhost/content' # web server that serve `content_path` internet address :content:
content_upload_prefix: 'https://xmppfiles.localhost/upload' # we will send files with URL starting with this string as document to Telegram (mod_http_upload get_url, see readme) :path: '/var/www/zhabogram/media' # webserver workdir
:link: 'http://localhost/zhabogram/media' # webserver public address
xmpp: :upload: 'https://localhost/upload' # xmpp http upload address
debug: false
- 'root@localhost'
db_path: 'users.dat' # users store (JID:Telegram Login)
jid: 'tlgrm.localhost' # component JID
host: 'localhost' # XMPP server
port: 8888 # component port
password: 'secret' # component auth secret
loglevel: 0 # 0 = debug, 1 = info, 2 = warn, 3 = err, 4 = fatal, 5 = unknown (ruby logger class)
:debug: false
:loglevel: :warn
:host: ''
:port: 8899
:jid: 'tlgrm.localhost'
:password: 'password'
:db: 'sessions.dat'

View file

@ -1,483 +1,318 @@
::HELP_GATE_CMD= "/login phone — sign in\n" \
"/logout — sign out\n" \
"/code — check one-time code\n" \
"/password — check 2fa password\n" \
"/setusername username — update @username\n" \
"/setname first last — update name\n" \
"/setbio — update about\n" \
"/setpassword [old] [new] — set or remove password"
::HELP_CHAT_CMD= "/d [n] — delete your last message(s)\n" \
"/s regexp replace — edit your last message\n" \
"/search string [limit] — search <string> in current chat\n" \
"/history [limit] — get last [limit] messages from current chat\n" \
"/add @username — add @username to your chat list\n" \
"/join — join to chat via invite link\n" \
"/supergroup title description — create new supergroup «title» with «description»\n" \
"/channel title description — create new channel «title» with «description»\n" \
"/secret — create secretchat with current user\n" \
"/group title — create groupchat «title» with current user\n" \
"/block — blacklist current user\n" \
"/unblock — unblacklist current user\n" \
"/invite id or @username — add user to current chat\n" \
"/kick id or @username — remove user from current chat\n" \
"/ban id or @username [hours] — restrict @username from current chat for [hours] or forever\n" \
"/leave — leave current chat\n" \
"/close — close current secret chat\n" \
"/delete — delete current chat from chat list"
class TelegramClient class TelegramClient
attr_reader :jid, :login, :online, :auth_state, :me attr_reader :session, :state
attr_accessor :timezone @@config = {loglevel: :debug, verbosity: 2, lib_path: 'lib/', client: {api_id: 50322, api_hash: '9ff1a639196c0779c86dd661af8522ba', use_chat_info_database: false}, content: {path:'',link:'',upload:''}} # defaults
# tdlib configuration, shared within all instances # ## configure tdlib (when valid tdlib params specified) or zhabogram
def self.configure(params) def self.configure(**config)
@@loglevel = params['loglevel'] || Logger::DEBUG @@config = @@config.merge(config)
@@content_path = params['content_path'] || '/tmp' TD.config[:lib_path] = @@config[:lib_path]
@@content_link = params['content_link'] || 'https://localhost/tg_media' TD.configure do |config| @@config[:client].each do |key,value| config.client[key] = value if config.client.key? key end; end
@@content_upload_prefix = params["content_upload_prefix"] || 'https://localhost/upload/' TD::Api.set_log_verbosity_level(@@config[:verbosity])
TD.configure do |config|
config.lib_path = params['path'] || 'lib/' # we hope it's here
config.client.api_id = params['api_id'] || '50322' # telegram app. from debian repositories
config.client.api_hash = params['api_hash'] || '9ff1a639196c0779c86dd661af8522ba' # telegram app. from debian repositories
config.client.device_model = params['useragent'] || 'Zhabogram'
config.client.application_version = params['version'] || '1.0' # hmm...
config.client.use_test_dc = params['use_test_dc'] || false
config.client.system_version = '42' # I think I have permission to hardcode The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?..
config.client.use_file_database = true # wow
config.client.use_message_database = false # such library
config.client.use_chat_info_database = false # much options
config.client.enable_storage_optimizer = false # ...
TD::Api.set_log_verbosity_level(params['verbosity'] || 1)
end end
# instance initialization # ## initialize telegram client instance (xmpp = XMPP stream, jid = user's jid , login = user's telegram login (for now, it is phone number)
def initialize(xmpp, jid, login) def initialize(xmpp, jid, **session)
return if not @@loglevel # call .configure() first @logger =, level: @@config[:loglevel], progname: 'TelegramClient: %s | %s' % [jid, session[:login]] )
@logger =; @logger.level = @@loglevel; @logger.progname = '[TelegramClient: %s/%s]' % [jid, login] # create logger @xmpp = xmpp 'Starting Telegram client..' @jid = jid
@xmpp = xmpp # XMPP stream @session = session
@jid = jid # user JID @cache = {chats: {nil => []}, users: {}}
@timezone = '-00:00' # default timezone is UTC @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, nil, :subscribe)
@login = login # telegram login @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, nil, :probe)
@me = nil # self telegram profile
@online = nil # we do not know
@auth_state = 'nil' # too.
@cache = {chats: {}, users: {}, photos: {}, subscribed: []} # cache
end end
# initialize and connect telegram client # ## connect telegram client
def connect() def connect()
return if @client and @client.ready? return if # already connected. 'Connecting to Telegram network..' @logger.warn 'Connecting to Telegram network..'
@client = 'sessions/' + @jid, files_directory: 'sessions/' + @jid + '/files/') # create telegram client instance @telegram = 'sessions/' + @jid, files_directory: 'sessions/' + @jid + '/files/')
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::AuthorizationState) do |update| self.auth_handler(update) end # register auth update handler @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::AuthorizationState) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_authorizationstate(u) end
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::File) do |update| self.file_handler(update); end # register file handler @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::User) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_user(u) end
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage) do |update| self.message_handler(update); end # register new message update handler @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::UserStatus) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_userstatus(u) end
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::MessageContent) do |update| self.message_edited_handler(update) end # register msg edited handler @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::NewChat) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_newchat(u) end
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::DeleteMessages) do |update| self.message_deleted_handler(update) end # register msg del handler @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::NewMessage) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_newmessage(u) end
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::NewChat) do |update| self.new_chat_handler(update) end # register new chat handler @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::MessageContent) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_messagecontent(u) end
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::User) do |update| self.user_handler(update) end # new user update? @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::DeleteMessages) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_deletemessages(u) end
@client.on(TD::Types::Update::UserStatus) do |update| self.status_update_handler(update) end # register status handler @telegram.on(TD::Types::Update::File) do |u| @logger.debug(u); self.update_file(u) end
@client.connect() @telegram.connect()
return true
end end
# disconnect and destroy telegram client # ## disconnect telegram client
def disconnect(logout = false) def disconnect()
return if not @client return unless # already disconnected 'Disconnecting..' @logger.warn 'Disconnecting from Telegram network..'
@cache[:chats].each_key do |chat_id| @xmpp.presence(@jid, chat_id.to_s, :unavailable) end # send offline presences @cache[:chats].each_key do |chat| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat, :unavailable) end # we're offline (unsubscribe if logout)
(logout) ? @client.log_out : @client.dispose # logout if needed @telegram.dispose()
@client = nil @telegram = nil
@online = false
end end
## online?
def online?
@telegram and @telegram.alive?
########################################### #########################################################################
## Callback handlers ##################### # telegram updates handlers #############################################
########################################### #########################################################################
# authorization handler #
def auth_handler(update)
@logger.debug 'Authorization state changed: %s' % update.authorization_state
@auth_state =
## authorization state change
def update_authorizationstate(update)
@state =
case update.authorization_state case update.authorization_state
# auth stage 0: specify login # when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPhoneNumber # stage 0: set login
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPhoneNumber @logger.warn 'Logging in..' 'Logging in..' @telegram.set_authentication_phone_number(@session[:login]) if @session[:login]
@client.set_authentication_phone_number(@login) @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter your Telegram login via /login 12345') if not @session[:login]
# auth stage 1: wait for authorization code # when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitCode # stage 1: wait for auth code
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitCode @logger.warn 'Waiting for authorization code..' 'Waiting for authorization code..' @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter authorization code via /code 12345')
@xmpp.message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter authorization code via /code 12345') when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPassword # stage 2: wait for 2fa
# auth stage 2: wait for 2fa passphrase # @logger.warn 'Waiting for 2FA password..'
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::WaitPassword @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter 2FA passphrase via /password 12345') 'Waiting for 2FA password..' when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Ready # stage 3: auth completed
@xmpp.message(@jid, nil, 'Please, enter 2FA passphrase via /password 12345') @logger.warn 'Authorization successful!'
# authorization successful -- indicate that client is online and retrieve contact list # @telegram.get_me.then{|me| @me = me}.wait
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Ready @telegram.get_chats(limit=999).wait 'Authorization successful!' @session[:login] ||= @me.phone_number
@client.get_me().then { |user| @me = user }.wait @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, nil, nil, nil, "Logged in %s" % @session[:login])
@client.get_chats(limit=9999) when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Closing, TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Closed # disconnecting "Contact list updating finished" @logger.warn 'Closing session..'
@xmpp.presence(@jid, nil, :subscribe)
@xmpp.presence(@jid, nil, nil, nil, "Logged in as %s" % @login)
@online = true
# closing session: sent offline presences to XMPP user #
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Closing 'Closing session..'
# session closed gracefully
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::Closed 'Session closed.'
self.disconnect() self.disconnect()
when TD::Types::AuthorizationState::LoggingOut # logout
@logger.warn 'Logging out..'
@session[:login] = nil
end end
end end
# message from telegram network handler # ## message received
def message_handler(update, show_date = false) def update_newmessage(update, show_date = false)
return if update.message.is_outgoing and update.message.sending_state.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageSendingState::Pending # ignore self outgoing messages return if update.message.is_outgoing and update.message.sending_state.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageSendingState::Pending # ignore self outgoing messages
@logger.warn 'New message from chat %s' % update.message.chat_id
@logger.debug 'Got NewMessage update' content, prefix = update.message.content, []
@logger.debug update.message.to_json text = case content # text 'New message from Telegram chat %s' % update.message.chat_id
# add to contact list
self.process_chat_info(update.message.chat_id, true) if not @cache[:subscribed].include? update.message.chat_id
# message content
prefix = []
content = update.message.content
# file handling
file = case content
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker then [content.sticker.sticker, 'sticker.webp']
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote then [content.voice_note.voice, 'voicenote (%i s.).oga' % content.voice_note.duration]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VideoNote then [, 'videonote (%i s.).mp4' % content.video_note.duration]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation then [content.animation.animation, 'animation.mp4' ]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo then [[-1].photo, 'photo' + + '.jpg']
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio then [, 'audio' +]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Video then [, 'video' +]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then [content.document.document, 'doc' + content.document.file_name]
# text handling
text = case content
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker then content.sticker.emoji when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker then content.sticker.emoji
when TD::Types::MessageContent::BasicGroupChatCreate, TD::Types::MessageContent::SupergroupChatCreate then "has created chat" when TD::Types::MessageContent::BasicGroupChatCreate, TD::Types::MessageContent::SupergroupChatCreate then "has created chat"
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatJoinByLink then "joined chat via invite link" when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatJoinByLink then "joined chat via invite link"
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatAddMembers then "invited %s" % self.format_contact(message.content.member_user_ids.first) when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatAddMembers then "invited %s" % self.format_contact(message.content.member_user_ids.first)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatDeleteMember then "kicked %s" % self.format_contact(update.message.content.user_id) when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatDeleteMember then "kicked %s" % self.format_contact(update.message.content.user_id)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::PinMessage then "pinned message: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, content.message_id) when TD::Types::MessageContent::PinMessage then "pinned message: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, content.message_id)
when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatChangeTitle then "chat title set to: %s" % update.message.content.title.to_s when TD::Types::MessageContent::ChatChangeTitle then "chat title set to: %s" % update.message.content.title
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Location then "coordinates: %s |,%s/" % [content.location.latitude, content.location.longitude] when TD::Types::MessageContent::Location then "coordinates: %s |,%s/" % [content.location.latitude, content.location.longitude]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo, TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio, TD::Types::MessageContent::Video, TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then content.caption.text when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo, TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio, TD::Types::MessageContent::Video, TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then content.caption.text
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Text then content.text.text when TD::Types::MessageContent::Text then content.text.text
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote then content.caption.text when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote then content.caption.text
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VideoNote then '' when TD::Types::MessageContent::VideoNote then ''
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation then '' when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation then ''
else "unknown message type %s" % update.message.content.class else "unknown message (%s)" % update.message.content.class
end end
file = case content # file(s)
# download file if needed when TD::Types::MessageContent::Sticker then [content.sticker.sticker, 'sticker.webp']
@client.download_file(file[0].id) if file and not file[0].local.is_downloading_completed when TD::Types::MessageContent::VoiceNote then [content.voice_note.voice, 'voice note (%i s.).oga' % content.voice_note.duration]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::VideoNote then [, 'video note (%i s.).mp4' % content.video_note.duration]
# forwards, replies and message id.. when TD::Types::MessageContent::Animation then [content.animation.animation, 'animation.mp4' ]
prefix << DateTime.strptime((,'%s').strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") if show_date # show date if its when TD::Types::MessageContent::Photo then [[-1].photo, + '.jpg']
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Audio then [,]
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Video then [, 'video' + + '.mp4']
when TD::Types::MessageContent::Document then [content.document.document, content.document.file_name]
@telegram.download_file(file[0].id) if file and not file[0].local.is_downloading_completed # download file(s)
prefix << DateTime.strptime(([:timezone]).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") if show_date # show date if its
prefix << (update.message.is_outgoing ? '➡ ' : '⬅ ') + # message direction prefix << (update.message.is_outgoing ? '➡ ' : '⬅ ') + # message direction
prefix << "%s" % self.format_contact(update.message.sender_user_id) if update.message.chat_id < 0 # show sender in group chats prefix << "%s" % self.format_contact(update.message.sender_user_id) if update.message.chat_id < 0 and update.message.sender_user_id # show sender in group chats
prefix << "fwd: %s" % self.format_contact(update.message.forward_info.sender_user_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedFromUser # fwd from user prefix << "fwd: %s" % self.format_contact(update.message.forward_info.sender_user_id) if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedFromUser # fwd from user
prefix << "fwd: %s%s" % [self.format_contact(update.message.forward_info.chat_id), (update.message.forward_info.author_signature != '') ? " (%s)"%update.message.forward_info.author_signature : ''] if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedPost # fwd from chat prefix << "fwd: %s%s" % [self.format_contact(update.message.forward_info.chat_id), (update.message.forward_info.author_signature != '') ? " (%s)"%update.message.forward_info.author_signature : ''] if update.message.forward_info.instance_of? TD::Types::MessageForwardInfo::MessageForwardedPost # fwd from chat
prefix << "reply: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, update.message.reply_to_message_id, false) if update.message.reply_to_message_id.to_i != 0 # reply to prefix << "reply: %s" % self.format_message(update.message.chat_id, update.message.reply_to_message_id, true) if update.message.reply_to_message_id.to_i != 0 # reply to
prefix << "file: %s" % self.format_file(file[0], file[1]) if file prefix << "file: %s" % self.format_content(file[0], file[1]) if file
prefix = prefix.join(' | ') prefix = prefix.join(' | ')
prefix += (update.message.chat_id < 0 and text and text != "") ? "\n" : '' # \n if it is groupchat and message is not empty prefix += (update.message.chat_id < 0 and text and text != "") ? "\n" : '' # \n if it is groupchat and message is not empty
prefix += (update.message.chat_id > 0 and text and text != "") ? " | " : '' prefix += (update.message.chat_id > 0 and text and text != "") ? " | " : ''
# OTR support text = prefix + text unless text.start_with? '?OTR' # OTR support (I do not know why would you need it, seriously)
text = prefix + text unless text.start_with? '?OTR' @telegram.view_messages(update.message.chat_id, [], force_read: true) # mark message as read
@xmpp.send_message(@jid, update.message.chat_id, text) # forward message to XMPP
# read message & send it to xmpp
@client.view_messages(update.message.chat_id, [], force_read: true)
@xmpp.message(@jid, update.message.chat_id.to_s, text)
end end
# new chat update -- when tg client discovers new chat # ## message content updated
def new_chat_handler(update) def update_messagecontent(update)
@logger.debug 'Got NewChat update' text = "✎ %s | %s" % [update.message_id, update.new_content.text.text]
@logger.debug update.to_json @xmpp.send_message(@jid, update.chat_id, text)
end end
# user -- something changed in user data # ## message(s) deleted
def user_handler(update) def update_deletemessages(update)
@logger.debug 'Got User update' text = "✗ %s" % update.message_ids.join(',')
@logger.debug update.to_json @xmpp.send_message(@jid, update.chat_id, text) if update.is_permanent
end end
# edited msg # ## new chat discovered
def message_edited_handler(update) def update_newchat(update)
@logger.debug 'Got MessageEdited update' @telegram.download_file( if
@logger.debug update.to_json @cache[:chats][] =
@xmpp.send_presence(@jid,, :subscribe, nil, nil, unless ( TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup and and == 0)
# formatting self.process_status_update(,, :chat) if < 0
text = "✎ %s | %s" % [update.message_id.to_s, update.new_content.text.text.to_s]
@xmpp.message(@jid, update.chat_id.to_s, text)
end end
# deleted msg # ## new user discovered
def message_deleted_handler(update) def update_user(update)
@logger.debug 'Got MessageDeleted update' @cache[:users][] = update.user
@logger.debug update.to_json self.process_status_update(, update.user.status)
return if not update.is_permanent
text = "✗ %s |" % update.message_ids.join(',')
@xmpp.message(@jid, update.chat_id.to_s, text)
end end
# status update handler # ## user status changed
def status_update_handler(update) def update_userstatus(update)
@logger.debug 'Got new StatusUpdate' self.process_status_update(update.user_id, update.status, nil, false)
@logger.debug update.to_json
return if update.user_id == # ignore self statuses
self.process_status_update(update.user_id, update.status, false)
end end
## file downloaded
# file msg -- symlink to download path # def update_file(update)
def file_handler(update) return unless update.file.local.is_downloading_completed # not really
@logger.debug 'Got File update' File.symlink(update.file.local.path, "%s/%s%s" % [@@config[:content][:path], Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(update.file.local.path)])
@logger.debug update.to_json
if update.file.local.is_downloading_completed then
source = update.file.local.path.to_s
target = self.format_file(update.file, update.file.local.path, true)
@logger.debug 'Downloading of <%s> completed! Created link to <%s>' % [source, target]
File.symlink(source, target)
end end
########################################### #########################################################################
## LooP handlers ######################### # xmpp to telegram gateway functions ####################################
########################################### #########################################################################
# processing authorization # ## get user and chat information from cache (or try to retrieve it, if missing)
def process_auth(typ, auth_data) def get_contact(id) "Authorizing with :%s.." % typ return unless # we're offline.
@client.check_authentication_code(auth_data) if typ == '/code' @telegram.search_public_chat(id).then{|chat| id = }.wait if id[0] == '@'
@client.check_authentication_password(auth_data) if typ == '/password' @telegram.get_user(id).wait if not @cache[:users][id] and (id>0)
@telegram.get_chat(id).wait if not @cache[:chats][id]
return @cache[:chats][id], @cache[:users][id]
end end
# /command # ## set contact status
def process_command(chat_id, text) def process_status_update(chat_id, status=nil, show=nil, immed=true)
arg = text[0..2] == '/s/' ? ['/sed', text[3..-1]] : text.split return unless # we're offline. "Status update for %s" % chat_id
# .. chat, user = self.get_contact(chat_id)
if arg[1] and arg[1][0] == '@' then @client.search_public_chat(arg[1][1..-1]).then {|c| resolve = c}.wait end # try to resolve @username from second arg # photo = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(IO.binread( if chat and and File.exist?
if arg[1].to_i < 0 then resolve = self.process_chat_info(arg[1].to_i, false) end # try to resolve chat_id/user_id from second arg status ||= user.status if user and user.status
if arg[1].to_i > 0 then resolve = self.process_user_info(arg[1].to_i) end # try to resolve user_id from second arg
# command...
response = nil
current = @cache[:chats][chat_id] # current chat
resolve = resolve || nil # resolved chat or nil
chat = resolve || current # resolved chat or current
case arg[0]
when '/info' then response = self.format_contact( # print information
when '/add' then ( > 0) ? self.process_chat_info(, true) : @client.join_chat( # add contact
when '/join' then @client.join_chat_by_invite_link(arg[1]).wait if arg[1][0..3] == 'http' # join chat by link
when '/secret' then @client.create_new_secret_chat( if > 0 # new secret chat
when '/group' then @client.create_new_basic_group_chat(, arg[2]).it if resolve and arg[2]
when '/supergroup' then @client.create_new_supergroup_chat(arg[1], arg[2]).wait if arg[2]
when '/channel' then @client.create_new_supergroup_chat(arg[1], arg[2], is_channel: true).wait if arg[2]
when '/invite' then @client.add_chat_member(, if resolve
when '/kick' then @client.set_chat_member_status(current,, if resolve
when '/ban' then @client.set_chat_member_status(,, (arg[1]) ? + arg[1].to_i * 3600 : 0)).wait if resolve
when '/block' then @client.block_user(
when '/unblock' then @client.unblock_user(
when '/members' then members = []
response = "- Members of chat %s -\n\n" % current.title
@client.search_chat_members(,{ |m| members+=m.members }.wait if current.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::BasicGroup # basic
@client.get_supergroup_members(current.type.supergroup_id).then{|m| members+=m.members }.wait if current.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup # super
members.each do |user| response += "%s | Role: %s \n" % [self.format_contact(user.user_id, true, false), user.status.class] end
when '/leave','/delete' then @client.close_chat(
@client.leave_chat( if current.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::BasicGroup or current.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup
@client.close_secret_chat(current.type.secret_chat_id).wait if current.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Secret
@client.delete_chat_history(, true).wait
@xmpp.presence(@jid,, :unsubscribed)
@xmpp.presence(@jid,, :unavailable)
@cache[:chats].delete( if @cache[:chats].key?
@cache[:users].delete( if @cache[:users].key?
when '/sed' then id, edited = nil, nil
sed = arg[1].split('/')
@client.search_chat_messages(, 0, 1, sender_user_id:, filter:{|m| id,edited = m.messages[0].id,m.messages[0].content.text.text.to_s}.wait
@client.edit_message_text(,id, {text: edited.gsub([0]),sed[1]), entities: []},disable_web_page_preview: false, clear_draft: true)).wait if id
when '/d' then id = arg[1].to_i
@client.search_chat_messages(, 0, 1, sender_user_id:, filter: {|m| id = m.messages[0].id }.wait if id == 0
@client.delete_messages(, [id], true)
when '/search' then count = arg[1] || 10
query = arg[2] || nil
@client.search_chat_messages(, 0, count, query: query, filter: {|msgs|
msgs.messages.reverse.each do |msg| self.message_handler( msg, disable_notification: false, contains_mention: false), true) end
when '/setusername' then @client.set_username(arg[1] || '')
when '/setname' then @client.set_name(arg[1] || '', arg[2] || '')
when '/setbio' then @client.set_bio(arg[1..99].join(' '))
when '/setpassword' then old_password, new_password = arg[1], arg[2]
old_password = '' if old_password == 'nil'
new_password = nil if new_password == 'nil'
@client.set_password(old_password, new_password: new_password)
when '/dump' then response = current.to_json
else response = 'Unknown command.
/s/mitsake/mistake/ Edit last message
/d — Delete last message
/info id — Information about user/chat by its id
/add @username or id — Create conversation with specified user or chat id
/join chat_link or id — Join chat by its link or id
/secret @username — Create "secret chat" with specified user
/group @username groupname — Create group chat named groupname with @username
/supergroup name description — Create supergroup chat
/channel name description — Create channel
/members — Supergroup members
/search count query — Search in chat history
/invite @username — Invite @username to current chat
/kick @username — Remove @username from current chat
/ban @username [hours] — Ban @username in current chat for [hours] hrs or forever if [hours] not specified
/block — Blacklistscurrent user
/unblock — Remove current user from blacklist
/delete — Delete current chat
/leave — Leave current chat
/setusername username — Set username
/setname First Last — Set name
/setbio Bio — Set bio
/setpassword old new — Set 2FA password (use "nil" for no password")
@xmpp.message(@jid, chat_id.to_s, response) if response
# processing outgoing message from queue #
def process_outgoing_msg(chat_id, text) 'Sending message to Telegram chat %s...' % chat_id
# processing /commands #
return if not @cache[:chats].key? chat_id # null chat
return self.process_command(chat_id, text) if text[0] == '/'
# handling replies #
reply_to = 0
if text[0] == '>' and text.match( /^>( )?[0-9]{10,20}/) then
text = text.split("\n")
reply_to = text[0].scan(/\d+/).first.to_i
text = text.drop(1).join("\n")
# handling files received from xmpp #
message = => { :text => text, :entities => []}, :disable_web_page_preview => false, :clear_draft => true )
message = text), caption: { :text => '', :entities => []}) if text.start_with? @@content_upload_prefix
# send message and mark chat as read #
@client.send_message(chat_id, message, reply_to_message_id: reply_to)
# update users information and save it to cache #
def process_chat_info(chat_id, subscription = false)
@logger.debug 'Updating chat id %s..' % chat_id.to_s
@client.get_chat(chat_id).then { |chat|
@cache[:chats][chat_id] = chat # cache chat
@client.download_file({|f| @cache[:photos][chat_id] = f}.wait if # download userpic
if subscription then # send subscription request
@xmpp.presence(@jid, chat_id.to_s, :subscribe, nil, nil, chat.title.to_s)
@cache[:subscribed] << chat_id
self.process_status_update(chat_id, chat.title.to_s, true) if < 0 # groups presence
return @cache[:chats][chat_id] if @cache[:chats].key? chat_id
# update user info in cache and sync status to roster if needed #
def process_user_info(user_id)
@logger.debug 'Updating user id %s..' % user_id
@client.get_user(user_id).then { |user|
@cache[:users][user_id] = user # add to cache
@client.get_user_full_info(user_id).then{ |bio| @cache[:chats][user_id].attributes[:client_data] = }.wait
self.process_status_update(user_id, user.status, true) # status update
return @cache[:users][user_id] if @cache[:users].key? user_id
# sync statuses with XMPP roster
def sync_status()
@logger.debug "Syncing statuses with roster.."
@cache[:chats].each_value do |chat| self.process_status_update(, ( > 0 and @cache[:users].include? ? @cache[:users][].status : chat.title.to_s, true) end
# convert telegram status to XMPP one
def process_status_update(user_id, status, immed = true)
@logger.debug "Processing status update for user id %s.." % user_id.to_s
xmpp_show, xmpp_status, xmpp_photo = nil
case status case status
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Online then xmpp_show, xmpp_status = nil, "Online" when nil then show, status = :chat, chat ? chat.title : nil
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Offline then xmpp_show, xmpp_status = ( - status.was_online.to_i < 3600) ? :away : :xa, DateTime.strptime((,'%s').strftime("Last seen at %H:%M %d/%m/%Y") when TD::Types::UserStatus::Online then show, status = nil, "Online"
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Recently then xmpp_show, xmpp_status = :dnd, "Last seen recently" when TD::Types::UserStatus::Recently then show, status = :dnd, "Last seen recently"
when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastWeek then xmpp_show, xmpp_status = :unavailable, "Last seen last week" when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastWeek then show, status = :unavailable, "Last seen last week"
when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastMonth then xmpp_show, xmpp_status = :unavailable, "Last seen last month" when TD::Types::UserStatus::LastMonth then show, status = :unavailable, "Last seen last month"
else xmpp_show, xmpp_status = :chat, status when TD::Types::UserStatus::Empty then show, status = :unavailable, "Last seen a long time ago"
when TD::Types::UserStatus::Offline then show, status = (<3600) ? :away : :xa,
DateTime.strptime(([:timezone]).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("Last seen at %H:%M %d/%m/%Y")
end end
@xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, nil, show, status, nil, photo, immed)
xmpp_photo = self.format_file(@cache[:photos][user_id], 'image.jpg', true) if @cache[:photos].include? user_id
xmpp_photo = (File.exist? xmpp_photo.to_s) ? Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(IO.binread(xmpp_photo)) : nil
# ...
return @xmpp.presence(@jid, user_id.to_s, nil, xmpp_show, xmpp_status, nil, xmpp_photo, immed)
end end
# get contact information (for vcard). ## send outgoing message to telegram user
def get_contact_info(chat_id) def process_outgoing_message(chat_id, text, message_id = nil)
return if not @cache[:chats].key? chat_id # no such chat # return if self.process_command(chat_id, text.split.first, text.split[1..-1]) # try to execute a command (and do not send on success)
return unless # we're offline.
@logger.warn 'Send message to chat %s' % chat_id
reply = text.lines[0].scan(/\d+/).first.to_i if text.lines[0] =~ /^> ?[0-9]{10}/ # quotations
file = text) if text.start_with? @@config[:content][:upload] # attach a file
text = (reply or file) ? text.lines[1..-1].join : text, entities: []) # remove first line from text
message = text, disable_web_page_preview: false, clear_draft: false) # compile our message
document = file, caption: text) if file # we can try to send a document
message_id ? @telegram.edit_message_text(chat_id, message_id, message) : @telegram.send_message(chat_id, document || message, reply_to_message_id: reply || 0).rescue{@telegram.send_message(chat_id, message, 0)}
username, firstname, lastname, phone, bio, userpic = nil ## /commands (some telegram actions)
title = @cache[:chats][chat_id].title # <FN> def process_command(chat_id, cmd, args)
chat, user = self.get_contact(chat_id) unless chat_id == 0 # get chat information
# user information if chat_id == 0 then # transport commands
if @cache[:users].key? chat_id then # its an user case cmd
firstname = @cache[:users][chat_id].first_name # <N/GIVEN> when '/login' then @telegram.set_authentication_phone_number(args[0]).then{|_| @session[:login] = args[0]} unless @session[:login] # sign in
lastname = @cache[:users][chat_id].last_name # <N/FAMILY> when '/logout' then @telegram.log_out().then{|_| @cache[:chats].each_key do |chat| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat, :unsubscribed); @session[:login] = nil end } # sign out
username = @cache[:users][chat_id].username # <NICKNAME> when '/code' then @telegram.check_authentication_code(args[0]) # check auth code
phone = @cache[:users][chat_id].phone_number # <TEL> when '/password' then @telegram.check_authentication_password(args[0]) # chech auth password
bio = @cache[:chats][chat_id].client_data # <DESC> when '/setusername' then @telegram.set_username(args[0] || '') # set @username
userpic = self.format_file(@cache[:photos][chat_id], 'image.jpg', true) if @cache[:photos].include? chat_id when '/setname' then @telegram.set_name(args[0] || '', args[1] || '') # set My Name
userpic = (File.exist? userpic.to_s) ? Base64.encode64(IO.binread(userpic)) : nil when '/setbio' then @telegram.set_bio(args[0] || '') # set About
when '/setpassword' then @telegram.set_password((args[1] ? args[0] : ''), args[1]) # set password
else @xmpp.send_message(@jid, nil, ::HELP_GATE_CMD)
return true # stop executing
else # chat commands
case cmd
when '/d' then @telegram.delete_messages(, @telegram.search_chat_messages(, 0, args[0]||1, sender_user_id:, filter:, true) # delete last message(s)
when '/s' then @telegram.search_chat_messages(, 0, 1, sender_user_id:, filter: do |msg| self.process_outgoing_message(, msg.content.text.text.to_s.gsub([0]),args[1..-1].join(' ')), end # edit last message
when '/add' then @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]).then{|chat| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid,, :subscribe)}.wait # add @contact
when '/join' then @telegram.join_chat_by_invite_link(args[0]) # join
when '/supergroup' then @telegram.create_new_supergroup_chat(args[0], args[1..-1].join(' '), is_channel: false) # create new supergroup
when '/channel' then @telegram.create_new_supergroup_chat(args[0], args[1..-1].join(' '), is_channel: true) # create new channel
when '/secret' then @telegram.create_new_secret_chat( if user # create secret chat with current user
when '/group' then @telegram.create_new_basic_group_chat(, args[0]) if user # create group chat with current user
when '/block' then @telegram.block_user( if user # blacklists current user
when '/unblock' then @telegram.unblock_user( if user # unblacklists current user
when '/invite' then @telegram.add_chat_member(, (args[0].to_i == 0 ? @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]) : args[0].to_i)) if < 0 # invite @username to current groupchat
when '/kick' then @telegram.set_chat_member_status(, (args[0].to_i == 0 ? @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]) : args[0].to_i)) if < 0 # kick @username from current group chat
when '/ban' then @telegram.set_chat_member_status(, (args[0].to_i == 0 ? @telegram.search_public_chat(args[0]) : args[0].to_i), TD::Types::ChatMemberStatus::Banned(banned_until_date: (args[1].to_i > 0 ?[1].to_i*3600) : 0))) if < 0 # ban @username from current chat [for N hours]
when '/leave' then @telegram.leave_chat({|result| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, :unsubscribed)} if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Supergroup or chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::BasicGroup # leave current chat
when '/close' then @telegram.close_secret_chat(chat.type.secret_chat_id).then{|result| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, :unsubscribed)} if chat.type.instance_of? TD::Types::ChatType::Secret # close secret chat
when '/delete' then @telegram.delete_chat_history(, true).then{|result| @xmpp.send_presence(@jid, chat_id, :unsubscribed)} # delete current chat
when '/search' then @telegram.search_chat_messages(, 0, args[1]||10, query: args[0]||nil, filter: do |msg| @xmpp.send_message(@jid, chat_id, self.format_message(nil,nil,nil,msg)) end # search messages within current chat
when '/history' then @telegram.get_chat_history(, 0, 0, args[0]||10).value.messages.reverse.each do |msg| @xmpp.send_message(@jid, chat_id, self.format_message(nil,nil,msg)) end # get latest entries from history
when '/help' then @xmpp.send_message(@jid, chat_id, ::HELP_CHAT_CMD)
else return # continue executing
return true # stop executing
end end
# ..
return title, username, firstname, lastname, phone, bio, userpic
end end
# resolve id by @username (or just return id) #########################################################################
def resolve_username(username) # formatting functions #################################################
resolved = username #########################################################################
if username[0] == '@' then @client.search_public_chat(username[1..-1]).then {|chat| resolved = '@' +}.wait end
if username[0..3] == 'http' or username[0..3] == '' then @client.join_chat_by_invite_link(username) end def format_contact(chat_id)
return resolved return if not chat_id or chat_id == 0
chat, user = self.get_contact(chat_id)
str = chat_id
str = "%s (%s)" % [chat.title,] if chat
str = "%s %s (%s)" % [user.first_name, user.last_name, (user.username.empty?) ? : user.username] if user
str = str.gsub(' ', ' ')
return str
end end
########################################### def format_content(file, fname)
## Format functions ####################### str = "%s (%d kbytes) | %s/%s%s" % [fname, file.size/1024, @@config[:content][:link], Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(fname).to_s]
########################################### return str
# format tg user name #
def format_contact(id, show_id = false, resolve = true)
fmt = ''
if id < 0 then # its chat
fmt = (@cache[:chats].key? id) ? "%s" % @cache[:chats][id].title : "%s" % id
elsif id > 0 then # its user
self.process_user_info(id) if not @cache[:users].key? id and resolve
user = @cache[:users][id] if @cache[:users].key? id
fmt += user.first_name if user and user.first_name != ''
fmt += " " + user.last_name if user and user.last_name != ''
fmt += " (@%s)" % user.username if user and user.username != ''
fmt += " (%s)" % id if (user and user.username == '') or show_id
fmt = "unknown (%s)" % id
return fmt
end end
# format reply# def format_message(chat_id, message_id, preview=false, message=nil)
def format_message(chat_id, message_id, full = true) message ||= @telegram.get_message(chat_id, message_id).value
text = '' return unless message
@client.get_message(chat_id, message_id).then { |message| text = message.content.text.text }.wait str = "%s | %s | " % [, self.format_contact(message.sender_user_id)]
return (not full) ? "%s >> %s.." % [message_id, text.split("\n")[0]] : "%s | %s " % [message_id, text] str += DateTime.strptime(([:timezone]).utc_offset).to_s,'%s').strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S | ") unless preview
str += (not preview or message.content.text.text.lines.count <= 1) ? message.content.text.text : message.content.text.text.lines.first
return str
end end
def format_file(file, filename, local = false)
if local then return "%s/%s%s" % [@@content_path, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(filename)] end
return "%s (%d kbytes) | %s/%s%s" % [filename, file.size/1024, @@content_link, Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(, File.extname(filename).to_s]
# state functions #
def online?() @online end
def tz_set?() return @timezone != '-00:00' end
end end

View file

@ -1,266 +1,107 @@
### Some constants #########
::HELP_MESSAGE = 'Unknown command.
/login <telegram_login> — Connect to Telegram network
/code 12345 — Enter confirmation code
/password secret — Enter 2FA password
/connect ­— Connect to Telegram network if have active session
/disconnect ­— Disconnect from Telegram network
/reconnect ­— Reconnect to Telegram network
/logout — Disconnect from Telegram network and forget session
/info — Show information and usage statistics of this instance (only for JIDs specified as administrators)
/restart — Restart this instance (only for JIDs specified as administrators)
## XMPP Transport Class #####
include Jabber::Discovery
include Jabber::Dataforms
class XMPPComponent class XMPPComponent
# init class and set logger # ## initialize zhabogram
def initialize(params) def initialize(**config)
@@loglevel = params['loglevel'] || Logger::DEBUG @sessions = {} # sessions list
@logger =; @logger.level = @@loglevel; @logger.progname = '[XMPPComponent]' @queue = {} # presence queue
@config = { host: params["host"] || 'localhost', port: params["port"] || 8899, jid: params["jid"] || 'tlgrm.localhost', secret: params['password'] || '', admins: params['admins'] || [], debug: params['debug'] } # default config @logger =, level: config[:loglevel], progname: 'XMPPComponent')
@sessions = {} @config = {host: config[:host], port: config[:port], jid: config[:jid], password: config[:password], debug: config[:debug]}
@presence_que = {} @db =[:db])
@db = params['db_path'] || 'users.dat' @db.transaction do @db[:sessions] ||= {} end
end end
# load sessions from db # ## connect to XMPP server
def load_db() def connect() "Loading sessions..." Jabber::debug = @config[:debug] @db, 'r' ) {|f| YAML.load(f).each do |jid,login| @sessions[jid] =, jid, login) end }
# store session to db #
def save_db() "Saving sessions..."
sessions_store = []
@sessions.each do |jid,session| store << {jid: jid, login: session.login} end @db, 'w' ) {|f| f.write(YAML.dump(sessions_store)) }
# connecting to XMPP server #
def connect() # :jid => transport_jid, :host => xmpp_server, :port => xmpp_component_port, :secret => xmpp_component_secret
begin begin
Jabber::debug = @config[:debug] @component =[:jid]) # init XMPP component
@component.connect(@config[:host], @config[:port]) # connect to XMPP server
# component @component.auth(@config[:password]) # authorize
@component = @config[:jid] ) @component.on_exception do |error,| @logger.error(error) and self.connect() end # exception handler
@component.connect( @config[:host], @config[:port] ) @component.add_presence_callback do |stanza| self.handle_subscription(stanza) if stanza.type == :subscribe end # presence handler
@component.auth( @config[:secret] ) @component.add_presence_callback do |stanza| self.handle_presence(stanza) if == @component.jid end # presence handler
@component.add_message_callback do |msg| msg.first_element_text('body') ? self.message_handler(msg) : nil end @component.add_message_callback do |stanza| self.handle_message(stanza) if stanza.type != :error and stanza.first_element_text('body') end # messages handler
@component.add_presence_callback do |presence| self.presence_handler(presence) end @component.add_iq_callback do |stanza| self.handle_vcard_iq(stanza) if stanza.type == :get and stanza.vcard end # vcards handler
@component.add_iq_callback do |iq| self.iq_handler(iq) end @logger.warn 'Connected to XMPP server'
@component.on_exception do |exception, stream, state| self.survive(exception, stream, state) end @db.transaction do @db[:sessions].each do |jid, session| @sessions[jid] =, jid, session) end end # probe all known sessions "Connection to XMPP server established!" { while @component.is_connected? do sleep 60; @queue.delete_if {|_, presence| @component.send(presence) || true } end } # status updater thread
Thread.stop() # stop main thread loop
# disco rescue Exception => error
@disco = @logger.error 'Disconnecting.. %s' % error.to_s
@disco.identities = ['gateway', 'Telegram Gateway', 'telegram') ] @sessions.each_value do |session| session.disconnect() end # close all sessions
@disco.add_features(['','jabber:iq:register']) @db.transaction do @sessions.each do |jid, session| @db[:sessions][jid] = session.session end end # save sessions
@component.on_exception do |exception,| end # disable exception handling
# janbber::iq::register @component.close() # close stream
@iq_register = exit -1 # bye
@iq_register.instructions = 'Please enter your Telegram login'
@iq_register.add_field(:login, true) do |jid, login| self.process_command(jid, '/login %s' % login) end
# jabber::iq::gateway
@iq_gateway = do |iq, query| (@sessions.key? iq.from.bare.to_s and @sessions[iq.from.bare.to_s].online?) ? @sessions[iq.from.bare.to_s].resolve_username(query).to_s + '@' + @component.jid.to_s : '' end
@iq_gateway.description = "Specify @username / ID /"
@iq_gateway.prompt = "Telegram contact" 'Loaded %s sessions from database.' % @sessions.count
@sessions.each do |jid, session| self.presence(jid, nil, :subscribe) end { while @component.is_connected? do @presence_que.each_value { |p| @component.send(p) }; @presence_que.clear; sleep(60); end } # presence updater thread
rescue Interrupt, SignalException
@logger.error 'Interrupted!'
@component.on_exception do |exception,| end
return -11
rescue Exception => e
@logger.error 'Connection failed: %s' % e
exit -8
end end
end end
# transport shutdown # ############################################################
def disconnect() #### Callback handlers (from XMPP) ######################### "Closing connections..."
@sessions.each do |jid, session| @sessions[jid].disconnect(); self.presence(jid, nil, :unavailable) end def handle_subscription(presence)
@component.close() @logger.warn 'Subscription request from %s to %s' % [presence.from,]
@logger.debug presence.to_s
answer = presence.answer(false)
answer.type = :subscribed
end end
# vse umrut a ya ostanus'... # def handle_presence(presence)
def survive(exception, stream, state) @logger.warn 'Presence (%s) from %s to %s' % [presence.type || 'online', presence.from,]
@logger.error "Stream error on :%s (%s)" % [state.to_s, exception.to_s] @logger.debug presence.to_s "Trying to revive stream.." @sessions[presence.from.bare.to_s] =, presence.from.bare.to_s) unless @sessions.key? presence.from.bare.to_s # create session
self.connect() @sessions[presence.from.bare.to_s] = nil if presence.type == :unsubscribed # destroy session
@sessions[presence.from.bare.to_s].disconnect() if presence.type == :unavailable or presence.type == :error # go offline
@sessions[presence.from.bare.to_s].connect() if not presence.type # go online
end end
# message to users # def handle_message(message)
def message(to, from = nil, body = '') @logger.warn 'Message from %s to %s' % [message.from,] "Sending message from <%s> to <%s>" % [from || @component.jid, to] @logger.debug message.to_s
msg = @sessions[message.from.bare.to_s].process_outgoing_message('@').first.to_i, message.first_element_text('body')) if @sessions.key? message.from.bare.to_s
msg.from = (from) ? "%s@%s" % [from, @component.jid.to_s] : @component.jid = to
msg.body = body
msg.type = :chat
@logger.debug msg.to_s
end end
# presence update # def handle_vcard_iq(iq)
def presence(to, from = nil, type = nil, show = nil, status = nil, nickname = nil, photo = nil, immediately = true) @logger.warn 'VCard request from %s for %s' % [iq.from,]
@logger.debug "Presence update request from %s (immed = %s).." % [from.to_s, immediately] chat, user = @sessions[iq.from.bare.to_s].get_contact('@').first.to_i) if @sessions.key? iq.from.bare.to_s
req = vcard =
req.from = from.nil? ? @component.jid : "%s@%s" % [from, @component.jid] # presence <from> vcard["FN"] = chat.title if chat = to # presence <to> vcard["NICKNAME"], vcard["N/GIVEN"], vcard["N/FAMILY"], vcard["TEL/NUMBER"] = user.username, user.first_name, user.last_name, user.phone_number if user
req.type = type unless type.nil? # pres. type vcard["PHOTO/TYPE"], vcard["PHOTO/BINVAL"] = 'image/jpeg', Base64.encode64(IO.binread( if chat and and File.exist? = show unless show.nil? # presence <show> answer = iq.answer
req.status = status unless status.nil? # presence message answer.type = :result
req.add_element('nick', {'xmlns' => ''} ).add_text(nickname) unless nickname.nil? # nickname answer.elements['vCard'] = vcard
req.add_element('x', {'xmlns' => 'vcard-temp:x:update'} ).add_element("photo").add_text(photo) unless photo.nil? # nickname @logger.debug answer.to_s
@logger.debug req.to_s @component.send(answer)
(immediately) ? @component.send(req) :, req)
# @component.send(req)
end end
# request timezone information # ############################################################
#def request_tz(jid) #### XMPP gateway functions (to XMPP) #####################
#@logger.debug "Request timezone from JID %s" % jid.to_s
#iq =
#iq.type = :get = jid
#iq.from = @component.jid = 'time_req_1'
#iq.add_element("time", {"xmlns" => "urn:xmpp:time"})
#@logger.debug iq.to_s
############################# def send_message(to, from=nil, body='')
#### Callback handlers ##### @logger.warn "Got message from %s to %s" % [from||@component.jid, to]
############################# message =
message.from = (from) ? "%s@%s" % [from.to_s, @component.jid.to_s] : @component.jid
# new message to XMPP component # = to
def message_handler(msg) message.body = body
return if msg.type == :error message.type = :chat 'Received message from <%s> to <%s>' % [msg.from.to_s,] @logger.debug message.to_s
@logger.debug msg.to_s @component.send(message)
if == @component.jid then self.process_command(msg.from, msg.first_element_text('body') ); return; end # treat message as internal command if received as transport jid
if @sessions.key? msg.from.bare.to_s then
# self.request_tz(msg.from) if not @sessions[msg.from.bare.to_s].tz_set?
return @sessions[msg.from.bare.to_s].process_outgoing_msg('@')[0].to_i, msg.first_element_text('body'))
end end
# new presence to XMPP component # def send_presence(to, from=nil, type=nil, show=nil, status=nil, nickname=nil, photo=nil, immed=true)
def presence_handler(prsnc) "Got presence :%s from %s to %s" % [type, from||@component.jid, to]
@logger.debug "Received presence :%s from <%s> to <%s>" % [prsnc.type.to_s, prsnc.from.to_s,] presence =
@logger.debug(prsnc.to_s) presence.from = from.nil? ? @component.jid : "%s@%s" % [from.to_s, @component.jid.to_s] # presence <from>
if prsnc.type == :subscribe then reply = prsnc.answer(false); reply.type = :subscribed; @component.send(reply); end # send "subscribed" reply to "subscribe" presence = to # presence <to>
if == @component.jid and @sessions.key? prsnc.from.bare.to_s and prsnc.type == :unavailable then @sessions[prsnc.from.bare.to_s].disconnect(); self.presence(prsnc.from, nil, :subscribe) ; return; end # go offline when received offline presence from jabber user presence.type = type unless type.nil? # pres. type
if == @component.jid and @sessions.key? prsnc.from.bare.to_s then = show unless show.nil? # presence <show>
# self.request_tz(prsnc.from); presence.status = status unless status.nil? # presence message
@sessions[prsnc.from.bare.to_s].connect() || @sessions[prsnc.from.bare.to_s].sync_status() presence.add_element('nick', {'xmlns' => ''} ).add_text(nickname) unless nickname.nil? # nickname
return presence.add_element('x', {'xmlns' => 'vcard-temp:x:update'} ).add_element("photo").add_text(photo) unless photo.nil? # nickname
end @logger.debug presence.to_s
end (immed) ? @component.send(presence) :, presence)
# new iq (vcard/tz) request to XMPP component #
def iq_handler(iq)
@logger.debug "Received iq :%s from <%s> to <%s>" % [iq.type.to_s, iq.from.to_s,]
# vcard request #
if iq.type == :get and iq.vcard and @sessions.key? iq.from.bare.to_s then
@logger.debug "VCard request for <%s>" %
fn, nickname, given, family, phone, desc, photo = @sessions[iq.from.bare.to_s].get_contact_info('@')[0].to_i)
vcard =
vcard["FN"] = fn
vcard["NICKNAME"] = nickname if nickname
vcard["URL"] = "" % nickname if nickname
vcard["N/GIVEN"] = given if given
vcard["N/FAMILY"] = family if family
vcard["DESC"] = desc if desc
vcard["PHOTO/TYPE"] = 'image/jpeg' if photo
vcard["PHOTO/BINVAL"] = photo if photo
if phone then ph = vcard.add_element("TEL"); ph.add_element("HOME"); ph.add_element("VOICE"); ph.add_element("NUMBER"); ph.elements["NUMBER"].text = phone; end
reply = iq.answer
reply.type = :result
reply.elements["vCard"] = vcard
@logger.debug reply.to_s
# time response #
elsif iq.type == :result and iq.elements["time"] and @sessions.key? iq.from.bare.to_s then
@logger.debug "Timezone response from <%s>" % iq.from.to_s
timezone = iq.elements["time"].elements["tzo"].text
@sessions[iq.from.bare.to_s].timezone = timezone
elsif iq.type == :get then
@logger.debug "Unknown iq type <%s>" % iq.from.to_s
reply = iq.answer
reply.type = :error
#### Command handlers #####
# process internal /command #
def process_command(from, body)
case body.split[0] # /command argument = [command, argument]
when '/login' # create new session
@sessions[from.bare.to_s] =, from.bare.to_s, body.split[1]) if not (@sessions.key? from.bare.to_s and @sessions[from.bare.to_s].online?)
# self.request_tz(from)
when '/code', '/password' # pass auth data to telegram
@sessions[from.bare.to_s].process_auth(body.split[0], body.split[1]) if @sessions.key? from.bare.to_s
when '/connect' # go online
@sessions[from.bare.to_s].connect() if @sessions.key? from.bare.to_s
when '/disconnect' # go offline (without destroying a session)
@sessions[from.bare.to_s].disconnect() if @sessions.key? from.bare.to_s
when '/reconnect' # reconnect
@sessions[from.bare.to_s].disconnect() if @sessions.key? from.bare.to_s
@sessions[from.bare.to_s].connect() if @sessions.key? from.bare.to_s
when '/logout' # go offline and destroy session
@sessions[from.bare.to_s].disconnect(true) if @sessions.key? from.bare.to_s
when '/info' # show some debug information
return if not @config[:admins].include? from.bare.to_s
response = "Information about this instance: \n\n"
response += "Running from: %s\n" % `ps -p #{$$} -o lstart`.lines.last.strip
response += "System memory used: %d KB\n" % `ps -o rss -p #{$$}`.lines.last.strip.to_i
response += "\n\nSessions: %d online | %d total \n" % [ @sessions.inject(0){ |cnt, (jid, sess)| cnt = ( ? cnt + 1 : cnt }, @sessions.count]
@sessions.each do |jid, session| response += "JID: %s | Login: %s | Status: %s (%s) | %s\n" % [jid, session.login, ( == true) ? 'Online' : 'Offline', session.auth_state, ( ? session.format_contact( : 'Unknown' ] end
self.message(from.bare, nil, response)
when '/restart' # reset transport
return if not @config[:admins].include? from.bare.to_s
self.message(from.bare, nil, 'Trying to restart all active sessions and reconnect to XMPP server..')
else # unknown command -- display help #
self.message(from.bare, nil, ::HELP_MESSAGE)
return true
end end
end end

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
module Jabber
module Gateway
NS_GATEWAY = 'jabber:iq:gateway'
class Responder
attr_accessor :description
attr_accessor :prompt
def initialize(stream, &func)
@stream = stream
@func = func
@stream.add_iq_callback() do |iq|
if iq.query.kind_of?(IqQueryGateway)
if iq.type == :get
# Client is requesting fields
answer = iq.answer(false)
answer.type = :result
query = answer.add(
query.desc = @description || ''
query.prompt = @prompt || ''
elsif iq.type == :set
# Client is requesting full JID
query = iq.query.prompt
jid =, query)
answer = iq.answer(false)
answer.type = :result
query = answer.add(
query.jid = jid
class IqQueryGateway < IqQuery
name_xmlns 'query', Jabber::Gateway::NS_GATEWAY
def desc
def desc=(new_desc)
replace_element_text('desc', new_desc)
def prompt
def prompt=(new_prompt)
replace_element_text('prompt', new_prompt)
def jid
def jid=(new_prompt)
replace_element_text('jid', new_prompt)

View file

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
module Jabber
module Register
NS_REGISTER = 'jabber:iq:register'
class Responder
attr_accessor :instructions
def initialize(stream)
@stream = stream
@fields = []
@registered_callbacks = []
@stream.add_iq_callback() do |iq|
if iq.query.kind_of?(IqQueryRegister) then
if iq.type == :get then # Registration request
answer = iq.answer(false)
answer.type = :result
query = answer.add(
query.add(, @instructions)) unless instructions.nil?
@fields.each do |field| query.add([0])) end
elsif iq.type == :set then # Registration response
iq.query.each do |field|
validator = @fields.assoc([2]
if !, field.text) then
puts "- - n0t acceptable here - -"
answer = iq.answer(true)
answer.type = :error
# let them know that all looks good!
answer = iq.answer(false)
answer.type = :result
# Fire off callbacks
@registered_callbacks.each do |cb|
def add_field(name, required, &validator)
@fields << [ name, required, validator ]
def add_registered_callback(&cb)
@registered_callbacks << cb
class IqQueryRegister < IqQuery
name_xmlns 'query', Jabber::Register::NS_REGISTER
class Field < REXML::Element
def initialize(name, value=nil)
self.text = value

View file

@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
# Some very important libraries' require 'set'
require 'yaml' require 'yaml'
require 'yaml/store'
require 'logger' require 'logger'
require 'xmpp4r' require 'xmpp4r'
require 'xmpp4r/discovery'
require 'digest' require 'digest'
require 'base64' require 'base64'
require 'fileutils' require 'fileutils'
require 'tdlib-ruby' require 'tdlib-ruby'
require_relative 'inc/telegramclient' require_relative 'inc/telegramclient'
require_relative 'inc/xmppregister'
require_relative 'inc/xmppgateway'
require_relative 'inc/xmppcomponent' require_relative 'inc/xmppcomponent'
# configuration Config = YAML.load_file(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config.yml')
Config = YAML.load_file(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config.yml') TelegramClient.configure Config[:telegram]
TelegramClient.configure(Config['telegram']) # configure tdlib Zhabogram = Config[:xmpp]
Zhabogram =['xmpp']) # spawn zhabogram
Zhabogram.connect() Zhabogram.connect()