// AUTOGENERATED package client import ( "encoding/json" ) const ( ClassAuthenticationCodeType = "AuthenticationCodeType" ClassAuthorizationState = "AuthorizationState" ClassInputFile = "InputFile" ClassThumbnailFormat = "ThumbnailFormat" ClassMaskPoint = "MaskPoint" ClassPollType = "PollType" ClassUserType = "UserType" ClassInputChatPhoto = "InputChatPhoto" ClassChatMemberStatus = "ChatMemberStatus" ClassChatMembersFilter = "ChatMembersFilter" ClassSupergroupMembersFilter = "SupergroupMembersFilter" ClassSecretChatState = "SecretChatState" ClassMessageSender = "MessageSender" ClassMessageForwardOrigin = "MessageForwardOrigin" ClassMessageSendingState = "MessageSendingState" ClassNotificationSettingsScope = "NotificationSettingsScope" ClassChatType = "ChatType" ClassChatList = "ChatList" ClassChatSource = "ChatSource" ClassPublicChatType = "PublicChatType" ClassChatActionBar = "ChatActionBar" ClassKeyboardButtonType = "KeyboardButtonType" ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType = "InlineKeyboardButtonType" ClassReplyMarkup = "ReplyMarkup" ClassLoginUrlInfo = "LoginUrlInfo" ClassRichText = "RichText" ClassPageBlockHorizontalAlignment = "PageBlockHorizontalAlignment" ClassPageBlockVerticalAlignment = "PageBlockVerticalAlignment" ClassPageBlock = "PageBlock" ClassInputCredentials = "InputCredentials" ClassPassportElementType = "PassportElementType" ClassPassportElement = "PassportElement" ClassInputPassportElement = "InputPassportElement" ClassPassportElementErrorSource = "PassportElementErrorSource" ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource = "InputPassportElementErrorSource" ClassMessageContent = "MessageContent" ClassTextEntityType = "TextEntityType" ClassMessageSchedulingState = "MessageSchedulingState" ClassInputMessageContent = "InputMessageContent" ClassSearchMessagesFilter = "SearchMessagesFilter" ClassChatAction = "ChatAction" ClassUserStatus = "UserStatus" ClassCallDiscardReason = "CallDiscardReason" ClassCallServerType = "CallServerType" ClassCallState = "CallState" ClassGroupCallVideoQuality = "GroupCallVideoQuality" ClassCallProblem = "CallProblem" ClassDiceStickers = "DiceStickers" ClassInputInlineQueryResult = "InputInlineQueryResult" ClassInlineQueryResult = "InlineQueryResult" ClassCallbackQueryPayload = "CallbackQueryPayload" ClassChatEventAction = "ChatEventAction" ClassLanguagePackStringValue = "LanguagePackStringValue" ClassDeviceToken = "DeviceToken" ClassBackgroundFill = "BackgroundFill" ClassBackgroundType = "BackgroundType" ClassInputBackground = "InputBackground" ClassCanTransferOwnershipResult = "CanTransferOwnershipResult" ClassCheckChatUsernameResult = "CheckChatUsernameResult" ClassCheckStickerSetNameResult = "CheckStickerSetNameResult" ClassResetPasswordResult = "ResetPasswordResult" ClassMessageFileType = "MessageFileType" ClassPushMessageContent = "PushMessageContent" ClassNotificationType = "NotificationType" ClassNotificationGroupType = "NotificationGroupType" ClassOptionValue = "OptionValue" ClassJsonValue = "JsonValue" ClassUserPrivacySettingRule = "UserPrivacySettingRule" ClassUserPrivacySetting = "UserPrivacySetting" ClassChatReportReason = "ChatReportReason" ClassInternalLinkType = "InternalLinkType" ClassFileType = "FileType" ClassNetworkType = "NetworkType" ClassNetworkStatisticsEntry = "NetworkStatisticsEntry" ClassConnectionState = "ConnectionState" ClassTopChatCategory = "TopChatCategory" ClassTMeUrlType = "TMeUrlType" ClassSuggestedAction = "SuggestedAction" ClassTextParseMode = "TextParseMode" ClassProxyType = "ProxyType" ClassInputSticker = "InputSticker" ClassStatisticalGraph = "StatisticalGraph" ClassChatStatistics = "ChatStatistics" ClassVectorPathCommand = "VectorPathCommand" ClassBotCommandScope = "BotCommandScope" ClassUpdate = "Update" ClassLogStream = "LogStream" ClassError = "Error" ClassOk = "Ok" ClassTdlibParameters = "TdlibParameters" ClassAuthenticationCodeInfo = "AuthenticationCodeInfo" ClassEmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo = "EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo" ClassTextEntity = "TextEntity" ClassTextEntities = "TextEntities" ClassFormattedText = "FormattedText" ClassTermsOfService = "TermsOfService" ClassPasswordState = "PasswordState" ClassRecoveryEmailAddress = "RecoveryEmailAddress" ClassTemporaryPasswordState = "TemporaryPasswordState" ClassLocalFile = "LocalFile" ClassRemoteFile = "RemoteFile" ClassFile = "File" ClassPhotoSize = "PhotoSize" ClassMinithumbnail = "Minithumbnail" ClassThumbnail = "Thumbnail" ClassMaskPosition = "MaskPosition" ClassClosedVectorPath = "ClosedVectorPath" ClassPollOption = "PollOption" ClassAnimation = "Animation" ClassAudio = "Audio" ClassDocument = "Document" ClassPhoto = "Photo" ClassSticker = "Sticker" ClassVideo = "Video" ClassVideoNote = "VideoNote" ClassVoiceNote = "VoiceNote" ClassAnimatedEmoji = "AnimatedEmoji" ClassContact = "Contact" ClassLocation = "Location" ClassVenue = "Venue" ClassGame = "Game" ClassPoll = "Poll" ClassProfilePhoto = "ProfilePhoto" ClassChatPhotoInfo = "ChatPhotoInfo" ClassBotCommand = "BotCommand" ClassBotCommands = "BotCommands" ClassChatLocation = "ChatLocation" ClassAnimatedChatPhoto = "AnimatedChatPhoto" ClassChatPhoto = "ChatPhoto" ClassChatPhotos = "ChatPhotos" ClassUser = "User" ClassUserFullInfo = "UserFullInfo" ClassUsers = "Users" ClassChatAdministrator = "ChatAdministrator" ClassChatAdministrators = "ChatAdministrators" ClassChatPermissions = "ChatPermissions" ClassChatMember = "ChatMember" ClassChatMembers = "ChatMembers" ClassChatInviteLink = "ChatInviteLink" ClassChatInviteLinks = "ChatInviteLinks" ClassChatInviteLinkCount = "ChatInviteLinkCount" ClassChatInviteLinkCounts = "ChatInviteLinkCounts" ClassChatInviteLinkMember = "ChatInviteLinkMember" ClassChatInviteLinkMembers = "ChatInviteLinkMembers" ClassChatInviteLinkInfo = "ChatInviteLinkInfo" ClassChatJoinRequest = "ChatJoinRequest" ClassChatJoinRequests = "ChatJoinRequests" ClassChatJoinRequestsInfo = "ChatJoinRequestsInfo" ClassBasicGroup = "BasicGroup" ClassBasicGroupFullInfo = "BasicGroupFullInfo" ClassSupergroup = "Supergroup" ClassSupergroupFullInfo = "SupergroupFullInfo" ClassSecretChat = "SecretChat" ClassMessageSenders = "MessageSenders" ClassMessageForwardInfo = "MessageForwardInfo" ClassMessageReplyInfo = "MessageReplyInfo" ClassMessageInteractionInfo = "MessageInteractionInfo" ClassMessage = "Message" ClassMessages = "Messages" ClassFoundMessages = "FoundMessages" ClassMessagePosition = "MessagePosition" ClassMessagePositions = "MessagePositions" ClassMessageCalendarDay = "MessageCalendarDay" ClassMessageCalendar = "MessageCalendar" ClassSponsoredMessage = "SponsoredMessage" ClassChatNotificationSettings = "ChatNotificationSettings" ClassScopeNotificationSettings = "ScopeNotificationSettings" ClassDraftMessage = "DraftMessage" ClassChatFilter = "ChatFilter" ClassChatFilterInfo = "ChatFilterInfo" ClassRecommendedChatFilter = "RecommendedChatFilter" ClassRecommendedChatFilters = "RecommendedChatFilters" ClassChatLists = "ChatLists" ClassChatPosition = "ChatPosition" ClassVideoChat = "VideoChat" ClassChat = "Chat" ClassChats = "Chats" ClassChatNearby = "ChatNearby" ClassChatsNearby = "ChatsNearby" ClassKeyboardButton = "KeyboardButton" ClassInlineKeyboardButton = "InlineKeyboardButton" ClassMessageThreadInfo = "MessageThreadInfo" ClassPageBlockCaption = "PageBlockCaption" ClassPageBlockListItem = "PageBlockListItem" ClassPageBlockTableCell = "PageBlockTableCell" ClassPageBlockRelatedArticle = "PageBlockRelatedArticle" ClassWebPageInstantView = "WebPageInstantView" ClassWebPage = "WebPage" ClassCountryInfo = "CountryInfo" ClassCountries = "Countries" ClassPhoneNumberInfo = "PhoneNumberInfo" ClassBankCardActionOpenUrl = "BankCardActionOpenUrl" ClassBankCardInfo = "BankCardInfo" ClassAddress = "Address" ClassLabeledPricePart = "LabeledPricePart" ClassInvoice = "Invoice" ClassOrderInfo = "OrderInfo" ClassShippingOption = "ShippingOption" ClassSavedCredentials = "SavedCredentials" ClassPaymentsProviderStripe = "PaymentsProviderStripe" ClassPaymentFormTheme = "PaymentFormTheme" ClassPaymentForm = "PaymentForm" ClassValidatedOrderInfo = "ValidatedOrderInfo" ClassPaymentResult = "PaymentResult" ClassPaymentReceipt = "PaymentReceipt" ClassDatedFile = "DatedFile" ClassDate = "Date" ClassPersonalDetails = "PersonalDetails" ClassIdentityDocument = "IdentityDocument" ClassInputIdentityDocument = "InputIdentityDocument" ClassPersonalDocument = "PersonalDocument" ClassInputPersonalDocument = "InputPersonalDocument" ClassPassportElements = "PassportElements" ClassPassportElementError = "PassportElementError" ClassPassportSuitableElement = "PassportSuitableElement" ClassPassportRequiredElement = "PassportRequiredElement" ClassPassportAuthorizationForm = "PassportAuthorizationForm" ClassPassportElementsWithErrors = "PassportElementsWithErrors" ClassEncryptedCredentials = "EncryptedCredentials" ClassEncryptedPassportElement = "EncryptedPassportElement" ClassInputPassportElementError = "InputPassportElementError" ClassInputThumbnail = "InputThumbnail" ClassMessageSendOptions = "MessageSendOptions" ClassMessageCopyOptions = "MessageCopyOptions" ClassStickers = "Stickers" ClassEmojis = "Emojis" ClassStickerSet = "StickerSet" ClassStickerSetInfo = "StickerSetInfo" ClassStickerSets = "StickerSets" ClassCallProtocol = "CallProtocol" ClassCallServer = "CallServer" ClassCallId = "CallId" ClassGroupCallId = "GroupCallId" ClassGroupCallRecentSpeaker = "GroupCallRecentSpeaker" ClassGroupCall = "GroupCall" ClassGroupCallVideoSourceGroup = "GroupCallVideoSourceGroup" ClassGroupCallParticipantVideoInfo = "GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo" ClassGroupCallParticipant = "GroupCallParticipant" ClassCall = "Call" ClassPhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings = "PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings" ClassAnimations = "Animations" ClassImportedContacts = "ImportedContacts" ClassHttpUrl = "HttpUrl" ClassInlineQueryResults = "InlineQueryResults" ClassCallbackQueryAnswer = "CallbackQueryAnswer" ClassCustomRequestResult = "CustomRequestResult" ClassGameHighScore = "GameHighScore" ClassGameHighScores = "GameHighScores" ClassChatEvent = "ChatEvent" ClassChatEvents = "ChatEvents" ClassChatEventLogFilters = "ChatEventLogFilters" ClassLanguagePackString = "LanguagePackString" ClassLanguagePackStrings = "LanguagePackStrings" ClassLanguagePackInfo = "LanguagePackInfo" ClassLocalizationTargetInfo = "LocalizationTargetInfo" ClassPushReceiverId = "PushReceiverId" ClassBackground = "Background" ClassBackgrounds = "Backgrounds" ClassThemeSettings = "ThemeSettings" ClassChatTheme = "ChatTheme" ClassHashtags = "Hashtags" ClassNotification = "Notification" ClassNotificationGroup = "NotificationGroup" ClassJsonObjectMember = "JsonObjectMember" ClassUserPrivacySettingRules = "UserPrivacySettingRules" ClassAccountTtl = "AccountTtl" ClassSession = "Session" ClassSessions = "Sessions" ClassConnectedWebsite = "ConnectedWebsite" ClassConnectedWebsites = "ConnectedWebsites" ClassMessageLink = "MessageLink" ClassMessageLinkInfo = "MessageLinkInfo" ClassFilePart = "FilePart" ClassStorageStatisticsByFileType = "StorageStatisticsByFileType" ClassStorageStatisticsByChat = "StorageStatisticsByChat" ClassStorageStatistics = "StorageStatistics" ClassStorageStatisticsFast = "StorageStatisticsFast" ClassDatabaseStatistics = "DatabaseStatistics" ClassNetworkStatistics = "NetworkStatistics" ClassAutoDownloadSettings = "AutoDownloadSettings" ClassAutoDownloadSettingsPresets = "AutoDownloadSettingsPresets" ClassTMeUrl = "TMeUrl" ClassTMeUrls = "TMeUrls" ClassCount = "Count" ClassText = "Text" ClassSeconds = "Seconds" ClassDeepLinkInfo = "DeepLinkInfo" ClassProxy = "Proxy" ClassProxies = "Proxies" ClassDateRange = "DateRange" ClassStatisticalValue = "StatisticalValue" ClassChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo = "ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo" ClassChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo = "ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo" ClassChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo = "ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo" ClassChatStatisticsInviterInfo = "ChatStatisticsInviterInfo" ClassMessageStatistics = "MessageStatistics" ClassPoint = "Point" ClassUpdates = "Updates" ClassLogVerbosityLevel = "LogVerbosityLevel" ClassLogTags = "LogTags" ClassTestInt = "TestInt" ClassTestString = "TestString" ClassTestBytes = "TestBytes" ClassTestVectorInt = "TestVectorInt" ClassTestVectorIntObject = "TestVectorIntObject" ClassTestVectorString = "TestVectorString" ClassTestVectorStringObject = "TestVectorStringObject" ) const ( TypeError = "error" TypeOk = "ok" TypeTdlibParameters = "tdlibParameters" TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage = "authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage" TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeSms = "authenticationCodeTypeSms" TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeCall = "authenticationCodeTypeCall" TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall = "authenticationCodeTypeFlashCall" TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall = "authenticationCodeTypeMissedCall" TypeAuthenticationCodeInfo = "authenticationCodeInfo" TypeEmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo = "emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo" TypeTextEntity = "textEntity" TypeTextEntities = "textEntities" TypeFormattedText = "formattedText" TypeTermsOfService = "termsOfService" TypeAuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters = "authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters" TypeAuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey = "authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey" TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber = "authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber" TypeAuthorizationStateWaitCode = "authorizationStateWaitCode" TypeAuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation = "authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation" TypeAuthorizationStateWaitRegistration = "authorizationStateWaitRegistration" TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPassword = "authorizationStateWaitPassword" TypeAuthorizationStateReady = "authorizationStateReady" TypeAuthorizationStateLoggingOut = "authorizationStateLoggingOut" TypeAuthorizationStateClosing = "authorizationStateClosing" TypeAuthorizationStateClosed = "authorizationStateClosed" TypePasswordState = "passwordState" TypeRecoveryEmailAddress = "recoveryEmailAddress" TypeTemporaryPasswordState = "temporaryPasswordState" TypeLocalFile = "localFile" TypeRemoteFile = "remoteFile" TypeFile = "file" TypeInputFileId = "inputFileId" TypeInputFileRemote = "inputFileRemote" TypeInputFileLocal = "inputFileLocal" TypeInputFileGenerated = "inputFileGenerated" TypePhotoSize = "photoSize" TypeMinithumbnail = "minithumbnail" TypeThumbnailFormatJpeg = "thumbnailFormatJpeg" TypeThumbnailFormatPng = "thumbnailFormatPng" TypeThumbnailFormatWebp = "thumbnailFormatWebp" TypeThumbnailFormatGif = "thumbnailFormatGif" TypeThumbnailFormatTgs = "thumbnailFormatTgs" TypeThumbnailFormatMpeg4 = "thumbnailFormatMpeg4" TypeThumbnail = "thumbnail" TypeMaskPointForehead = "maskPointForehead" TypeMaskPointEyes = "maskPointEyes" TypeMaskPointMouth = "maskPointMouth" TypeMaskPointChin = "maskPointChin" TypeMaskPosition = "maskPosition" TypeClosedVectorPath = "closedVectorPath" TypePollOption = "pollOption" TypePollTypeRegular = "pollTypeRegular" TypePollTypeQuiz = "pollTypeQuiz" TypeAnimation = "animation" TypeAudio = "audio" TypeDocument = "document" TypePhoto = "photo" TypeSticker = "sticker" TypeVideo = "video" TypeVideoNote = "videoNote" TypeVoiceNote = "voiceNote" TypeAnimatedEmoji = "animatedEmoji" TypeContact = "contact" TypeLocation = "location" TypeVenue = "venue" TypeGame = "game" TypePoll = "poll" TypeProfilePhoto = "profilePhoto" TypeChatPhotoInfo = "chatPhotoInfo" TypeUserTypeRegular = "userTypeRegular" TypeUserTypeDeleted = "userTypeDeleted" TypeUserTypeBot = "userTypeBot" TypeUserTypeUnknown = "userTypeUnknown" TypeBotCommand = "botCommand" TypeBotCommands = "botCommands" TypeChatLocation = "chatLocation" TypeAnimatedChatPhoto = "animatedChatPhoto" TypeChatPhoto = "chatPhoto" TypeChatPhotos = "chatPhotos" TypeInputChatPhotoPrevious = "inputChatPhotoPrevious" TypeInputChatPhotoStatic = "inputChatPhotoStatic" TypeInputChatPhotoAnimation = "inputChatPhotoAnimation" TypeUser = "user" TypeUserFullInfo = "userFullInfo" TypeUsers = "users" TypeChatAdministrator = "chatAdministrator" TypeChatAdministrators = "chatAdministrators" TypeChatPermissions = "chatPermissions" TypeChatMemberStatusCreator = "chatMemberStatusCreator" TypeChatMemberStatusAdministrator = "chatMemberStatusAdministrator" TypeChatMemberStatusMember = "chatMemberStatusMember" TypeChatMemberStatusRestricted = "chatMemberStatusRestricted" TypeChatMemberStatusLeft = "chatMemberStatusLeft" TypeChatMemberStatusBanned = "chatMemberStatusBanned" TypeChatMember = "chatMember" TypeChatMembers = "chatMembers" TypeChatMembersFilterContacts = "chatMembersFilterContacts" TypeChatMembersFilterAdministrators = "chatMembersFilterAdministrators" TypeChatMembersFilterMembers = "chatMembersFilterMembers" TypeChatMembersFilterMention = "chatMembersFilterMention" TypeChatMembersFilterRestricted = "chatMembersFilterRestricted" TypeChatMembersFilterBanned = "chatMembersFilterBanned" TypeChatMembersFilterBots = "chatMembersFilterBots" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterRecent = "supergroupMembersFilterRecent" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterContacts = "supergroupMembersFilterContacts" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators = "supergroupMembersFilterAdministrators" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterSearch = "supergroupMembersFilterSearch" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterRestricted = "supergroupMembersFilterRestricted" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterBanned = "supergroupMembersFilterBanned" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterMention = "supergroupMembersFilterMention" TypeSupergroupMembersFilterBots = "supergroupMembersFilterBots" TypeChatInviteLink = "chatInviteLink" TypeChatInviteLinks = "chatInviteLinks" TypeChatInviteLinkCount = "chatInviteLinkCount" TypeChatInviteLinkCounts = "chatInviteLinkCounts" TypeChatInviteLinkMember = "chatInviteLinkMember" TypeChatInviteLinkMembers = "chatInviteLinkMembers" TypeChatInviteLinkInfo = "chatInviteLinkInfo" TypeChatJoinRequest = "chatJoinRequest" TypeChatJoinRequests = "chatJoinRequests" TypeChatJoinRequestsInfo = "chatJoinRequestsInfo" TypeBasicGroup = "basicGroup" TypeBasicGroupFullInfo = "basicGroupFullInfo" TypeSupergroup = "supergroup" TypeSupergroupFullInfo = "supergroupFullInfo" TypeSecretChatStatePending = "secretChatStatePending" TypeSecretChatStateReady = "secretChatStateReady" TypeSecretChatStateClosed = "secretChatStateClosed" TypeSecretChat = "secretChat" TypeMessageSenderUser = "messageSenderUser" TypeMessageSenderChat = "messageSenderChat" TypeMessageSenders = "messageSenders" TypeMessageForwardOriginUser = "messageForwardOriginUser" TypeMessageForwardOriginChat = "messageForwardOriginChat" TypeMessageForwardOriginHiddenUser = "messageForwardOriginHiddenUser" TypeMessageForwardOriginChannel = "messageForwardOriginChannel" TypeMessageForwardOriginMessageImport = "messageForwardOriginMessageImport" TypeMessageForwardInfo = "messageForwardInfo" TypeMessageReplyInfo = "messageReplyInfo" TypeMessageInteractionInfo = "messageInteractionInfo" TypeMessageSendingStatePending = "messageSendingStatePending" TypeMessageSendingStateFailed = "messageSendingStateFailed" TypeMessage = "message" TypeMessages = "messages" TypeFoundMessages = "foundMessages" TypeMessagePosition = "messagePosition" TypeMessagePositions = "messagePositions" TypeMessageCalendarDay = "messageCalendarDay" TypeMessageCalendar = "messageCalendar" TypeSponsoredMessage = "sponsoredMessage" TypeNotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats = "notificationSettingsScopePrivateChats" TypeNotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats = "notificationSettingsScopeGroupChats" TypeNotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats = "notificationSettingsScopeChannelChats" TypeChatNotificationSettings = "chatNotificationSettings" TypeScopeNotificationSettings = "scopeNotificationSettings" TypeDraftMessage = "draftMessage" TypeChatTypePrivate = "chatTypePrivate" TypeChatTypeBasicGroup = "chatTypeBasicGroup" 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"chatActionBarInviteMembers" TypeChatActionBarReportAddBlock = "chatActionBarReportAddBlock" TypeChatActionBarAddContact = "chatActionBarAddContact" TypeChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber = "chatActionBarSharePhoneNumber" TypeChatActionBarJoinRequest = "chatActionBarJoinRequest" TypeKeyboardButtonTypeText = "keyboardButtonTypeText" TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber = "keyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber" TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation = "keyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation" TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll = "keyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll" TypeKeyboardButton = "keyboardButton" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy" TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser = "inlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser" TypeInlineKeyboardButton = "inlineKeyboardButton" TypeReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard = "replyMarkupRemoveKeyboard" TypeReplyMarkupForceReply = "replyMarkupForceReply" TypeReplyMarkupShowKeyboard = "replyMarkupShowKeyboard" TypeReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard = "replyMarkupInlineKeyboard" TypeLoginUrlInfoOpen = "loginUrlInfoOpen" TypeLoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation = "loginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation" TypeMessageThreadInfo = "messageThreadInfo" TypeRichTextPlain = "richTextPlain" TypeRichTextBold = "richTextBold" TypeRichTextItalic = "richTextItalic" TypeRichTextUnderline = "richTextUnderline" TypeRichTextStrikethrough = "richTextStrikethrough" TypeRichTextFixed = "richTextFixed" TypeRichTextUrl = "richTextUrl" TypeRichTextEmailAddress = "richTextEmailAddress" TypeRichTextSubscript = 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"pageBlockTitle" TypePageBlockSubtitle = "pageBlockSubtitle" TypePageBlockAuthorDate = "pageBlockAuthorDate" TypePageBlockHeader = "pageBlockHeader" TypePageBlockSubheader = "pageBlockSubheader" TypePageBlockKicker = "pageBlockKicker" TypePageBlockParagraph = "pageBlockParagraph" TypePageBlockPreformatted = "pageBlockPreformatted" TypePageBlockFooter = "pageBlockFooter" TypePageBlockDivider = "pageBlockDivider" TypePageBlockAnchor = "pageBlockAnchor" TypePageBlockList = "pageBlockList" TypePageBlockBlockQuote = "pageBlockBlockQuote" TypePageBlockPullQuote = "pageBlockPullQuote" TypePageBlockAnimation = "pageBlockAnimation" TypePageBlockAudio = "pageBlockAudio" TypePageBlockPhoto = "pageBlockPhoto" TypePageBlockVideo = "pageBlockVideo" TypePageBlockVoiceNote = "pageBlockVoiceNote" TypePageBlockCover = "pageBlockCover" TypePageBlockEmbedded = "pageBlockEmbedded" TypePageBlockEmbeddedPost = "pageBlockEmbeddedPost" TypePageBlockCollage = "pageBlockCollage" TypePageBlockSlideshow = "pageBlockSlideshow" TypePageBlockChatLink = "pageBlockChatLink" TypePageBlockTable = "pageBlockTable" TypePageBlockDetails = "pageBlockDetails" TypePageBlockRelatedArticles = "pageBlockRelatedArticles" TypePageBlockMap = "pageBlockMap" TypeWebPageInstantView = "webPageInstantView" TypeWebPage = "webPage" TypeCountryInfo = "countryInfo" TypeCountries = "countries" TypePhoneNumberInfo = "phoneNumberInfo" TypeBankCardActionOpenUrl = "bankCardActionOpenUrl" TypeBankCardInfo = "bankCardInfo" TypeAddress = "address" TypeLabeledPricePart = "labeledPricePart" TypeInvoice = "invoice" TypeOrderInfo = "orderInfo" TypeShippingOption = "shippingOption" TypeSavedCredentials = "savedCredentials" TypeInputCredentialsSaved = "inputCredentialsSaved" TypeInputCredentialsNew = "inputCredentialsNew" TypeInputCredentialsApplePay = "inputCredentialsApplePay" TypeInputCredentialsGooglePay = "inputCredentialsGooglePay" TypePaymentsProviderStripe = "paymentsProviderStripe" TypePaymentFormTheme = "paymentFormTheme" TypePaymentForm = "paymentForm" TypeValidatedOrderInfo = "validatedOrderInfo" TypePaymentResult = "paymentResult" TypePaymentReceipt = "paymentReceipt" TypeDatedFile = "datedFile" TypePassportElementTypePersonalDetails = "passportElementTypePersonalDetails" TypePassportElementTypePassport = "passportElementTypePassport" TypePassportElementTypeDriverLicense = "passportElementTypeDriverLicense" TypePassportElementTypeIdentityCard = "passportElementTypeIdentityCard" TypePassportElementTypeInternalPassport = "passportElementTypeInternalPassport" TypePassportElementTypeAddress = "passportElementTypeAddress" TypePassportElementTypeUtilityBill = "passportElementTypeUtilityBill" TypePassportElementTypeBankStatement = "passportElementTypeBankStatement" TypePassportElementTypeRentalAgreement = "passportElementTypeRentalAgreement" TypePassportElementTypePassportRegistration = "passportElementTypePassportRegistration" TypePassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration = "passportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration" TypePassportElementTypePhoneNumber = "passportElementTypePhoneNumber" TypePassportElementTypeEmailAddress = "passportElementTypeEmailAddress" TypeDate = "date" TypePersonalDetails = "personalDetails" TypeIdentityDocument = "identityDocument" TypeInputIdentityDocument = "inputIdentityDocument" TypePersonalDocument = "personalDocument" TypeInputPersonalDocument = "inputPersonalDocument" TypePassportElementPersonalDetails = "passportElementPersonalDetails" TypePassportElementPassport = "passportElementPassport" TypePassportElementDriverLicense = "passportElementDriverLicense" TypePassportElementIdentityCard = "passportElementIdentityCard" TypePassportElementInternalPassport = "passportElementInternalPassport" TypePassportElementAddress = "passportElementAddress" TypePassportElementUtilityBill = "passportElementUtilityBill" TypePassportElementBankStatement = "passportElementBankStatement" TypePassportElementRentalAgreement = "passportElementRentalAgreement" TypePassportElementPassportRegistration = "passportElementPassportRegistration" TypePassportElementTemporaryRegistration = "passportElementTemporaryRegistration" TypePassportElementPhoneNumber = "passportElementPhoneNumber" TypePassportElementEmailAddress = "passportElementEmailAddress" TypeInputPassportElementPersonalDetails = "inputPassportElementPersonalDetails" TypeInputPassportElementPassport = "inputPassportElementPassport" TypeInputPassportElementDriverLicense = "inputPassportElementDriverLicense" TypeInputPassportElementIdentityCard = "inputPassportElementIdentityCard" TypeInputPassportElementInternalPassport = "inputPassportElementInternalPassport" TypeInputPassportElementAddress = "inputPassportElementAddress" TypeInputPassportElementUtilityBill = "inputPassportElementUtilityBill" TypeInputPassportElementBankStatement = "inputPassportElementBankStatement" TypeInputPassportElementRentalAgreement = "inputPassportElementRentalAgreement" 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"passportElementErrorSourceFile" TypePassportElementErrorSourceFiles = "passportElementErrorSourceFiles" TypePassportElementError = "passportElementError" TypePassportSuitableElement = "passportSuitableElement" TypePassportRequiredElement = "passportRequiredElement" TypePassportAuthorizationForm = "passportAuthorizationForm" TypePassportElementsWithErrors = "passportElementsWithErrors" TypeEncryptedCredentials = "encryptedCredentials" TypeEncryptedPassportElement = "encryptedPassportElement" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFile = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceFile" TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles = "inputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles" TypeInputPassportElementError = "inputPassportElementError" TypeMessageText = "messageText" TypeMessageAnimation = "messageAnimation" TypeMessageAudio = "messageAudio" TypeMessageDocument = "messageDocument" TypeMessagePhoto = "messagePhoto" TypeMessageExpiredPhoto = "messageExpiredPhoto" TypeMessageSticker = "messageSticker" TypeMessageVideo = "messageVideo" TypeMessageExpiredVideo = "messageExpiredVideo" TypeMessageVideoNote = "messageVideoNote" TypeMessageVoiceNote = "messageVoiceNote" TypeMessageLocation = "messageLocation" TypeMessageVenue = "messageVenue" TypeMessageContact = "messageContact" TypeMessageAnimatedEmoji = "messageAnimatedEmoji" TypeMessageDice = "messageDice" TypeMessageGame = "messageGame" TypeMessagePoll = "messagePoll" TypeMessageInvoice = "messageInvoice" TypeMessageCall = "messageCall" TypeMessageVideoChatScheduled = "messageVideoChatScheduled" TypeMessageVideoChatStarted = "messageVideoChatStarted" TypeMessageVideoChatEnded = "messageVideoChatEnded" TypeMessageInviteVideoChatParticipants = "messageInviteVideoChatParticipants" TypeMessageBasicGroupChatCreate = "messageBasicGroupChatCreate" TypeMessageSupergroupChatCreate = "messageSupergroupChatCreate" TypeMessageChatChangeTitle = "messageChatChangeTitle" TypeMessageChatChangePhoto = "messageChatChangePhoto" TypeMessageChatDeletePhoto = "messageChatDeletePhoto" TypeMessageChatAddMembers = "messageChatAddMembers" TypeMessageChatJoinByLink = "messageChatJoinByLink" TypeMessageChatJoinByRequest = "messageChatJoinByRequest" TypeMessageChatDeleteMember = "messageChatDeleteMember" TypeMessageChatUpgradeTo = "messageChatUpgradeTo" TypeMessageChatUpgradeFrom = "messageChatUpgradeFrom" TypeMessagePinMessage = "messagePinMessage" TypeMessageScreenshotTaken = "messageScreenshotTaken" TypeMessageChatSetTheme = "messageChatSetTheme" TypeMessageChatSetTtl = "messageChatSetTtl" TypeMessageCustomServiceAction = "messageCustomServiceAction" TypeMessageGameScore = "messageGameScore" TypeMessagePaymentSuccessful = "messagePaymentSuccessful" TypeMessagePaymentSuccessfulBot = "messagePaymentSuccessfulBot" TypeMessageContactRegistered = "messageContactRegistered" TypeMessageWebsiteConnected = "messageWebsiteConnected" TypeMessagePassportDataSent = "messagePassportDataSent" TypeMessagePassportDataReceived = "messagePassportDataReceived" TypeMessageProximityAlertTriggered = "messageProximityAlertTriggered" TypeMessageUnsupported = "messageUnsupported" TypeTextEntityTypeMention = "textEntityTypeMention" TypeTextEntityTypeHashtag = "textEntityTypeHashtag" TypeTextEntityTypeCashtag = "textEntityTypeCashtag" TypeTextEntityTypeBotCommand = 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= "messageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline" TypeMessageSendOptions = "messageSendOptions" TypeMessageCopyOptions = "messageCopyOptions" TypeInputMessageText = "inputMessageText" TypeInputMessageAnimation = "inputMessageAnimation" TypeInputMessageAudio = "inputMessageAudio" TypeInputMessageDocument = "inputMessageDocument" TypeInputMessagePhoto = "inputMessagePhoto" TypeInputMessageSticker = "inputMessageSticker" TypeInputMessageVideo = "inputMessageVideo" TypeInputMessageVideoNote = "inputMessageVideoNote" TypeInputMessageVoiceNote = "inputMessageVoiceNote" TypeInputMessageLocation = "inputMessageLocation" TypeInputMessageVenue = "inputMessageVenue" TypeInputMessageContact = "inputMessageContact" TypeInputMessageDice = "inputMessageDice" TypeInputMessageGame = "inputMessageGame" TypeInputMessageInvoice = "inputMessageInvoice" TypeInputMessagePoll = "inputMessagePoll" TypeInputMessageForwarded = "inputMessageForwarded" TypeSearchMessagesFilterEmpty = "searchMessagesFilterEmpty" 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"searchMessagesFilterPinned" TypeChatActionTyping = "chatActionTyping" TypeChatActionRecordingVideo = "chatActionRecordingVideo" TypeChatActionUploadingVideo = "chatActionUploadingVideo" TypeChatActionRecordingVoiceNote = "chatActionRecordingVoiceNote" TypeChatActionUploadingVoiceNote = "chatActionUploadingVoiceNote" TypeChatActionUploadingPhoto = "chatActionUploadingPhoto" TypeChatActionUploadingDocument = "chatActionUploadingDocument" TypeChatActionChoosingSticker = "chatActionChoosingSticker" TypeChatActionChoosingLocation = "chatActionChoosingLocation" TypeChatActionChoosingContact = "chatActionChoosingContact" TypeChatActionStartPlayingGame = "chatActionStartPlayingGame" TypeChatActionRecordingVideoNote = "chatActionRecordingVideoNote" TypeChatActionUploadingVideoNote = "chatActionUploadingVideoNote" TypeChatActionWatchingAnimations = "chatActionWatchingAnimations" TypeChatActionCancel = "chatActionCancel" TypeUserStatusEmpty = "userStatusEmpty" TypeUserStatusOnline = "userStatusOnline" TypeUserStatusOffline = "userStatusOffline" TypeUserStatusRecently = "userStatusRecently" TypeUserStatusLastWeek = "userStatusLastWeek" TypeUserStatusLastMonth = "userStatusLastMonth" TypeStickers = "stickers" TypeEmojis = "emojis" TypeStickerSet = "stickerSet" TypeStickerSetInfo = "stickerSetInfo" TypeStickerSets = "stickerSets" TypeCallDiscardReasonEmpty = "callDiscardReasonEmpty" TypeCallDiscardReasonMissed = "callDiscardReasonMissed" TypeCallDiscardReasonDeclined = "callDiscardReasonDeclined" TypeCallDiscardReasonDisconnected = "callDiscardReasonDisconnected" TypeCallDiscardReasonHungUp = "callDiscardReasonHungUp" TypeCallProtocol = "callProtocol" TypeCallServerTypeTelegramReflector = "callServerTypeTelegramReflector" TypeCallServerTypeWebrtc = "callServerTypeWebrtc" TypeCallServer = "callServer" TypeCallId = "callId" TypeGroupCallId = "groupCallId" TypeCallStatePending = "callStatePending" TypeCallStateExchangingKeys = "callStateExchangingKeys" 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"inputInlineQueryResultSticker" TypeInputInlineQueryResultVenue = "inputInlineQueryResultVenue" TypeInputInlineQueryResultVideo = "inputInlineQueryResultVideo" TypeInputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote = "inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote" TypeInlineQueryResultArticle = "inlineQueryResultArticle" TypeInlineQueryResultContact = "inlineQueryResultContact" TypeInlineQueryResultLocation = "inlineQueryResultLocation" TypeInlineQueryResultVenue = "inlineQueryResultVenue" TypeInlineQueryResultGame = "inlineQueryResultGame" TypeInlineQueryResultAnimation = "inlineQueryResultAnimation" TypeInlineQueryResultAudio = "inlineQueryResultAudio" TypeInlineQueryResultDocument = "inlineQueryResultDocument" TypeInlineQueryResultPhoto = "inlineQueryResultPhoto" TypeInlineQueryResultSticker = "inlineQueryResultSticker" TypeInlineQueryResultVideo = "inlineQueryResultVideo" TypeInlineQueryResultVoiceNote = "inlineQueryResultVoiceNote" TypeInlineQueryResults = "inlineQueryResults" TypeCallbackQueryPayloadData = "callbackQueryPayloadData" TypeCallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword = "callbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword" TypeCallbackQueryPayloadGame = "callbackQueryPayloadGame" TypeCallbackQueryAnswer = "callbackQueryAnswer" TypeCustomRequestResult = "customRequestResult" TypeGameHighScore = "gameHighScore" TypeGameHighScores = "gameHighScores" TypeChatEventMessageEdited = "chatEventMessageEdited" TypeChatEventMessageDeleted = "chatEventMessageDeleted" TypeChatEventPollStopped = "chatEventPollStopped" TypeChatEventMessagePinned = "chatEventMessagePinned" TypeChatEventMessageUnpinned = "chatEventMessageUnpinned" TypeChatEventMemberJoined = "chatEventMemberJoined" TypeChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink = "chatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink" TypeChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest = "chatEventMemberJoinedByRequest" TypeChatEventMemberLeft = "chatEventMemberLeft" TypeChatEventMemberInvited = "chatEventMemberInvited" TypeChatEventMemberPromoted = "chatEventMemberPromoted" TypeChatEventMemberRestricted = "chatEventMemberRestricted" TypeChatEventTitleChanged = "chatEventTitleChanged" TypeChatEventPermissionsChanged = "chatEventPermissionsChanged" TypeChatEventDescriptionChanged = "chatEventDescriptionChanged" TypeChatEventUsernameChanged = "chatEventUsernameChanged" TypeChatEventPhotoChanged = "chatEventPhotoChanged" TypeChatEventInvitesToggled = "chatEventInvitesToggled" TypeChatEventLinkedChatChanged = "chatEventLinkedChatChanged" TypeChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged = "chatEventSlowModeDelayChanged" TypeChatEventMessageTtlChanged = "chatEventMessageTtlChanged" TypeChatEventSignMessagesToggled = "chatEventSignMessagesToggled" TypeChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled = "chatEventHasProtectedContentToggled" TypeChatEventStickerSetChanged = "chatEventStickerSetChanged" TypeChatEventLocationChanged = "chatEventLocationChanged" TypeChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled = "chatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled" TypeChatEventInviteLinkEdited = "chatEventInviteLinkEdited" 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"notificationGroupTypeSecretChat" TypeNotificationGroupTypeCalls = "notificationGroupTypeCalls" TypeNotification = "notification" TypeNotificationGroup = "notificationGroup" TypeOptionValueBoolean = "optionValueBoolean" TypeOptionValueEmpty = "optionValueEmpty" TypeOptionValueInteger = "optionValueInteger" TypeOptionValueString = "optionValueString" TypeJsonObjectMember = "jsonObjectMember" TypeJsonValueNull = "jsonValueNull" TypeJsonValueBoolean = "jsonValueBoolean" TypeJsonValueNumber = "jsonValueNumber" TypeJsonValueString = "jsonValueString" TypeJsonValueArray = "jsonValueArray" TypeJsonValueObject = "jsonValueObject" TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll" TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts" TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers" TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers = "userPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers" TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll = 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"connectionStateConnecting" TypeConnectionStateUpdating = "connectionStateUpdating" TypeConnectionStateReady = "connectionStateReady" TypeTopChatCategoryUsers = "topChatCategoryUsers" TypeTopChatCategoryBots = "topChatCategoryBots" TypeTopChatCategoryGroups = "topChatCategoryGroups" TypeTopChatCategoryChannels = "topChatCategoryChannels" TypeTopChatCategoryInlineBots = "topChatCategoryInlineBots" TypeTopChatCategoryCalls = "topChatCategoryCalls" TypeTopChatCategoryForwardChats = "topChatCategoryForwardChats" TypeTMeUrlTypeUser = "tMeUrlTypeUser" TypeTMeUrlTypeSupergroup = "tMeUrlTypeSupergroup" TypeTMeUrlTypeChatInvite = "tMeUrlTypeChatInvite" TypeTMeUrlTypeStickerSet = "tMeUrlTypeStickerSet" TypeTMeUrl = "tMeUrl" TypeTMeUrls = "tMeUrls" TypeSuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats = "suggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats" TypeSuggestedActionCheckPassword = "suggestedActionCheckPassword" TypeSuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber = "suggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber" 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"updateChatReadInbox" TypeUpdateChatReadOutbox = "updateChatReadOutbox" TypeUpdateChatActionBar = "updateChatActionBar" TypeUpdateChatDraftMessage = "updateChatDraftMessage" TypeUpdateChatMessageSender = "updateChatMessageSender" TypeUpdateChatMessageTtl = "updateChatMessageTtl" TypeUpdateChatNotificationSettings = "updateChatNotificationSettings" TypeUpdateChatPendingJoinRequests = "updateChatPendingJoinRequests" TypeUpdateChatReplyMarkup = "updateChatReplyMarkup" TypeUpdateChatTheme = "updateChatTheme" TypeUpdateChatUnreadMentionCount = "updateChatUnreadMentionCount" TypeUpdateChatVideoChat = "updateChatVideoChat" TypeUpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification = "updateChatDefaultDisableNotification" TypeUpdateChatHasProtectedContent = "updateChatHasProtectedContent" TypeUpdateChatHasScheduledMessages = "updateChatHasScheduledMessages" TypeUpdateChatIsBlocked = "updateChatIsBlocked" TypeUpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread = "updateChatIsMarkedAsUnread" TypeUpdateChatFilters = "updateChatFilters" 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"updateFileGenerationStop" TypeUpdateCall = "updateCall" TypeUpdateGroupCall = "updateGroupCall" TypeUpdateGroupCallParticipant = "updateGroupCallParticipant" TypeUpdateNewCallSignalingData = "updateNewCallSignalingData" TypeUpdateUserPrivacySettingRules = "updateUserPrivacySettingRules" TypeUpdateUnreadMessageCount = "updateUnreadMessageCount" TypeUpdateUnreadChatCount = "updateUnreadChatCount" TypeUpdateOption = "updateOption" TypeUpdateStickerSet = "updateStickerSet" TypeUpdateInstalledStickerSets = "updateInstalledStickerSets" TypeUpdateTrendingStickerSets = "updateTrendingStickerSets" TypeUpdateRecentStickers = "updateRecentStickers" TypeUpdateFavoriteStickers = "updateFavoriteStickers" TypeUpdateSavedAnimations = "updateSavedAnimations" TypeUpdateSelectedBackground = "updateSelectedBackground" TypeUpdateChatThemes = "updateChatThemes" TypeUpdateLanguagePackStrings = "updateLanguagePackStrings" TypeUpdateConnectionState = "updateConnectionState" TypeUpdateTermsOfService = "updateTermsOfService" TypeUpdateUsersNearby = "updateUsersNearby" TypeUpdateDiceEmojis = "updateDiceEmojis" TypeUpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked = "updateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked" TypeUpdateAnimationSearchParameters = "updateAnimationSearchParameters" TypeUpdateSuggestedActions = "updateSuggestedActions" TypeUpdateNewInlineQuery = "updateNewInlineQuery" TypeUpdateNewChosenInlineResult = "updateNewChosenInlineResult" TypeUpdateNewCallbackQuery = "updateNewCallbackQuery" TypeUpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery = "updateNewInlineCallbackQuery" TypeUpdateNewShippingQuery = "updateNewShippingQuery" TypeUpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery = "updateNewPreCheckoutQuery" TypeUpdateNewCustomEvent = "updateNewCustomEvent" TypeUpdateNewCustomQuery = "updateNewCustomQuery" TypeUpdatePoll = "updatePoll" TypeUpdatePollAnswer = "updatePollAnswer" TypeUpdateChatMember = "updateChatMember" TypeUpdateNewChatJoinRequest = "updateNewChatJoinRequest" TypeUpdates = "updates" TypeLogStreamDefault = "logStreamDefault" TypeLogStreamFile = "logStreamFile" TypeLogStreamEmpty = "logStreamEmpty" TypeLogVerbosityLevel = "logVerbosityLevel" TypeLogTags = "logTags" TypeTestInt = "testInt" TypeTestString = "testString" TypeTestBytes = "testBytes" TypeTestVectorInt = "testVectorInt" TypeTestVectorIntObject = "testVectorIntObject" TypeTestVectorString = "testVectorString" TypeTestVectorStringObject = "testVectorStringObject" ) // Provides information about the method by which an authentication code is delivered to the user type AuthenticationCodeType interface { AuthenticationCodeTypeType() string } // Represents the current authorization state of the TDLib client type AuthorizationState interface { AuthorizationStateType() string } // Points to a file type InputFile interface { InputFileType() string } // Describes format of the thumbnail type ThumbnailFormat interface { ThumbnailFormatType() string } // Part of the face, relative to which a mask is placed type MaskPoint interface { MaskPointType() string } // Describes the type of a poll type PollType interface { PollTypeType() string } // Represents the type of a user. The following types are possible: regular users, deleted users and bots type UserType interface { UserTypeType() string } // Describes a photo to be set as a user profile or chat photo type InputChatPhoto interface { InputChatPhotoType() string } // Provides information about the status of a member in a chat type ChatMemberStatus interface { ChatMemberStatusType() string } // Specifies the kind of chat members to return in searchChatMembers type ChatMembersFilter interface { ChatMembersFilterType() string } // Specifies the kind of chat members to return in getSupergroupMembers type SupergroupMembersFilter interface { SupergroupMembersFilterType() string } // Describes the current secret chat state type SecretChatState interface { SecretChatStateType() string } // Contains information about the sender of a message type MessageSender interface { MessageSenderType() string } // Contains information about the origin of a forwarded message type MessageForwardOrigin interface { MessageForwardOriginType() string } // Contains information about the sending state of the message type MessageSendingState interface { MessageSendingStateType() string } // Describes the types of chats to which notification settings are relevant type NotificationSettingsScope interface { NotificationSettingsScopeType() string } // Describes the type of a chat type ChatType interface { ChatTypeType() string } // Describes a list of chats type ChatList interface { ChatListType() string } // Describes a reason why an external chat is shown in a chat list type ChatSource interface { ChatSourceType() string } // Describes a type of public chats type PublicChatType interface { PublicChatTypeType() string } // Describes actions which must be possible to do through a chat action bar type ChatActionBar interface { ChatActionBarType() string } // Describes a keyboard button type type KeyboardButtonType interface { KeyboardButtonTypeType() string } // Describes the type of an inline keyboard button type InlineKeyboardButtonType interface { InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string } // Contains a description of a custom keyboard and actions that can be done with it to quickly reply to bots type ReplyMarkup interface { ReplyMarkupType() string } // Contains information about an inline button of type inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl type LoginUrlInfo interface { LoginUrlInfoType() string } // Describes a text object inside an instant-view web page type RichText interface { RichTextType() string } // Describes a horizontal alignment of a table cell content type PageBlockHorizontalAlignment interface { PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentType() string } // Describes a Vertical alignment of a table cell content type PageBlockVerticalAlignment interface { PageBlockVerticalAlignmentType() string } // Describes a block of an instant view web page type PageBlock interface { PageBlockType() string } // Contains information about the payment method chosen by the user type InputCredentials interface { InputCredentialsType() string } // Contains the type of a Telegram Passport element type PassportElementType interface { PassportElementTypeType() string } // Contains information about a Telegram Passport element type PassportElement interface { PassportElementType() string } // Contains information about a Telegram Passport element to be saved type InputPassportElement interface { InputPassportElementType() string } // Contains the description of an error in a Telegram Passport element type PassportElementErrorSource interface { PassportElementErrorSourceType() string } // Contains the description of an error in a Telegram Passport element; for bots only type InputPassportElementErrorSource interface { InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string } // Contains the content of a message type MessageContent interface { MessageContentType() string } // Represents a part of the text which must be formatted differently type TextEntityType interface { TextEntityTypeType() string } // Contains information about the time when a scheduled message will be sent type MessageSchedulingState interface { MessageSchedulingStateType() string } // The content of a message to send type InputMessageContent interface { InputMessageContentType() string } // Represents a filter for message search results type SearchMessagesFilter interface { SearchMessagesFilterType() string } // Describes the different types of activity in a chat type ChatAction interface { ChatActionType() string } // Describes the last time the user was online type UserStatus interface { UserStatusType() string } // Describes the reason why a call was discarded type CallDiscardReason interface { CallDiscardReasonType() string } // Describes the type of a call server type CallServerType interface { CallServerTypeType() string } // Describes the current call state type CallState interface { CallStateType() string } // Describes the quality of a group call video type GroupCallVideoQuality interface { GroupCallVideoQualityType() string } // Describes the exact type of a problem with a call type CallProblem interface { CallProblemType() string } // Contains animated stickers which must be used for dice animation rendering type DiceStickers interface { DiceStickersType() string } // Represents a single result of an inline query; for bots only type InputInlineQueryResult interface { InputInlineQueryResultType() string } // Represents a single result of an inline query type InlineQueryResult interface { InlineQueryResultType() string } // Represents a payload of a callback query type CallbackQueryPayload interface { CallbackQueryPayloadType() string } // Represents a chat event type ChatEventAction interface { ChatEventActionType() string } // Represents the value of a string in a language pack type LanguagePackStringValue interface { LanguagePackStringValueType() string } // Represents a data needed to subscribe for push notifications through registerDevice method. To use specific push notification service, the correct application platform must be specified and a valid server authentication data must be uploaded at https://my.telegram.org type DeviceToken interface { DeviceTokenType() string } // Describes a fill of a background type BackgroundFill interface { BackgroundFillType() string } // Describes the type of a background type BackgroundType interface { BackgroundTypeType() string } // Contains information about background to set type InputBackground interface { InputBackgroundType() string } // Represents result of checking whether the current session can be used to transfer a chat ownership to another user type CanTransferOwnershipResult interface { CanTransferOwnershipResultType() string } // Represents result of checking whether a username can be set for a chat type CheckChatUsernameResult interface { CheckChatUsernameResultType() string } // Represents result of checking whether a name can be used for a new sticker set type CheckStickerSetNameResult interface { CheckStickerSetNameResultType() string } // Represents result of 2-step verification password reset type ResetPasswordResult interface { ResetPasswordResultType() string } // Contains information about a file with messages exported from another app type MessageFileType interface { MessageFileTypeType() string } // Contains content of a push message notification type PushMessageContent interface { PushMessageContentType() string } // Contains detailed information about a notification type NotificationType interface { NotificationTypeType() string } // Describes the type of notifications in a notification group type NotificationGroupType interface { NotificationGroupTypeType() string } // Represents the value of an option type OptionValue interface { OptionValueType() string } // Represents a JSON value type JsonValue interface { JsonValueType() string } // Represents a single rule for managing privacy settings type UserPrivacySettingRule interface { UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string } // Describes available user privacy settings type UserPrivacySetting interface { UserPrivacySettingType() string } // Describes the reason why a chat is reported type ChatReportReason interface { ChatReportReasonType() string } // Describes an internal https://t.me or tg: link, which must be processed by the app in a special way type InternalLinkType interface { InternalLinkTypeType() string } // Represents the type of a file type FileType interface { FileTypeType() string } // Represents the type of a network type NetworkType interface { NetworkTypeType() string } // Contains statistics about network usage type NetworkStatisticsEntry interface { NetworkStatisticsEntryType() string } // Describes the current state of the connection to Telegram servers type ConnectionState interface { ConnectionStateType() string } // Represents the categories of chats for which a list of frequently used chats can be retrieved type TopChatCategory interface { TopChatCategoryType() string } // Describes the type of a URL linking to an internal Telegram entity type TMeUrlType interface { TMeUrlTypeType() string } // Describes an action suggested to the current user type SuggestedAction interface { SuggestedActionType() string } // Describes the way the text needs to be parsed for TextEntities type TextParseMode interface { TextParseModeType() string } // Describes the type of a proxy server type ProxyType interface { ProxyTypeType() string } // Describes a sticker that needs to be added to a sticker set type InputSticker interface { InputStickerType() string } // Describes a statistical graph type StatisticalGraph interface { StatisticalGraphType() string } // Contains a detailed statistics about a chat type ChatStatistics interface { ChatStatisticsType() string } // Represents a vector path command type VectorPathCommand interface { VectorPathCommandType() string } // Represents the scope to which bot commands are relevant type BotCommandScope interface { BotCommandScopeType() string } // Contains notifications about data changes type Update interface { UpdateType() string } // Describes a stream to which TDLib internal log is written type LogStream interface { LogStreamType() string } // An object of this type can be returned on every function call, in case of an error type Error struct { meta // Error code; subject to future changes. If the error code is 406, the error message must not be processed in any way and must not be displayed to the user Code int32 `json:"code"` // Error message; subject to future changes Message string `json:"message"` } func (entity *Error) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Error return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Error) GetClass() string { return ClassError } func (*Error) GetType() string { return TypeError } // An object of this type is returned on a successful function call for certain functions type Ok struct { meta } func (entity *Ok) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Ok return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Ok) GetClass() string { return ClassOk } func (*Ok) GetType() string { return TypeOk } // Contains parameters for TDLib initialization type TdlibParameters struct { meta // If set to true, the Telegram test environment will be used instead of the production environment UseTestDc bool `json:"use_test_dc"` // The path to the directory for the persistent database; if empty, the current working directory will be used DatabaseDirectory string `json:"database_directory"` // The path to the directory for storing files; if empty, database_directory will be used FilesDirectory string `json:"files_directory"` // If set to true, information about downloaded and uploaded files will be saved between application restarts UseFileDatabase bool `json:"use_file_database"` // If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of users, basic groups, supergroups, channels and secret chats. Implies use_file_database UseChatInfoDatabase bool `json:"use_chat_info_database"` // If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of chats and messages. Implies use_chat_info_database UseMessageDatabase bool `json:"use_message_database"` // If set to true, support for secret chats will be enabled UseSecretChats bool `json:"use_secret_chats"` // Application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org ApiId int32 `json:"api_id"` // Application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org ApiHash string `json:"api_hash"` // IETF language tag of the user's operating system language; must be non-empty SystemLanguageCode string `json:"system_language_code"` // Model of the device the application is being run on; must be non-empty DeviceModel string `json:"device_model"` // Version of the operating system the application is being run on. If empty, the version is automatically detected by TDLib SystemVersion string `json:"system_version"` // Application version; must be non-empty ApplicationVersion string `json:"application_version"` // If set to true, old files will automatically be deleted EnableStorageOptimizer bool `json:"enable_storage_optimizer"` // If set to true, original file names will be ignored. Otherwise, downloaded files will be saved under names as close as possible to the original name IgnoreFileNames bool `json:"ignore_file_names"` } func (entity *TdlibParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TdlibParameters return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TdlibParameters) GetClass() string { return ClassTdlibParameters } func (*TdlibParameters) GetType() string { return TypeTdlibParameters } // An authentication code is delivered via a private Telegram message, which can be viewed from another active session type AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage struct { meta // Length of the code Length int32 `json:"length"` } func (entity *AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthenticationCodeType } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage) GetType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage) AuthenticationCodeTypeType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage } // An authentication code is delivered via an SMS message to the specified phone number type AuthenticationCodeTypeSms struct { meta // Length of the code Length int32 `json:"length"` } func (entity *AuthenticationCodeTypeSms) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthenticationCodeTypeSms return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeSms) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthenticationCodeType } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeSms) GetType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeSms } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeSms) AuthenticationCodeTypeType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeSms } // An authentication code is delivered via a phone call to the specified phone number type AuthenticationCodeTypeCall struct { meta // Length of the code Length int32 `json:"length"` } func (entity *AuthenticationCodeTypeCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthenticationCodeTypeCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeCall) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthenticationCodeType } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeCall) GetType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeCall } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeCall) AuthenticationCodeTypeType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeCall } // An authentication code is delivered by an immediately canceled call to the specified phone number. The phone number that calls is the code that must be entered automatically type AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall struct { meta // Pattern of the phone number from which the call will be made Pattern string `json:"pattern"` } func (entity *AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthenticationCodeType } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall) GetType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall) AuthenticationCodeTypeType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall } // An authentication code is delivered by an immediately canceled call to the specified phone number. The last digits of the phone number that calls are the code that must be entered manually by the user type AuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall struct { meta // Prefix of the phone number from which the call will be made PhoneNumberPrefix string `json:"phone_number_prefix"` // Number of digits in the code, excluding the prefix Length int32 `json:"length"` } func (entity *AuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthenticationCodeType } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall) GetType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall } func (*AuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall) AuthenticationCodeTypeType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeTypeMissedCall } // Information about the authentication code that was sent type AuthenticationCodeInfo struct { meta // A phone number that is being authenticated PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` // The way the code was sent to the user Type AuthenticationCodeType `json:"type"` // The way the next code will be sent to the user; may be null NextType AuthenticationCodeType `json:"next_type"` // Timeout before the code can be re-sent, in seconds Timeout int32 `json:"timeout"` } func (entity *AuthenticationCodeInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthenticationCodeInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthenticationCodeInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthenticationCodeInfo } func (*AuthenticationCodeInfo) GetType() string { return TypeAuthenticationCodeInfo } func (authenticationCodeInfo *AuthenticationCodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` NextType json.RawMessage `json:"next_type"` Timeout int32 `json:"timeout"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } authenticationCodeInfo.PhoneNumber = tmp.PhoneNumber authenticationCodeInfo.Timeout = tmp.Timeout fieldType, _ := UnmarshalAuthenticationCodeType(tmp.Type) authenticationCodeInfo.Type = fieldType fieldNextType, _ := UnmarshalAuthenticationCodeType(tmp.NextType) authenticationCodeInfo.NextType = fieldNextType return nil } // Information about the email address authentication code that was sent type EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo struct { meta // Pattern of the email address to which an authentication code was sent EmailAddressPattern string `json:"email_address_pattern"` // Length of the code; 0 if unknown Length int32 `json:"length"` } func (entity *EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassEmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo } func (*EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo) GetType() string { return TypeEmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo } // Represents a part of the text that needs to be formatted in some unusual way type TextEntity struct { meta // Offset of the entity, in UTF-16 code units Offset int32 `json:"offset"` // Length of the entity, in UTF-16 code units Length int32 `json:"length"` // Type of the entity Type TextEntityType `json:"type"` } func (entity *TextEntity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntity return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntity) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntity } func (*TextEntity) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntity } func (textEntity *TextEntity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Offset int32 `json:"offset"` Length int32 `json:"length"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } textEntity.Offset = tmp.Offset textEntity.Length = tmp.Length fieldType, _ := UnmarshalTextEntityType(tmp.Type) textEntity.Type = fieldType return nil } // Contains a list of text entities type TextEntities struct { meta // List of text entities Entities []*TextEntity `json:"entities"` } func (entity *TextEntities) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntities return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntities) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntities } func (*TextEntities) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntities } // A text with some entities type FormattedText struct { meta // The text Text string `json:"text"` // Entities contained in the text. Entities can be nested, but must not mutually intersect with each other. Pre, Code and PreCode entities can't contain other entities. Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, and Spoiler entities can contain and to be contained in all other entities. All other entities can't contain each other Entities []*TextEntity `json:"entities"` } func (entity *FormattedText) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FormattedText return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FormattedText) GetClass() string { return ClassFormattedText } func (*FormattedText) GetType() string { return TypeFormattedText } // Contains Telegram terms of service type TermsOfService struct { meta // Text of the terms of service Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // The minimum age of a user to be able to accept the terms; 0 if any MinUserAge int32 `json:"min_user_age"` // True, if a blocking popup with terms of service must be shown to the user ShowPopup bool `json:"show_popup"` } func (entity *TermsOfService) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TermsOfService return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TermsOfService) GetClass() string { return ClassTermsOfService } func (*TermsOfService) GetType() string { return TypeTermsOfService } // TDLib needs TdlibParameters for initialization type AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters struct { meta } func (entity *AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters } // TDLib needs an encryption key to decrypt the local database type AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey struct { meta // True, if the database is currently encrypted IsEncrypted bool `json:"is_encrypted"` } func (entity *AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey } // TDLib needs the user's phone number to authorize. Call `setAuthenticationPhoneNumber` to provide the phone number, or use `requestQrCodeAuthentication`, or `checkAuthenticationBotToken` for other authentication options type AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber } // TDLib needs the user's authentication code to authorize type AuthorizationStateWaitCode struct { meta // Information about the authorization code that was sent CodeInfo *AuthenticationCodeInfo `json:"code_info"` } func (entity *AuthorizationStateWaitCode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateWaitCode return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitCode) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitCode) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitCode } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitCode) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitCode } // The user needs to confirm authorization on another logged in device by scanning a QR code with the provided link type AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation struct { meta // A tg:// URL for the QR code. The link will be updated frequently Link string `json:"link"` } func (entity *AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation } // The user is unregistered and need to accept terms of service and enter their first name and last name to finish registration type AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration struct { meta // Telegram terms of service TermsOfService *TermsOfService `json:"terms_of_service"` } func (entity *AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitRegistration } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitRegistration) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitRegistration } // The user has been authorized, but needs to enter a password to start using the application type AuthorizationStateWaitPassword struct { meta // Hint for the password; may be empty PasswordHint string `json:"password_hint"` // True, if a recovery email address has been set up HasRecoveryEmailAddress bool `json:"has_recovery_email_address"` // Pattern of the email address to which the recovery email was sent; empty until a recovery email has been sent RecoveryEmailAddressPattern string `json:"recovery_email_address_pattern"` } func (entity *AuthorizationStateWaitPassword) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateWaitPassword return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitPassword) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitPassword) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPassword } func (*AuthorizationStateWaitPassword) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPassword } // The user has been successfully authorized. TDLib is now ready to answer queries type AuthorizationStateReady struct { meta } func (entity *AuthorizationStateReady) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateReady return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateReady) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateReady) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateReady } func (*AuthorizationStateReady) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateReady } // The user is currently logging out type AuthorizationStateLoggingOut struct { meta } func (entity *AuthorizationStateLoggingOut) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateLoggingOut return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateLoggingOut) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateLoggingOut) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateLoggingOut } func (*AuthorizationStateLoggingOut) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateLoggingOut } // TDLib is closing, all subsequent queries will be answered with the error 500. Note that closing TDLib can take a while. All resources will be freed only after authorizationStateClosed has been received type AuthorizationStateClosing struct { meta } func (entity *AuthorizationStateClosing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateClosing return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateClosing) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateClosing) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateClosing } func (*AuthorizationStateClosing) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateClosing } // TDLib client is in its final state. All databases are closed and all resources are released. No other updates will be received after this. All queries will be responded to with error code 500. To continue working, one must create a new instance of the TDLib client type AuthorizationStateClosed struct { meta } func (entity *AuthorizationStateClosed) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AuthorizationStateClosed return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AuthorizationStateClosed) GetClass() string { return ClassAuthorizationState } func (*AuthorizationStateClosed) GetType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateClosed } func (*AuthorizationStateClosed) AuthorizationStateType() string { return TypeAuthorizationStateClosed } // Represents the current state of 2-step verification type PasswordState struct { meta // True, if a 2-step verification password is set HasPassword bool `json:"has_password"` // Hint for the password; may be empty PasswordHint string `json:"password_hint"` // True, if a recovery email is set HasRecoveryEmailAddress bool `json:"has_recovery_email_address"` // True, if some Telegram Passport elements were saved HasPassportData bool `json:"has_passport_data"` // Information about the recovery email address to which the confirmation email was sent; may be null RecoveryEmailAddressCodeInfo *EmailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo `json:"recovery_email_address_code_info"` // If not 0, point in time (Unix timestamp) after which the password can be reset immediately using resetPassword PendingResetDate int32 `json:"pending_reset_date"` } func (entity *PasswordState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PasswordState return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PasswordState) GetClass() string { return ClassPasswordState } func (*PasswordState) GetType() string { return TypePasswordState } // Contains information about the current recovery email address type RecoveryEmailAddress struct { meta // Recovery email address RecoveryEmailAddress string `json:"recovery_email_address"` } func (entity *RecoveryEmailAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RecoveryEmailAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RecoveryEmailAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassRecoveryEmailAddress } func (*RecoveryEmailAddress) GetType() string { return TypeRecoveryEmailAddress } // Returns information about the availability of a temporary password, which can be used for payments type TemporaryPasswordState struct { meta // True, if a temporary password is available HasPassword bool `json:"has_password"` // Time left before the temporary password expires, in seconds ValidFor int32 `json:"valid_for"` } func (entity *TemporaryPasswordState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TemporaryPasswordState return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TemporaryPasswordState) GetClass() string { return ClassTemporaryPasswordState } func (*TemporaryPasswordState) GetType() string { return TypeTemporaryPasswordState } // Represents a local file type LocalFile struct { meta // Local path to the locally available file part; may be empty Path string `json:"path"` // True, if it is possible to download or generate the file CanBeDownloaded bool `json:"can_be_downloaded"` // True, if the file can be deleted CanBeDeleted bool `json:"can_be_deleted"` // True, if the file is currently being downloaded (or a local copy is being generated by some other means) IsDownloadingActive bool `json:"is_downloading_active"` // True, if the local copy is fully available IsDownloadingCompleted bool `json:"is_downloading_completed"` // Download will be started from this offset. downloaded_prefix_size is calculated from this offset DownloadOffset int32 `json:"download_offset"` // If is_downloading_completed is false, then only some prefix of the file starting from download_offset is ready to be read. downloaded_prefix_size is the size of that prefix in bytes DownloadedPrefixSize int32 `json:"downloaded_prefix_size"` // Total downloaded file size, in bytes. Can be used only for calculating download progress. The actual file size may be bigger, and some parts of it may contain garbage DownloadedSize int32 `json:"downloaded_size"` } func (entity *LocalFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LocalFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LocalFile) GetClass() string { return ClassLocalFile } func (*LocalFile) GetType() string { return TypeLocalFile } // Represents a remote file type RemoteFile struct { meta // Remote file identifier; may be empty. Can be used by the current user across application restarts or even from other devices. Uniquely identifies a file, but a file can have a lot of different valid identifiers. If the ID starts with "http://" or "https://", it represents the HTTP URL of the file. TDLib is currently unable to download files if only their URL is known. If downloadFile is called on such a file or if it is sent to a secret chat, TDLib starts a file generation process by sending updateFileGenerationStart to the application with the HTTP URL in the original_path and "#url#" as the conversion string. Application must generate the file by downloading it to the specified location Id string `json:"id"` // Unique file identifier; may be empty if unknown. The unique file identifier which is the same for the same file even for different users and is persistent over time UniqueId string `json:"unique_id"` // True, if the file is currently being uploaded (or a remote copy is being generated by some other means) IsUploadingActive bool `json:"is_uploading_active"` // True, if a remote copy is fully available IsUploadingCompleted bool `json:"is_uploading_completed"` // Size of the remote available part of the file, in bytes; 0 if unknown UploadedSize int32 `json:"uploaded_size"` } func (entity *RemoteFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RemoteFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RemoteFile) GetClass() string { return ClassRemoteFile } func (*RemoteFile) GetType() string { return TypeRemoteFile } // Represents a file type File struct { meta // Unique file identifier Id int32 `json:"id"` // File data center DcId int32 `json:"dc_id"` // File size, in bytes; 0 if unknown Size int32 `json:"size"` // Approximate file size in bytes in case the exact file size is unknown. Can be used to show download/upload progress ExpectedSize int32 `json:"expected_size"` // Information about the local copy of the file Local *LocalFile `json:"local"` // Information about the remote copy of the file Remote *RemoteFile `json:"remote"` } func (entity *File) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub File return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*File) GetClass() string { return ClassFile } func (*File) GetType() string { return TypeFile } // A file defined by its unique ID type InputFileId struct { meta // Unique file identifier Id int32 `json:"id"` } func (entity *InputFileId) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputFileId return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputFileId) GetClass() string { return ClassInputFile } func (*InputFileId) GetType() string { return TypeInputFileId } func (*InputFileId) InputFileType() string { return TypeInputFileId } // A file defined by its remote ID. The remote ID is guaranteed to be usable only if the corresponding file is still accessible to the user and known to TDLib. For example, if the file is from a message, then the message must be not deleted and accessible to the user. If the file database is disabled, then the corresponding object with the file must be preloaded by the application type InputFileRemote struct { meta // Remote file identifier Id string `json:"id"` } func (entity *InputFileRemote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputFileRemote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputFileRemote) GetClass() string { return ClassInputFile } func (*InputFileRemote) GetType() string { return TypeInputFileRemote } func (*InputFileRemote) InputFileType() string { return TypeInputFileRemote } // A file defined by a local path type InputFileLocal struct { meta // Local path to the file Path string `json:"path"` } func (entity *InputFileLocal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputFileLocal return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputFileLocal) GetClass() string { return ClassInputFile } func (*InputFileLocal) GetType() string { return TypeInputFileLocal } func (*InputFileLocal) InputFileType() string { return TypeInputFileLocal } // A file generated by the application type InputFileGenerated struct { meta // Local path to a file from which the file is generated; may be empty if there is no such file OriginalPath string `json:"original_path"` // String specifying the conversion applied to the original file; must be persistent across application restarts. Conversions beginning with '#' are reserved for internal TDLib usage Conversion string `json:"conversion"` // Expected size of the generated file, in bytes; 0 if unknown ExpectedSize int32 `json:"expected_size"` } func (entity *InputFileGenerated) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputFileGenerated return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputFileGenerated) GetClass() string { return ClassInputFile } func (*InputFileGenerated) GetType() string { return TypeInputFileGenerated } func (*InputFileGenerated) InputFileType() string { return TypeInputFileGenerated } // Describes an image in JPEG format type PhotoSize struct { meta // Image type (see https://core.telegram.org/constructor/photoSize) Type string `json:"type"` // Information about the image file Photo *File `json:"photo"` // Image width Width int32 `json:"width"` // Image height Height int32 `json:"height"` // Sizes of progressive JPEG file prefixes, which can be used to preliminarily show the image; in bytes ProgressiveSizes []int32 `json:"progressive_sizes"` } func (entity *PhotoSize) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PhotoSize return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PhotoSize) GetClass() string { return ClassPhotoSize } func (*PhotoSize) GetType() string { return TypePhotoSize } // Thumbnail image of a very poor quality and low resolution type Minithumbnail struct { meta // Thumbnail width, usually doesn't exceed 40 Width int32 `json:"width"` // Thumbnail height, usually doesn't exceed 40 Height int32 `json:"height"` // The thumbnail in JPEG format Data []byte `json:"data"` } func (entity *Minithumbnail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Minithumbnail return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Minithumbnail) GetClass() string { return ClassMinithumbnail } func (*Minithumbnail) GetType() string { return TypeMinithumbnail } // The thumbnail is in JPEG format type ThumbnailFormatJpeg struct { meta } func (entity *ThumbnailFormatJpeg) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ThumbnailFormatJpeg return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ThumbnailFormatJpeg) GetClass() string { return ClassThumbnailFormat } func (*ThumbnailFormatJpeg) GetType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatJpeg } func (*ThumbnailFormatJpeg) ThumbnailFormatType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatJpeg } // The thumbnail is in PNG format. It will be used only for background patterns type ThumbnailFormatPng struct { meta } func (entity *ThumbnailFormatPng) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ThumbnailFormatPng return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ThumbnailFormatPng) GetClass() string { return ClassThumbnailFormat } func (*ThumbnailFormatPng) GetType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatPng } func (*ThumbnailFormatPng) ThumbnailFormatType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatPng } // The thumbnail is in WEBP format. It will be used only for some stickers type ThumbnailFormatWebp struct { meta } func (entity *ThumbnailFormatWebp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ThumbnailFormatWebp return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ThumbnailFormatWebp) GetClass() string { return ClassThumbnailFormat } func (*ThumbnailFormatWebp) GetType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatWebp } func (*ThumbnailFormatWebp) ThumbnailFormatType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatWebp } // The thumbnail is in static GIF format. It will be used only for some bot inline results type ThumbnailFormatGif struct { meta } func (entity *ThumbnailFormatGif) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ThumbnailFormatGif return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ThumbnailFormatGif) GetClass() string { return ClassThumbnailFormat } func (*ThumbnailFormatGif) GetType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatGif } func (*ThumbnailFormatGif) ThumbnailFormatType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatGif } // The thumbnail is in TGS format. It will be used only for animated sticker sets type ThumbnailFormatTgs struct { meta } func (entity *ThumbnailFormatTgs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ThumbnailFormatTgs return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ThumbnailFormatTgs) GetClass() string { return ClassThumbnailFormat } func (*ThumbnailFormatTgs) GetType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatTgs } func (*ThumbnailFormatTgs) ThumbnailFormatType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatTgs } // The thumbnail is in MPEG4 format. It will be used only for some animations and videos type ThumbnailFormatMpeg4 struct { meta } func (entity *ThumbnailFormatMpeg4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ThumbnailFormatMpeg4 return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ThumbnailFormatMpeg4) GetClass() string { return ClassThumbnailFormat } func (*ThumbnailFormatMpeg4) GetType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatMpeg4 } func (*ThumbnailFormatMpeg4) ThumbnailFormatType() string { return TypeThumbnailFormatMpeg4 } // Represents a thumbnail type Thumbnail struct { meta // Thumbnail format Format ThumbnailFormat `json:"format"` // Thumbnail width Width int32 `json:"width"` // Thumbnail height Height int32 `json:"height"` // The thumbnail File *File `json:"file"` } func (entity *Thumbnail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Thumbnail return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Thumbnail) GetClass() string { return ClassThumbnail } func (*Thumbnail) GetType() string { return TypeThumbnail } func (thumbnail *Thumbnail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Format json.RawMessage `json:"format"` Width int32 `json:"width"` Height int32 `json:"height"` File *File `json:"file"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } thumbnail.Width = tmp.Width thumbnail.Height = tmp.Height thumbnail.File = tmp.File fieldFormat, _ := UnmarshalThumbnailFormat(tmp.Format) thumbnail.Format = fieldFormat return nil } // The mask is placed relatively to the forehead type MaskPointForehead struct { meta } func (entity *MaskPointForehead) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MaskPointForehead return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MaskPointForehead) GetClass() string { return ClassMaskPoint } func (*MaskPointForehead) GetType() string { return TypeMaskPointForehead } func (*MaskPointForehead) MaskPointType() string { return TypeMaskPointForehead } // The mask is placed relatively to the eyes type MaskPointEyes struct { meta } func (entity *MaskPointEyes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MaskPointEyes return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MaskPointEyes) GetClass() string { return ClassMaskPoint } func (*MaskPointEyes) GetType() string { return TypeMaskPointEyes } func (*MaskPointEyes) MaskPointType() string { return TypeMaskPointEyes } // The mask is placed relatively to the mouth type MaskPointMouth struct { meta } func (entity *MaskPointMouth) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MaskPointMouth return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MaskPointMouth) GetClass() string { return ClassMaskPoint } func (*MaskPointMouth) GetType() string { return TypeMaskPointMouth } func (*MaskPointMouth) MaskPointType() string { return TypeMaskPointMouth } // The mask is placed relatively to the chin type MaskPointChin struct { meta } func (entity *MaskPointChin) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MaskPointChin return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MaskPointChin) GetClass() string { return ClassMaskPoint } func (*MaskPointChin) GetType() string { return TypeMaskPointChin } func (*MaskPointChin) MaskPointType() string { return TypeMaskPointChin } // Position on a photo where a mask is placed type MaskPosition struct { meta // Part of the face, relative to which the mask is placed Point MaskPoint `json:"point"` // Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. (For example, -1.0 will place the mask just to the left of the default mask position) XShift float64 `json:"x_shift"` // Shift by Y-axis measured in heights of the mask scaled to the face size, from top to bottom. (For example, 1.0 will place the mask just below the default mask position) YShift float64 `json:"y_shift"` // Mask scaling coefficient. (For example, 2.0 means a doubled size) Scale float64 `json:"scale"` } func (entity *MaskPosition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MaskPosition return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MaskPosition) GetClass() string { return ClassMaskPosition } func (*MaskPosition) GetType() string { return TypeMaskPosition } func (maskPosition *MaskPosition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Point json.RawMessage `json:"point"` XShift float64 `json:"x_shift"` YShift float64 `json:"y_shift"` Scale float64 `json:"scale"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } maskPosition.XShift = tmp.XShift maskPosition.YShift = tmp.YShift maskPosition.Scale = tmp.Scale fieldPoint, _ := UnmarshalMaskPoint(tmp.Point) maskPosition.Point = fieldPoint return nil } // Represents a closed vector path. The path begins at the end point of the last command type ClosedVectorPath struct { meta // List of vector path commands Commands []VectorPathCommand `json:"commands"` } func (entity *ClosedVectorPath) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ClosedVectorPath return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ClosedVectorPath) GetClass() string { return ClassClosedVectorPath } func (*ClosedVectorPath) GetType() string { return TypeClosedVectorPath } func (closedVectorPath *ClosedVectorPath) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Commands []json.RawMessage `json:"commands"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldCommands, _ := UnmarshalListOfVectorPathCommand(tmp.Commands) closedVectorPath.Commands = fieldCommands return nil } // Describes one answer option of a poll type PollOption struct { meta // Option text; 1-100 characters Text string `json:"text"` // Number of voters for this option, available only for closed or voted polls VoterCount int32 `json:"voter_count"` // The percentage of votes for this option; 0-100 VotePercentage int32 `json:"vote_percentage"` // True, if the option was chosen by the user IsChosen bool `json:"is_chosen"` // True, if the option is being chosen by a pending setPollAnswer request IsBeingChosen bool `json:"is_being_chosen"` } func (entity *PollOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PollOption return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PollOption) GetClass() string { return ClassPollOption } func (*PollOption) GetType() string { return TypePollOption } // A regular poll type PollTypeRegular struct { meta // True, if multiple answer options can be chosen simultaneously AllowMultipleAnswers bool `json:"allow_multiple_answers"` } func (entity *PollTypeRegular) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PollTypeRegular return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PollTypeRegular) GetClass() string { return ClassPollType } func (*PollTypeRegular) GetType() string { return TypePollTypeRegular } func (*PollTypeRegular) PollTypeType() string { return TypePollTypeRegular } // A poll in quiz mode, which has exactly one correct answer option and can be answered only once type PollTypeQuiz struct { meta // 0-based identifier of the correct answer option; -1 for a yet unanswered poll CorrectOptionId int32 `json:"correct_option_id"` // Text that is shown when the user chooses an incorrect answer or taps on the lamp icon; 0-200 characters with at most 2 line feeds; empty for a yet unanswered poll Explanation *FormattedText `json:"explanation"` } func (entity *PollTypeQuiz) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PollTypeQuiz return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PollTypeQuiz) GetClass() string { return ClassPollType } func (*PollTypeQuiz) GetType() string { return TypePollTypeQuiz } func (*PollTypeQuiz) PollTypeType() string { return TypePollTypeQuiz } // Describes an animation file. The animation must be encoded in GIF or MPEG4 format type Animation struct { meta // Duration of the animation, in seconds; as defined by the sender Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Width of the animation Width int32 `json:"width"` // Height of the animation Height int32 `json:"height"` // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender FileName string `json:"file_name"` // MIME type of the file, usually "image/gif" or "video/mp4" MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // True, if stickers were added to the animation. The list of corresponding sticker set can be received using getAttachedStickerSets HasStickers bool `json:"has_stickers"` // Animation minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Animation thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File containing the animation Animation *File `json:"animation"` } func (entity *Animation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Animation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Animation) GetClass() string { return ClassAnimation } func (*Animation) GetType() string { return TypeAnimation } // Describes an audio file. Audio is usually in MP3 or M4A format type Audio struct { meta // Duration of the audio, in seconds; as defined by the sender Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Title of the audio; as defined by the sender Title string `json:"title"` // Performer of the audio; as defined by the sender Performer string `json:"performer"` // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender FileName string `json:"file_name"` // The MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // The minithumbnail of the album cover; may be null AlbumCoverMinithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"album_cover_minithumbnail"` // The thumbnail of the album cover in JPEG format; as defined by the sender. The full size thumbnail is supposed to be extracted from the downloaded file; may be null AlbumCoverThumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"album_cover_thumbnail"` // File containing the audio Audio *File `json:"audio"` } func (entity *Audio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Audio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Audio) GetClass() string { return ClassAudio } func (*Audio) GetType() string { return TypeAudio } // Describes a document of any type type Document struct { meta // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender FileName string `json:"file_name"` // MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // Document minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Document thumbnail in JPEG or PNG format (PNG will be used only for background patterns); as defined by the sender; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File containing the document Document *File `json:"document"` } func (entity *Document) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Document return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Document) GetClass() string { return ClassDocument } func (*Document) GetType() string { return TypeDocument } // Describes a photo type Photo struct { meta // True, if stickers were added to the photo. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets HasStickers bool `json:"has_stickers"` // Photo minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Available variants of the photo, in different sizes Sizes []*PhotoSize `json:"sizes"` } func (entity *Photo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Photo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Photo) GetClass() string { return ClassPhoto } func (*Photo) GetType() string { return TypePhoto } // Describes a sticker type Sticker struct { meta // The identifier of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs; 0 if none SetId JsonInt64 `json:"set_id"` // Sticker width; as defined by the sender Width int32 `json:"width"` // Sticker height; as defined by the sender Height int32 `json:"height"` // Emoji corresponding to the sticker Emoji string `json:"emoji"` // True, if the sticker is an animated sticker in TGS format IsAnimated bool `json:"is_animated"` // True, if the sticker is a mask IsMask bool `json:"is_mask"` // Position where the mask is placed; may be null MaskPosition *MaskPosition `json:"mask_position"` // Sticker's outline represented as a list of closed vector paths; may be empty. The coordinate system origin is in the upper-left corner Outline []*ClosedVectorPath `json:"outline"` // Sticker thumbnail in WEBP or JPEG format; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File containing the sticker Sticker *File `json:"sticker"` } func (entity *Sticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Sticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Sticker) GetClass() string { return ClassSticker } func (*Sticker) GetType() string { return TypeSticker } // Describes a video file type Video struct { meta // Duration of the video, in seconds; as defined by the sender Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Video width; as defined by the sender Width int32 `json:"width"` // Video height; as defined by the sender Height int32 `json:"height"` // Original name of the file; as defined by the sender FileName string `json:"file_name"` // MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // True, if stickers were added to the video. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets HasStickers bool `json:"has_stickers"` // True, if the video is supposed to be streamed SupportsStreaming bool `json:"supports_streaming"` // Video minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Video thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; as defined by the sender; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File containing the video Video *File `json:"video"` } func (entity *Video) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Video return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Video) GetClass() string { return ClassVideo } func (*Video) GetType() string { return TypeVideo } // Describes a video note. The video must be equal in width and height, cropped to a circle, and stored in MPEG4 format type VideoNote struct { meta // Duration of the video, in seconds; as defined by the sender Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Video width and height; as defined by the sender Length int32 `json:"length"` // Video minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Video thumbnail in JPEG format; as defined by the sender; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File containing the video Video *File `json:"video"` } func (entity *VideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub VideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*VideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassVideoNote } func (*VideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeVideoNote } // Describes a voice note. The voice note must be encoded with the Opus codec, and stored inside an OGG container. Voice notes can have only a single audio channel type VoiceNote struct { meta // Duration of the voice note, in seconds; as defined by the sender Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // A waveform representation of the voice note in 5-bit format Waveform []byte `json:"waveform"` // MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // File containing the voice note Voice *File `json:"voice"` } func (entity *VoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub VoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*VoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassVoiceNote } func (*VoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeVoiceNote } // Describes an animated representation of an emoji type AnimatedEmoji struct { meta // Animated sticker for the emoji Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` // Emoji modifier fitzpatrick type; 0-6; 0 if none FitzpatrickType int32 `json:"fitzpatrick_type"` // File containing the sound to be played when the animated emoji is clicked if any; may be null. The sound is encoded with the Opus codec, and stored inside an OGG container Sound *File `json:"sound"` } func (entity *AnimatedEmoji) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AnimatedEmoji return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AnimatedEmoji) GetClass() string { return ClassAnimatedEmoji } func (*AnimatedEmoji) GetType() string { return TypeAnimatedEmoji } // Describes a user contact type Contact struct { meta // Phone number of the user PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` // First name of the user; 1-255 characters in length FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // Last name of the user LastName string `json:"last_name"` // Additional data about the user in a form of vCard; 0-2048 bytes in length Vcard string `json:"vcard"` // Identifier of the user, if known; otherwise 0 UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *Contact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Contact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Contact) GetClass() string { return ClassContact } func (*Contact) GetType() string { return TypeContact } // Describes a location on planet Earth type Location struct { meta // Latitude of the location in degrees; as defined by the sender Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` // Longitude of the location, in degrees; as defined by the sender Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` // The estimated horizontal accuracy of the location, in meters; as defined by the sender. 0 if unknown HorizontalAccuracy float64 `json:"horizontal_accuracy"` } func (entity *Location) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Location return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Location) GetClass() string { return ClassLocation } func (*Location) GetType() string { return TypeLocation } // Describes a venue type Venue struct { meta // Venue location; as defined by the sender Location *Location `json:"location"` // Venue name; as defined by the sender Title string `json:"title"` // Venue address; as defined by the sender Address string `json:"address"` // Provider of the venue database; as defined by the sender. Currently, only "foursquare" and "gplaces" (Google Places) need to be supported Provider string `json:"provider"` // Identifier of the venue in the provider database; as defined by the sender Id string `json:"id"` // Type of the venue in the provider database; as defined by the sender Type string `json:"type"` } func (entity *Venue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Venue return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Venue) GetClass() string { return ClassVenue } func (*Venue) GetType() string { return TypeVenue } // Describes a game type Game struct { meta // Game ID Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Game short name. To share a game use the URL https://t.me/{bot_username}?game={game_short_name} ShortName string `json:"short_name"` // Game title Title string `json:"title"` // Game text, usually containing scoreboards for a game Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // Game description Description string `json:"description"` // Game photo Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Game animation; may be null Animation *Animation `json:"animation"` } func (entity *Game) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Game return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Game) GetClass() string { return ClassGame } func (*Game) GetType() string { return TypeGame } // Describes a poll type Poll struct { meta // Unique poll identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Poll question; 1-300 characters Question string `json:"question"` // List of poll answer options Options []*PollOption `json:"options"` // Total number of voters, participating in the poll TotalVoterCount int32 `json:"total_voter_count"` // User identifiers of recent voters, if the poll is non-anonymous RecentVoterUserIds []int64 `json:"recent_voter_user_ids"` // True, if the poll is anonymous IsAnonymous bool `json:"is_anonymous"` // Type of the poll Type PollType `json:"type"` // Amount of time the poll will be active after creation, in seconds OpenPeriod int32 `json:"open_period"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the poll will automatically be closed CloseDate int32 `json:"close_date"` // True, if the poll is closed IsClosed bool `json:"is_closed"` } func (entity *Poll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Poll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Poll) GetClass() string { return ClassPoll } func (*Poll) GetType() string { return TypePoll } func (poll *Poll) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` Question string `json:"question"` Options []*PollOption `json:"options"` TotalVoterCount int32 `json:"total_voter_count"` RecentVoterUserIds []int64 `json:"recent_voter_user_ids"` IsAnonymous bool `json:"is_anonymous"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` OpenPeriod int32 `json:"open_period"` CloseDate int32 `json:"close_date"` IsClosed bool `json:"is_closed"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } poll.Id = tmp.Id poll.Question = tmp.Question poll.Options = tmp.Options poll.TotalVoterCount = tmp.TotalVoterCount poll.RecentVoterUserIds = tmp.RecentVoterUserIds poll.IsAnonymous = tmp.IsAnonymous poll.OpenPeriod = tmp.OpenPeriod poll.CloseDate = tmp.CloseDate poll.IsClosed = tmp.IsClosed fieldType, _ := UnmarshalPollType(tmp.Type) poll.Type = fieldType return nil } // Describes a user profile photo type ProfilePhoto struct { meta // Photo identifier; 0 for an empty photo. Can be used to find a photo in a list of user profile photos Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // A small (160x160) user profile photo. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed Small *File `json:"small"` // A big (640x640) user profile photo. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed Big *File `json:"big"` // User profile photo minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // True, if the photo has animated variant HasAnimation bool `json:"has_animation"` } func (entity *ProfilePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ProfilePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ProfilePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassProfilePhoto } func (*ProfilePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeProfilePhoto } // Contains basic information about the photo of a chat type ChatPhotoInfo struct { meta // A small (160x160) chat photo variant in JPEG format. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed Small *File `json:"small"` // A big (640x640) chat photo variant in JPEG format. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed Big *File `json:"big"` // Chat photo minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // True, if the photo has animated variant HasAnimation bool `json:"has_animation"` } func (entity *ChatPhotoInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatPhotoInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatPhotoInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatPhotoInfo } func (*ChatPhotoInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatPhotoInfo } // A regular user type UserTypeRegular struct { meta } func (entity *UserTypeRegular) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserTypeRegular return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserTypeRegular) GetClass() string { return ClassUserType } func (*UserTypeRegular) GetType() string { return TypeUserTypeRegular } func (*UserTypeRegular) UserTypeType() string { return TypeUserTypeRegular } // A deleted user or deleted bot. No information on the user besides the user identifier is available. It is not possible to perform any active actions on this type of user type UserTypeDeleted struct { meta } func (entity *UserTypeDeleted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserTypeDeleted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserTypeDeleted) GetClass() string { return ClassUserType } func (*UserTypeDeleted) GetType() string { return TypeUserTypeDeleted } func (*UserTypeDeleted) UserTypeType() string { return TypeUserTypeDeleted } // A bot (see https://core.telegram.org/bots) type UserTypeBot struct { meta // True, if the bot can be invited to basic group and supergroup chats CanJoinGroups bool `json:"can_join_groups"` // True, if the bot can read all messages in basic group or supergroup chats and not just those addressed to the bot. In private and channel chats a bot can always read all messages CanReadAllGroupMessages bool `json:"can_read_all_group_messages"` // True, if the bot supports inline queries IsInline bool `json:"is_inline"` // Placeholder for inline queries (displayed on the application input field) InlineQueryPlaceholder string `json:"inline_query_placeholder"` // True, if the location of the user is expected to be sent with every inline query to this bot NeedLocation bool `json:"need_location"` } func (entity *UserTypeBot) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserTypeBot return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserTypeBot) GetClass() string { return ClassUserType } func (*UserTypeBot) GetType() string { return TypeUserTypeBot } func (*UserTypeBot) UserTypeType() string { return TypeUserTypeBot } // No information on the user besides the user identifier is available, yet this user has not been deleted. This object is extremely rare and must be handled like a deleted user. It is not possible to perform any actions on users of this type type UserTypeUnknown struct { meta } func (entity *UserTypeUnknown) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserTypeUnknown return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserTypeUnknown) GetClass() string { return ClassUserType } func (*UserTypeUnknown) GetType() string { return TypeUserTypeUnknown } func (*UserTypeUnknown) UserTypeType() string { return TypeUserTypeUnknown } // Represents a command supported by a bot type BotCommand struct { meta // Text of the bot command Command string `json:"command"` // Description of the bot command Description string `json:"description"` } func (entity *BotCommand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommand return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommand) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommand } func (*BotCommand) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommand } // Contains a list of bot commands type BotCommands struct { meta // Bot's user identifier BotUserId int64 `json:"bot_user_id"` // List of bot commands Commands []*BotCommand `json:"commands"` } func (entity *BotCommands) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommands return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommands) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommands } func (*BotCommands) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommands } // Represents a location to which a chat is connected type ChatLocation struct { meta // The location Location *Location `json:"location"` // Location address; 1-64 characters, as defined by the chat owner Address string `json:"address"` } func (entity *ChatLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassChatLocation } func (*ChatLocation) GetType() string { return TypeChatLocation } // Animated variant of a chat photo in MPEG4 format type AnimatedChatPhoto struct { meta // Animation width and height Length int32 `json:"length"` // Information about the animation file File *File `json:"file"` // Timestamp of the frame, used as a static chat photo MainFrameTimestamp float64 `json:"main_frame_timestamp"` } func (entity *AnimatedChatPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AnimatedChatPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AnimatedChatPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassAnimatedChatPhoto } func (*AnimatedChatPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeAnimatedChatPhoto } // Describes a chat or user profile photo type ChatPhoto struct { meta // Unique photo identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the photo has been added AddedDate int32 `json:"added_date"` // Photo minithumbnail; may be null Minithumbnail *Minithumbnail `json:"minithumbnail"` // Available variants of the photo in JPEG format, in different size Sizes []*PhotoSize `json:"sizes"` // Animated variant of the photo in MPEG4 format; may be null Animation *AnimatedChatPhoto `json:"animation"` } func (entity *ChatPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassChatPhoto } func (*ChatPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeChatPhoto } // Contains a list of chat or user profile photos type ChatPhotos struct { meta // Total number of photos TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of photos Photos []*ChatPhoto `json:"photos"` } func (entity *ChatPhotos) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatPhotos return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatPhotos) GetClass() string { return ClassChatPhotos } func (*ChatPhotos) GetType() string { return TypeChatPhotos } // A previously used profile photo of the current user type InputChatPhotoPrevious struct { meta // Identifier of the current user's profile photo to reuse ChatPhotoId JsonInt64 `json:"chat_photo_id"` } func (entity *InputChatPhotoPrevious) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputChatPhotoPrevious return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputChatPhotoPrevious) GetClass() string { return ClassInputChatPhoto } func (*InputChatPhotoPrevious) GetType() string { return TypeInputChatPhotoPrevious } func (*InputChatPhotoPrevious) InputChatPhotoType() string { return TypeInputChatPhotoPrevious } // A static photo in JPEG format type InputChatPhotoStatic struct { meta // Photo to be set as profile photo. Only inputFileLocal and inputFileGenerated are allowed Photo InputFile `json:"photo"` } func (entity *InputChatPhotoStatic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputChatPhotoStatic return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputChatPhotoStatic) GetClass() string { return ClassInputChatPhoto } func (*InputChatPhotoStatic) GetType() string { return TypeInputChatPhotoStatic } func (*InputChatPhotoStatic) InputChatPhotoType() string { return TypeInputChatPhotoStatic } func (inputChatPhotoStatic *InputChatPhotoStatic) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Photo json.RawMessage `json:"photo"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldPhoto, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Photo) inputChatPhotoStatic.Photo = fieldPhoto return nil } // An animation in MPEG4 format; must be square, at most 10 seconds long, have width between 160 and 800 and be at most 2MB in size type InputChatPhotoAnimation struct { meta // Animation to be set as profile photo. Only inputFileLocal and inputFileGenerated are allowed Animation InputFile `json:"animation"` // Timestamp of the frame, which will be used as static chat photo MainFrameTimestamp float64 `json:"main_frame_timestamp"` } func (entity *InputChatPhotoAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputChatPhotoAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputChatPhotoAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassInputChatPhoto } func (*InputChatPhotoAnimation) GetType() string { return TypeInputChatPhotoAnimation } func (*InputChatPhotoAnimation) InputChatPhotoType() string { return TypeInputChatPhotoAnimation } func (inputChatPhotoAnimation *InputChatPhotoAnimation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Animation json.RawMessage `json:"animation"` MainFrameTimestamp float64 `json:"main_frame_timestamp"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputChatPhotoAnimation.MainFrameTimestamp = tmp.MainFrameTimestamp fieldAnimation, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Animation) inputChatPhotoAnimation.Animation = fieldAnimation return nil } // Represents a user type User struct { meta // User identifier Id int64 `json:"id"` // User access hash AccessHash JsonInt64 `json:"access_hash"` // First name of the user FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // Last name of the user LastName string `json:"last_name"` // Username of the user Username string `json:"username"` // Phone number of the user PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` // Current online status of the user Status UserStatus `json:"status"` // Profile photo of the user; may be null ProfilePhoto *ProfilePhoto `json:"profile_photo"` // The user is a contact of the current user IsContact bool `json:"is_contact"` // The user is a contact of the current user and the current user is a contact of the user IsMutualContact bool `json:"is_mutual_contact"` // True, if the user is verified IsVerified bool `json:"is_verified"` // True, if the user is Telegram support account IsSupport bool `json:"is_support"` // If non-empty, it contains a human-readable description of the reason why access to this user must be restricted RestrictionReason string `json:"restriction_reason"` // True, if many users reported this user as a scam IsScam bool `json:"is_scam"` // True, if many users reported this user as a fake account IsFake bool `json:"is_fake"` // If false, the user is inaccessible, and the only information known about the user is inside this class. It can't be passed to any method except GetUser HaveAccess bool `json:"have_access"` // Type of the user Type UserType `json:"type"` // IETF language tag of the user's language; only available to bots LanguageCode string `json:"language_code"` } func (entity *User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub User return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*User) GetClass() string { return ClassUser } func (*User) GetType() string { return TypeUser } func (user *User) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` AccessHash JsonInt64 `json:"access_hash"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` Username string `json:"username"` PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` Status json.RawMessage `json:"status"` ProfilePhoto *ProfilePhoto `json:"profile_photo"` IsContact bool `json:"is_contact"` IsMutualContact bool `json:"is_mutual_contact"` IsVerified bool `json:"is_verified"` IsSupport bool `json:"is_support"` RestrictionReason string `json:"restriction_reason"` IsScam bool `json:"is_scam"` IsFake bool `json:"is_fake"` HaveAccess bool `json:"have_access"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` LanguageCode string `json:"language_code"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } user.Id = tmp.Id user.AccessHash = tmp.AccessHash user.FirstName = tmp.FirstName user.LastName = tmp.LastName user.Username = tmp.Username user.PhoneNumber = tmp.PhoneNumber user.ProfilePhoto = tmp.ProfilePhoto user.IsContact = tmp.IsContact user.IsMutualContact = tmp.IsMutualContact user.IsVerified = tmp.IsVerified user.IsSupport = tmp.IsSupport user.RestrictionReason = tmp.RestrictionReason user.IsScam = tmp.IsScam user.IsFake = tmp.IsFake user.HaveAccess = tmp.HaveAccess user.LanguageCode = tmp.LanguageCode fieldStatus, _ := UnmarshalUserStatus(tmp.Status) user.Status = fieldStatus fieldType, _ := UnmarshalUserType(tmp.Type) user.Type = fieldType return nil } // Contains full information about a user type UserFullInfo struct { meta // User profile photo; may be null Photo *ChatPhoto `json:"photo"` // True, if the user is blocked by the current user IsBlocked bool `json:"is_blocked"` // True, if the user can be called CanBeCalled bool `json:"can_be_called"` // True, if a video call can be created with the user SupportsVideoCalls bool `json:"supports_video_calls"` // True, if the user can't be called due to their privacy settings HasPrivateCalls bool `json:"has_private_calls"` // True, if the user can't be linked in forwarded messages due to their privacy settings HasPrivateForwards bool `json:"has_private_forwards"` // True, if the current user needs to explicitly allow to share their phone number with the user when the method addContact is used NeedPhoneNumberPrivacyException bool `json:"need_phone_number_privacy_exception"` // A short user bio Bio string `json:"bio"` // For bots, the text that is shown on the bot's profile page and is sent together with the link when users share the bot ShareText string `json:"share_text"` // For bots, the text shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty Description string `json:"description"` // Number of group chats where both the other user and the current user are a member; 0 for the current user GroupInCommonCount int32 `json:"group_in_common_count"` // For bots, list of the bot commands Commands []*BotCommand `json:"commands"` } func (entity *UserFullInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserFullInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserFullInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassUserFullInfo } func (*UserFullInfo) GetType() string { return TypeUserFullInfo } // Represents a list of users type Users struct { meta // Approximate total count of users found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // A list of user identifiers UserIds []int64 `json:"user_ids"` } func (entity *Users) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Users return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Users) GetClass() string { return ClassUsers } func (*Users) GetType() string { return TypeUsers } // Contains information about a chat administrator type ChatAdministrator struct { meta // User identifier of the administrator UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Custom title of the administrator CustomTitle string `json:"custom_title"` // True, if the user is the owner of the chat IsOwner bool `json:"is_owner"` } func (entity *ChatAdministrator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatAdministrator return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatAdministrator) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAdministrator } func (*ChatAdministrator) GetType() string { return TypeChatAdministrator } // Represents a list of chat administrators type ChatAdministrators struct { meta // A list of chat administrators Administrators []*ChatAdministrator `json:"administrators"` } func (entity *ChatAdministrators) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatAdministrators return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatAdministrators) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAdministrators } func (*ChatAdministrators) GetType() string { return TypeChatAdministrators } // Describes actions that a user is allowed to take in a chat type ChatPermissions struct { meta // True, if the user can send text messages, contacts, locations, and venues CanSendMessages bool `json:"can_send_messages"` // True, if the user can send audio files, documents, photos, videos, video notes, and voice notes. Implies can_send_messages permissions CanSendMediaMessages bool `json:"can_send_media_messages"` // True, if the user can send polls. Implies can_send_messages permissions CanSendPolls bool `json:"can_send_polls"` // True, if the user can send stickers. Implies can_send_messages permissions CanSendStickers bool `json:"can_send_stickers"` // True, if the user can send animations. Implies can_send_messages permissions CanSendAnimations bool `json:"can_send_animations"` // True, if the user can send games. Implies can_send_messages permissions CanSendGames bool `json:"can_send_games"` // True, if the user can use inline bots. Implies can_send_messages permissions CanUseInlineBots bool `json:"can_use_inline_bots"` // True, if the user may add a web page preview to their messages. Implies can_send_messages permissions CanAddWebPagePreviews bool `json:"can_add_web_page_previews"` // True, if the user can change the chat title, photo, and other settings CanChangeInfo bool `json:"can_change_info"` // True, if the user can invite new users to the chat CanInviteUsers bool `json:"can_invite_users"` // True, if the user can pin messages CanPinMessages bool `json:"can_pin_messages"` } func (entity *ChatPermissions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatPermissions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatPermissions) GetClass() string { return ClassChatPermissions } func (*ChatPermissions) GetType() string { return TypeChatPermissions } // The user is the owner of the chat and has all the administrator privileges type ChatMemberStatusCreator struct { meta // A custom title of the owner; 0-16 characters without emojis; applicable to supergroups only CustomTitle string `json:"custom_title"` // True, if the creator isn't shown in the chat member list and sends messages anonymously; applicable to supergroups only IsAnonymous bool `json:"is_anonymous"` // True, if the user is a member of the chat IsMember bool `json:"is_member"` } func (entity *ChatMemberStatusCreator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMemberStatusCreator return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMemberStatusCreator) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMemberStatus } func (*ChatMemberStatusCreator) GetType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusCreator } func (*ChatMemberStatusCreator) ChatMemberStatusType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusCreator } // The user is a member of the chat and has some additional privileges. In basic groups, administrators can edit and delete messages sent by others, add new members, ban unprivileged members, and manage video chats. In supergroups and channels, there are more detailed options for administrator privileges type ChatMemberStatusAdministrator struct { meta // A custom title of the administrator; 0-16 characters without emojis; applicable to supergroups only CustomTitle string `json:"custom_title"` // True, if the current user can edit the administrator privileges for the called user CanBeEdited bool `json:"can_be_edited"` // True, if the administrator can get chat event log, get chat statistics, get message statistics in channels, get channel members, see anonymous administrators in supergroups and ignore slow mode. Implied by any other privilege; applicable to supergroups and channels only CanManageChat bool `json:"can_manage_chat"` // True, if the administrator can change the chat title, photo, and other settings CanChangeInfo bool `json:"can_change_info"` // True, if the administrator can create channel posts; applicable to channels only CanPostMessages bool `json:"can_post_messages"` // True, if the administrator can edit messages of other users and pin messages; applicable to channels only CanEditMessages bool `json:"can_edit_messages"` // True, if the administrator can delete messages of other users CanDeleteMessages bool `json:"can_delete_messages"` // True, if the administrator can invite new users to the chat CanInviteUsers bool `json:"can_invite_users"` // True, if the administrator can restrict, ban, or unban chat members; always true for channels CanRestrictMembers bool `json:"can_restrict_members"` // True, if the administrator can pin messages; applicable to basic groups and supergroups only CanPinMessages bool `json:"can_pin_messages"` // True, if the administrator can add new administrators with a subset of their own privileges or demote administrators that were directly or indirectly promoted by them CanPromoteMembers bool `json:"can_promote_members"` // True, if the administrator can manage video chats CanManageVideoChats bool `json:"can_manage_video_chats"` // True, if the administrator isn't shown in the chat member list and sends messages anonymously; applicable to supergroups only IsAnonymous bool `json:"is_anonymous"` } func (entity *ChatMemberStatusAdministrator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMemberStatusAdministrator return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMemberStatusAdministrator) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMemberStatus } func (*ChatMemberStatusAdministrator) GetType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusAdministrator } func (*ChatMemberStatusAdministrator) ChatMemberStatusType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusAdministrator } // The user is a member of the chat, without any additional privileges or restrictions type ChatMemberStatusMember struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMemberStatusMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMemberStatusMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMemberStatusMember) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMemberStatus } func (*ChatMemberStatusMember) GetType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusMember } func (*ChatMemberStatusMember) ChatMemberStatusType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusMember } // The user is under certain restrictions in the chat. Not supported in basic groups and channels type ChatMemberStatusRestricted struct { meta // True, if the user is a member of the chat IsMember bool `json:"is_member"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when restrictions will be lifted from the user; 0 if never. If the user is restricted for more than 366 days or for less than 30 seconds from the current time, the user is considered to be restricted forever RestrictedUntilDate int32 `json:"restricted_until_date"` // User permissions in the chat Permissions *ChatPermissions `json:"permissions"` } func (entity *ChatMemberStatusRestricted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMemberStatusRestricted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMemberStatusRestricted) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMemberStatus } func (*ChatMemberStatusRestricted) GetType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusRestricted } func (*ChatMemberStatusRestricted) ChatMemberStatusType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusRestricted } // The user or the chat is not a chat member type ChatMemberStatusLeft struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMemberStatusLeft) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMemberStatusLeft return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMemberStatusLeft) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMemberStatus } func (*ChatMemberStatusLeft) GetType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusLeft } func (*ChatMemberStatusLeft) ChatMemberStatusType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusLeft } // The user or the chat was banned (and hence is not a member of the chat). Implies the user can't return to the chat, view messages, or be used as a participant identifier to join a video chat of the chat type ChatMemberStatusBanned struct { meta // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user will be unbanned; 0 if never. If the user is banned for more than 366 days or for less than 30 seconds from the current time, the user is considered to be banned forever. Always 0 in basic groups BannedUntilDate int32 `json:"banned_until_date"` } func (entity *ChatMemberStatusBanned) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMemberStatusBanned return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMemberStatusBanned) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMemberStatus } func (*ChatMemberStatusBanned) GetType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusBanned } func (*ChatMemberStatusBanned) ChatMemberStatusType() string { return TypeChatMemberStatusBanned } // Describes a user or a chat as a member of another chat type ChatMember struct { meta // Identifier of the chat member. Currently, other chats can be only Left or Banned. Only supergroups and channels can have other chats as Left or Banned members and these chats must be supergroups or channels MemberId MessageSender `json:"member_id"` // Identifier of a user that invited/promoted/banned this member in the chat; 0 if unknown InviterUserId int64 `json:"inviter_user_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user joined the chat JoinedChatDate int32 `json:"joined_chat_date"` // Status of the member in the chat Status ChatMemberStatus `json:"status"` } func (entity *ChatMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMember) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMember } func (*ChatMember) GetType() string { return TypeChatMember } func (chatMember *ChatMember) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { MemberId json.RawMessage `json:"member_id"` InviterUserId int64 `json:"inviter_user_id"` JoinedChatDate int32 `json:"joined_chat_date"` Status json.RawMessage `json:"status"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatMember.InviterUserId = tmp.InviterUserId chatMember.JoinedChatDate = tmp.JoinedChatDate fieldMemberId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.MemberId) chatMember.MemberId = fieldMemberId fieldStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.Status) chatMember.Status = fieldStatus return nil } // Contains a list of chat members type ChatMembers struct { meta // Approximate total count of chat members found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // A list of chat members Members []*ChatMember `json:"members"` } func (entity *ChatMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembers } func (*ChatMembers) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembers } // Returns contacts of the user type ChatMembersFilterContacts struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMembersFilterContacts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembersFilterContacts return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembersFilterContacts) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembersFilter } func (*ChatMembersFilterContacts) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterContacts } func (*ChatMembersFilterContacts) ChatMembersFilterType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterContacts } // Returns the owner and administrators type ChatMembersFilterAdministrators struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMembersFilterAdministrators) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembersFilterAdministrators return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembersFilterAdministrators) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembersFilter } func (*ChatMembersFilterAdministrators) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterAdministrators } func (*ChatMembersFilterAdministrators) ChatMembersFilterType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterAdministrators } // Returns all chat members, including restricted chat members type ChatMembersFilterMembers struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMembersFilterMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembersFilterMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembersFilterMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembersFilter } func (*ChatMembersFilterMembers) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterMembers } func (*ChatMembersFilterMembers) ChatMembersFilterType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterMembers } // Returns users which can be mentioned in the chat type ChatMembersFilterMention struct { meta // If non-zero, the identifier of the current message thread MessageThreadId int64 `json:"message_thread_id"` } func (entity *ChatMembersFilterMention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembersFilterMention return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembersFilterMention) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembersFilter } func (*ChatMembersFilterMention) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterMention } func (*ChatMembersFilterMention) ChatMembersFilterType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterMention } // Returns users under certain restrictions in the chat; can be used only by administrators in a supergroup type ChatMembersFilterRestricted struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMembersFilterRestricted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembersFilterRestricted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembersFilterRestricted) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembersFilter } func (*ChatMembersFilterRestricted) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterRestricted } func (*ChatMembersFilterRestricted) ChatMembersFilterType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterRestricted } // Returns users banned from the chat; can be used only by administrators in a supergroup or in a channel type ChatMembersFilterBanned struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMembersFilterBanned) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembersFilterBanned return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembersFilterBanned) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembersFilter } func (*ChatMembersFilterBanned) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterBanned } func (*ChatMembersFilterBanned) ChatMembersFilterType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterBanned } // Returns bot members of the chat type ChatMembersFilterBots struct { meta } func (entity *ChatMembersFilterBots) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatMembersFilterBots return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatMembersFilterBots) GetClass() string { return ClassChatMembersFilter } func (*ChatMembersFilterBots) GetType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterBots } func (*ChatMembersFilterBots) ChatMembersFilterType() string { return TypeChatMembersFilterBots } // Returns recently active users in reverse chronological order type SupergroupMembersFilterRecent struct { meta } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterRecent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterRecent return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterRecent) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterRecent) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterRecent } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterRecent) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterRecent } // Returns contacts of the user, which are members of the supergroup or channel type SupergroupMembersFilterContacts struct { meta // Query to search for Query string `json:"query"` } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterContacts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterContacts return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterContacts) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterContacts) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterContacts } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterContacts) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterContacts } // Returns the owner and administrators type SupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators struct { meta } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators } // Used to search for supergroup or channel members via a (string) query type SupergroupMembersFilterSearch struct { meta // Query to search for Query string `json:"query"` } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterSearch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterSearch return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterSearch) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterSearch) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterSearch } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterSearch) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterSearch } // Returns restricted supergroup members; can be used only by administrators type SupergroupMembersFilterRestricted struct { meta // Query to search for Query string `json:"query"` } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterRestricted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterRestricted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterRestricted) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterRestricted) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterRestricted } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterRestricted) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterRestricted } // Returns users banned from the supergroup or channel; can be used only by administrators type SupergroupMembersFilterBanned struct { meta // Query to search for Query string `json:"query"` } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterBanned) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterBanned return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterBanned) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterBanned) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterBanned } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterBanned) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterBanned } // Returns users which can be mentioned in the supergroup type SupergroupMembersFilterMention struct { meta // Query to search for Query string `json:"query"` // If non-zero, the identifier of the current message thread MessageThreadId int64 `json:"message_thread_id"` } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterMention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterMention return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterMention) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterMention) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterMention } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterMention) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterMention } // Returns bot members of the supergroup or channel type SupergroupMembersFilterBots struct { meta } func (entity *SupergroupMembersFilterBots) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupMembersFilterBots return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterBots) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupMembersFilter } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterBots) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterBots } func (*SupergroupMembersFilterBots) SupergroupMembersFilterType() string { return TypeSupergroupMembersFilterBots } // Contains a chat invite link type ChatInviteLink struct { meta // Chat invite link InviteLink string `json:"invite_link"` // Name of the link Name string `json:"name"` // User identifier of an administrator created the link CreatorUserId int64 `json:"creator_user_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link was created Date int32 `json:"date"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link was last edited; 0 if never or unknown EditDate int32 `json:"edit_date"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire; 0 if never ExpirationDate int32 `json:"expiration_date"` // The maximum number of members, which can join the chat using the link simultaneously; 0 if not limited. Always 0 if the link requires approval MemberLimit int32 `json:"member_limit"` // Number of chat members, which joined the chat using the link MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` // Number of pending join requests created using this link PendingJoinRequestCount int32 `json:"pending_join_request_count"` // True, if the link only creates join request. If true, total number of joining members will be unlimited CreatesJoinRequest bool `json:"creates_join_request"` // True, if the link is primary. Primary invite link can't have name, expiration date, or usage limit. There is exactly one primary invite link for each administrator with can_invite_users right at a given time IsPrimary bool `json:"is_primary"` // True, if the link was revoked IsRevoked bool `json:"is_revoked"` } func (entity *ChatInviteLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatInviteLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatInviteLink) GetClass() string { return ClassChatInviteLink } func (*ChatInviteLink) GetType() string { return TypeChatInviteLink } // Contains a list of chat invite links type ChatInviteLinks struct { meta // Approximate total count of chat invite links found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of invite links InviteLinks []*ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_links"` } func (entity *ChatInviteLinks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatInviteLinks return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatInviteLinks) GetClass() string { return ClassChatInviteLinks } func (*ChatInviteLinks) GetType() string { return TypeChatInviteLinks } // Describes a chat administrator with a number of active and revoked chat invite links type ChatInviteLinkCount struct { meta // Administrator's user identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Number of active invite links InviteLinkCount int32 `json:"invite_link_count"` // Number of revoked invite links RevokedInviteLinkCount int32 `json:"revoked_invite_link_count"` } func (entity *ChatInviteLinkCount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatInviteLinkCount return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatInviteLinkCount) GetClass() string { return ClassChatInviteLinkCount } func (*ChatInviteLinkCount) GetType() string { return TypeChatInviteLinkCount } // Contains a list of chat invite link counts type ChatInviteLinkCounts struct { meta // List of invite link counts InviteLinkCounts []*ChatInviteLinkCount `json:"invite_link_counts"` } func (entity *ChatInviteLinkCounts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatInviteLinkCounts return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatInviteLinkCounts) GetClass() string { return ClassChatInviteLinkCounts } func (*ChatInviteLinkCounts) GetType() string { return TypeChatInviteLinkCounts } // Describes a chat member joined a chat via an invite link type ChatInviteLinkMember struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user joined the chat JoinedChatDate int32 `json:"joined_chat_date"` // User identifier of the chat administrator, approved user join request ApproverUserId int64 `json:"approver_user_id"` } func (entity *ChatInviteLinkMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatInviteLinkMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatInviteLinkMember) GetClass() string { return ClassChatInviteLinkMember } func (*ChatInviteLinkMember) GetType() string { return TypeChatInviteLinkMember } // Contains a list of chat members joined a chat via an invite link type ChatInviteLinkMembers struct { meta // Approximate total count of chat members found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of chat members, joined a chat via an invite link Members []*ChatInviteLinkMember `json:"members"` } func (entity *ChatInviteLinkMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatInviteLinkMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatInviteLinkMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassChatInviteLinkMembers } func (*ChatInviteLinkMembers) GetType() string { return TypeChatInviteLinkMembers } // Contains information about a chat invite link type ChatInviteLinkInfo struct { meta // Chat identifier of the invite link; 0 if the user has no access to the chat before joining ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // If non-zero, the amount of time for which read access to the chat will remain available, in seconds AccessibleFor int32 `json:"accessible_for"` // Type of the chat Type ChatType `json:"type"` // Title of the chat Title string `json:"title"` // Chat photo; may be null Photo *ChatPhotoInfo `json:"photo"` // Chat description Description string `json:"description"` // Number of members in the chat MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` // User identifiers of some chat members that may be known to the current user MemberUserIds []int64 `json:"member_user_ids"` // True, if the link only creates join request CreatesJoinRequest bool `json:"creates_join_request"` // True, if the chat is a public supergroup or channel, i.e. it has a username or it is a location-based supergroup IsPublic bool `json:"is_public"` } func (entity *ChatInviteLinkInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatInviteLinkInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatInviteLinkInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatInviteLinkInfo } func (*ChatInviteLinkInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatInviteLinkInfo } func (chatInviteLinkInfo *ChatInviteLinkInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` AccessibleFor int32 `json:"accessible_for"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` Title string `json:"title"` Photo *ChatPhotoInfo `json:"photo"` Description string `json:"description"` MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` MemberUserIds []int64 `json:"member_user_ids"` CreatesJoinRequest bool `json:"creates_join_request"` IsPublic bool `json:"is_public"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatInviteLinkInfo.ChatId = tmp.ChatId chatInviteLinkInfo.AccessibleFor = tmp.AccessibleFor chatInviteLinkInfo.Title = tmp.Title chatInviteLinkInfo.Photo = tmp.Photo chatInviteLinkInfo.Description = tmp.Description chatInviteLinkInfo.MemberCount = tmp.MemberCount chatInviteLinkInfo.MemberUserIds = tmp.MemberUserIds chatInviteLinkInfo.CreatesJoinRequest = tmp.CreatesJoinRequest chatInviteLinkInfo.IsPublic = tmp.IsPublic fieldType, _ := UnmarshalChatType(tmp.Type) chatInviteLinkInfo.Type = fieldType return nil } // Describes a user that sent a join request and waits for administrator approval type ChatJoinRequest struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user sent the join request Date int32 `json:"date"` // A short bio of the user Bio string `json:"bio"` } func (entity *ChatJoinRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatJoinRequest return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatJoinRequest) GetClass() string { return ClassChatJoinRequest } func (*ChatJoinRequest) GetType() string { return TypeChatJoinRequest } // Contains a list of requests to join a chat type ChatJoinRequests struct { meta // Approximate total count of requests found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of the requests Requests []*ChatJoinRequest `json:"requests"` } func (entity *ChatJoinRequests) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatJoinRequests return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatJoinRequests) GetClass() string { return ClassChatJoinRequests } func (*ChatJoinRequests) GetType() string { return TypeChatJoinRequests } // Contains information about pending join requests for a chat type ChatJoinRequestsInfo struct { meta // Total number of pending join requests TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // Identifiers of at most 3 users sent the newest pending join requests UserIds []int64 `json:"user_ids"` } func (entity *ChatJoinRequestsInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatJoinRequestsInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatJoinRequestsInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatJoinRequestsInfo } func (*ChatJoinRequestsInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatJoinRequestsInfo } // Represents a basic group of 0-200 users (must be upgraded to a supergroup to accommodate more than 200 users) type BasicGroup struct { meta // Group identifier Id int64 `json:"id"` // Group access hash AccessHash JsonInt64 `json:"access_hash"` // Number of members in the group MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` // Status of the current user in the group Status ChatMemberStatus `json:"status"` // True, if the group is active IsActive bool `json:"is_active"` // Identifier of the supergroup to which this group was upgraded; 0 if none UpgradedToSupergroupId int64 `json:"upgraded_to_supergroup_id"` } func (entity *BasicGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BasicGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BasicGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassBasicGroup } func (*BasicGroup) GetType() string { return TypeBasicGroup } func (basicGroup *BasicGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` AccessHash JsonInt64 `json:"access_hash"` MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` Status json.RawMessage `json:"status"` IsActive bool `json:"is_active"` UpgradedToSupergroupId int64 `json:"upgraded_to_supergroup_id"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } basicGroup.Id = tmp.Id basicGroup.AccessHash = tmp.AccessHash basicGroup.MemberCount = tmp.MemberCount basicGroup.IsActive = tmp.IsActive basicGroup.UpgradedToSupergroupId = tmp.UpgradedToSupergroupId fieldStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.Status) basicGroup.Status = fieldStatus return nil } // Contains full information about a basic group type BasicGroupFullInfo struct { meta // Chat photo; may be null Photo *ChatPhoto `json:"photo"` // Group description. Updated only after the basic group is opened Description string `json:"description"` // User identifier of the creator of the group; 0 if unknown CreatorUserId int64 `json:"creator_user_id"` // Group members Members []*ChatMember `json:"members"` // Primary invite link for this group; may be null. For chat administrators with can_invite_users right only. Updated only after the basic group is opened InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` // List of commands of bots in the group BotCommands []*BotCommands `json:"bot_commands"` } func (entity *BasicGroupFullInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BasicGroupFullInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BasicGroupFullInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassBasicGroupFullInfo } func (*BasicGroupFullInfo) GetType() string { return TypeBasicGroupFullInfo } // Represents a supergroup or channel with zero or more members (subscribers in the case of channels). From the point of view of the system, a channel is a special kind of a supergroup: only administrators can post and see the list of members, and posts from all administrators use the name and photo of the channel instead of individual names and profile photos. Unlike supergroups, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers type Supergroup struct { meta // Supergroup or channel identifier Id int64 `json:"id"` // Supergroup or channel access hash AccessHash JsonInt64 `json:"access_hash"` // Username of the supergroup or channel; empty for private supergroups or channels Username string `json:"username"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the current user joined, or the point in time when the supergroup or channel was created, in case the user is not a member Date int32 `json:"date"` // Status of the current user in the supergroup or channel; custom title will be always empty Status ChatMemberStatus `json:"status"` // Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown. Currently, it is guaranteed to be known only if the supergroup or channel was received through searchPublicChats, searchChatsNearby, getInactiveSupergroupChats, getSuitableDiscussionChats, getGroupsInCommon, or getUserPrivacySettingRules MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` // True, if the channel has a discussion group, or the supergroup is the designated discussion group for a channel HasLinkedChat bool `json:"has_linked_chat"` // True, if the supergroup is connected to a location, i.e. the supergroup is a location-based supergroup HasLocation bool `json:"has_location"` // True, if messages sent to the channel need to contain information about the sender. This field is only applicable to channels SignMessages bool `json:"sign_messages"` // True, if the slow mode is enabled in the supergroup IsSlowModeEnabled bool `json:"is_slow_mode_enabled"` // True, if the supergroup is a channel IsChannel bool `json:"is_channel"` // True, if the supergroup is a broadcast group, i.e. only administrators can send messages and there is no limit on the number of members IsBroadcastGroup bool `json:"is_broadcast_group"` // True, if the supergroup or channel is verified IsVerified bool `json:"is_verified"` // If non-empty, contains a human-readable description of the reason why access to this supergroup or channel must be restricted RestrictionReason string `json:"restriction_reason"` // True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a scam IsScam bool `json:"is_scam"` // True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a fake account IsFake bool `json:"is_fake"` } func (entity *Supergroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Supergroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Supergroup) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroup } func (*Supergroup) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroup } func (supergroup *Supergroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` AccessHash JsonInt64 `json:"access_hash"` Username string `json:"username"` Date int32 `json:"date"` Status json.RawMessage `json:"status"` MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` HasLinkedChat bool `json:"has_linked_chat"` HasLocation bool `json:"has_location"` SignMessages bool `json:"sign_messages"` IsSlowModeEnabled bool `json:"is_slow_mode_enabled"` IsChannel bool `json:"is_channel"` IsBroadcastGroup bool `json:"is_broadcast_group"` IsVerified bool `json:"is_verified"` RestrictionReason string `json:"restriction_reason"` IsScam bool `json:"is_scam"` IsFake bool `json:"is_fake"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } supergroup.Id = tmp.Id supergroup.AccessHash = tmp.AccessHash supergroup.Username = tmp.Username supergroup.Date = tmp.Date supergroup.MemberCount = tmp.MemberCount supergroup.HasLinkedChat = tmp.HasLinkedChat supergroup.HasLocation = tmp.HasLocation supergroup.SignMessages = tmp.SignMessages supergroup.IsSlowModeEnabled = tmp.IsSlowModeEnabled supergroup.IsChannel = tmp.IsChannel supergroup.IsBroadcastGroup = tmp.IsBroadcastGroup supergroup.IsVerified = tmp.IsVerified supergroup.RestrictionReason = tmp.RestrictionReason supergroup.IsScam = tmp.IsScam supergroup.IsFake = tmp.IsFake fieldStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.Status) supergroup.Status = fieldStatus return nil } // Contains full information about a supergroup or channel type SupergroupFullInfo struct { meta // Chat photo; may be null Photo *ChatPhoto `json:"photo"` // Supergroup or channel description Description string `json:"description"` // Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` // Number of privileged users in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown AdministratorCount int32 `json:"administrator_count"` // Number of restricted users in the supergroup; 0 if unknown RestrictedCount int32 `json:"restricted_count"` // Number of users banned from chat; 0 if unknown BannedCount int32 `json:"banned_count"` // Chat identifier of a discussion group for the channel, or a channel, for which the supergroup is the designated discussion group; 0 if none or unknown LinkedChatId int64 `json:"linked_chat_id"` // Delay between consecutive sent messages for non-administrator supergroup members, in seconds SlowModeDelay int32 `json:"slow_mode_delay"` // Time left before next message can be sent in the supergroup, in seconds. An updateSupergroupFullInfo update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but both new and old values are non-zero SlowModeDelayExpiresIn float64 `json:"slow_mode_delay_expires_in"` // True, if members of the chat can be retrieved CanGetMembers bool `json:"can_get_members"` // True, if the chat username can be changed CanSetUsername bool `json:"can_set_username"` // True, if the supergroup sticker set can be changed CanSetStickerSet bool `json:"can_set_sticker_set"` // True, if the supergroup location can be changed CanSetLocation bool `json:"can_set_location"` // True, if the supergroup or channel statistics are available CanGetStatistics bool `json:"can_get_statistics"` // True, if new chat members will have access to old messages. In public or discussion groups and both public and private channels, old messages are always available, so this option affects only private supergroups without a linked chat. The value of this field is only available for chat administrators IsAllHistoryAvailable bool `json:"is_all_history_available"` // Identifier of the supergroup sticker set; 0 if none StickerSetId JsonInt64 `json:"sticker_set_id"` // Location to which the supergroup is connected; may be null Location *ChatLocation `json:"location"` // Primary invite link for this chat; may be null. For chat administrators with can_invite_users right only InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` // List of commands of bots in the group BotCommands []*BotCommands `json:"bot_commands"` // Identifier of the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none UpgradedFromBasicGroupId int64 `json:"upgraded_from_basic_group_id"` // Identifier of the last message in the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none UpgradedFromMaxMessageId int64 `json:"upgraded_from_max_message_id"` } func (entity *SupergroupFullInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SupergroupFullInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SupergroupFullInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassSupergroupFullInfo } func (*SupergroupFullInfo) GetType() string { return TypeSupergroupFullInfo } // The secret chat is not yet created; waiting for the other user to get online type SecretChatStatePending struct { meta } func (entity *SecretChatStatePending) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SecretChatStatePending return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SecretChatStatePending) GetClass() string { return ClassSecretChatState } func (*SecretChatStatePending) GetType() string { return TypeSecretChatStatePending } func (*SecretChatStatePending) SecretChatStateType() string { return TypeSecretChatStatePending } // The secret chat is ready to use type SecretChatStateReady struct { meta } func (entity *SecretChatStateReady) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SecretChatStateReady return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SecretChatStateReady) GetClass() string { return ClassSecretChatState } func (*SecretChatStateReady) GetType() string { return TypeSecretChatStateReady } func (*SecretChatStateReady) SecretChatStateType() string { return TypeSecretChatStateReady } // The secret chat is closed type SecretChatStateClosed struct { meta } func (entity *SecretChatStateClosed) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SecretChatStateClosed return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SecretChatStateClosed) GetClass() string { return ClassSecretChatState } func (*SecretChatStateClosed) GetType() string { return TypeSecretChatStateClosed } func (*SecretChatStateClosed) SecretChatStateType() string { return TypeSecretChatStateClosed } // Represents a secret chat type SecretChat struct { meta // Secret chat identifier Id int32 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the chat partner UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // State of the secret chat State SecretChatState `json:"state"` // True, if the chat was created by the current user; otherwise false IsOutbound bool `json:"is_outbound"` // Hash of the currently used key for comparison with the hash of the chat partner's key. This is a string of 36 little-endian bytes, which must be split into groups of 2 bits, each denoting a pixel of one of 4 colors FFFFFF, D5E6F3, 2D5775, and 2F99C9. The pixels must be used to make a 12x12 square image filled from left to right, top to bottom. Alternatively, the first 32 bytes of the hash can be converted to the hexadecimal format and printed as 32 2-digit hex numbers KeyHash []byte `json:"key_hash"` // Secret chat layer; determines features supported by the chat partner's application. Nested text entities and underline and strikethrough entities are supported if the layer >= 101 Layer int32 `json:"layer"` } func (entity *SecretChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SecretChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SecretChat) GetClass() string { return ClassSecretChat } func (*SecretChat) GetType() string { return TypeSecretChat } func (secretChat *SecretChat) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` State json.RawMessage `json:"state"` IsOutbound bool `json:"is_outbound"` KeyHash []byte `json:"key_hash"` Layer int32 `json:"layer"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } secretChat.Id = tmp.Id secretChat.UserId = tmp.UserId secretChat.IsOutbound = tmp.IsOutbound secretChat.KeyHash = tmp.KeyHash secretChat.Layer = tmp.Layer fieldState, _ := UnmarshalSecretChatState(tmp.State) secretChat.State = fieldState return nil } // The message was sent by a known user type MessageSenderUser struct { meta // Identifier of the user that sent the message UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *MessageSenderUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSenderUser return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSenderUser) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSender } func (*MessageSenderUser) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSenderUser } func (*MessageSenderUser) MessageSenderType() string { return TypeMessageSenderUser } // The message was sent on behalf of a chat type MessageSenderChat struct { meta // Identifier of the chat that sent the message ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` } func (entity *MessageSenderChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSenderChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSenderChat) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSender } func (*MessageSenderChat) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSenderChat } func (*MessageSenderChat) MessageSenderType() string { return TypeMessageSenderChat } // Represents a list of message senders type MessageSenders struct { meta // Approximate total count of messages senders found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of message senders Senders []MessageSender `json:"senders"` } func (entity *MessageSenders) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSenders return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSenders) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSenders } func (*MessageSenders) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSenders } func (messageSenders *MessageSenders) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` Senders []json.RawMessage `json:"senders"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } messageSenders.TotalCount = tmp.TotalCount fieldSenders, _ := UnmarshalListOfMessageSender(tmp.Senders) messageSenders.Senders = fieldSenders return nil } // The message was originally sent by a known user type MessageForwardOriginUser struct { meta // Identifier of the user that originally sent the message SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` } func (entity *MessageForwardOriginUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageForwardOriginUser return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageForwardOriginUser) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageForwardOrigin } func (*MessageForwardOriginUser) GetType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginUser } func (*MessageForwardOriginUser) MessageForwardOriginType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginUser } // The message was originally sent on behalf of a chat type MessageForwardOriginChat struct { meta // Identifier of the chat that originally sent the message SenderChatId int64 `json:"sender_chat_id"` // For messages originally sent by an anonymous chat administrator, original message author signature AuthorSignature string `json:"author_signature"` } func (entity *MessageForwardOriginChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageForwardOriginChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageForwardOriginChat) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageForwardOrigin } func (*MessageForwardOriginChat) GetType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginChat } func (*MessageForwardOriginChat) MessageForwardOriginType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginChat } // The message was originally sent by a user, which is hidden by their privacy settings type MessageForwardOriginHiddenUser struct { meta // Name of the sender SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` } func (entity *MessageForwardOriginHiddenUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageForwardOriginHiddenUser return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageForwardOriginHiddenUser) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageForwardOrigin } func (*MessageForwardOriginHiddenUser) GetType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginHiddenUser } func (*MessageForwardOriginHiddenUser) MessageForwardOriginType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginHiddenUser } // The message was originally a post in a channel type MessageForwardOriginChannel struct { meta // Identifier of the chat from which the message was originally forwarded ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message identifier of the original message MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // Original post author signature AuthorSignature string `json:"author_signature"` } func (entity *MessageForwardOriginChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageForwardOriginChannel return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageForwardOriginChannel) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageForwardOrigin } func (*MessageForwardOriginChannel) GetType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginChannel } func (*MessageForwardOriginChannel) MessageForwardOriginType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginChannel } // The message was imported from an exported message history type MessageForwardOriginMessageImport struct { meta // Name of the sender SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` } func (entity *MessageForwardOriginMessageImport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageForwardOriginMessageImport return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageForwardOriginMessageImport) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageForwardOrigin } func (*MessageForwardOriginMessageImport) GetType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginMessageImport } func (*MessageForwardOriginMessageImport) MessageForwardOriginType() string { return TypeMessageForwardOriginMessageImport } // Contains information about a forwarded message type MessageForwardInfo struct { meta // Origin of a forwarded message Origin MessageForwardOrigin `json:"origin"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was originally sent Date int32 `json:"date"` // The type of a public service announcement for the forwarded message PublicServiceAnnouncementType string `json:"public_service_announcement_type"` // For messages forwarded to the chat with the current user (Saved Messages), to the Replies bot chat, or to the channel's discussion group, the identifier of the chat from which the message was forwarded last time; 0 if unknown FromChatId int64 `json:"from_chat_id"` // For messages forwarded to the chat with the current user (Saved Messages), to the Replies bot chat, or to the channel's discussion group, the identifier of the original message from which the new message was forwarded last time; 0 if unknown FromMessageId int64 `json:"from_message_id"` } func (entity *MessageForwardInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageForwardInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageForwardInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageForwardInfo } func (*MessageForwardInfo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageForwardInfo } func (messageForwardInfo *MessageForwardInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Origin json.RawMessage `json:"origin"` Date int32 `json:"date"` PublicServiceAnnouncementType string `json:"public_service_announcement_type"` FromChatId int64 `json:"from_chat_id"` FromMessageId int64 `json:"from_message_id"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } messageForwardInfo.Date = tmp.Date messageForwardInfo.PublicServiceAnnouncementType = tmp.PublicServiceAnnouncementType messageForwardInfo.FromChatId = tmp.FromChatId messageForwardInfo.FromMessageId = tmp.FromMessageId fieldOrigin, _ := UnmarshalMessageForwardOrigin(tmp.Origin) messageForwardInfo.Origin = fieldOrigin return nil } // Contains information about replies to a message type MessageReplyInfo struct { meta // Number of times the message was directly or indirectly replied ReplyCount int32 `json:"reply_count"` // Identifiers of at most 3 recent repliers to the message; available in channels with a discussion supergroup. The users and chats are expected to be inaccessible: only their photo and name will be available RecentReplierIds []MessageSender `json:"recent_replier_ids"` // Identifier of the last read incoming reply to the message LastReadInboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_inbox_message_id"` // Identifier of the last read outgoing reply to the message LastReadOutboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_outbox_message_id"` // Identifier of the last reply to the message LastMessageId int64 `json:"last_message_id"` } func (entity *MessageReplyInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageReplyInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageReplyInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageReplyInfo } func (*MessageReplyInfo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageReplyInfo } func (messageReplyInfo *MessageReplyInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ReplyCount int32 `json:"reply_count"` RecentReplierIds []json.RawMessage `json:"recent_replier_ids"` LastReadInboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_inbox_message_id"` LastReadOutboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_outbox_message_id"` LastMessageId int64 `json:"last_message_id"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } messageReplyInfo.ReplyCount = tmp.ReplyCount messageReplyInfo.LastReadInboxMessageId = tmp.LastReadInboxMessageId messageReplyInfo.LastReadOutboxMessageId = tmp.LastReadOutboxMessageId messageReplyInfo.LastMessageId = tmp.LastMessageId fieldRecentReplierIds, _ := UnmarshalListOfMessageSender(tmp.RecentReplierIds) messageReplyInfo.RecentReplierIds = fieldRecentReplierIds return nil } // Contains information about interactions with a message type MessageInteractionInfo struct { meta // Number of times the message was viewed ViewCount int32 `json:"view_count"` // Number of times the message was forwarded ForwardCount int32 `json:"forward_count"` // Information about direct or indirect replies to the message; may be null. Currently, available only in channels with a discussion supergroup and discussion supergroups for messages, which are not replies itself ReplyInfo *MessageReplyInfo `json:"reply_info"` } func (entity *MessageInteractionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageInteractionInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageInteractionInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageInteractionInfo } func (*MessageInteractionInfo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageInteractionInfo } // The message is being sent now, but has not yet been delivered to the server type MessageSendingStatePending struct { meta } func (entity *MessageSendingStatePending) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSendingStatePending return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSendingStatePending) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSendingState } func (*MessageSendingStatePending) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSendingStatePending } func (*MessageSendingStatePending) MessageSendingStateType() string { return TypeMessageSendingStatePending } // The message failed to be sent type MessageSendingStateFailed struct { meta // An error code; 0 if unknown ErrorCode int32 `json:"error_code"` // Error message ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message"` // True, if the message can be re-sent CanRetry bool `json:"can_retry"` // True, if the message can be re-sent only on behalf of a different sender NeedAnotherSender bool `json:"need_another_sender"` // Time left before the message can be re-sent, in seconds. No update is sent when this field changes RetryAfter float64 `json:"retry_after"` } func (entity *MessageSendingStateFailed) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSendingStateFailed return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSendingStateFailed) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSendingState } func (*MessageSendingStateFailed) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSendingStateFailed } func (*MessageSendingStateFailed) MessageSendingStateType() string { return TypeMessageSendingStateFailed } // Describes a message type Message struct { meta // Message identifier; unique for the chat to which the message belongs Id int64 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the sender of the message SenderId MessageSender `json:"sender_id"` // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The sending state of the message; may be null SendingState MessageSendingState `json:"sending_state"` // The scheduling state of the message; may be null SchedulingState MessageSchedulingState `json:"scheduling_state"` // True, if the message is outgoing IsOutgoing bool `json:"is_outgoing"` // True, if the message is pinned IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` // True, if the message can be edited. For live location and poll messages this fields shows whether editMessageLiveLocation or stopPoll can be used with this message by the application CanBeEdited bool `json:"can_be_edited"` // True, if the message can be forwarded CanBeForwarded bool `json:"can_be_forwarded"` // True, if content of the message can be saved locally or copied CanBeSaved bool `json:"can_be_saved"` // True, if the message can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see it CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf bool `json:"can_be_deleted_only_for_self"` // True, if the message can be deleted for all users CanBeDeletedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_deleted_for_all_users"` // True, if the message statistics are available CanGetStatistics bool `json:"can_get_statistics"` // True, if the message thread info is available CanGetMessageThread bool `json:"can_get_message_thread"` // True, if chat members already viewed the message can be received through getMessageViewers CanGetViewers bool `json:"can_get_viewers"` // True, if media timestamp links can be generated for media timestamp entities in the message text, caption or web page description CanGetMediaTimestampLinks bool `json:"can_get_media_timestamp_links"` // True, if media timestamp entities refers to a media in this message as opposed to a media in the replied message HasTimestampedMedia bool `json:"has_timestamped_media"` // True, if the message is a channel post. All messages to channels are channel posts, all other messages are not channel posts IsChannelPost bool `json:"is_channel_post"` // True, if the message contains an unread mention for the current user ContainsUnreadMention bool `json:"contains_unread_mention"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was sent Date int32 `json:"date"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was last edited EditDate int32 `json:"edit_date"` // Information about the initial message sender; may be null ForwardInfo *MessageForwardInfo `json:"forward_info"` // Information about interactions with the message; may be null InteractionInfo *MessageInteractionInfo `json:"interaction_info"` // If non-zero, the identifier of the chat to which the replied message belongs; Currently, only messages in the Replies chat can have different reply_in_chat_id and chat_id ReplyInChatId int64 `json:"reply_in_chat_id"` // If non-zero, the identifier of the message this message is replying to; can be the identifier of a deleted message ReplyToMessageId int64 `json:"reply_to_message_id"` // If non-zero, the identifier of the message thread the message belongs to; unique within the chat to which the message belongs MessageThreadId int64 `json:"message_thread_id"` // For self-destructing messages, the message's TTL (Time To Live), in seconds; 0 if none. TDLib will send updateDeleteMessages or updateMessageContent once the TTL expires Ttl int32 `json:"ttl"` // Time left before the message expires, in seconds. If the TTL timer isn't started yet, equals to the value of the ttl field TtlExpiresIn float64 `json:"ttl_expires_in"` // If non-zero, the user identifier of the bot through which this message was sent ViaBotUserId int64 `json:"via_bot_user_id"` // For channel posts and anonymous group messages, optional author signature AuthorSignature string `json:"author_signature"` // Unique identifier of an album this message belongs to. Only audios, documents, photos and videos can be grouped together in albums MediaAlbumId JsonInt64 `json:"media_album_id"` // If non-empty, contains a human-readable description of the reason why access to this message must be restricted RestrictionReason string `json:"restriction_reason"` // Content of the message Content MessageContent `json:"content"` // Reply markup for the message; may be null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` } func (entity *Message) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Message return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Message) GetClass() string { return ClassMessage } func (*Message) GetType() string { return TypeMessage } func (message *Message) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` SenderId json.RawMessage `json:"sender_id"` ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` SendingState json.RawMessage `json:"sending_state"` SchedulingState json.RawMessage `json:"scheduling_state"` IsOutgoing bool `json:"is_outgoing"` IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` CanBeEdited bool `json:"can_be_edited"` CanBeForwarded bool `json:"can_be_forwarded"` CanBeSaved bool `json:"can_be_saved"` CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf bool `json:"can_be_deleted_only_for_self"` CanBeDeletedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_deleted_for_all_users"` CanGetStatistics bool `json:"can_get_statistics"` CanGetMessageThread bool `json:"can_get_message_thread"` CanGetViewers bool `json:"can_get_viewers"` CanGetMediaTimestampLinks bool `json:"can_get_media_timestamp_links"` HasTimestampedMedia bool `json:"has_timestamped_media"` IsChannelPost bool `json:"is_channel_post"` ContainsUnreadMention bool `json:"contains_unread_mention"` Date int32 `json:"date"` EditDate int32 `json:"edit_date"` ForwardInfo *MessageForwardInfo `json:"forward_info"` InteractionInfo *MessageInteractionInfo `json:"interaction_info"` ReplyInChatId int64 `json:"reply_in_chat_id"` ReplyToMessageId int64 `json:"reply_to_message_id"` MessageThreadId int64 `json:"message_thread_id"` Ttl int32 `json:"ttl"` TtlExpiresIn float64 `json:"ttl_expires_in"` ViaBotUserId int64 `json:"via_bot_user_id"` AuthorSignature string `json:"author_signature"` MediaAlbumId JsonInt64 `json:"media_album_id"` RestrictionReason string `json:"restriction_reason"` Content json.RawMessage `json:"content"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } message.Id = tmp.Id message.ChatId = tmp.ChatId message.IsOutgoing = tmp.IsOutgoing message.IsPinned = tmp.IsPinned message.CanBeEdited = tmp.CanBeEdited message.CanBeForwarded = tmp.CanBeForwarded message.CanBeSaved = tmp.CanBeSaved message.CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf = tmp.CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf message.CanBeDeletedForAllUsers = tmp.CanBeDeletedForAllUsers message.CanGetStatistics = tmp.CanGetStatistics message.CanGetMessageThread = tmp.CanGetMessageThread message.CanGetViewers = tmp.CanGetViewers message.CanGetMediaTimestampLinks = tmp.CanGetMediaTimestampLinks message.HasTimestampedMedia = tmp.HasTimestampedMedia message.IsChannelPost = tmp.IsChannelPost message.ContainsUnreadMention = tmp.ContainsUnreadMention message.Date = tmp.Date message.EditDate = tmp.EditDate message.ForwardInfo = tmp.ForwardInfo message.InteractionInfo = tmp.InteractionInfo message.ReplyInChatId = tmp.ReplyInChatId message.ReplyToMessageId = tmp.ReplyToMessageId message.MessageThreadId = tmp.MessageThreadId message.Ttl = tmp.Ttl message.TtlExpiresIn = tmp.TtlExpiresIn message.ViaBotUserId = tmp.ViaBotUserId message.AuthorSignature = tmp.AuthorSignature message.MediaAlbumId = tmp.MediaAlbumId message.RestrictionReason = tmp.RestrictionReason fieldSenderId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.SenderId) message.SenderId = fieldSenderId fieldSendingState, _ := UnmarshalMessageSendingState(tmp.SendingState) message.SendingState = fieldSendingState fieldSchedulingState, _ := UnmarshalMessageSchedulingState(tmp.SchedulingState) message.SchedulingState = fieldSchedulingState fieldContent, _ := UnmarshalMessageContent(tmp.Content) message.Content = fieldContent fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) message.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup return nil } // Contains a list of messages type Messages struct { meta // Approximate total count of messages found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of messages; messages may be null Messages []*Message `json:"messages"` } func (entity *Messages) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Messages return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Messages) GetClass() string { return ClassMessages } func (*Messages) GetType() string { return TypeMessages } // Contains a list of messages found by a search type FoundMessages struct { meta // Approximate total count of messages found; -1 if unknown TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of messages Messages []*Message `json:"messages"` // The offset for the next request. If empty, there are no more results NextOffset string `json:"next_offset"` } func (entity *FoundMessages) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FoundMessages return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FoundMessages) GetClass() string { return ClassFoundMessages } func (*FoundMessages) GetType() string { return TypeFoundMessages } // Contains information about a message in a specific position type MessagePosition struct { meta // 0-based message position in the full list of suitable messages Position int32 `json:"position"` // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was sent Date int32 `json:"date"` } func (entity *MessagePosition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePosition return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePosition) GetClass() string { return ClassMessagePosition } func (*MessagePosition) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePosition } // Contains a list of message positions type MessagePositions struct { meta // Total count of messages found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of message positions Positions []*MessagePosition `json:"positions"` } func (entity *MessagePositions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePositions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePositions) GetClass() string { return ClassMessagePositions } func (*MessagePositions) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePositions } // Contains information about found messages sent on a specific day type MessageCalendarDay struct { meta // Total number of found messages sent on the day TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // First message sent on the day Message *Message `json:"message"` } func (entity *MessageCalendarDay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageCalendarDay return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageCalendarDay) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageCalendarDay } func (*MessageCalendarDay) GetType() string { return TypeMessageCalendarDay } // Contains information about found messages, split by days according to the option "utc_time_offset" type MessageCalendar struct { meta // Total number of found messages TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // Information about messages sent Days []*MessageCalendarDay `json:"days"` } func (entity *MessageCalendar) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageCalendar return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageCalendar) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageCalendar } func (*MessageCalendar) GetType() string { return TypeMessageCalendar } // Describes a sponsored message type SponsoredMessage struct { meta // Message identifier; unique for the chat to which the sponsored message belongs among both ordinary and sponsored messages MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // Sponsor chat identifier; 0 if the sponsor chat is accessible through an invite link SponsorChatId int64 `json:"sponsor_chat_id"` // Information about the sponsor chat; may be null unless sponsor_chat_id == 0 SponsorChatInfo *ChatInviteLinkInfo `json:"sponsor_chat_info"` // An internal link to be opened when the sponsored message is clicked; may be null. If null, the sponsor chat needs to be opened instead Link InternalLinkType `json:"link"` // Content of the message. Currently, can be only of the type messageText Content MessageContent `json:"content"` } func (entity *SponsoredMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SponsoredMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SponsoredMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassSponsoredMessage } func (*SponsoredMessage) GetType() string { return TypeSponsoredMessage } func (sponsoredMessage *SponsoredMessage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` SponsorChatId int64 `json:"sponsor_chat_id"` SponsorChatInfo *ChatInviteLinkInfo `json:"sponsor_chat_info"` Link json.RawMessage `json:"link"` Content json.RawMessage `json:"content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } sponsoredMessage.MessageId = tmp.MessageId sponsoredMessage.SponsorChatId = tmp.SponsorChatId sponsoredMessage.SponsorChatInfo = tmp.SponsorChatInfo fieldLink, _ := UnmarshalInternalLinkType(tmp.Link) sponsoredMessage.Link = fieldLink fieldContent, _ := UnmarshalMessageContent(tmp.Content) sponsoredMessage.Content = fieldContent return nil } // Notification settings applied to all private and secret chats when the corresponding chat setting has a default value type NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationSettingsScope } func (*NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats } func (*NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats) NotificationSettingsScopeType() string { return TypeNotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats } // Notification settings applied to all basic groups and supergroups when the corresponding chat setting has a default value type NotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationSettingsScope } func (*NotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats } func (*NotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats) NotificationSettingsScopeType() string { return TypeNotificationSettingsScopeGroupChats } // Notification settings applied to all channels when the corresponding chat setting has a default value type NotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationSettingsScope } func (*NotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats } func (*NotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats) NotificationSettingsScopeType() string { return TypeNotificationSettingsScopeChannelChats } // Contains information about notification settings for a chat type ChatNotificationSettings struct { meta // If true, mute_for is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead UseDefaultMuteFor bool `json:"use_default_mute_for"` // Time left before notifications will be unmuted, in seconds MuteFor int32 `json:"mute_for"` // If true, sound is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead UseDefaultSound bool `json:"use_default_sound"` // The name of an audio file to be used for notification sounds; only applies to iOS applications Sound string `json:"sound"` // If true, show_preview is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead UseDefaultShowPreview bool `json:"use_default_show_preview"` // True, if message content must be displayed in notifications ShowPreview bool `json:"show_preview"` // If true, disable_pinned_message_notifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead UseDefaultDisablePinnedMessageNotifications bool `json:"use_default_disable_pinned_message_notifications"` // If true, notifications for incoming pinned messages will be created as for an ordinary unread message DisablePinnedMessageNotifications bool `json:"disable_pinned_message_notifications"` // If true, disable_mention_notifications is ignored and the value for the relevant type of chat is used instead UseDefaultDisableMentionNotifications bool `json:"use_default_disable_mention_notifications"` // If true, notifications for messages with mentions will be created as for an ordinary unread message DisableMentionNotifications bool `json:"disable_mention_notifications"` } func (entity *ChatNotificationSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatNotificationSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatNotificationSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassChatNotificationSettings } func (*ChatNotificationSettings) GetType() string { return TypeChatNotificationSettings } // Contains information about notification settings for several chats type ScopeNotificationSettings struct { meta // Time left before notifications will be unmuted, in seconds MuteFor int32 `json:"mute_for"` // The name of an audio file to be used for notification sounds; only applies to iOS applications Sound string `json:"sound"` // True, if message content must be displayed in notifications ShowPreview bool `json:"show_preview"` // True, if notifications for incoming pinned messages will be created as for an ordinary unread message DisablePinnedMessageNotifications bool `json:"disable_pinned_message_notifications"` // True, if notifications for messages with mentions will be created as for an ordinary unread message DisableMentionNotifications bool `json:"disable_mention_notifications"` } func (entity *ScopeNotificationSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ScopeNotificationSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ScopeNotificationSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassScopeNotificationSettings } func (*ScopeNotificationSettings) GetType() string { return TypeScopeNotificationSettings } // Contains information about a message draft type DraftMessage struct { meta // Identifier of the message to reply to; 0 if none ReplyToMessageId int64 `json:"reply_to_message_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the draft was created Date int32 `json:"date"` // Content of the message draft; must be of the type inputMessageText InputMessageText InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_text"` } func (entity *DraftMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DraftMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DraftMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassDraftMessage } func (*DraftMessage) GetType() string { return TypeDraftMessage } func (draftMessage *DraftMessage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ReplyToMessageId int64 `json:"reply_to_message_id"` Date int32 `json:"date"` InputMessageText json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } draftMessage.ReplyToMessageId = tmp.ReplyToMessageId draftMessage.Date = tmp.Date fieldInputMessageText, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageText) draftMessage.InputMessageText = fieldInputMessageText return nil } // An ordinary chat with a user type ChatTypePrivate struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *ChatTypePrivate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatTypePrivate return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatTypePrivate) GetClass() string { return ClassChatType } func (*ChatTypePrivate) GetType() string { return TypeChatTypePrivate } func (*ChatTypePrivate) ChatTypeType() string { return TypeChatTypePrivate } // A basic group (a chat with 0-200 other users) type ChatTypeBasicGroup struct { meta // Basic group identifier BasicGroupId int64 `json:"basic_group_id"` } func (entity *ChatTypeBasicGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatTypeBasicGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatTypeBasicGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassChatType } func (*ChatTypeBasicGroup) GetType() string { return TypeChatTypeBasicGroup } func (*ChatTypeBasicGroup) ChatTypeType() string { return TypeChatTypeBasicGroup } // A supergroup or channel (with unlimited members) type ChatTypeSupergroup struct { meta // Supergroup or channel identifier SupergroupId int64 `json:"supergroup_id"` // True, if the supergroup is a channel IsChannel bool `json:"is_channel"` } func (entity *ChatTypeSupergroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatTypeSupergroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatTypeSupergroup) GetClass() string { return ClassChatType } func (*ChatTypeSupergroup) GetType() string { return TypeChatTypeSupergroup } func (*ChatTypeSupergroup) ChatTypeType() string { return TypeChatTypeSupergroup } // A secret chat with a user type ChatTypeSecret struct { meta // Secret chat identifier SecretChatId int32 `json:"secret_chat_id"` // User identifier of the secret chat peer UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *ChatTypeSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatTypeSecret return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatTypeSecret) GetClass() string { return ClassChatType } func (*ChatTypeSecret) GetType() string { return TypeChatTypeSecret } func (*ChatTypeSecret) ChatTypeType() string { return TypeChatTypeSecret } // Represents a filter of user chats type ChatFilter struct { meta // The title of the filter; 1-12 characters without line feeds Title string `json:"title"` // The chosen icon name for short filter representation. If non-empty, must be one of "All", "Unread", "Unmuted", "Bots", "Channels", "Groups", "Private", "Custom", "Setup", "Cat", "Crown", "Favorite", "Flower", "Game", "Home", "Love", "Mask", "Party", "Sport", "Study", "Trade", "Travel", "Work". If empty, use getChatFilterDefaultIconName to get default icon name for the filter IconName string `json:"icon_name"` // The chat identifiers of pinned chats in the filtered chat list PinnedChatIds []int64 `json:"pinned_chat_ids"` // The chat identifiers of always included chats in the filtered chat list IncludedChatIds []int64 `json:"included_chat_ids"` // The chat identifiers of always excluded chats in the filtered chat list ExcludedChatIds []int64 `json:"excluded_chat_ids"` // True, if muted chats need to be excluded ExcludeMuted bool `json:"exclude_muted"` // True, if read chats need to be excluded ExcludeRead bool `json:"exclude_read"` // True, if archived chats need to be excluded ExcludeArchived bool `json:"exclude_archived"` // True, if contacts need to be included IncludeContacts bool `json:"include_contacts"` // True, if non-contact users need to be included IncludeNonContacts bool `json:"include_non_contacts"` // True, if bots need to be included IncludeBots bool `json:"include_bots"` // True, if basic groups and supergroups need to be included IncludeGroups bool `json:"include_groups"` // True, if channels need to be included IncludeChannels bool `json:"include_channels"` } func (entity *ChatFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatFilter return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatFilter) GetClass() string { return ClassChatFilter } func (*ChatFilter) GetType() string { return TypeChatFilter } // Contains basic information about a chat filter type ChatFilterInfo struct { meta // Unique chat filter identifier Id int32 `json:"id"` // The title of the filter; 1-12 characters without line feeds Title string `json:"title"` // The chosen or default icon name for short filter representation. One of "All", "Unread", "Unmuted", "Bots", "Channels", "Groups", "Private", "Custom", "Setup", "Cat", "Crown", "Favorite", "Flower", "Game", "Home", "Love", "Mask", "Party", "Sport", "Study", "Trade", "Travel", "Work" IconName string `json:"icon_name"` } func (entity *ChatFilterInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatFilterInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatFilterInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatFilterInfo } func (*ChatFilterInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatFilterInfo } // Describes a recommended chat filter type RecommendedChatFilter struct { meta // The chat filter Filter *ChatFilter `json:"filter"` // Chat filter description Description string `json:"description"` } func (entity *RecommendedChatFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RecommendedChatFilter return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RecommendedChatFilter) GetClass() string { return ClassRecommendedChatFilter } func (*RecommendedChatFilter) GetType() string { return TypeRecommendedChatFilter } // Contains a list of recommended chat filters type RecommendedChatFilters struct { meta // List of recommended chat filters ChatFilters []*RecommendedChatFilter `json:"chat_filters"` } func (entity *RecommendedChatFilters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RecommendedChatFilters return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RecommendedChatFilters) GetClass() string { return ClassRecommendedChatFilters } func (*RecommendedChatFilters) GetType() string { return TypeRecommendedChatFilters } // A main list of chats type ChatListMain struct { meta } func (entity *ChatListMain) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatListMain return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatListMain) GetClass() string { return ClassChatList } func (*ChatListMain) GetType() string { return TypeChatListMain } func (*ChatListMain) ChatListType() string { return TypeChatListMain } // A list of chats usually located at the top of the main chat list. Unmuted chats are automatically moved from the Archive to the Main chat list when a new message arrives type ChatListArchive struct { meta } func (entity *ChatListArchive) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatListArchive return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatListArchive) GetClass() string { return ClassChatList } func (*ChatListArchive) GetType() string { return TypeChatListArchive } func (*ChatListArchive) ChatListType() string { return TypeChatListArchive } // A list of chats belonging to a chat filter type ChatListFilter struct { meta // Chat filter identifier ChatFilterId int32 `json:"chat_filter_id"` } func (entity *ChatListFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatListFilter return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatListFilter) GetClass() string { return ClassChatList } func (*ChatListFilter) GetType() string { return TypeChatListFilter } func (*ChatListFilter) ChatListType() string { return TypeChatListFilter } // Contains a list of chat lists type ChatLists struct { meta // List of chat lists ChatLists []ChatList `json:"chat_lists"` } func (entity *ChatLists) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatLists return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatLists) GetClass() string { return ClassChatLists } func (*ChatLists) GetType() string { return TypeChatLists } func (chatLists *ChatLists) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatLists []json.RawMessage `json:"chat_lists"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldChatLists, _ := UnmarshalListOfChatList(tmp.ChatLists) chatLists.ChatLists = fieldChatLists return nil } // The chat is sponsored by the user's MTProxy server type ChatSourceMtprotoProxy struct { meta } func (entity *ChatSourceMtprotoProxy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatSourceMtprotoProxy return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatSourceMtprotoProxy) GetClass() string { return ClassChatSource } func (*ChatSourceMtprotoProxy) GetType() string { return TypeChatSourceMtprotoProxy } func (*ChatSourceMtprotoProxy) ChatSourceType() string { return TypeChatSourceMtprotoProxy } // The chat contains a public service announcement type ChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement struct { meta // The type of the announcement Type string `json:"type"` // The text of the announcement Text string `json:"text"` } func (entity *ChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement) GetClass() string { return ClassChatSource } func (*ChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement) GetType() string { return TypeChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement } func (*ChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement) ChatSourceType() string { return TypeChatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement } // Describes a position of a chat in a chat list type ChatPosition struct { meta // The chat list List ChatList `json:"list"` // A parameter used to determine order of the chat in the chat list. Chats must be sorted by the pair (order, chat.id) in descending order Order JsonInt64 `json:"order"` // True, if the chat is pinned in the chat list IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` // Source of the chat in the chat list; may be null Source ChatSource `json:"source"` } func (entity *ChatPosition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatPosition return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatPosition) GetClass() string { return ClassChatPosition } func (*ChatPosition) GetType() string { return TypeChatPosition } func (chatPosition *ChatPosition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { List json.RawMessage `json:"list"` Order JsonInt64 `json:"order"` IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` Source json.RawMessage `json:"source"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatPosition.Order = tmp.Order chatPosition.IsPinned = tmp.IsPinned fieldList, _ := UnmarshalChatList(tmp.List) chatPosition.List = fieldList fieldSource, _ := UnmarshalChatSource(tmp.Source) chatPosition.Source = fieldSource return nil } // Describes a video chat type VideoChat struct { meta // Group call identifier of an active video chat; 0 if none. Full information about the video chat can be received through the method getGroupCall GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` // True, if the video chat has participants HasParticipants bool `json:"has_participants"` // Default group call participant identifier to join the video chat; may be null DefaultParticipantId MessageSender `json:"default_participant_id"` } func (entity *VideoChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub VideoChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*VideoChat) GetClass() string { return ClassVideoChat } func (*VideoChat) GetType() string { return TypeVideoChat } func (videoChat *VideoChat) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` HasParticipants bool `json:"has_participants"` DefaultParticipantId json.RawMessage `json:"default_participant_id"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } videoChat.GroupCallId = tmp.GroupCallId videoChat.HasParticipants = tmp.HasParticipants fieldDefaultParticipantId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.DefaultParticipantId) videoChat.DefaultParticipantId = fieldDefaultParticipantId return nil } // A chat. (Can be a private chat, basic group, supergroup, or secret chat) type Chat struct { meta // Chat unique identifier Id int64 `json:"id"` // Type of the chat Type ChatType `json:"type"` // Chat title Title string `json:"title"` // Chat photo; may be null Photo *ChatPhotoInfo `json:"photo"` // Actions that non-administrator chat members are allowed to take in the chat Permissions *ChatPermissions `json:"permissions"` // Last message in the chat; may be null LastMessage *Message `json:"last_message"` // Positions of the chat in chat lists Positions []*ChatPosition `json:"positions"` // Identifier of a user or chat that is selected to send messages in the chat; may be null if the user can't change message sender MessageSenderId MessageSender `json:"message_sender_id"` // True, if chat content can't be saved locally, forwarded, or copied HasProtectedContent bool `json:"has_protected_content"` // True, if the chat is marked as unread IsMarkedAsUnread bool `json:"is_marked_as_unread"` // True, if the chat is blocked by the current user and private messages from the chat can't be received IsBlocked bool `json:"is_blocked"` // True, if the chat has scheduled messages HasScheduledMessages bool `json:"has_scheduled_messages"` // True, if the chat messages can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see the messages CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf bool `json:"can_be_deleted_only_for_self"` // True, if the chat messages can be deleted for all users CanBeDeletedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_deleted_for_all_users"` // True, if the chat can be reported to Telegram moderators through reportChat or reportChatPhoto CanBeReported bool `json:"can_be_reported"` // Default value of the disable_notification parameter, used when a message is sent to the chat DefaultDisableNotification bool `json:"default_disable_notification"` // Number of unread messages in the chat UnreadCount int32 `json:"unread_count"` // Identifier of the last read incoming message LastReadInboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_inbox_message_id"` // Identifier of the last read outgoing message LastReadOutboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_outbox_message_id"` // Number of unread messages with a mention/reply in the chat UnreadMentionCount int32 `json:"unread_mention_count"` // Notification settings for this chat NotificationSettings *ChatNotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` // Current message Time To Live setting (self-destruct timer) for the chat; 0 if not defined. TTL is counted from the time message or its content is viewed in secret chats and from the send date in other chats MessageTtl int32 `json:"message_ttl"` // If non-empty, name of a theme, set for the chat ThemeName string `json:"theme_name"` // Information about actions which must be possible to do through the chat action bar; may be null ActionBar ChatActionBar `json:"action_bar"` // Information about video chat of the chat VideoChat *VideoChat `json:"video_chat"` // Information about pending join requests; may be null PendingJoinRequests *ChatJoinRequestsInfo `json:"pending_join_requests"` // Identifier of the message from which reply markup needs to be used; 0 if there is no default custom reply markup in the chat ReplyMarkupMessageId int64 `json:"reply_markup_message_id"` // A draft of a message in the chat; may be null DraftMessage *DraftMessage `json:"draft_message"` // Application-specific data associated with the chat. (For example, the chat scroll position or local chat notification settings can be stored here.) Persistent if the message database is used ClientData string `json:"client_data"` } func (entity *Chat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Chat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Chat) GetClass() string { return ClassChat } func (*Chat) GetType() string { return TypeChat } func (chat *Chat) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` Title string `json:"title"` Photo *ChatPhotoInfo `json:"photo"` Permissions *ChatPermissions `json:"permissions"` LastMessage *Message `json:"last_message"` Positions []*ChatPosition `json:"positions"` MessageSenderId json.RawMessage `json:"message_sender_id"` HasProtectedContent bool `json:"has_protected_content"` IsMarkedAsUnread bool `json:"is_marked_as_unread"` IsBlocked bool `json:"is_blocked"` HasScheduledMessages bool `json:"has_scheduled_messages"` CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf bool `json:"can_be_deleted_only_for_self"` CanBeDeletedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_deleted_for_all_users"` CanBeReported bool `json:"can_be_reported"` DefaultDisableNotification bool `json:"default_disable_notification"` UnreadCount int32 `json:"unread_count"` LastReadInboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_inbox_message_id"` LastReadOutboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_outbox_message_id"` UnreadMentionCount int32 `json:"unread_mention_count"` NotificationSettings *ChatNotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` MessageTtl int32 `json:"message_ttl"` ThemeName string `json:"theme_name"` ActionBar json.RawMessage `json:"action_bar"` VideoChat *VideoChat `json:"video_chat"` PendingJoinRequests *ChatJoinRequestsInfo `json:"pending_join_requests"` ReplyMarkupMessageId int64 `json:"reply_markup_message_id"` DraftMessage *DraftMessage `json:"draft_message"` ClientData string `json:"client_data"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chat.Id = tmp.Id chat.Title = tmp.Title chat.Photo = tmp.Photo chat.Permissions = tmp.Permissions chat.LastMessage = tmp.LastMessage chat.Positions = tmp.Positions chat.HasProtectedContent = tmp.HasProtectedContent chat.IsMarkedAsUnread = tmp.IsMarkedAsUnread chat.IsBlocked = tmp.IsBlocked chat.HasScheduledMessages = tmp.HasScheduledMessages chat.CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf = tmp.CanBeDeletedOnlyForSelf chat.CanBeDeletedForAllUsers = tmp.CanBeDeletedForAllUsers chat.CanBeReported = tmp.CanBeReported chat.DefaultDisableNotification = tmp.DefaultDisableNotification chat.UnreadCount = tmp.UnreadCount chat.LastReadInboxMessageId = tmp.LastReadInboxMessageId chat.LastReadOutboxMessageId = tmp.LastReadOutboxMessageId chat.UnreadMentionCount = tmp.UnreadMentionCount chat.NotificationSettings = tmp.NotificationSettings chat.MessageTtl = tmp.MessageTtl chat.ThemeName = tmp.ThemeName chat.VideoChat = tmp.VideoChat chat.PendingJoinRequests = tmp.PendingJoinRequests chat.ReplyMarkupMessageId = tmp.ReplyMarkupMessageId chat.DraftMessage = tmp.DraftMessage chat.ClientData = tmp.ClientData fieldType, _ := UnmarshalChatType(tmp.Type) chat.Type = fieldType fieldMessageSenderId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.MessageSenderId) chat.MessageSenderId = fieldMessageSenderId fieldActionBar, _ := UnmarshalChatActionBar(tmp.ActionBar) chat.ActionBar = fieldActionBar return nil } // Represents a list of chats type Chats struct { meta // Approximate total count of chats found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of chat identifiers ChatIds []int64 `json:"chat_ids"` } func (entity *Chats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Chats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Chats) GetClass() string { return ClassChats } func (*Chats) GetType() string { return TypeChats } // Describes a chat located nearby type ChatNearby struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Distance to the chat location, in meters Distance int32 `json:"distance"` } func (entity *ChatNearby) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatNearby return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatNearby) GetClass() string { return ClassChatNearby } func (*ChatNearby) GetType() string { return TypeChatNearby } // Represents a list of chats located nearby type ChatsNearby struct { meta // List of users nearby UsersNearby []*ChatNearby `json:"users_nearby"` // List of location-based supergroups nearby SupergroupsNearby []*ChatNearby `json:"supergroups_nearby"` } func (entity *ChatsNearby) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatsNearby return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatsNearby) GetClass() string { return ClassChatsNearby } func (*ChatsNearby) GetType() string { return TypeChatsNearby } // The chat is public, because it has username type PublicChatTypeHasUsername struct { meta } func (entity *PublicChatTypeHasUsername) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PublicChatTypeHasUsername return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PublicChatTypeHasUsername) GetClass() string { return ClassPublicChatType } func (*PublicChatTypeHasUsername) GetType() string { return TypePublicChatTypeHasUsername } func (*PublicChatTypeHasUsername) PublicChatTypeType() string { return TypePublicChatTypeHasUsername } // The chat is public, because it is a location-based supergroup type PublicChatTypeIsLocationBased struct { meta } func (entity *PublicChatTypeIsLocationBased) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PublicChatTypeIsLocationBased return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PublicChatTypeIsLocationBased) GetClass() string { return ClassPublicChatType } func (*PublicChatTypeIsLocationBased) GetType() string { return TypePublicChatTypeIsLocationBased } func (*PublicChatTypeIsLocationBased) PublicChatTypeType() string { return TypePublicChatTypeIsLocationBased } // The chat can be reported as spam using the method reportChat with the reason chatReportReasonSpam type ChatActionBarReportSpam struct { meta // If true, the chat was automatically archived and can be moved back to the main chat list using addChatToList simultaneously with setting chat notification settings to default using setChatNotificationSettings CanUnarchive bool `json:"can_unarchive"` } func (entity *ChatActionBarReportSpam) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionBarReportSpam return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionBarReportSpam) GetClass() string { return ClassChatActionBar } func (*ChatActionBarReportSpam) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionBarReportSpam } func (*ChatActionBarReportSpam) ChatActionBarType() string { return TypeChatActionBarReportSpam } // The chat is a location-based supergroup, which can be reported as having unrelated location using the method reportChat with the reason chatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation type ChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassChatActionBar } func (*ChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation } func (*ChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation) ChatActionBarType() string { return TypeChatActionBarReportUnrelatedLocation } // The chat is a recently created group chat to which new members can be invited type ChatActionBarInviteMembers struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionBarInviteMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionBarInviteMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionBarInviteMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassChatActionBar } func (*ChatActionBarInviteMembers) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionBarInviteMembers } func (*ChatActionBarInviteMembers) ChatActionBarType() string { return TypeChatActionBarInviteMembers } // The chat is a private or secret chat, which can be reported using the method reportChat, or the other user can be blocked using the method toggleMessageSenderIsBlocked, or the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact type ChatActionBarReportAddBlock struct { meta // If true, the chat was automatically archived and can be moved back to the main chat list using addChatToList simultaneously with setting chat notification settings to default using setChatNotificationSettings CanUnarchive bool `json:"can_unarchive"` // If non-negative, the current user was found by the peer through searchChatsNearby and this is the distance between the users Distance int32 `json:"distance"` } func (entity *ChatActionBarReportAddBlock) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionBarReportAddBlock return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionBarReportAddBlock) GetClass() string { return ClassChatActionBar } func (*ChatActionBarReportAddBlock) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionBarReportAddBlock } func (*ChatActionBarReportAddBlock) ChatActionBarType() string { return TypeChatActionBarReportAddBlock } // The chat is a private or secret chat and the other user can be added to the contact list using the method addContact type ChatActionBarAddContact struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionBarAddContact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionBarAddContact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionBarAddContact) GetClass() string { return ClassChatActionBar } func (*ChatActionBarAddContact) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionBarAddContact } func (*ChatActionBarAddContact) ChatActionBarType() string { return TypeChatActionBarAddContact } // The chat is a private or secret chat with a mutual contact and the user's phone number can be shared with the other user using the method sharePhoneNumber type ChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassChatActionBar } func (*ChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber } func (*ChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber) ChatActionBarType() string { return TypeChatActionBarSharePhoneNumber } // The chat is a private chat with an administrator of a chat to which the user sent join request type ChatActionBarJoinRequest struct { meta // Title of the chat to which the join request was sent Title string `json:"title"` // True, if the join request was sent to a channel chat IsChannel bool `json:"is_channel"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the join request was sent RequestDate int32 `json:"request_date"` } func (entity *ChatActionBarJoinRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionBarJoinRequest return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionBarJoinRequest) GetClass() string { return ClassChatActionBar } func (*ChatActionBarJoinRequest) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionBarJoinRequest } func (*ChatActionBarJoinRequest) ChatActionBarType() string { return TypeChatActionBarJoinRequest } // A simple button, with text that must be sent when the button is pressed type KeyboardButtonTypeText struct { meta } func (entity *KeyboardButtonTypeText) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub KeyboardButtonTypeText return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeText) GetClass() string { return ClassKeyboardButtonType } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeText) GetType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeText } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeText) KeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeText } // A button that sends the user's phone number when pressed; available only in private chats type KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassKeyboardButtonType } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber) KeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber } // A button that sends the user's location when pressed; available only in private chats type KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation struct { meta } func (entity *KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassKeyboardButtonType } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation) GetType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation) KeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation } // A button that allows the user to create and send a poll when pressed; available only in private chats type KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll struct { meta // If true, only regular polls must be allowed to create ForceRegular bool `json:"force_regular"` // If true, only polls in quiz mode must be allowed to create ForceQuiz bool `json:"force_quiz"` } func (entity *KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll) GetClass() string { return ClassKeyboardButtonType } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll) GetType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll } func (*KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll) KeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeKeyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll } // Represents a single button in a bot keyboard type KeyboardButton struct { meta // Text of the button Text string `json:"text"` // Type of the button Type KeyboardButtonType `json:"type"` } func (entity *KeyboardButton) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub KeyboardButton return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*KeyboardButton) GetClass() string { return ClassKeyboardButton } func (*KeyboardButton) GetType() string { return TypeKeyboardButton } func (keyboardButton *KeyboardButton) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text string `json:"text"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } keyboardButton.Text = tmp.Text fieldType, _ := UnmarshalKeyboardButtonType(tmp.Type) keyboardButton.Type = fieldType return nil } // A button that opens a specified URL type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl struct { meta // HTTP or tg:// URL to open Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl } // A button that opens a specified URL and automatically authorize the current user if allowed to do so type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl struct { meta // An HTTP URL to open Url string `json:"url"` // Unique button identifier Id int64 `json:"id"` // If non-empty, new text of the button in forwarded messages ForwardText string `json:"forward_text"` } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl } // A button that sends a callback query to a bot type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback struct { meta // Data to be sent to the bot via a callback query Data []byte `json:"data"` } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback } // A button that asks for password of the current user and then sends a callback query to a bot type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword struct { meta // Data to be sent to the bot via a callback query Data []byte `json:"data"` } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword } // A button with a game that sends a callback query to a bot. This button must be in the first column and row of the keyboard and can be attached only to a message with content of the type messageGame type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame struct { meta } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame } // A button that forces an inline query to the bot to be inserted in the input field type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline struct { meta // Inline query to be sent to the bot Query string `json:"query"` // True, if the inline query must be sent from the current chat InCurrentChat bool `json:"in_current_chat"` } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline } // A button to buy something. This button must be in the first column and row of the keyboard and can be attached only to a message with content of the type messageInvoice type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy struct { meta } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy } // A button with a user reference to be handled in the same way as textEntityTypeMentionName entities type InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButtonType } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser } func (*InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser) InlineKeyboardButtonTypeType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButtonTypeUser } // Represents a single button in an inline keyboard type InlineKeyboardButton struct { meta // Text of the button Text string `json:"text"` // Type of the button Type InlineKeyboardButtonType `json:"type"` } func (entity *InlineKeyboardButton) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineKeyboardButton return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineKeyboardButton) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineKeyboardButton } func (*InlineKeyboardButton) GetType() string { return TypeInlineKeyboardButton } func (inlineKeyboardButton *InlineKeyboardButton) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text string `json:"text"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inlineKeyboardButton.Text = tmp.Text fieldType, _ := UnmarshalInlineKeyboardButtonType(tmp.Type) inlineKeyboardButton.Type = fieldType return nil } // Instructs application to remove the keyboard once this message has been received. This kind of keyboard can't be received in an incoming message; instead, UpdateChatReplyMarkup with message_id == 0 will be sent type ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard struct { meta // True, if the keyboard is removed only for the mentioned users or the target user of a reply IsPersonal bool `json:"is_personal"` } func (entity *ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard) GetClass() string { return ClassReplyMarkup } func (*ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard) GetType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard } func (*ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard) ReplyMarkupType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard } // Instructs application to force a reply to this message type ReplyMarkupForceReply struct { meta // True, if a forced reply must automatically be shown to the current user. For outgoing messages, specify true to show the forced reply only for the mentioned users and for the target user of a reply IsPersonal bool `json:"is_personal"` // If non-empty, the placeholder to be shown in the input field when the reply is active; 0-64 characters InputFieldPlaceholder string `json:"input_field_placeholder"` } func (entity *ReplyMarkupForceReply) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ReplyMarkupForceReply return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ReplyMarkupForceReply) GetClass() string { return ClassReplyMarkup } func (*ReplyMarkupForceReply) GetType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupForceReply } func (*ReplyMarkupForceReply) ReplyMarkupType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupForceReply } // Contains a custom keyboard layout to quickly reply to bots type ReplyMarkupShowKeyboard struct { meta // A list of rows of bot keyboard buttons Rows [][]*KeyboardButton `json:"rows"` // True, if the application needs to resize the keyboard vertically ResizeKeyboard bool `json:"resize_keyboard"` // True, if the application needs to hide the keyboard after use OneTime bool `json:"one_time"` // True, if the keyboard must automatically be shown to the current user. For outgoing messages, specify true to show the keyboard only for the mentioned users and for the target user of a reply IsPersonal bool `json:"is_personal"` // If non-empty, the placeholder to be shown in the input field when the keyboard is active; 0-64 characters InputFieldPlaceholder string `json:"input_field_placeholder"` } func (entity *ReplyMarkupShowKeyboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ReplyMarkupShowKeyboard return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ReplyMarkupShowKeyboard) GetClass() string { return ClassReplyMarkup } func (*ReplyMarkupShowKeyboard) GetType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupShowKeyboard } func (*ReplyMarkupShowKeyboard) ReplyMarkupType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupShowKeyboard } // Contains an inline keyboard layout type ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard struct { meta // A list of rows of inline keyboard buttons Rows [][]*InlineKeyboardButton `json:"rows"` } func (entity *ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard) GetClass() string { return ClassReplyMarkup } func (*ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard) GetType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard } func (*ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard) ReplyMarkupType() string { return TypeReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard } // An HTTP url needs to be open type LoginUrlInfoOpen struct { meta // The URL to open Url string `json:"url"` // True, if there is no need to show an ordinary open URL confirm SkipConfirm bool `json:"skip_confirm"` } func (entity *LoginUrlInfoOpen) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LoginUrlInfoOpen return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LoginUrlInfoOpen) GetClass() string { return ClassLoginUrlInfo } func (*LoginUrlInfoOpen) GetType() string { return TypeLoginUrlInfoOpen } func (*LoginUrlInfoOpen) LoginUrlInfoType() string { return TypeLoginUrlInfoOpen } // An authorization confirmation dialog needs to be shown to the user type LoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation struct { meta // An HTTP URL to be opened Url string `json:"url"` // A domain of the URL Domain string `json:"domain"` // User identifier of a bot linked with the website BotUserId int64 `json:"bot_user_id"` // True, if the user needs to be requested to give the permission to the bot to send them messages RequestWriteAccess bool `json:"request_write_access"` } func (entity *LoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation) GetClass() string { return ClassLoginUrlInfo } func (*LoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation) GetType() string { return TypeLoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation } func (*LoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation) LoginUrlInfoType() string { return TypeLoginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation } // Contains information about a message thread type MessageThreadInfo struct { meta // Identifier of the chat to which the message thread belongs ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message thread identifier, unique within the chat MessageThreadId int64 `json:"message_thread_id"` // Information about the message thread ReplyInfo *MessageReplyInfo `json:"reply_info"` // Approximate number of unread messages in the message thread UnreadMessageCount int32 `json:"unread_message_count"` // The messages from which the thread starts. The messages are returned in a reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing message_id) Messages []*Message `json:"messages"` // A draft of a message in the message thread; may be null DraftMessage *DraftMessage `json:"draft_message"` } func (entity *MessageThreadInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageThreadInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageThreadInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageThreadInfo } func (*MessageThreadInfo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageThreadInfo } // A plain text type RichTextPlain struct { meta // Text Text string `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextPlain) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextPlain return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextPlain) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextPlain) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextPlain } func (*RichTextPlain) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextPlain } // A bold rich text type RichTextBold struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextBold) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextBold return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextBold) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextBold) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextBold } func (*RichTextBold) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextBold } func (richTextBold *RichTextBold) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextBold.Text = fieldText return nil } // An italicized rich text type RichTextItalic struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextItalic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextItalic return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextItalic) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextItalic) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextItalic } func (*RichTextItalic) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextItalic } func (richTextItalic *RichTextItalic) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextItalic.Text = fieldText return nil } // An underlined rich text type RichTextUnderline struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextUnderline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextUnderline return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextUnderline) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextUnderline) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextUnderline } func (*RichTextUnderline) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextUnderline } func (richTextUnderline *RichTextUnderline) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextUnderline.Text = fieldText return nil } // A strikethrough rich text type RichTextStrikethrough struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextStrikethrough) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextStrikethrough return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextStrikethrough) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextStrikethrough) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextStrikethrough } func (*RichTextStrikethrough) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextStrikethrough } func (richTextStrikethrough *RichTextStrikethrough) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextStrikethrough.Text = fieldText return nil } // A fixed-width rich text type RichTextFixed struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextFixed) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextFixed return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextFixed) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextFixed) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextFixed } func (*RichTextFixed) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextFixed } func (richTextFixed *RichTextFixed) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextFixed.Text = fieldText return nil } // A rich text URL link type RichTextUrl struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` // URL Url string `json:"url"` // True, if the URL has cached instant view server-side IsCached bool `json:"is_cached"` } func (entity *RichTextUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextUrl) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextUrl } func (*RichTextUrl) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextUrl } func (richTextUrl *RichTextUrl) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` Url string `json:"url"` IsCached bool `json:"is_cached"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } richTextUrl.Url = tmp.Url richTextUrl.IsCached = tmp.IsCached fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextUrl.Text = fieldText return nil } // A rich text email link type RichTextEmailAddress struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` // Email address EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"` } func (entity *RichTextEmailAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextEmailAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextEmailAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextEmailAddress) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextEmailAddress } func (*RichTextEmailAddress) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextEmailAddress } func (richTextEmailAddress *RichTextEmailAddress) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } richTextEmailAddress.EmailAddress = tmp.EmailAddress fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextEmailAddress.Text = fieldText return nil } // A subscript rich text type RichTextSubscript struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextSubscript) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextSubscript return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextSubscript) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextSubscript) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextSubscript } func (*RichTextSubscript) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextSubscript } func (richTextSubscript *RichTextSubscript) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextSubscript.Text = fieldText return nil } // A superscript rich text type RichTextSuperscript struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextSuperscript) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextSuperscript return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextSuperscript) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextSuperscript) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextSuperscript } func (*RichTextSuperscript) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextSuperscript } func (richTextSuperscript *RichTextSuperscript) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextSuperscript.Text = fieldText return nil } // A marked rich text type RichTextMarked struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *RichTextMarked) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextMarked return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextMarked) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextMarked) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextMarked } func (*RichTextMarked) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextMarked } func (richTextMarked *RichTextMarked) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextMarked.Text = fieldText return nil } // A rich text phone number type RichTextPhoneNumber struct { meta // Text Text RichText `json:"text"` // Phone number PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` } func (entity *RichTextPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextPhoneNumber } func (*RichTextPhoneNumber) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextPhoneNumber } func (richTextPhoneNumber *RichTextPhoneNumber) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } richTextPhoneNumber.PhoneNumber = tmp.PhoneNumber fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextPhoneNumber.Text = fieldText return nil } // A small image inside the text type RichTextIcon struct { meta // The image represented as a document. The image can be in GIF, JPEG or PNG format Document *Document `json:"document"` // Width of a bounding box in which the image must be shown; 0 if unknown Width int32 `json:"width"` // Height of a bounding box in which the image must be shown; 0 if unknown Height int32 `json:"height"` } func (entity *RichTextIcon) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextIcon return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextIcon) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextIcon) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextIcon } func (*RichTextIcon) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextIcon } // A reference to a richTexts object on the same web page type RichTextReference struct { meta // The text Text RichText `json:"text"` // The name of a richTextAnchor object, which is the first element of the target richTexts object AnchorName string `json:"anchor_name"` // An HTTP URL, opening the reference Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *RichTextReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextReference return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextReference) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextReference) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextReference } func (*RichTextReference) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextReference } func (richTextReference *RichTextReference) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` AnchorName string `json:"anchor_name"` Url string `json:"url"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } richTextReference.AnchorName = tmp.AnchorName richTextReference.Url = tmp.Url fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextReference.Text = fieldText return nil } // An anchor type RichTextAnchor struct { meta // Anchor name Name string `json:"name"` } func (entity *RichTextAnchor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextAnchor return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextAnchor) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextAnchor) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextAnchor } func (*RichTextAnchor) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextAnchor } // A link to an anchor on the same web page type RichTextAnchorLink struct { meta // The link text Text RichText `json:"text"` // The anchor name. If the name is empty, the link must bring back to top AnchorName string `json:"anchor_name"` // An HTTP URL, opening the anchor Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *RichTextAnchorLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTextAnchorLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTextAnchorLink) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTextAnchorLink) GetType() string { return TypeRichTextAnchorLink } func (*RichTextAnchorLink) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTextAnchorLink } func (richTextAnchorLink *RichTextAnchorLink) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` AnchorName string `json:"anchor_name"` Url string `json:"url"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } richTextAnchorLink.AnchorName = tmp.AnchorName richTextAnchorLink.Url = tmp.Url fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) richTextAnchorLink.Text = fieldText return nil } // A concatenation of rich texts type RichTexts struct { meta // Texts Texts []RichText `json:"texts"` } func (entity *RichTexts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub RichTexts return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*RichTexts) GetClass() string { return ClassRichText } func (*RichTexts) GetType() string { return TypeRichTexts } func (*RichTexts) RichTextType() string { return TypeRichTexts } func (richTexts *RichTexts) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Texts []json.RawMessage `json:"texts"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldTexts, _ := UnmarshalListOfRichText(tmp.Texts) richTexts.Texts = fieldTexts return nil } // Contains a caption of an instant view web page block, consisting of a text and a trailing credit type PageBlockCaption struct { meta // Content of the caption Text RichText `json:"text"` // Block credit (like HTML tag ) Credit RichText `json:"credit"` } func (entity *PageBlockCaption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockCaption return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockCaption) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockCaption } func (*PageBlockCaption) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockCaption } func (pageBlockCaption *PageBlockCaption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` Credit json.RawMessage `json:"credit"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) pageBlockCaption.Text = fieldText fieldCredit, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Credit) pageBlockCaption.Credit = fieldCredit return nil } // Describes an item of a list page block type PageBlockListItem struct { meta // Item label Label string `json:"label"` // Item blocks PageBlocks []PageBlock `json:"page_blocks"` } func (entity *PageBlockListItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockListItem return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockListItem) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockListItem } func (*PageBlockListItem) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockListItem } func (pageBlockListItem *PageBlockListItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Label string `json:"label"` PageBlocks []json.RawMessage `json:"page_blocks"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockListItem.Label = tmp.Label fieldPageBlocks, _ := UnmarshalListOfPageBlock(tmp.PageBlocks) pageBlockListItem.PageBlocks = fieldPageBlocks return nil } // The content must be left-aligned type PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft struct { meta } func (entity *PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockHorizontalAlignment } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft) PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentType() string { return TypePageBlockHorizontalAlignmentLeft } // The content must be center-aligned type PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter struct { meta } func (entity *PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockHorizontalAlignment } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter) PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentType() string { return TypePageBlockHorizontalAlignmentCenter } // The content must be right-aligned type PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight struct { meta } func (entity *PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockHorizontalAlignment } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight } func (*PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight) PageBlockHorizontalAlignmentType() string { return TypePageBlockHorizontalAlignmentRight } // The content must be top-aligned type PageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop struct { meta } func (entity *PageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockVerticalAlignment } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop) PageBlockVerticalAlignmentType() string { return TypePageBlockVerticalAlignmentTop } // The content must be middle-aligned type PageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle struct { meta } func (entity *PageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockVerticalAlignment } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle) PageBlockVerticalAlignmentType() string { return TypePageBlockVerticalAlignmentMiddle } // The content must be bottom-aligned type PageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom struct { meta } func (entity *PageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockVerticalAlignment } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom } func (*PageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom) PageBlockVerticalAlignmentType() string { return TypePageBlockVerticalAlignmentBottom } // Represents a cell of a table type PageBlockTableCell struct { meta // Cell text; may be null. If the text is null, then the cell must be invisible Text RichText `json:"text"` // True, if it is a header cell IsHeader bool `json:"is_header"` // The number of columns the cell spans Colspan int32 `json:"colspan"` // The number of rows the cell spans Rowspan int32 `json:"rowspan"` // Horizontal cell content alignment Align PageBlockHorizontalAlignment `json:"align"` // Vertical cell content alignment Valign PageBlockVerticalAlignment `json:"valign"` } func (entity *PageBlockTableCell) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockTableCell return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockTableCell) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockTableCell } func (*PageBlockTableCell) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockTableCell } func (pageBlockTableCell *PageBlockTableCell) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` IsHeader bool `json:"is_header"` Colspan int32 `json:"colspan"` Rowspan int32 `json:"rowspan"` Align json.RawMessage `json:"align"` Valign json.RawMessage `json:"valign"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockTableCell.IsHeader = tmp.IsHeader pageBlockTableCell.Colspan = tmp.Colspan pageBlockTableCell.Rowspan = tmp.Rowspan fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) pageBlockTableCell.Text = fieldText fieldAlign, _ := UnmarshalPageBlockHorizontalAlignment(tmp.Align) pageBlockTableCell.Align = fieldAlign fieldValign, _ := UnmarshalPageBlockVerticalAlignment(tmp.Valign) pageBlockTableCell.Valign = fieldValign return nil } // Contains information about a related article type PageBlockRelatedArticle struct { meta // Related article URL Url string `json:"url"` // Article title; may be empty Title string `json:"title"` // Article description; may be empty Description string `json:"description"` // Article photo; may be null Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Article author; may be empty Author string `json:"author"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the article was published; 0 if unknown PublishDate int32 `json:"publish_date"` } func (entity *PageBlockRelatedArticle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockRelatedArticle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockRelatedArticle) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlockRelatedArticle } func (*PageBlockRelatedArticle) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockRelatedArticle } // The title of a page type PageBlockTitle struct { meta // Title Title RichText `json:"title"` } func (entity *PageBlockTitle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockTitle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockTitle) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockTitle) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockTitle } func (*PageBlockTitle) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockTitle } func (pageBlockTitle *PageBlockTitle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Title json.RawMessage `json:"title"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldTitle, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Title) pageBlockTitle.Title = fieldTitle return nil } // The subtitle of a page type PageBlockSubtitle struct { meta // Subtitle Subtitle RichText `json:"subtitle"` } func (entity *PageBlockSubtitle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockSubtitle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockSubtitle) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockSubtitle) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockSubtitle } func (*PageBlockSubtitle) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockSubtitle } func (pageBlockSubtitle *PageBlockSubtitle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Subtitle json.RawMessage `json:"subtitle"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldSubtitle, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Subtitle) pageBlockSubtitle.Subtitle = fieldSubtitle return nil } // The author and publishing date of a page type PageBlockAuthorDate struct { meta // Author Author RichText `json:"author"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the article was published; 0 if unknown PublishDate int32 `json:"publish_date"` } func (entity *PageBlockAuthorDate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockAuthorDate return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockAuthorDate } func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockAuthorDate } func (pageBlockAuthorDate *PageBlockAuthorDate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Author json.RawMessage `json:"author"` PublishDate int32 `json:"publish_date"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockAuthorDate.PublishDate = tmp.PublishDate fieldAuthor, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Author) pageBlockAuthorDate.Author = fieldAuthor return nil } // A header type PageBlockHeader struct { meta // Header Header RichText `json:"header"` } func (entity *PageBlockHeader) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockHeader return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockHeader) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockHeader) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockHeader } func (*PageBlockHeader) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockHeader } func (pageBlockHeader *PageBlockHeader) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Header json.RawMessage `json:"header"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldHeader, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Header) pageBlockHeader.Header = fieldHeader return nil } // A subheader type PageBlockSubheader struct { meta // Subheader Subheader RichText `json:"subheader"` } func (entity *PageBlockSubheader) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockSubheader return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockSubheader) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockSubheader) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockSubheader } func (*PageBlockSubheader) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockSubheader } func (pageBlockSubheader *PageBlockSubheader) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Subheader json.RawMessage `json:"subheader"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldSubheader, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Subheader) pageBlockSubheader.Subheader = fieldSubheader return nil } // A kicker type PageBlockKicker struct { meta // Kicker Kicker RichText `json:"kicker"` } func (entity *PageBlockKicker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockKicker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockKicker) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockKicker) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockKicker } func (*PageBlockKicker) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockKicker } func (pageBlockKicker *PageBlockKicker) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Kicker json.RawMessage `json:"kicker"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldKicker, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Kicker) pageBlockKicker.Kicker = fieldKicker return nil } // A text paragraph type PageBlockParagraph struct { meta // Paragraph text Text RichText `json:"text"` } func (entity *PageBlockParagraph) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockParagraph return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockParagraph) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockParagraph) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockParagraph } func (*PageBlockParagraph) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockParagraph } func (pageBlockParagraph *PageBlockParagraph) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) pageBlockParagraph.Text = fieldText return nil } // A preformatted text paragraph type PageBlockPreformatted struct { meta // Paragraph text Text RichText `json:"text"` // Programming language for which the text needs to be formatted Language string `json:"language"` } func (entity *PageBlockPreformatted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockPreformatted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockPreformatted) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockPreformatted) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockPreformatted } func (*PageBlockPreformatted) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockPreformatted } func (pageBlockPreformatted *PageBlockPreformatted) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` Language string `json:"language"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockPreformatted.Language = tmp.Language fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) pageBlockPreformatted.Text = fieldText return nil } // The footer of a page type PageBlockFooter struct { meta // Footer Footer RichText `json:"footer"` } func (entity *PageBlockFooter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockFooter return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockFooter) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockFooter) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockFooter } func (*PageBlockFooter) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockFooter } func (pageBlockFooter *PageBlockFooter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Footer json.RawMessage `json:"footer"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldFooter, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Footer) pageBlockFooter.Footer = fieldFooter return nil } // An empty block separating a page type PageBlockDivider struct { meta } func (entity *PageBlockDivider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockDivider return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockDivider) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockDivider) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockDivider } func (*PageBlockDivider) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockDivider } // An invisible anchor on a page, which can be used in a URL to open the page from the specified anchor type PageBlockAnchor struct { meta // Name of the anchor Name string `json:"name"` } func (entity *PageBlockAnchor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockAnchor return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockAnchor) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockAnchor) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockAnchor } func (*PageBlockAnchor) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockAnchor } // A list of data blocks type PageBlockList struct { meta // The items of the list Items []*PageBlockListItem `json:"items"` } func (entity *PageBlockList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockList return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockList) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockList) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockList } func (*PageBlockList) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockList } // A block quote type PageBlockBlockQuote struct { meta // Quote text Text RichText `json:"text"` // Quote credit Credit RichText `json:"credit"` } func (entity *PageBlockBlockQuote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockBlockQuote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockBlockQuote) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockBlockQuote) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockBlockQuote } func (*PageBlockBlockQuote) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockBlockQuote } func (pageBlockBlockQuote *PageBlockBlockQuote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` Credit json.RawMessage `json:"credit"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) pageBlockBlockQuote.Text = fieldText fieldCredit, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Credit) pageBlockBlockQuote.Credit = fieldCredit return nil } // A pull quote type PageBlockPullQuote struct { meta // Quote text Text RichText `json:"text"` // Quote credit Credit RichText `json:"credit"` } func (entity *PageBlockPullQuote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockPullQuote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockPullQuote) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockPullQuote) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockPullQuote } func (*PageBlockPullQuote) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockPullQuote } func (pageBlockPullQuote *PageBlockPullQuote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Text json.RawMessage `json:"text"` Credit json.RawMessage `json:"credit"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldText, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Text) pageBlockPullQuote.Text = fieldText fieldCredit, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Credit) pageBlockPullQuote.Credit = fieldCredit return nil } // An animation type PageBlockAnimation struct { meta // Animation file; may be null Animation *Animation `json:"animation"` // Animation caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` // True, if the animation must be played automatically NeedAutoplay bool `json:"need_autoplay"` } func (entity *PageBlockAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockAnimation) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockAnimation } func (*PageBlockAnimation) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockAnimation } // An audio file type PageBlockAudio struct { meta // Audio file; may be null Audio *Audio `json:"audio"` // Audio file caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } func (entity *PageBlockAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockAudio) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockAudio } func (*PageBlockAudio) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockAudio } // A photo type PageBlockPhoto struct { meta // Photo file; may be null Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Photo caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` // URL that needs to be opened when the photo is clicked Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *PageBlockPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockPhoto) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockPhoto } func (*PageBlockPhoto) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockPhoto } // A video type PageBlockVideo struct { meta // Video file; may be null Video *Video `json:"video"` // Video caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` // True, if the video must be played automatically NeedAutoplay bool `json:"need_autoplay"` // True, if the video must be looped IsLooped bool `json:"is_looped"` } func (entity *PageBlockVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockVideo) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockVideo } func (*PageBlockVideo) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockVideo } // A voice note type PageBlockVoiceNote struct { meta // Voice note; may be null VoiceNote *VoiceNote `json:"voice_note"` // Voice note caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } func (entity *PageBlockVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockVoiceNote } func (*PageBlockVoiceNote) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockVoiceNote } // A page cover type PageBlockCover struct { meta // Cover Cover PageBlock `json:"cover"` } func (entity *PageBlockCover) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockCover return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockCover) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockCover) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockCover } func (*PageBlockCover) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockCover } func (pageBlockCover *PageBlockCover) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Cover json.RawMessage `json:"cover"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldCover, _ := UnmarshalPageBlock(tmp.Cover) pageBlockCover.Cover = fieldCover return nil } // An embedded web page type PageBlockEmbedded struct { meta // Web page URL, if available Url string `json:"url"` // HTML-markup of the embedded page Html string `json:"html"` // Poster photo, if available; may be null PosterPhoto *Photo `json:"poster_photo"` // Block width; 0 if unknown Width int32 `json:"width"` // Block height; 0 if unknown Height int32 `json:"height"` // Block caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` // True, if the block must be full width IsFullWidth bool `json:"is_full_width"` // True, if scrolling needs to be allowed AllowScrolling bool `json:"allow_scrolling"` } func (entity *PageBlockEmbedded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockEmbedded return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockEmbedded) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockEmbedded) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockEmbedded } func (*PageBlockEmbedded) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockEmbedded } // An embedded post type PageBlockEmbeddedPost struct { meta // Web page URL Url string `json:"url"` // Post author Author string `json:"author"` // Post author photo; may be null AuthorPhoto *Photo `json:"author_photo"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the post was created; 0 if unknown Date int32 `json:"date"` // Post content PageBlocks []PageBlock `json:"page_blocks"` // Post caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } func (entity *PageBlockEmbeddedPost) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockEmbeddedPost return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockEmbeddedPost) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockEmbeddedPost) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockEmbeddedPost } func (*PageBlockEmbeddedPost) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockEmbeddedPost } func (pageBlockEmbeddedPost *PageBlockEmbeddedPost) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Url string `json:"url"` Author string `json:"author"` AuthorPhoto *Photo `json:"author_photo"` Date int32 `json:"date"` PageBlocks []json.RawMessage `json:"page_blocks"` Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockEmbeddedPost.Url = tmp.Url pageBlockEmbeddedPost.Author = tmp.Author pageBlockEmbeddedPost.AuthorPhoto = tmp.AuthorPhoto pageBlockEmbeddedPost.Date = tmp.Date pageBlockEmbeddedPost.Caption = tmp.Caption fieldPageBlocks, _ := UnmarshalListOfPageBlock(tmp.PageBlocks) pageBlockEmbeddedPost.PageBlocks = fieldPageBlocks return nil } // A collage type PageBlockCollage struct { meta // Collage item contents PageBlocks []PageBlock `json:"page_blocks"` // Block caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } func (entity *PageBlockCollage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockCollage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockCollage) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockCollage) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockCollage } func (*PageBlockCollage) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockCollage } func (pageBlockCollage *PageBlockCollage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { PageBlocks []json.RawMessage `json:"page_blocks"` Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockCollage.Caption = tmp.Caption fieldPageBlocks, _ := UnmarshalListOfPageBlock(tmp.PageBlocks) pageBlockCollage.PageBlocks = fieldPageBlocks return nil } // A slideshow type PageBlockSlideshow struct { meta // Slideshow item contents PageBlocks []PageBlock `json:"page_blocks"` // Block caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } func (entity *PageBlockSlideshow) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockSlideshow return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockSlideshow) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockSlideshow) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockSlideshow } func (*PageBlockSlideshow) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockSlideshow } func (pageBlockSlideshow *PageBlockSlideshow) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { PageBlocks []json.RawMessage `json:"page_blocks"` Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockSlideshow.Caption = tmp.Caption fieldPageBlocks, _ := UnmarshalListOfPageBlock(tmp.PageBlocks) pageBlockSlideshow.PageBlocks = fieldPageBlocks return nil } // A link to a chat type PageBlockChatLink struct { meta // Chat title Title string `json:"title"` // Chat photo; may be null Photo *ChatPhotoInfo `json:"photo"` // Chat username, by which all other information about the chat can be resolved Username string `json:"username"` } func (entity *PageBlockChatLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockChatLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockChatLink) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockChatLink) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockChatLink } func (*PageBlockChatLink) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockChatLink } // A table type PageBlockTable struct { meta // Table caption Caption RichText `json:"caption"` // Table cells Cells [][]*PageBlockTableCell `json:"cells"` // True, if the table is bordered IsBordered bool `json:"is_bordered"` // True, if the table is striped IsStriped bool `json:"is_striped"` } func (entity *PageBlockTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockTable return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockTable) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockTable) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockTable } func (*PageBlockTable) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockTable } func (pageBlockTable *PageBlockTable) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Caption json.RawMessage `json:"caption"` Cells [][]*PageBlockTableCell `json:"cells"` IsBordered bool `json:"is_bordered"` IsStriped bool `json:"is_striped"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockTable.Cells = tmp.Cells pageBlockTable.IsBordered = tmp.IsBordered pageBlockTable.IsStriped = tmp.IsStriped fieldCaption, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Caption) pageBlockTable.Caption = fieldCaption return nil } // A collapsible block type PageBlockDetails struct { meta // Always visible heading for the block Header RichText `json:"header"` // Block contents PageBlocks []PageBlock `json:"page_blocks"` // True, if the block is open by default IsOpen bool `json:"is_open"` } func (entity *PageBlockDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockDetails return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockDetails) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockDetails) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockDetails } func (*PageBlockDetails) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockDetails } func (pageBlockDetails *PageBlockDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Header json.RawMessage `json:"header"` PageBlocks []json.RawMessage `json:"page_blocks"` IsOpen bool `json:"is_open"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockDetails.IsOpen = tmp.IsOpen fieldHeader, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Header) pageBlockDetails.Header = fieldHeader fieldPageBlocks, _ := UnmarshalListOfPageBlock(tmp.PageBlocks) pageBlockDetails.PageBlocks = fieldPageBlocks return nil } // Related articles type PageBlockRelatedArticles struct { meta // Block header Header RichText `json:"header"` // List of related articles Articles []*PageBlockRelatedArticle `json:"articles"` } func (entity *PageBlockRelatedArticles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockRelatedArticles return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockRelatedArticles } func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockRelatedArticles } func (pageBlockRelatedArticles *PageBlockRelatedArticles) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Header json.RawMessage `json:"header"` Articles []*PageBlockRelatedArticle `json:"articles"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } pageBlockRelatedArticles.Articles = tmp.Articles fieldHeader, _ := UnmarshalRichText(tmp.Header) pageBlockRelatedArticles.Header = fieldHeader return nil } // A map type PageBlockMap struct { meta // Location of the map center Location *Location `json:"location"` // Map zoom level Zoom int32 `json:"zoom"` // Map width Width int32 `json:"width"` // Map height Height int32 `json:"height"` // Block caption Caption *PageBlockCaption `json:"caption"` } func (entity *PageBlockMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PageBlockMap return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PageBlockMap) GetClass() string { return ClassPageBlock } func (*PageBlockMap) GetType() string { return TypePageBlockMap } func (*PageBlockMap) PageBlockType() string { return TypePageBlockMap } // Describes an instant view page for a web page type WebPageInstantView struct { meta // Content of the web page PageBlocks []PageBlock `json:"page_blocks"` // Number of the instant view views; 0 if unknown ViewCount int32 `json:"view_count"` // Version of the instant view; currently, can be 1 or 2 Version int32 `json:"version"` // True, if the instant view must be shown from right to left IsRtl bool `json:"is_rtl"` // True, if the instant view contains the full page. A network request might be needed to get the full web page instant view IsFull bool `json:"is_full"` // An internal link to be opened to leave feedback about the instant view FeedbackLink InternalLinkType `json:"feedback_link"` } func (entity *WebPageInstantView) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub WebPageInstantView return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*WebPageInstantView) GetClass() string { return ClassWebPageInstantView } func (*WebPageInstantView) GetType() string { return TypeWebPageInstantView } func (webPageInstantView *WebPageInstantView) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { PageBlocks []json.RawMessage `json:"page_blocks"` ViewCount int32 `json:"view_count"` Version int32 `json:"version"` IsRtl bool `json:"is_rtl"` IsFull bool `json:"is_full"` FeedbackLink json.RawMessage `json:"feedback_link"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } webPageInstantView.ViewCount = tmp.ViewCount webPageInstantView.Version = tmp.Version webPageInstantView.IsRtl = tmp.IsRtl webPageInstantView.IsFull = tmp.IsFull fieldPageBlocks, _ := UnmarshalListOfPageBlock(tmp.PageBlocks) webPageInstantView.PageBlocks = fieldPageBlocks fieldFeedbackLink, _ := UnmarshalInternalLinkType(tmp.FeedbackLink) webPageInstantView.FeedbackLink = fieldFeedbackLink return nil } // Describes a web page preview type WebPage struct { meta // Original URL of the link Url string `json:"url"` // URL to display DisplayUrl string `json:"display_url"` // Type of the web page. Can be: article, photo, audio, video, document, profile, app, or something else Type string `json:"type"` // Short name of the site (e.g., Google Docs, App Store) SiteName string `json:"site_name"` // Title of the content Title string `json:"title"` // Description of the content Description *FormattedText `json:"description"` // Image representing the content; may be null Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // URL to show in the embedded preview EmbedUrl string `json:"embed_url"` // MIME type of the embedded preview, (e.g., text/html or video/mp4) EmbedType string `json:"embed_type"` // Width of the embedded preview EmbedWidth int32 `json:"embed_width"` // Height of the embedded preview EmbedHeight int32 `json:"embed_height"` // Duration of the content, in seconds Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Author of the content Author string `json:"author"` // Preview of the content as an animation, if available; may be null Animation *Animation `json:"animation"` // Preview of the content as an audio file, if available; may be null Audio *Audio `json:"audio"` // Preview of the content as a document, if available; may be null Document *Document `json:"document"` // Preview of the content as a sticker for small WEBP files, if available; may be null Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` // Preview of the content as a video, if available; may be null Video *Video `json:"video"` // Preview of the content as a video note, if available; may be null VideoNote *VideoNote `json:"video_note"` // Preview of the content as a voice note, if available; may be null VoiceNote *VoiceNote `json:"voice_note"` // Version of instant view, available for the web page (currently, can be 1 or 2), 0 if none InstantViewVersion int32 `json:"instant_view_version"` } func (entity *WebPage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub WebPage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*WebPage) GetClass() string { return ClassWebPage } func (*WebPage) GetType() string { return TypeWebPage } // Contains information about a country type CountryInfo struct { meta // A two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` // Native name of the country Name string `json:"name"` // English name of the country EnglishName string `json:"english_name"` // True, if the country must be hidden from the list of all countries IsHidden bool `json:"is_hidden"` // List of country calling codes CallingCodes []string `json:"calling_codes"` } func (entity *CountryInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CountryInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CountryInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassCountryInfo } func (*CountryInfo) GetType() string { return TypeCountryInfo } // Contains information about countries type Countries struct { meta // The list of countries Countries []*CountryInfo `json:"countries"` } func (entity *Countries) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Countries return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Countries) GetClass() string { return ClassCountries } func (*Countries) GetType() string { return TypeCountries } // Contains information about a phone number type PhoneNumberInfo struct { meta // Information about the country to which the phone number belongs; may be null Country *CountryInfo `json:"country"` // The part of the phone number denoting country calling code or its part CountryCallingCode string `json:"country_calling_code"` // The phone number without country calling code formatted accordingly to local rules. Expected digits are returned as '-', but even more digits might be entered by the user FormattedPhoneNumber string `json:"formatted_phone_number"` } func (entity *PhoneNumberInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PhoneNumberInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PhoneNumberInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassPhoneNumberInfo } func (*PhoneNumberInfo) GetType() string { return TypePhoneNumberInfo } // Describes an action associated with a bank card number type BankCardActionOpenUrl struct { meta // Action text Text string `json:"text"` // The URL to be opened Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *BankCardActionOpenUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BankCardActionOpenUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BankCardActionOpenUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassBankCardActionOpenUrl } func (*BankCardActionOpenUrl) GetType() string { return TypeBankCardActionOpenUrl } // Information about a bank card type BankCardInfo struct { meta // Title of the bank card description Title string `json:"title"` // Actions that can be done with the bank card number Actions []*BankCardActionOpenUrl `json:"actions"` } func (entity *BankCardInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BankCardInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BankCardInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassBankCardInfo } func (*BankCardInfo) GetType() string { return TypeBankCardInfo } // Describes an address type Address struct { meta // A two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` // State, if applicable State string `json:"state"` // City City string `json:"city"` // First line of the address StreetLine1 string `json:"street_line1"` // Second line of the address StreetLine2 string `json:"street_line2"` // Address postal code PostalCode string `json:"postal_code"` } func (entity *Address) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Address return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Address) GetClass() string { return ClassAddress } func (*Address) GetType() string { return TypeAddress } // Portion of the price of a product (e.g., "delivery cost", "tax amount") type LabeledPricePart struct { meta // Label for this portion of the product price Label string `json:"label"` // Currency amount in the smallest units of the currency Amount int64 `json:"amount"` } func (entity *LabeledPricePart) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LabeledPricePart return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LabeledPricePart) GetClass() string { return ClassLabeledPricePart } func (*LabeledPricePart) GetType() string { return TypeLabeledPricePart } // Product invoice type Invoice struct { meta // ISO 4217 currency code Currency string `json:"currency"` // A list of objects used to calculate the total price of the product PriceParts []*LabeledPricePart `json:"price_parts"` // The maximum allowed amount of tip in the smallest units of the currency MaxTipAmount int64 `json:"max_tip_amount"` // Suggested amounts of tip in the smallest units of the currency SuggestedTipAmounts []int64 `json:"suggested_tip_amounts"` // True, if the payment is a test payment IsTest bool `json:"is_test"` // True, if the user's name is needed for payment NeedName bool `json:"need_name"` // True, if the user's phone number is needed for payment NeedPhoneNumber bool `json:"need_phone_number"` // True, if the user's email address is needed for payment NeedEmailAddress bool `json:"need_email_address"` // True, if the user's shipping address is needed for payment NeedShippingAddress bool `json:"need_shipping_address"` // True, if the user's phone number will be sent to the provider SendPhoneNumberToProvider bool `json:"send_phone_number_to_provider"` // True, if the user's email address will be sent to the provider SendEmailAddressToProvider bool `json:"send_email_address_to_provider"` // True, if the total price depends on the shipping method IsFlexible bool `json:"is_flexible"` } func (entity *Invoice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Invoice return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Invoice) GetClass() string { return ClassInvoice } func (*Invoice) GetType() string { return TypeInvoice } // Order information type OrderInfo struct { meta // Name of the user Name string `json:"name"` // Phone number of the user PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` // Email address of the user EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"` // Shipping address for this order; may be null ShippingAddress *Address `json:"shipping_address"` } func (entity *OrderInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub OrderInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*OrderInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassOrderInfo } func (*OrderInfo) GetType() string { return TypeOrderInfo } // One shipping option type ShippingOption struct { meta // Shipping option identifier Id string `json:"id"` // Option title Title string `json:"title"` // A list of objects used to calculate the total shipping costs PriceParts []*LabeledPricePart `json:"price_parts"` } func (entity *ShippingOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ShippingOption return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ShippingOption) GetClass() string { return ClassShippingOption } func (*ShippingOption) GetType() string { return TypeShippingOption } // Contains information about saved card credentials type SavedCredentials struct { meta // Unique identifier of the saved credentials Id string `json:"id"` // Title of the saved credentials Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *SavedCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SavedCredentials return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SavedCredentials) GetClass() string { return ClassSavedCredentials } func (*SavedCredentials) GetType() string { return TypeSavedCredentials } // Applies if a user chooses some previously saved payment credentials. To use their previously saved credentials, the user must have a valid temporary password type InputCredentialsSaved struct { meta // Identifier of the saved credentials SavedCredentialsId string `json:"saved_credentials_id"` } func (entity *InputCredentialsSaved) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputCredentialsSaved return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputCredentialsSaved) GetClass() string { return ClassInputCredentials } func (*InputCredentialsSaved) GetType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsSaved } func (*InputCredentialsSaved) InputCredentialsType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsSaved } // Applies if a user enters new credentials on a payment provider website type InputCredentialsNew struct { meta // JSON-encoded data with the credential identifier from the payment provider Data string `json:"data"` // True, if the credential identifier can be saved on the server side AllowSave bool `json:"allow_save"` } func (entity *InputCredentialsNew) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputCredentialsNew return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputCredentialsNew) GetClass() string { return ClassInputCredentials } func (*InputCredentialsNew) GetType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsNew } func (*InputCredentialsNew) InputCredentialsType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsNew } // Applies if a user enters new credentials using Apple Pay type InputCredentialsApplePay struct { meta // JSON-encoded data with the credential identifier Data string `json:"data"` } func (entity *InputCredentialsApplePay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputCredentialsApplePay return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputCredentialsApplePay) GetClass() string { return ClassInputCredentials } func (*InputCredentialsApplePay) GetType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsApplePay } func (*InputCredentialsApplePay) InputCredentialsType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsApplePay } // Applies if a user enters new credentials using Google Pay type InputCredentialsGooglePay struct { meta // JSON-encoded data with the credential identifier Data string `json:"data"` } func (entity *InputCredentialsGooglePay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputCredentialsGooglePay return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputCredentialsGooglePay) GetClass() string { return ClassInputCredentials } func (*InputCredentialsGooglePay) GetType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsGooglePay } func (*InputCredentialsGooglePay) InputCredentialsType() string { return TypeInputCredentialsGooglePay } // Stripe payment provider type PaymentsProviderStripe struct { meta // Stripe API publishable key PublishableKey string `json:"publishable_key"` // True, if the user country must be provided NeedCountry bool `json:"need_country"` // True, if the user ZIP/postal code must be provided NeedPostalCode bool `json:"need_postal_code"` // True, if the cardholder name must be provided NeedCardholderName bool `json:"need_cardholder_name"` } func (entity *PaymentsProviderStripe) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PaymentsProviderStripe return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PaymentsProviderStripe) GetClass() string { return ClassPaymentsProviderStripe } func (*PaymentsProviderStripe) GetType() string { return TypePaymentsProviderStripe } // Theme colors for a payment form type PaymentFormTheme struct { meta // A color of the payment form background in the RGB24 format BackgroundColor int32 `json:"background_color"` // A color of text in the RGB24 format TextColor int32 `json:"text_color"` // A color of hints in the RGB24 format HintColor int32 `json:"hint_color"` // A color of links in the RGB24 format LinkColor int32 `json:"link_color"` // A color of the buttons in the RGB24 format ButtonColor int32 `json:"button_color"` // A color of text on the buttons in the RGB24 format ButtonTextColor int32 `json:"button_text_color"` } func (entity *PaymentFormTheme) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PaymentFormTheme return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PaymentFormTheme) GetClass() string { return ClassPaymentFormTheme } func (*PaymentFormTheme) GetType() string { return TypePaymentFormTheme } // Contains information about an invoice payment form type PaymentForm struct { meta // The payment form identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Full information of the invoice Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"` // Payment form URL Url string `json:"url"` // User identifier of the seller bot SellerBotUserId int64 `json:"seller_bot_user_id"` // User identifier of the payment provider bot PaymentsProviderUserId int64 `json:"payments_provider_user_id"` // Information about the payment provider, if available, to support it natively without the need for opening the URL; may be null PaymentsProvider *PaymentsProviderStripe `json:"payments_provider"` // Saved server-side order information; may be null SavedOrderInfo *OrderInfo `json:"saved_order_info"` // Information about saved card credentials; may be null SavedCredentials *SavedCredentials `json:"saved_credentials"` // True, if the user can choose to save credentials CanSaveCredentials bool `json:"can_save_credentials"` // True, if the user will be able to save credentials protected by a password they set up NeedPassword bool `json:"need_password"` } func (entity *PaymentForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PaymentForm return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PaymentForm) GetClass() string { return ClassPaymentForm } func (*PaymentForm) GetType() string { return TypePaymentForm } // Contains a temporary identifier of validated order information, which is stored for one hour. Also contains the available shipping options type ValidatedOrderInfo struct { meta // Temporary identifier of the order information OrderInfoId string `json:"order_info_id"` // Available shipping options ShippingOptions []*ShippingOption `json:"shipping_options"` } func (entity *ValidatedOrderInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ValidatedOrderInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ValidatedOrderInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassValidatedOrderInfo } func (*ValidatedOrderInfo) GetType() string { return TypeValidatedOrderInfo } // Contains the result of a payment request type PaymentResult struct { meta // True, if the payment request was successful; otherwise the verification_url will be non-empty Success bool `json:"success"` // URL for additional payment credentials verification VerificationUrl string `json:"verification_url"` } func (entity *PaymentResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PaymentResult return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PaymentResult) GetClass() string { return ClassPaymentResult } func (*PaymentResult) GetType() string { return TypePaymentResult } // Contains information about a successful payment type PaymentReceipt struct { meta // Product title Title string `json:"title"` // Product description Description string `json:"description"` // Product photo; may be null Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the payment was made Date int32 `json:"date"` // User identifier of the seller bot SellerBotUserId int64 `json:"seller_bot_user_id"` // User identifier of the payment provider bot PaymentsProviderUserId int64 `json:"payments_provider_user_id"` // Information about the invoice Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"` // Order information; may be null OrderInfo *OrderInfo `json:"order_info"` // Chosen shipping option; may be null ShippingOption *ShippingOption `json:"shipping_option"` // Title of the saved credentials chosen by the buyer CredentialsTitle string `json:"credentials_title"` // The amount of tip chosen by the buyer in the smallest units of the currency TipAmount int64 `json:"tip_amount"` } func (entity *PaymentReceipt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PaymentReceipt return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PaymentReceipt) GetClass() string { return ClassPaymentReceipt } func (*PaymentReceipt) GetType() string { return TypePaymentReceipt } // File with the date it was uploaded type DatedFile struct { meta // The file File *File `json:"file"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the file was uploaded Date int32 `json:"date"` } func (entity *DatedFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DatedFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DatedFile) GetClass() string { return ClassDatedFile } func (*DatedFile) GetType() string { return TypeDatedFile } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's personal details type PassportElementTypePersonalDetails struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypePersonalDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypePersonalDetails return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypePersonalDetails) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypePersonalDetails) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePersonalDetails } func (*PassportElementTypePersonalDetails) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePersonalDetails } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's passport type PassportElementTypePassport struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypePassport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypePassport return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypePassport) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypePassport) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePassport } func (*PassportElementTypePassport) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePassport } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's driver license type PassportElementTypeDriverLicense struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeDriverLicense) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeDriverLicense return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeDriverLicense) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeDriverLicense) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeDriverLicense } func (*PassportElementTypeDriverLicense) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeDriverLicense } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's identity card type PassportElementTypeIdentityCard struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeIdentityCard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeIdentityCard return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeIdentityCard) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeIdentityCard) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeIdentityCard } func (*PassportElementTypeIdentityCard) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeIdentityCard } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's internal passport type PassportElementTypeInternalPassport struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeInternalPassport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeInternalPassport return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeInternalPassport) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeInternalPassport) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeInternalPassport } func (*PassportElementTypeInternalPassport) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeInternalPassport } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's address type PassportElementTypeAddress struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeAddress) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeAddress } func (*PassportElementTypeAddress) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeAddress } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's utility bill type PassportElementTypeUtilityBill struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeUtilityBill) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeUtilityBill return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeUtilityBill) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeUtilityBill) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeUtilityBill } func (*PassportElementTypeUtilityBill) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeUtilityBill } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's bank statement type PassportElementTypeBankStatement struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeBankStatement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeBankStatement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeBankStatement) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeBankStatement) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeBankStatement } func (*PassportElementTypeBankStatement) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeBankStatement } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's rental agreement type PassportElementTypeRentalAgreement struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeRentalAgreement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeRentalAgreement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeRentalAgreement) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeRentalAgreement) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeRentalAgreement } func (*PassportElementTypeRentalAgreement) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeRentalAgreement } // A Telegram Passport element containing the registration page of the user's passport type PassportElementTypePassportRegistration struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypePassportRegistration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypePassportRegistration return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypePassportRegistration) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypePassportRegistration) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePassportRegistration } func (*PassportElementTypePassportRegistration) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePassportRegistration } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's temporary registration type PassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration } func (*PassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeTemporaryRegistration } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's phone number type PassportElementTypePhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypePhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypePhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypePhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypePhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePhoneNumber } func (*PassportElementTypePhoneNumber) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypePhoneNumber } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's email address type PassportElementTypeEmailAddress struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementTypeEmailAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTypeEmailAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTypeEmailAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementType } func (*PassportElementTypeEmailAddress) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeEmailAddress } func (*PassportElementTypeEmailAddress) PassportElementTypeType() string { return TypePassportElementTypeEmailAddress } // Represents a date according to the Gregorian calendar type Date struct { meta // Day of the month; 1-31 Day int32 `json:"day"` // Month; 1-12 Month int32 `json:"month"` // Year; 1-9999 Year int32 `json:"year"` } func (entity *Date) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Date return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Date) GetClass() string { return ClassDate } func (*Date) GetType() string { return TypeDate } // Contains the user's personal details type PersonalDetails struct { meta // First name of the user written in English; 1-255 characters FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // Middle name of the user written in English; 0-255 characters MiddleName string `json:"middle_name"` // Last name of the user written in English; 1-255 characters LastName string `json:"last_name"` // Native first name of the user; 1-255 characters NativeFirstName string `json:"native_first_name"` // Native middle name of the user; 0-255 characters NativeMiddleName string `json:"native_middle_name"` // Native last name of the user; 1-255 characters NativeLastName string `json:"native_last_name"` // Birthdate of the user Birthdate *Date `json:"birthdate"` // Gender of the user, "male" or "female" Gender string `json:"gender"` // A two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the user's country CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` // A two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the user's residence country ResidenceCountryCode string `json:"residence_country_code"` } func (entity *PersonalDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PersonalDetails return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PersonalDetails) GetClass() string { return ClassPersonalDetails } func (*PersonalDetails) GetType() string { return TypePersonalDetails } // An identity document type IdentityDocument struct { meta // Document number; 1-24 characters Number string `json:"number"` // Document expiry date; may be null if not applicable ExpiryDate *Date `json:"expiry_date"` // Front side of the document FrontSide *DatedFile `json:"front_side"` // Reverse side of the document; only for driver license and identity card; may be null ReverseSide *DatedFile `json:"reverse_side"` // Selfie with the document; may be null Selfie *DatedFile `json:"selfie"` // List of files containing a certified English translation of the document Translation []*DatedFile `json:"translation"` } func (entity *IdentityDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub IdentityDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*IdentityDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassIdentityDocument } func (*IdentityDocument) GetType() string { return TypeIdentityDocument } // An identity document to be saved to Telegram Passport type InputIdentityDocument struct { meta // Document number; 1-24 characters Number string `json:"number"` // Document expiry date; pass null if not applicable ExpiryDate *Date `json:"expiry_date"` // Front side of the document FrontSide InputFile `json:"front_side"` // Reverse side of the document; only for driver license and identity card; pass null otherwise ReverseSide InputFile `json:"reverse_side"` // Selfie with the document; pass null if unavailable Selfie InputFile `json:"selfie"` // List of files containing a certified English translation of the document Translation []InputFile `json:"translation"` } func (entity *InputIdentityDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputIdentityDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputIdentityDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassInputIdentityDocument } func (*InputIdentityDocument) GetType() string { return TypeInputIdentityDocument } func (inputIdentityDocument *InputIdentityDocument) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Number string `json:"number"` ExpiryDate *Date `json:"expiry_date"` FrontSide json.RawMessage `json:"front_side"` ReverseSide json.RawMessage `json:"reverse_side"` Selfie json.RawMessage `json:"selfie"` Translation []json.RawMessage `json:"translation"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputIdentityDocument.Number = tmp.Number inputIdentityDocument.ExpiryDate = tmp.ExpiryDate fieldFrontSide, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.FrontSide) inputIdentityDocument.FrontSide = fieldFrontSide fieldReverseSide, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.ReverseSide) inputIdentityDocument.ReverseSide = fieldReverseSide fieldSelfie, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Selfie) inputIdentityDocument.Selfie = fieldSelfie fieldTranslation, _ := UnmarshalListOfInputFile(tmp.Translation) inputIdentityDocument.Translation = fieldTranslation return nil } // A personal document, containing some information about a user type PersonalDocument struct { meta // List of files containing the pages of the document Files []*DatedFile `json:"files"` // List of files containing a certified English translation of the document Translation []*DatedFile `json:"translation"` } func (entity *PersonalDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PersonalDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PersonalDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassPersonalDocument } func (*PersonalDocument) GetType() string { return TypePersonalDocument } // A personal document to be saved to Telegram Passport type InputPersonalDocument struct { meta // List of files containing the pages of the document Files []InputFile `json:"files"` // List of files containing a certified English translation of the document Translation []InputFile `json:"translation"` } func (entity *InputPersonalDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPersonalDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPersonalDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPersonalDocument } func (*InputPersonalDocument) GetType() string { return TypeInputPersonalDocument } func (inputPersonalDocument *InputPersonalDocument) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Files []json.RawMessage `json:"files"` Translation []json.RawMessage `json:"translation"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldFiles, _ := UnmarshalListOfInputFile(tmp.Files) inputPersonalDocument.Files = fieldFiles fieldTranslation, _ := UnmarshalListOfInputFile(tmp.Translation) inputPersonalDocument.Translation = fieldTranslation return nil } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's personal details type PassportElementPersonalDetails struct { meta // Personal details of the user PersonalDetails *PersonalDetails `json:"personal_details"` } func (entity *PassportElementPersonalDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementPersonalDetails return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementPersonalDetails) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementPersonalDetails) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementPersonalDetails } func (*PassportElementPersonalDetails) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementPersonalDetails } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's passport type PassportElementPassport struct { meta // Passport Passport *IdentityDocument `json:"passport"` } func (entity *PassportElementPassport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementPassport return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementPassport) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementPassport) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementPassport } func (*PassportElementPassport) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementPassport } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's driver license type PassportElementDriverLicense struct { meta // Driver license DriverLicense *IdentityDocument `json:"driver_license"` } func (entity *PassportElementDriverLicense) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementDriverLicense return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementDriverLicense) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementDriverLicense) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementDriverLicense } func (*PassportElementDriverLicense) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementDriverLicense } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's identity card type PassportElementIdentityCard struct { meta // Identity card IdentityCard *IdentityDocument `json:"identity_card"` } func (entity *PassportElementIdentityCard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementIdentityCard return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementIdentityCard) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementIdentityCard) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementIdentityCard } func (*PassportElementIdentityCard) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementIdentityCard } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's internal passport type PassportElementInternalPassport struct { meta // Internal passport InternalPassport *IdentityDocument `json:"internal_passport"` } func (entity *PassportElementInternalPassport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementInternalPassport return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementInternalPassport) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementInternalPassport) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementInternalPassport } func (*PassportElementInternalPassport) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementInternalPassport } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's address type PassportElementAddress struct { meta // Address Address *Address `json:"address"` } func (entity *PassportElementAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementAddress) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementAddress } func (*PassportElementAddress) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementAddress } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's utility bill type PassportElementUtilityBill struct { meta // Utility bill UtilityBill *PersonalDocument `json:"utility_bill"` } func (entity *PassportElementUtilityBill) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementUtilityBill return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementUtilityBill) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementUtilityBill) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementUtilityBill } func (*PassportElementUtilityBill) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementUtilityBill } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's bank statement type PassportElementBankStatement struct { meta // Bank statement BankStatement *PersonalDocument `json:"bank_statement"` } func (entity *PassportElementBankStatement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementBankStatement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementBankStatement) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementBankStatement) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementBankStatement } func (*PassportElementBankStatement) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementBankStatement } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's rental agreement type PassportElementRentalAgreement struct { meta // Rental agreement RentalAgreement *PersonalDocument `json:"rental_agreement"` } func (entity *PassportElementRentalAgreement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementRentalAgreement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementRentalAgreement) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementRentalAgreement) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementRentalAgreement } func (*PassportElementRentalAgreement) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementRentalAgreement } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's passport registration pages type PassportElementPassportRegistration struct { meta // Passport registration pages PassportRegistration *PersonalDocument `json:"passport_registration"` } func (entity *PassportElementPassportRegistration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementPassportRegistration return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementPassportRegistration) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementPassportRegistration) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementPassportRegistration } func (*PassportElementPassportRegistration) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementPassportRegistration } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's temporary registration type PassportElementTemporaryRegistration struct { meta // Temporary registration TemporaryRegistration *PersonalDocument `json:"temporary_registration"` } func (entity *PassportElementTemporaryRegistration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementTemporaryRegistration return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementTemporaryRegistration) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementTemporaryRegistration) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementTemporaryRegistration } func (*PassportElementTemporaryRegistration) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementTemporaryRegistration } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's phone number type PassportElementPhoneNumber struct { meta // Phone number PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` } func (entity *PassportElementPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementPhoneNumber } func (*PassportElementPhoneNumber) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementPhoneNumber } // A Telegram Passport element containing the user's email address type PassportElementEmailAddress struct { meta // Email address EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"` } func (entity *PassportElementEmailAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementEmailAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementEmailAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElement } func (*PassportElementEmailAddress) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementEmailAddress } func (*PassportElementEmailAddress) PassportElementType() string { return TypePassportElementEmailAddress } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's personal details type InputPassportElementPersonalDetails struct { meta // Personal details of the user PersonalDetails *PersonalDetails `json:"personal_details"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementPersonalDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementPersonalDetails return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementPersonalDetails) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementPersonalDetails) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPersonalDetails } func (*InputPassportElementPersonalDetails) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPersonalDetails } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's passport type InputPassportElementPassport struct { meta // The passport to be saved Passport *InputIdentityDocument `json:"passport"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementPassport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementPassport return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementPassport) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementPassport) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPassport } func (*InputPassportElementPassport) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPassport } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's driver license type InputPassportElementDriverLicense struct { meta // The driver license to be saved DriverLicense *InputIdentityDocument `json:"driver_license"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementDriverLicense) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementDriverLicense return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementDriverLicense) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementDriverLicense) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementDriverLicense } func (*InputPassportElementDriverLicense) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementDriverLicense } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's identity card type InputPassportElementIdentityCard struct { meta // The identity card to be saved IdentityCard *InputIdentityDocument `json:"identity_card"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementIdentityCard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementIdentityCard return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementIdentityCard) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementIdentityCard) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementIdentityCard } func (*InputPassportElementIdentityCard) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementIdentityCard } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's internal passport type InputPassportElementInternalPassport struct { meta // The internal passport to be saved InternalPassport *InputIdentityDocument `json:"internal_passport"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementInternalPassport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementInternalPassport return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementInternalPassport) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementInternalPassport) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementInternalPassport } func (*InputPassportElementInternalPassport) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementInternalPassport } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's address type InputPassportElementAddress struct { meta // The address to be saved Address *Address `json:"address"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementAddress) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementAddress } func (*InputPassportElementAddress) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementAddress } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's utility bill type InputPassportElementUtilityBill struct { meta // The utility bill to be saved UtilityBill *InputPersonalDocument `json:"utility_bill"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementUtilityBill) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementUtilityBill return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementUtilityBill) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementUtilityBill) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementUtilityBill } func (*InputPassportElementUtilityBill) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementUtilityBill } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's bank statement type InputPassportElementBankStatement struct { meta // The bank statement to be saved BankStatement *InputPersonalDocument `json:"bank_statement"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementBankStatement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementBankStatement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementBankStatement) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementBankStatement) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementBankStatement } func (*InputPassportElementBankStatement) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementBankStatement } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's rental agreement type InputPassportElementRentalAgreement struct { meta // The rental agreement to be saved RentalAgreement *InputPersonalDocument `json:"rental_agreement"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementRentalAgreement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementRentalAgreement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementRentalAgreement) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementRentalAgreement) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementRentalAgreement } func (*InputPassportElementRentalAgreement) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementRentalAgreement } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's passport registration type InputPassportElementPassportRegistration struct { meta // The passport registration page to be saved PassportRegistration *InputPersonalDocument `json:"passport_registration"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementPassportRegistration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementPassportRegistration return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementPassportRegistration) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementPassportRegistration) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPassportRegistration } func (*InputPassportElementPassportRegistration) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPassportRegistration } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's temporary registration type InputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration struct { meta // The temporary registration document to be saved TemporaryRegistration *InputPersonalDocument `json:"temporary_registration"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration } func (*InputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementTemporaryRegistration } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's phone number type InputPassportElementPhoneNumber struct { meta // The phone number to be saved PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPhoneNumber } func (*InputPassportElementPhoneNumber) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementPhoneNumber } // A Telegram Passport element to be saved containing the user's email address type InputPassportElementEmailAddress struct { meta // The email address to be saved EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementEmailAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementEmailAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementEmailAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElement } func (*InputPassportElementEmailAddress) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementEmailAddress } func (*InputPassportElementEmailAddress) InputPassportElementType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementEmailAddress } // Contains information about saved Telegram Passport elements type PassportElements struct { meta // Telegram Passport elements Elements []PassportElement `json:"elements"` } func (entity *PassportElements) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElements return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElements) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElements } func (*PassportElements) GetType() string { return TypePassportElements } func (passportElements *PassportElements) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Elements []json.RawMessage `json:"elements"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldElements, _ := UnmarshalListOfPassportElement(tmp.Elements) passportElements.Elements = fieldElements return nil } // The element contains an error in an unspecified place. The error will be considered resolved when new data is added type PassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified } // One of the data fields contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the value of the field changes type PassportElementErrorSourceDataField struct { meta // Field name FieldName string `json:"field_name"` } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceDataField) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceDataField return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceDataField) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceDataField) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceDataField } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceDataField) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceDataField } // The front side of the document contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the file with the front side changes type PassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide } // The reverse side of the document contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the file with the reverse side changes type PassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide } // The selfie with the document contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the file with the selfie changes type PassportElementErrorSourceSelfie struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceSelfie return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceSelfie } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceSelfie } // One of files with the translation of the document contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the file changes type PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile struct { meta // Index of a file with the error FileIndex int32 `json:"file_index"` } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile } // The translation of the document contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the list of translation files changes type PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles } // The file contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the file changes type PassportElementErrorSourceFile struct { meta // Index of a file with the error FileIndex int32 `json:"file_index"` } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFile) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFile) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceFile } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFile) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceFile } // The list of attached files contains an error. The error will be considered resolved when the list of files changes type PassportElementErrorSourceFiles struct { meta } func (entity *PassportElementErrorSourceFiles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementErrorSourceFiles return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFiles) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementErrorSource } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFiles) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceFiles } func (*PassportElementErrorSourceFiles) PassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypePassportElementErrorSourceFiles } // Contains the description of an error in a Telegram Passport element type PassportElementError struct { meta // Type of the Telegram Passport element which has the error Type PassportElementType `json:"type"` // Error message Message string `json:"message"` // Error source Source PassportElementErrorSource `json:"source"` } func (entity *PassportElementError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementError return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementError) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementError } func (*PassportElementError) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementError } func (passportElementError *PassportElementError) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` Message string `json:"message"` Source json.RawMessage `json:"source"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } passportElementError.Message = tmp.Message fieldType, _ := UnmarshalPassportElementType(tmp.Type) passportElementError.Type = fieldType fieldSource, _ := UnmarshalPassportElementErrorSource(tmp.Source) passportElementError.Source = fieldSource return nil } // Contains information about a Telegram Passport element that was requested by a service type PassportSuitableElement struct { meta // Type of the element Type PassportElementType `json:"type"` // True, if a selfie is required with the identity document IsSelfieRequired bool `json:"is_selfie_required"` // True, if a certified English translation is required with the document IsTranslationRequired bool `json:"is_translation_required"` // True, if personal details must include the user's name in the language of their country of residence IsNativeNameRequired bool `json:"is_native_name_required"` } func (entity *PassportSuitableElement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportSuitableElement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportSuitableElement) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportSuitableElement } func (*PassportSuitableElement) GetType() string { return TypePassportSuitableElement } func (passportSuitableElement *PassportSuitableElement) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` IsSelfieRequired bool `json:"is_selfie_required"` IsTranslationRequired bool `json:"is_translation_required"` IsNativeNameRequired bool `json:"is_native_name_required"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } passportSuitableElement.IsSelfieRequired = tmp.IsSelfieRequired passportSuitableElement.IsTranslationRequired = tmp.IsTranslationRequired passportSuitableElement.IsNativeNameRequired = tmp.IsNativeNameRequired fieldType, _ := UnmarshalPassportElementType(tmp.Type) passportSuitableElement.Type = fieldType return nil } // Contains a description of the required Telegram Passport element that was requested by a service type PassportRequiredElement struct { meta // List of Telegram Passport elements any of which is enough to provide SuitableElements []*PassportSuitableElement `json:"suitable_elements"` } func (entity *PassportRequiredElement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportRequiredElement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportRequiredElement) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportRequiredElement } func (*PassportRequiredElement) GetType() string { return TypePassportRequiredElement } // Contains information about a Telegram Passport authorization form that was requested type PassportAuthorizationForm struct { meta // Unique identifier of the authorization form Id int32 `json:"id"` // Telegram Passport elements that must be provided to complete the form RequiredElements []*PassportRequiredElement `json:"required_elements"` // URL for the privacy policy of the service; may be empty PrivacyPolicyUrl string `json:"privacy_policy_url"` } func (entity *PassportAuthorizationForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportAuthorizationForm return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportAuthorizationForm) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportAuthorizationForm } func (*PassportAuthorizationForm) GetType() string { return TypePassportAuthorizationForm } // Contains information about a Telegram Passport elements and corresponding errors type PassportElementsWithErrors struct { meta // Telegram Passport elements Elements []PassportElement `json:"elements"` // Errors in the elements that are already available Errors []*PassportElementError `json:"errors"` } func (entity *PassportElementsWithErrors) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PassportElementsWithErrors return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PassportElementsWithErrors) GetClass() string { return ClassPassportElementsWithErrors } func (*PassportElementsWithErrors) GetType() string { return TypePassportElementsWithErrors } func (passportElementsWithErrors *PassportElementsWithErrors) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Elements []json.RawMessage `json:"elements"` Errors []*PassportElementError `json:"errors"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } passportElementsWithErrors.Errors = tmp.Errors fieldElements, _ := UnmarshalListOfPassportElement(tmp.Elements) passportElementsWithErrors.Elements = fieldElements return nil } // Contains encrypted Telegram Passport data credentials type EncryptedCredentials struct { meta // The encrypted credentials Data []byte `json:"data"` // The decrypted data hash Hash []byte `json:"hash"` // Secret for data decryption, encrypted with the service's public key Secret []byte `json:"secret"` } func (entity *EncryptedCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub EncryptedCredentials return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*EncryptedCredentials) GetClass() string { return ClassEncryptedCredentials } func (*EncryptedCredentials) GetType() string { return TypeEncryptedCredentials } // Contains information about an encrypted Telegram Passport element; for bots only type EncryptedPassportElement struct { meta // Type of Telegram Passport element Type PassportElementType `json:"type"` // Encrypted JSON-encoded data about the user Data []byte `json:"data"` // The front side of an identity document FrontSide *DatedFile `json:"front_side"` // The reverse side of an identity document; may be null ReverseSide *DatedFile `json:"reverse_side"` // Selfie with the document; may be null Selfie *DatedFile `json:"selfie"` // List of files containing a certified English translation of the document Translation []*DatedFile `json:"translation"` // List of attached files Files []*DatedFile `json:"files"` // Unencrypted data, phone number or email address Value string `json:"value"` // Hash of the entire element Hash string `json:"hash"` } func (entity *EncryptedPassportElement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub EncryptedPassportElement return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*EncryptedPassportElement) GetClass() string { return ClassEncryptedPassportElement } func (*EncryptedPassportElement) GetType() string { return TypeEncryptedPassportElement } func (encryptedPassportElement *EncryptedPassportElement) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` Data []byte `json:"data"` FrontSide *DatedFile `json:"front_side"` ReverseSide *DatedFile `json:"reverse_side"` Selfie *DatedFile `json:"selfie"` Translation []*DatedFile `json:"translation"` Files []*DatedFile `json:"files"` Value string `json:"value"` Hash string `json:"hash"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } encryptedPassportElement.Data = tmp.Data encryptedPassportElement.FrontSide = tmp.FrontSide encryptedPassportElement.ReverseSide = tmp.ReverseSide encryptedPassportElement.Selfie = tmp.Selfie encryptedPassportElement.Translation = tmp.Translation encryptedPassportElement.Files = tmp.Files encryptedPassportElement.Value = tmp.Value encryptedPassportElement.Hash = tmp.Hash fieldType, _ := UnmarshalPassportElementType(tmp.Type) encryptedPassportElement.Type = fieldType return nil } // The element contains an error in an unspecified place. The error will be considered resolved when new data is added type InputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified struct { meta // Current hash of the entire element ElementHash []byte `json:"element_hash"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceUnspecified } // A data field contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the field's value changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField struct { meta // Field name FieldName string `json:"field_name"` // Current data hash DataHash []byte `json:"data_hash"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField } // The front side of the document contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the file with the front side of the document changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide struct { meta // Current hash of the file containing the front side FileHash []byte `json:"file_hash"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide } // The reverse side of the document contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the file with the reverse side of the document changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide struct { meta // Current hash of the file containing the reverse side FileHash []byte `json:"file_hash"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide } // The selfie contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the file with the selfie changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie struct { meta // Current hash of the file containing the selfie FileHash []byte `json:"file_hash"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie } // One of the files containing the translation of the document contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the file with the translation changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile struct { meta // Current hash of the file containing the translation FileHash []byte `json:"file_hash"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile } // The translation of the document contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the list of files changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles struct { meta // Current hashes of all files with the translation FileHashes [][]byte `json:"file_hashes"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles } // The file contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the file changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceFile struct { meta // Current hash of the file which has the error FileHash []byte `json:"file_hash"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFile) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFile) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFile } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFile) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFile } // The list of attached files contains an error. The error is considered resolved when the file list changes type InputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles struct { meta // Current hashes of all attached files FileHashes [][]byte `json:"file_hashes"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementErrorSource } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles } func (*InputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles) InputPassportElementErrorSourceType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles } // Contains the description of an error in a Telegram Passport element; for bots only type InputPassportElementError struct { meta // Type of Telegram Passport element that has the error Type PassportElementType `json:"type"` // Error message Message string `json:"message"` // Error source Source InputPassportElementErrorSource `json:"source"` } func (entity *InputPassportElementError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputPassportElementError return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputPassportElementError) GetClass() string { return ClassInputPassportElementError } func (*InputPassportElementError) GetType() string { return TypeInputPassportElementError } func (inputPassportElementError *InputPassportElementError) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` Message string `json:"message"` Source json.RawMessage `json:"source"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputPassportElementError.Message = tmp.Message fieldType, _ := UnmarshalPassportElementType(tmp.Type) inputPassportElementError.Type = fieldType fieldSource, _ := UnmarshalInputPassportElementErrorSource(tmp.Source) inputPassportElementError.Source = fieldSource return nil } // A text message type MessageText struct { meta // Text of the message Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // A preview of the web page that's mentioned in the text; may be null WebPage *WebPage `json:"web_page"` } func (entity *MessageText) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageText return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageText) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageText) GetType() string { return TypeMessageText } func (*MessageText) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageText } // An animation message (GIF-style). type MessageAnimation struct { meta // The animation description Animation *Animation `json:"animation"` // Animation caption Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` // True, if the animation thumbnail must be blurred and the animation must be shown only while tapped IsSecret bool `json:"is_secret"` } func (entity *MessageAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageAnimation) GetType() string { return TypeMessageAnimation } func (*MessageAnimation) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageAnimation } // An audio message type MessageAudio struct { meta // The audio description Audio *Audio `json:"audio"` // Audio caption Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } func (entity *MessageAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageAudio) GetType() string { return TypeMessageAudio } func (*MessageAudio) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageAudio } // A document message (general file) type MessageDocument struct { meta // The document description Document *Document `json:"document"` // Document caption Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } func (entity *MessageDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageDocument) GetType() string { return TypeMessageDocument } func (*MessageDocument) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageDocument } // A photo message type MessagePhoto struct { meta // The photo description Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Photo caption Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` // True, if the photo must be blurred and must be shown only while tapped IsSecret bool `json:"is_secret"` } func (entity *MessagePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessagePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePhoto } func (*MessagePhoto) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessagePhoto } // An expired photo message (self-destructed after TTL has elapsed) type MessageExpiredPhoto struct { meta } func (entity *MessageExpiredPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageExpiredPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageExpiredPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageExpiredPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeMessageExpiredPhoto } func (*MessageExpiredPhoto) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageExpiredPhoto } // A sticker message type MessageSticker struct { meta // The sticker description Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` } func (entity *MessageSticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSticker) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageSticker) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSticker } func (*MessageSticker) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageSticker } // A video message type MessageVideo struct { meta // The video description Video *Video `json:"video"` // Video caption Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` // True, if the video thumbnail must be blurred and the video must be shown only while tapped IsSecret bool `json:"is_secret"` } func (entity *MessageVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageVideo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageVideo } func (*MessageVideo) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageVideo } // An expired video message (self-destructed after TTL has elapsed) type MessageExpiredVideo struct { meta } func (entity *MessageExpiredVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageExpiredVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageExpiredVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageExpiredVideo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageExpiredVideo } func (*MessageExpiredVideo) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageExpiredVideo } // A video note message type MessageVideoNote struct { meta // The video note description VideoNote *VideoNote `json:"video_note"` // True, if at least one of the recipients has viewed the video note IsViewed bool `json:"is_viewed"` // True, if the video note thumbnail must be blurred and the video note must be shown only while tapped IsSecret bool `json:"is_secret"` } func (entity *MessageVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeMessageVideoNote } func (*MessageVideoNote) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageVideoNote } // A voice note message type MessageVoiceNote struct { meta // The voice note description VoiceNote *VoiceNote `json:"voice_note"` // Voice note caption Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` // True, if at least one of the recipients has listened to the voice note IsListened bool `json:"is_listened"` } func (entity *MessageVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeMessageVoiceNote } func (*MessageVoiceNote) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageVoiceNote } // A message with a location type MessageLocation struct { meta // The location description Location *Location `json:"location"` // Time relative to the message send date, for which the location can be updated, in seconds LivePeriod int32 `json:"live_period"` // Left time for which the location can be updated, in seconds. updateMessageContent is not sent when this field changes ExpiresIn int32 `json:"expires_in"` // For live locations, a direction in which the location moves, in degrees; 1-360. If 0 the direction is unknown Heading int32 `json:"heading"` // For live locations, a maximum distance to another chat member for proximity alerts, in meters (0-100000). 0 if the notification is disabled. Available only for the message sender ProximityAlertRadius int32 `json:"proximity_alert_radius"` } func (entity *MessageLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageLocation) GetType() string { return TypeMessageLocation } func (*MessageLocation) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageLocation } // A message with information about a venue type MessageVenue struct { meta // The venue description Venue *Venue `json:"venue"` } func (entity *MessageVenue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageVenue return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageVenue) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageVenue) GetType() string { return TypeMessageVenue } func (*MessageVenue) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageVenue } // A message with a user contact type MessageContact struct { meta // The contact description Contact *Contact `json:"contact"` } func (entity *MessageContact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageContact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageContact) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageContact) GetType() string { return TypeMessageContact } func (*MessageContact) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageContact } // A message with an animated emoji type MessageAnimatedEmoji struct { meta // The animated emoji AnimatedEmoji *AnimatedEmoji `json:"animated_emoji"` // The corresponding emoji Emoji string `json:"emoji"` } func (entity *MessageAnimatedEmoji) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageAnimatedEmoji return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageAnimatedEmoji) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageAnimatedEmoji) GetType() string { return TypeMessageAnimatedEmoji } func (*MessageAnimatedEmoji) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageAnimatedEmoji } // A dice message. The dice value is randomly generated by the server type MessageDice struct { meta // The animated stickers with the initial dice animation; may be null if unknown. updateMessageContent will be sent when the sticker became known InitialState DiceStickers `json:"initial_state"` // The animated stickers with the final dice animation; may be null if unknown. updateMessageContent will be sent when the sticker became known FinalState DiceStickers `json:"final_state"` // Emoji on which the dice throw animation is based Emoji string `json:"emoji"` // The dice value. If the value is 0, the dice don't have final state yet Value int32 `json:"value"` // Number of frame after which a success animation like a shower of confetti needs to be shown on updateMessageSendSucceeded SuccessAnimationFrameNumber int32 `json:"success_animation_frame_number"` } func (entity *MessageDice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageDice return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageDice) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageDice) GetType() string { return TypeMessageDice } func (*MessageDice) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageDice } func (messageDice *MessageDice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { InitialState json.RawMessage `json:"initial_state"` FinalState json.RawMessage `json:"final_state"` Emoji string `json:"emoji"` Value int32 `json:"value"` SuccessAnimationFrameNumber int32 `json:"success_animation_frame_number"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } messageDice.Emoji = tmp.Emoji messageDice.Value = tmp.Value messageDice.SuccessAnimationFrameNumber = tmp.SuccessAnimationFrameNumber fieldInitialState, _ := UnmarshalDiceStickers(tmp.InitialState) messageDice.InitialState = fieldInitialState fieldFinalState, _ := UnmarshalDiceStickers(tmp.FinalState) messageDice.FinalState = fieldFinalState return nil } // A message with a game type MessageGame struct { meta // The game description Game *Game `json:"game"` } func (entity *MessageGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageGame) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageGame) GetType() string { return TypeMessageGame } func (*MessageGame) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageGame } // A message with a poll type MessagePoll struct { meta // The poll description Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` } func (entity *MessagePoll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePoll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePoll) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessagePoll) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePoll } func (*MessagePoll) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessagePoll } // A message with an invoice from a bot type MessageInvoice struct { meta // Product title Title string `json:"title"` // Product description Description string `json:"description"` // Product photo; may be null Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Currency for the product price Currency string `json:"currency"` // Product total price in the smallest units of the currency TotalAmount int64 `json:"total_amount"` // Unique invoice bot start_parameter. To share an invoice use the URL https://t.me/{bot_username}?start={start_parameter} StartParameter string `json:"start_parameter"` // True, if the invoice is a test invoice IsTest bool `json:"is_test"` // True, if the shipping address must be specified NeedShippingAddress bool `json:"need_shipping_address"` // The identifier of the message with the receipt, after the product has been purchased ReceiptMessageId int64 `json:"receipt_message_id"` } func (entity *MessageInvoice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageInvoice return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageInvoice) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageInvoice) GetType() string { return TypeMessageInvoice } func (*MessageInvoice) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageInvoice } // A message with information about an ended call type MessageCall struct { meta // True, if the call was a video call IsVideo bool `json:"is_video"` // Reason why the call was discarded DiscardReason CallDiscardReason `json:"discard_reason"` // Call duration, in seconds Duration int32 `json:"duration"` } func (entity *MessageCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageCall) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageCall) GetType() string { return TypeMessageCall } func (*MessageCall) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageCall } func (messageCall *MessageCall) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { IsVideo bool `json:"is_video"` DiscardReason json.RawMessage `json:"discard_reason"` Duration int32 `json:"duration"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } messageCall.IsVideo = tmp.IsVideo messageCall.Duration = tmp.Duration fieldDiscardReason, _ := UnmarshalCallDiscardReason(tmp.DiscardReason) messageCall.DiscardReason = fieldDiscardReason return nil } // A new video chat was scheduled type MessageVideoChatScheduled struct { meta // Identifier of the video chat. The video chat can be received through the method getGroupCall GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the group call is supposed to be started by an administrator StartDate int32 `json:"start_date"` } func (entity *MessageVideoChatScheduled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageVideoChatScheduled return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageVideoChatScheduled) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageVideoChatScheduled) GetType() string { return TypeMessageVideoChatScheduled } func (*MessageVideoChatScheduled) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageVideoChatScheduled } // A newly created video chat type MessageVideoChatStarted struct { meta // Identifier of the video chat. The video chat can be received through the method getGroupCall GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` } func (entity *MessageVideoChatStarted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageVideoChatStarted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageVideoChatStarted) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageVideoChatStarted) GetType() string { return TypeMessageVideoChatStarted } func (*MessageVideoChatStarted) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageVideoChatStarted } // A message with information about an ended video chat type MessageVideoChatEnded struct { meta // Call duration, in seconds Duration int32 `json:"duration"` } func (entity *MessageVideoChatEnded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageVideoChatEnded return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageVideoChatEnded) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageVideoChatEnded) GetType() string { return TypeMessageVideoChatEnded } func (*MessageVideoChatEnded) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageVideoChatEnded } // A message with information about an invite to a video chat type MessageInviteVideoChatParticipants struct { meta // Identifier of the video chat. The video chat can be received through the method getGroupCall GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` // Invited user identifiers UserIds []int64 `json:"user_ids"` } func (entity *MessageInviteVideoChatParticipants) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageInviteVideoChatParticipants return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageInviteVideoChatParticipants) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageInviteVideoChatParticipants) GetType() string { return TypeMessageInviteVideoChatParticipants } func (*MessageInviteVideoChatParticipants) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageInviteVideoChatParticipants } // A newly created basic group type MessageBasicGroupChatCreate struct { meta // Title of the basic group Title string `json:"title"` // User identifiers of members in the basic group MemberUserIds []int64 `json:"member_user_ids"` } func (entity *MessageBasicGroupChatCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageBasicGroupChatCreate return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageBasicGroupChatCreate) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageBasicGroupChatCreate) GetType() string { return TypeMessageBasicGroupChatCreate } func (*MessageBasicGroupChatCreate) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageBasicGroupChatCreate } // A newly created supergroup or channel type MessageSupergroupChatCreate struct { meta // Title of the supergroup or channel Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *MessageSupergroupChatCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSupergroupChatCreate return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSupergroupChatCreate) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageSupergroupChatCreate) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSupergroupChatCreate } func (*MessageSupergroupChatCreate) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageSupergroupChatCreate } // An updated chat title type MessageChatChangeTitle struct { meta // New chat title Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *MessageChatChangeTitle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatChangeTitle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatChangeTitle) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatChangeTitle) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatChangeTitle } func (*MessageChatChangeTitle) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatChangeTitle } // An updated chat photo type MessageChatChangePhoto struct { meta // New chat photo Photo *ChatPhoto `json:"photo"` } func (entity *MessageChatChangePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatChangePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatChangePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatChangePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatChangePhoto } func (*MessageChatChangePhoto) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatChangePhoto } // A deleted chat photo type MessageChatDeletePhoto struct { meta } func (entity *MessageChatDeletePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatDeletePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatDeletePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatDeletePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatDeletePhoto } func (*MessageChatDeletePhoto) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatDeletePhoto } // New chat members were added type MessageChatAddMembers struct { meta // User identifiers of the new members MemberUserIds []int64 `json:"member_user_ids"` } func (entity *MessageChatAddMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatAddMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatAddMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatAddMembers) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatAddMembers } func (*MessageChatAddMembers) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatAddMembers } // A new member joined the chat via an invite link type MessageChatJoinByLink struct { meta } func (entity *MessageChatJoinByLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatJoinByLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatJoinByLink) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatJoinByLink) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatJoinByLink } func (*MessageChatJoinByLink) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatJoinByLink } // A new member was accepted to the chat by an administrator type MessageChatJoinByRequest struct { meta } func (entity *MessageChatJoinByRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatJoinByRequest return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatJoinByRequest) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatJoinByRequest) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatJoinByRequest } func (*MessageChatJoinByRequest) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatJoinByRequest } // A chat member was deleted type MessageChatDeleteMember struct { meta // User identifier of the deleted chat member UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *MessageChatDeleteMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatDeleteMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatDeleteMember) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatDeleteMember) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatDeleteMember } func (*MessageChatDeleteMember) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatDeleteMember } // A basic group was upgraded to a supergroup and was deactivated as the result type MessageChatUpgradeTo struct { meta // Identifier of the supergroup to which the basic group was upgraded SupergroupId int64 `json:"supergroup_id"` } func (entity *MessageChatUpgradeTo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatUpgradeTo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatUpgradeTo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatUpgradeTo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatUpgradeTo } func (*MessageChatUpgradeTo) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatUpgradeTo } // A supergroup has been created from a basic group type MessageChatUpgradeFrom struct { meta // Title of the newly created supergroup Title string `json:"title"` // The identifier of the original basic group BasicGroupId int64 `json:"basic_group_id"` } func (entity *MessageChatUpgradeFrom) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatUpgradeFrom return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatUpgradeFrom) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatUpgradeFrom) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatUpgradeFrom } func (*MessageChatUpgradeFrom) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatUpgradeFrom } // A message has been pinned type MessagePinMessage struct { meta // Identifier of the pinned message, can be an identifier of a deleted message or 0 MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` } func (entity *MessagePinMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePinMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePinMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessagePinMessage) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePinMessage } func (*MessagePinMessage) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessagePinMessage } // A screenshot of a message in the chat has been taken type MessageScreenshotTaken struct { meta } func (entity *MessageScreenshotTaken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageScreenshotTaken return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageScreenshotTaken) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageScreenshotTaken) GetType() string { return TypeMessageScreenshotTaken } func (*MessageScreenshotTaken) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageScreenshotTaken } // A theme in the chat has been changed type MessageChatSetTheme struct { meta // If non-empty, name of a new theme, set for the chat. Otherwise chat theme was reset to the default one ThemeName string `json:"theme_name"` } func (entity *MessageChatSetTheme) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatSetTheme return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatSetTheme) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatSetTheme) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatSetTheme } func (*MessageChatSetTheme) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatSetTheme } // The TTL (Time To Live) setting for messages in the chat has been changed type MessageChatSetTtl struct { meta // New message TTL Ttl int32 `json:"ttl"` } func (entity *MessageChatSetTtl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageChatSetTtl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageChatSetTtl) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageChatSetTtl) GetType() string { return TypeMessageChatSetTtl } func (*MessageChatSetTtl) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageChatSetTtl } // A non-standard action has happened in the chat type MessageCustomServiceAction struct { meta // Message text to be shown in the chat Text string `json:"text"` } func (entity *MessageCustomServiceAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageCustomServiceAction return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageCustomServiceAction) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageCustomServiceAction) GetType() string { return TypeMessageCustomServiceAction } func (*MessageCustomServiceAction) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageCustomServiceAction } // A new high score was achieved in a game type MessageGameScore struct { meta // Identifier of the message with the game, can be an identifier of a deleted message GameMessageId int64 `json:"game_message_id"` // Identifier of the game; may be different from the games presented in the message with the game GameId JsonInt64 `json:"game_id"` // New score Score int32 `json:"score"` } func (entity *MessageGameScore) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageGameScore return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageGameScore) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageGameScore) GetType() string { return TypeMessageGameScore } func (*MessageGameScore) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageGameScore } // A payment has been completed type MessagePaymentSuccessful struct { meta // Identifier of the chat, containing the corresponding invoice message; 0 if unknown InvoiceChatId int64 `json:"invoice_chat_id"` // Identifier of the message with the corresponding invoice; can be an identifier of a deleted message InvoiceMessageId int64 `json:"invoice_message_id"` // Currency for the price of the product Currency string `json:"currency"` // Total price for the product, in the smallest units of the currency TotalAmount int64 `json:"total_amount"` } func (entity *MessagePaymentSuccessful) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePaymentSuccessful return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePaymentSuccessful) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessagePaymentSuccessful) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePaymentSuccessful } func (*MessagePaymentSuccessful) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessagePaymentSuccessful } // A payment has been completed; for bots only type MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot struct { meta // Currency for price of the product Currency string `json:"currency"` // Total price for the product, in the smallest units of the currency TotalAmount int64 `json:"total_amount"` // Invoice payload InvoicePayload []byte `json:"invoice_payload"` // Identifier of the shipping option chosen by the user; may be empty if not applicable ShippingOptionId string `json:"shipping_option_id"` // Information about the order; may be null OrderInfo *OrderInfo `json:"order_info"` // Telegram payment identifier TelegramPaymentChargeId string `json:"telegram_payment_charge_id"` // Provider payment identifier ProviderPaymentChargeId string `json:"provider_payment_charge_id"` } func (entity *MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePaymentSuccessfulBot } func (*MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessagePaymentSuccessfulBot } // A contact has registered with Telegram type MessageContactRegistered struct { meta } func (entity *MessageContactRegistered) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageContactRegistered return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageContactRegistered) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageContactRegistered) GetType() string { return TypeMessageContactRegistered } func (*MessageContactRegistered) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageContactRegistered } // The current user has connected a website by logging in using Telegram Login Widget on it type MessageWebsiteConnected struct { meta // Domain name of the connected website DomainName string `json:"domain_name"` } func (entity *MessageWebsiteConnected) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageWebsiteConnected return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageWebsiteConnected) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageWebsiteConnected) GetType() string { return TypeMessageWebsiteConnected } func (*MessageWebsiteConnected) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageWebsiteConnected } // Telegram Passport data has been sent type MessagePassportDataSent struct { meta // List of Telegram Passport element types sent Types []PassportElementType `json:"types"` } func (entity *MessagePassportDataSent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePassportDataSent return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePassportDataSent) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessagePassportDataSent) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePassportDataSent } func (*MessagePassportDataSent) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessagePassportDataSent } func (messagePassportDataSent *MessagePassportDataSent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Types []json.RawMessage `json:"types"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldTypes, _ := UnmarshalListOfPassportElementType(tmp.Types) messagePassportDataSent.Types = fieldTypes return nil } // Telegram Passport data has been received; for bots only type MessagePassportDataReceived struct { meta // List of received Telegram Passport elements Elements []*EncryptedPassportElement `json:"elements"` // Encrypted data credentials Credentials *EncryptedCredentials `json:"credentials"` } func (entity *MessagePassportDataReceived) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessagePassportDataReceived return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessagePassportDataReceived) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessagePassportDataReceived) GetType() string { return TypeMessagePassportDataReceived } func (*MessagePassportDataReceived) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessagePassportDataReceived } // A user in the chat came within proximity alert range type MessageProximityAlertTriggered struct { meta // The identifier of a user or chat that triggered the proximity alert TravelerId MessageSender `json:"traveler_id"` // The identifier of a user or chat that subscribed for the proximity alert WatcherId MessageSender `json:"watcher_id"` // The distance between the users Distance int32 `json:"distance"` } func (entity *MessageProximityAlertTriggered) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageProximityAlertTriggered return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageProximityAlertTriggered) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageProximityAlertTriggered) GetType() string { return TypeMessageProximityAlertTriggered } func (*MessageProximityAlertTriggered) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageProximityAlertTriggered } func (messageProximityAlertTriggered *MessageProximityAlertTriggered) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { TravelerId json.RawMessage `json:"traveler_id"` WatcherId json.RawMessage `json:"watcher_id"` Distance int32 `json:"distance"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } messageProximityAlertTriggered.Distance = tmp.Distance fieldTravelerId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.TravelerId) messageProximityAlertTriggered.TravelerId = fieldTravelerId fieldWatcherId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.WatcherId) messageProximityAlertTriggered.WatcherId = fieldWatcherId return nil } // Message content that is not supported in the current TDLib version type MessageUnsupported struct { meta } func (entity *MessageUnsupported) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageUnsupported return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageUnsupported) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageContent } func (*MessageUnsupported) GetType() string { return TypeMessageUnsupported } func (*MessageUnsupported) MessageContentType() string { return TypeMessageUnsupported } // A mention of a user by their username type TextEntityTypeMention struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeMention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeMention return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeMention) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeMention) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeMention } func (*TextEntityTypeMention) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeMention } // A hashtag text, beginning with "#" type TextEntityTypeHashtag struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeHashtag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeHashtag return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeHashtag) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeHashtag) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeHashtag } func (*TextEntityTypeHashtag) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeHashtag } // A cashtag text, beginning with "$" and consisting of capital English letters (e.g., "$USD") type TextEntityTypeCashtag struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeCashtag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeCashtag return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeCashtag) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeCashtag) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeCashtag } func (*TextEntityTypeCashtag) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeCashtag } // A bot command, beginning with "/" type TextEntityTypeBotCommand struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeBotCommand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeBotCommand return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeBotCommand) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeBotCommand) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeBotCommand } func (*TextEntityTypeBotCommand) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeBotCommand } // An HTTP URL type TextEntityTypeUrl struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeUrl) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeUrl } func (*TextEntityTypeUrl) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeUrl } // An email address type TextEntityTypeEmailAddress struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeEmailAddress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeEmailAddress return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeEmailAddress) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeEmailAddress) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeEmailAddress } func (*TextEntityTypeEmailAddress) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeEmailAddress } // A phone number type TextEntityTypePhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypePhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypePhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypePhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypePhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypePhoneNumber } func (*TextEntityTypePhoneNumber) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypePhoneNumber } // A bank card number. The getBankCardInfo method can be used to get information about the bank card type TextEntityTypeBankCardNumber struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeBankCardNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeBankCardNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeBankCardNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeBankCardNumber) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeBankCardNumber } func (*TextEntityTypeBankCardNumber) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeBankCardNumber } // A bold text type TextEntityTypeBold struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeBold) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeBold return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeBold) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeBold) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeBold } func (*TextEntityTypeBold) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeBold } // An italic text type TextEntityTypeItalic struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeItalic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeItalic return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeItalic) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeItalic) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeItalic } func (*TextEntityTypeItalic) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeItalic } // An underlined text type TextEntityTypeUnderline struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeUnderline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeUnderline return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeUnderline) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeUnderline) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeUnderline } func (*TextEntityTypeUnderline) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeUnderline } // A strikethrough text type TextEntityTypeStrikethrough struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeStrikethrough) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeStrikethrough return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeStrikethrough) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeStrikethrough) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeStrikethrough } func (*TextEntityTypeStrikethrough) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeStrikethrough } // A spoiler text. Not supported in secret chats type TextEntityTypeSpoiler struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeSpoiler) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeSpoiler return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeSpoiler) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeSpoiler) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeSpoiler } func (*TextEntityTypeSpoiler) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeSpoiler } // Text that must be formatted as if inside a code HTML tag type TextEntityTypeCode struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypeCode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeCode return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeCode) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeCode) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeCode } func (*TextEntityTypeCode) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeCode } // Text that must be formatted as if inside a pre HTML tag type TextEntityTypePre struct { meta } func (entity *TextEntityTypePre) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypePre return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypePre) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypePre) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypePre } func (*TextEntityTypePre) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypePre } // Text that must be formatted as if inside pre, and code HTML tags type TextEntityTypePreCode struct { meta // Programming language of the code; as defined by the sender Language string `json:"language"` } func (entity *TextEntityTypePreCode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypePreCode return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypePreCode) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypePreCode) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypePreCode } func (*TextEntityTypePreCode) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypePreCode } // A text description shown instead of a raw URL type TextEntityTypeTextUrl struct { meta // HTTP or tg:// URL to be opened when the link is clicked Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *TextEntityTypeTextUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeTextUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeTextUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeTextUrl) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeTextUrl } func (*TextEntityTypeTextUrl) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeTextUrl } // A text shows instead of a raw mention of the user (e.g., when the user has no username) type TextEntityTypeMentionName struct { meta // Identifier of the mentioned user UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *TextEntityTypeMentionName) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeMentionName return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeMentionName) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeMentionName) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeMentionName } func (*TextEntityTypeMentionName) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeMentionName } // A media timestamp type TextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp struct { meta // Timestamp from which a video/audio/video note/voice note playing must start, in seconds. The media can be in the content or the web page preview of the current message, or in the same places in the replied message MediaTimestamp int32 `json:"media_timestamp"` } func (entity *TextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp) GetClass() string { return ClassTextEntityType } func (*TextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp) GetType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp } func (*TextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp) TextEntityTypeType() string { return TypeTextEntityTypeMediaTimestamp } // A thumbnail to be sent along with a file; must be in JPEG or WEBP format for stickers, and less than 200 KB in size type InputThumbnail struct { meta // Thumbnail file to send. Sending thumbnails by file_id is currently not supported Thumbnail InputFile `json:"thumbnail"` // Thumbnail width, usually shouldn't exceed 320. Use 0 if unknown Width int32 `json:"width"` // Thumbnail height, usually shouldn't exceed 320. Use 0 if unknown Height int32 `json:"height"` } func (entity *InputThumbnail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputThumbnail return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputThumbnail) GetClass() string { return ClassInputThumbnail } func (*InputThumbnail) GetType() string { return TypeInputThumbnail } func (inputThumbnail *InputThumbnail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Thumbnail json.RawMessage `json:"thumbnail"` Width int32 `json:"width"` Height int32 `json:"height"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputThumbnail.Width = tmp.Width inputThumbnail.Height = tmp.Height fieldThumbnail, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Thumbnail) inputThumbnail.Thumbnail = fieldThumbnail return nil } // The message will be sent at the specified date type MessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate struct { meta // Date the message will be sent. The date must be within 367 days in the future SendDate int32 `json:"send_date"` } func (entity *MessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSchedulingState } func (*MessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate } func (*MessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate) MessageSchedulingStateType() string { return TypeMessageSchedulingStateSendAtDate } // The message will be sent when the peer will be online. Applicable to private chats only and when the exact online status of the peer is known type MessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline struct { meta } func (entity *MessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSchedulingState } func (*MessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline } func (*MessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline) MessageSchedulingStateType() string { return TypeMessageSchedulingStateSendWhenOnline } // Options to be used when a message is sent type MessageSendOptions struct { meta // Pass true to disable notification for the message DisableNotification bool `json:"disable_notification"` // Pass true if the message is sent from the background FromBackground bool `json:"from_background"` // Pass true if the content of the message must be protected from forwarding and saving; for bots only ProtectContent bool `json:"protect_content"` // Message scheduling state; pass null to send message immediately. Messages sent to a secret chat, live location messages and self-destructing messages can't be scheduled SchedulingState MessageSchedulingState `json:"scheduling_state"` } func (entity *MessageSendOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageSendOptions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageSendOptions) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageSendOptions } func (*MessageSendOptions) GetType() string { return TypeMessageSendOptions } func (messageSendOptions *MessageSendOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { DisableNotification bool `json:"disable_notification"` FromBackground bool `json:"from_background"` ProtectContent bool `json:"protect_content"` SchedulingState json.RawMessage `json:"scheduling_state"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } messageSendOptions.DisableNotification = tmp.DisableNotification messageSendOptions.FromBackground = tmp.FromBackground messageSendOptions.ProtectContent = tmp.ProtectContent fieldSchedulingState, _ := UnmarshalMessageSchedulingState(tmp.SchedulingState) messageSendOptions.SchedulingState = fieldSchedulingState return nil } // Options to be used when a message content is copied without reference to the original sender. Service messages and messageInvoice can't be copied type MessageCopyOptions struct { meta // True, if content of the message needs to be copied without reference to the original sender. Always true if the message is forwarded to a secret chat or is local SendCopy bool `json:"send_copy"` // True, if media caption of the message copy needs to be replaced. Ignored if send_copy is false ReplaceCaption bool `json:"replace_caption"` // New message caption; pass null to copy message without caption. Ignored if replace_caption is false NewCaption *FormattedText `json:"new_caption"` } func (entity *MessageCopyOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageCopyOptions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageCopyOptions) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageCopyOptions } func (*MessageCopyOptions) GetType() string { return TypeMessageCopyOptions } // A text message type InputMessageText struct { meta // Formatted text to be sent; 1-GetOption("message_text_length_max") characters. Only Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Spoiler, Code, Pre, PreCode, TextUrl and MentionName entities are allowed to be specified manually Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // True, if rich web page previews for URLs in the message text must be disabled DisableWebPagePreview bool `json:"disable_web_page_preview"` // True, if a chat message draft must be deleted ClearDraft bool `json:"clear_draft"` } func (entity *InputMessageText) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageText return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageText) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageText) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageText } func (*InputMessageText) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageText } // An animation message (GIF-style). type InputMessageAnimation struct { meta // Animation file to be sent Animation InputFile `json:"animation"` // Animation thumbnail; pass null to skip thumbnail uploading Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File identifiers of the stickers added to the animation, if applicable AddedStickerFileIds []int32 `json:"added_sticker_file_ids"` // Duration of the animation, in seconds Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Width of the animation; may be replaced by the server Width int32 `json:"width"` // Height of the animation; may be replaced by the server Height int32 `json:"height"` // Animation caption; pass null to use an empty caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } func (entity *InputMessageAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageAnimation) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageAnimation } func (*InputMessageAnimation) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageAnimation } func (inputMessageAnimation *InputMessageAnimation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Animation json.RawMessage `json:"animation"` Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` AddedStickerFileIds []int32 `json:"added_sticker_file_ids"` Duration int32 `json:"duration"` Width int32 `json:"width"` Height int32 `json:"height"` Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessageAnimation.Thumbnail = tmp.Thumbnail inputMessageAnimation.AddedStickerFileIds = tmp.AddedStickerFileIds inputMessageAnimation.Duration = tmp.Duration inputMessageAnimation.Width = tmp.Width inputMessageAnimation.Height = tmp.Height inputMessageAnimation.Caption = tmp.Caption fieldAnimation, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Animation) inputMessageAnimation.Animation = fieldAnimation return nil } // An audio message type InputMessageAudio struct { meta // Audio file to be sent Audio InputFile `json:"audio"` // Thumbnail of the cover for the album; pass null to skip thumbnail uploading AlbumCoverThumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"album_cover_thumbnail"` // Duration of the audio, in seconds; may be replaced by the server Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Title of the audio; 0-64 characters; may be replaced by the server Title string `json:"title"` // Performer of the audio; 0-64 characters, may be replaced by the server Performer string `json:"performer"` // Audio caption; pass null to use an empty caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } func (entity *InputMessageAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageAudio) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageAudio } func (*InputMessageAudio) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageAudio } func (inputMessageAudio *InputMessageAudio) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Audio json.RawMessage `json:"audio"` AlbumCoverThumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"album_cover_thumbnail"` Duration int32 `json:"duration"` Title string `json:"title"` Performer string `json:"performer"` Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessageAudio.AlbumCoverThumbnail = tmp.AlbumCoverThumbnail inputMessageAudio.Duration = tmp.Duration inputMessageAudio.Title = tmp.Title inputMessageAudio.Performer = tmp.Performer inputMessageAudio.Caption = tmp.Caption fieldAudio, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Audio) inputMessageAudio.Audio = fieldAudio return nil } // A document message (general file) type InputMessageDocument struct { meta // Document to be sent Document InputFile `json:"document"` // Document thumbnail; pass null to skip thumbnail uploading Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // If true, automatic file type detection will be disabled and the document will be always sent as file. Always true for files sent to secret chats DisableContentTypeDetection bool `json:"disable_content_type_detection"` // Document caption; pass null to use an empty caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } func (entity *InputMessageDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageDocument) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageDocument } func (*InputMessageDocument) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageDocument } func (inputMessageDocument *InputMessageDocument) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Document json.RawMessage `json:"document"` Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` DisableContentTypeDetection bool `json:"disable_content_type_detection"` Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessageDocument.Thumbnail = tmp.Thumbnail inputMessageDocument.DisableContentTypeDetection = tmp.DisableContentTypeDetection inputMessageDocument.Caption = tmp.Caption fieldDocument, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Document) inputMessageDocument.Document = fieldDocument return nil } // A photo message type InputMessagePhoto struct { meta // Photo to send Photo InputFile `json:"photo"` // Photo thumbnail to be sent; pass null to skip thumbnail uploading. The thumbnail is sent to the other party only in secret chats Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File identifiers of the stickers added to the photo, if applicable AddedStickerFileIds []int32 `json:"added_sticker_file_ids"` // Photo width Width int32 `json:"width"` // Photo height Height int32 `json:"height"` // Photo caption; pass null to use an empty caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` // Photo TTL (Time To Live), in seconds (0-60). A non-zero TTL can be specified only in private chats Ttl int32 `json:"ttl"` } func (entity *InputMessagePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessagePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessagePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessagePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessagePhoto } func (*InputMessagePhoto) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessagePhoto } func (inputMessagePhoto *InputMessagePhoto) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Photo json.RawMessage `json:"photo"` Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` AddedStickerFileIds []int32 `json:"added_sticker_file_ids"` Width int32 `json:"width"` Height int32 `json:"height"` Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` Ttl int32 `json:"ttl"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessagePhoto.Thumbnail = tmp.Thumbnail inputMessagePhoto.AddedStickerFileIds = tmp.AddedStickerFileIds inputMessagePhoto.Width = tmp.Width inputMessagePhoto.Height = tmp.Height inputMessagePhoto.Caption = tmp.Caption inputMessagePhoto.Ttl = tmp.Ttl fieldPhoto, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Photo) inputMessagePhoto.Photo = fieldPhoto return nil } // A sticker message type InputMessageSticker struct { meta // Sticker to be sent Sticker InputFile `json:"sticker"` // Sticker thumbnail; pass null to skip thumbnail uploading Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Sticker width Width int32 `json:"width"` // Sticker height Height int32 `json:"height"` // Emoji used to choose the sticker Emoji string `json:"emoji"` } func (entity *InputMessageSticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageSticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageSticker) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageSticker) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageSticker } func (*InputMessageSticker) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageSticker } func (inputMessageSticker *InputMessageSticker) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Sticker json.RawMessage `json:"sticker"` Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` Width int32 `json:"width"` Height int32 `json:"height"` Emoji string `json:"emoji"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessageSticker.Thumbnail = tmp.Thumbnail inputMessageSticker.Width = tmp.Width inputMessageSticker.Height = tmp.Height inputMessageSticker.Emoji = tmp.Emoji fieldSticker, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Sticker) inputMessageSticker.Sticker = fieldSticker return nil } // A video message type InputMessageVideo struct { meta // Video to be sent Video InputFile `json:"video"` // Video thumbnail; pass null to skip thumbnail uploading Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // File identifiers of the stickers added to the video, if applicable AddedStickerFileIds []int32 `json:"added_sticker_file_ids"` // Duration of the video, in seconds Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Video width Width int32 `json:"width"` // Video height Height int32 `json:"height"` // True, if the video is supposed to be streamed SupportsStreaming bool `json:"supports_streaming"` // Video caption; pass null to use an empty caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` // Video TTL (Time To Live), in seconds (0-60). A non-zero TTL can be specified only in private chats Ttl int32 `json:"ttl"` } func (entity *InputMessageVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageVideo) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageVideo } func (*InputMessageVideo) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageVideo } func (inputMessageVideo *InputMessageVideo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Video json.RawMessage `json:"video"` Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` AddedStickerFileIds []int32 `json:"added_sticker_file_ids"` Duration int32 `json:"duration"` Width int32 `json:"width"` Height int32 `json:"height"` SupportsStreaming bool `json:"supports_streaming"` Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` Ttl int32 `json:"ttl"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessageVideo.Thumbnail = tmp.Thumbnail inputMessageVideo.AddedStickerFileIds = tmp.AddedStickerFileIds inputMessageVideo.Duration = tmp.Duration inputMessageVideo.Width = tmp.Width inputMessageVideo.Height = tmp.Height inputMessageVideo.SupportsStreaming = tmp.SupportsStreaming inputMessageVideo.Caption = tmp.Caption inputMessageVideo.Ttl = tmp.Ttl fieldVideo, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Video) inputMessageVideo.Video = fieldVideo return nil } // A video note message type InputMessageVideoNote struct { meta // Video note to be sent VideoNote InputFile `json:"video_note"` // Video thumbnail; pass null to skip thumbnail uploading Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Duration of the video, in seconds Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Video width and height; must be positive and not greater than 640 Length int32 `json:"length"` } func (entity *InputMessageVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageVideoNote } func (*InputMessageVideoNote) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageVideoNote } func (inputMessageVideoNote *InputMessageVideoNote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { VideoNote json.RawMessage `json:"video_note"` Thumbnail *InputThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` Duration int32 `json:"duration"` Length int32 `json:"length"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessageVideoNote.Thumbnail = tmp.Thumbnail inputMessageVideoNote.Duration = tmp.Duration inputMessageVideoNote.Length = tmp.Length fieldVideoNote, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.VideoNote) inputMessageVideoNote.VideoNote = fieldVideoNote return nil } // A voice note message type InputMessageVoiceNote struct { meta // Voice note to be sent VoiceNote InputFile `json:"voice_note"` // Duration of the voice note, in seconds Duration int32 `json:"duration"` // Waveform representation of the voice note, in 5-bit format Waveform []byte `json:"waveform"` // Voice note caption; pass null to use an empty caption; 0-GetOption("message_caption_length_max") characters Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } func (entity *InputMessageVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageVoiceNote } func (*InputMessageVoiceNote) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageVoiceNote } func (inputMessageVoiceNote *InputMessageVoiceNote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { VoiceNote json.RawMessage `json:"voice_note"` Duration int32 `json:"duration"` Waveform []byte `json:"waveform"` Caption *FormattedText `json:"caption"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessageVoiceNote.Duration = tmp.Duration inputMessageVoiceNote.Waveform = tmp.Waveform inputMessageVoiceNote.Caption = tmp.Caption fieldVoiceNote, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.VoiceNote) inputMessageVoiceNote.VoiceNote = fieldVoiceNote return nil } // A message with a location type InputMessageLocation struct { meta // Location to be sent Location *Location `json:"location"` // Period for which the location can be updated, in seconds; must be between 60 and 86400 for a live location and 0 otherwise LivePeriod int32 `json:"live_period"` // For live locations, a direction in which the location moves, in degrees; 1-360. Pass 0 if unknown Heading int32 `json:"heading"` // For live locations, a maximum distance to another chat member for proximity alerts, in meters (0-100000). Pass 0 if the notification is disabled. Can't be enabled in channels and Saved Messages ProximityAlertRadius int32 `json:"proximity_alert_radius"` } func (entity *InputMessageLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageLocation) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageLocation } func (*InputMessageLocation) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageLocation } // A message with information about a venue type InputMessageVenue struct { meta // Venue to send Venue *Venue `json:"venue"` } func (entity *InputMessageVenue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageVenue return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageVenue) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageVenue) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageVenue } func (*InputMessageVenue) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageVenue } // A message containing a user contact type InputMessageContact struct { meta // Contact to send Contact *Contact `json:"contact"` } func (entity *InputMessageContact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageContact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageContact) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageContact) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageContact } func (*InputMessageContact) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageContact } // A dice message type InputMessageDice struct { meta // Emoji on which the dice throw animation is based Emoji string `json:"emoji"` // True, if the chat message draft must be deleted ClearDraft bool `json:"clear_draft"` } func (entity *InputMessageDice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageDice return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageDice) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageDice) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageDice } func (*InputMessageDice) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageDice } // A message with a game; not supported for channels or secret chats type InputMessageGame struct { meta // User identifier of the bot that owns the game BotUserId int64 `json:"bot_user_id"` // Short name of the game GameShortName string `json:"game_short_name"` } func (entity *InputMessageGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageGame) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageGame) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageGame } func (*InputMessageGame) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageGame } // A message with an invoice; can be used only by bots type InputMessageInvoice struct { meta // Invoice Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"` // Product title; 1-32 characters Title string `json:"title"` // Product description; 0-255 characters Description string `json:"description"` // Product photo URL; optional PhotoUrl string `json:"photo_url"` // Product photo size PhotoSize int32 `json:"photo_size"` // Product photo width PhotoWidth int32 `json:"photo_width"` // Product photo height PhotoHeight int32 `json:"photo_height"` // The invoice payload Payload []byte `json:"payload"` // Payment provider token ProviderToken string `json:"provider_token"` // JSON-encoded data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider ProviderData string `json:"provider_data"` // Unique invoice bot deep link parameter for the generation of this invoice. If empty, it would be possible to pay directly from forwards of the invoice message StartParameter string `json:"start_parameter"` } func (entity *InputMessageInvoice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageInvoice return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageInvoice) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageInvoice) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageInvoice } func (*InputMessageInvoice) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageInvoice } // A message with a poll. Polls can't be sent to secret chats. Polls can be sent only to a private chat with a bot type InputMessagePoll struct { meta // Poll question; 1-255 characters (up to 300 characters for bots) Question string `json:"question"` // List of poll answer options, 2-10 strings 1-100 characters each Options []string `json:"options"` // True, if the poll voters are anonymous. Non-anonymous polls can't be sent or forwarded to channels IsAnonymous bool `json:"is_anonymous"` // Type of the poll Type PollType `json:"type"` // Amount of time the poll will be active after creation, in seconds; for bots only OpenPeriod int32 `json:"open_period"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the poll will automatically be closed; for bots only CloseDate int32 `json:"close_date"` // True, if the poll needs to be sent already closed; for bots only IsClosed bool `json:"is_closed"` } func (entity *InputMessagePoll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessagePoll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessagePoll) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessagePoll) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessagePoll } func (*InputMessagePoll) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessagePoll } func (inputMessagePoll *InputMessagePoll) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Question string `json:"question"` Options []string `json:"options"` IsAnonymous bool `json:"is_anonymous"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` OpenPeriod int32 `json:"open_period"` CloseDate int32 `json:"close_date"` IsClosed bool `json:"is_closed"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputMessagePoll.Question = tmp.Question inputMessagePoll.Options = tmp.Options inputMessagePoll.IsAnonymous = tmp.IsAnonymous inputMessagePoll.OpenPeriod = tmp.OpenPeriod inputMessagePoll.CloseDate = tmp.CloseDate inputMessagePoll.IsClosed = tmp.IsClosed fieldType, _ := UnmarshalPollType(tmp.Type) inputMessagePoll.Type = fieldType return nil } // A forwarded message type InputMessageForwarded struct { meta // Identifier for the chat this forwarded message came from FromChatId int64 `json:"from_chat_id"` // Identifier of the message to forward MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // True, if a game message is being shared from a launched game; applies only to game messages InGameShare bool `json:"in_game_share"` // Options to be used to copy content of the message without reference to the original sender; pass null to forward the message as usual CopyOptions *MessageCopyOptions `json:"copy_options"` } func (entity *InputMessageForwarded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputMessageForwarded return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputMessageForwarded) GetClass() string { return ClassInputMessageContent } func (*InputMessageForwarded) GetType() string { return TypeInputMessageForwarded } func (*InputMessageForwarded) InputMessageContentType() string { return TypeInputMessageForwarded } // Returns all found messages, no filter is applied type SearchMessagesFilterEmpty struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterEmpty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterEmpty return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterEmpty) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterEmpty) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterEmpty } func (*SearchMessagesFilterEmpty) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterEmpty } // Returns only animation messages type SearchMessagesFilterAnimation struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterAnimation) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterAnimation } func (*SearchMessagesFilterAnimation) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterAnimation } // Returns only audio messages type SearchMessagesFilterAudio struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterAudio) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterAudio } func (*SearchMessagesFilterAudio) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterAudio } // Returns only document messages type SearchMessagesFilterDocument struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterDocument) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterDocument } func (*SearchMessagesFilterDocument) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterDocument } // Returns only photo messages type SearchMessagesFilterPhoto struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterPhoto } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPhoto) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterPhoto } // Returns only video messages type SearchMessagesFilterVideo struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVideo) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVideo } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVideo) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVideo } // Returns only voice note messages type SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote } // Returns only photo and video messages type SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo } // Returns only messages containing URLs type SearchMessagesFilterUrl struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterUrl) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterUrl } func (*SearchMessagesFilterUrl) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterUrl } // Returns only messages containing chat photos type SearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto } func (*SearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto } // Returns only video note messages type SearchMessagesFilterVideoNote struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVideoNote } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVideoNote) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVideoNote } // Returns only voice and video note messages type SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote } func (*SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote } // Returns only messages with mentions of the current user, or messages that are replies to their messages type SearchMessagesFilterMention struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterMention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterMention return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterMention) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterMention) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterMention } func (*SearchMessagesFilterMention) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterMention } // Returns only messages with unread mentions of the current user, or messages that are replies to their messages. When using this filter the results can't be additionally filtered by a query, a message thread or by the sending user type SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention } func (*SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention } // Returns only failed to send messages. This filter can be used only if the message database is used type SearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend } func (*SearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterFailedToSend } // Returns only pinned messages type SearchMessagesFilterPinned struct { meta } func (entity *SearchMessagesFilterPinned) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SearchMessagesFilterPinned return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPinned) GetClass() string { return ClassSearchMessagesFilter } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPinned) GetType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterPinned } func (*SearchMessagesFilterPinned) SearchMessagesFilterType() string { return TypeSearchMessagesFilterPinned } // The user is typing a message type ChatActionTyping struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionTyping) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionTyping return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionTyping) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionTyping) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionTyping } func (*ChatActionTyping) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionTyping } // The user is recording a video type ChatActionRecordingVideo struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionRecordingVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionRecordingVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionRecordingVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionRecordingVideo) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionRecordingVideo } func (*ChatActionRecordingVideo) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionRecordingVideo } // The user is uploading a video type ChatActionUploadingVideo struct { meta // Upload progress, as a percentage Progress int32 `json:"progress"` } func (entity *ChatActionUploadingVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionUploadingVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionUploadingVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionUploadingVideo) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingVideo } func (*ChatActionUploadingVideo) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingVideo } // The user is recording a voice note type ChatActionRecordingVoiceNote struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionRecordingVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionRecordingVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionRecordingVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionRecordingVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionRecordingVoiceNote } func (*ChatActionRecordingVoiceNote) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionRecordingVoiceNote } // The user is uploading a voice note type ChatActionUploadingVoiceNote struct { meta // Upload progress, as a percentage Progress int32 `json:"progress"` } func (entity *ChatActionUploadingVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionUploadingVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionUploadingVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionUploadingVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingVoiceNote } func (*ChatActionUploadingVoiceNote) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingVoiceNote } // The user is uploading a photo type ChatActionUploadingPhoto struct { meta // Upload progress, as a percentage Progress int32 `json:"progress"` } func (entity *ChatActionUploadingPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionUploadingPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionUploadingPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionUploadingPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingPhoto } func (*ChatActionUploadingPhoto) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingPhoto } // The user is uploading a document type ChatActionUploadingDocument struct { meta // Upload progress, as a percentage Progress int32 `json:"progress"` } func (entity *ChatActionUploadingDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionUploadingDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionUploadingDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionUploadingDocument) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingDocument } func (*ChatActionUploadingDocument) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingDocument } // The user is picking a sticker to send type ChatActionChoosingSticker struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionChoosingSticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionChoosingSticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionChoosingSticker) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionChoosingSticker) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionChoosingSticker } func (*ChatActionChoosingSticker) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionChoosingSticker } // The user is picking a location or venue to send type ChatActionChoosingLocation struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionChoosingLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionChoosingLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionChoosingLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionChoosingLocation) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionChoosingLocation } func (*ChatActionChoosingLocation) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionChoosingLocation } // The user is picking a contact to send type ChatActionChoosingContact struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionChoosingContact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionChoosingContact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionChoosingContact) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionChoosingContact) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionChoosingContact } func (*ChatActionChoosingContact) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionChoosingContact } // The user has started to play a game type ChatActionStartPlayingGame struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionStartPlayingGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionStartPlayingGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionStartPlayingGame) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionStartPlayingGame) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionStartPlayingGame } func (*ChatActionStartPlayingGame) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionStartPlayingGame } // The user is recording a video note type ChatActionRecordingVideoNote struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionRecordingVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionRecordingVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionRecordingVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionRecordingVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionRecordingVideoNote } func (*ChatActionRecordingVideoNote) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionRecordingVideoNote } // The user is uploading a video note type ChatActionUploadingVideoNote struct { meta // Upload progress, as a percentage Progress int32 `json:"progress"` } func (entity *ChatActionUploadingVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionUploadingVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionUploadingVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionUploadingVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingVideoNote } func (*ChatActionUploadingVideoNote) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionUploadingVideoNote } // The user is watching animations sent by the other party by clicking on an animated emoji type ChatActionWatchingAnimations struct { meta // The animated emoji Emoji string `json:"emoji"` } func (entity *ChatActionWatchingAnimations) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionWatchingAnimations return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionWatchingAnimations) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionWatchingAnimations) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionWatchingAnimations } func (*ChatActionWatchingAnimations) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionWatchingAnimations } // The user has canceled the previous action type ChatActionCancel struct { meta } func (entity *ChatActionCancel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatActionCancel return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatActionCancel) GetClass() string { return ClassChatAction } func (*ChatActionCancel) GetType() string { return TypeChatActionCancel } func (*ChatActionCancel) ChatActionType() string { return TypeChatActionCancel } // The user status was never changed type UserStatusEmpty struct { meta } func (entity *UserStatusEmpty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserStatusEmpty return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserStatusEmpty) GetClass() string { return ClassUserStatus } func (*UserStatusEmpty) GetType() string { return TypeUserStatusEmpty } func (*UserStatusEmpty) UserStatusType() string { return TypeUserStatusEmpty } // The user is online type UserStatusOnline struct { meta // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user's online status will expire Expires int32 `json:"expires"` } func (entity *UserStatusOnline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserStatusOnline return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserStatusOnline) GetClass() string { return ClassUserStatus } func (*UserStatusOnline) GetType() string { return TypeUserStatusOnline } func (*UserStatusOnline) UserStatusType() string { return TypeUserStatusOnline } // The user is offline type UserStatusOffline struct { meta // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user was last online WasOnline int32 `json:"was_online"` } func (entity *UserStatusOffline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserStatusOffline return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserStatusOffline) GetClass() string { return ClassUserStatus } func (*UserStatusOffline) GetType() string { return TypeUserStatusOffline } func (*UserStatusOffline) UserStatusType() string { return TypeUserStatusOffline } // The user was online recently type UserStatusRecently struct { meta } func (entity *UserStatusRecently) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserStatusRecently return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserStatusRecently) GetClass() string { return ClassUserStatus } func (*UserStatusRecently) GetType() string { return TypeUserStatusRecently } func (*UserStatusRecently) UserStatusType() string { return TypeUserStatusRecently } // The user is offline, but was online last week type UserStatusLastWeek struct { meta } func (entity *UserStatusLastWeek) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserStatusLastWeek return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserStatusLastWeek) GetClass() string { return ClassUserStatus } func (*UserStatusLastWeek) GetType() string { return TypeUserStatusLastWeek } func (*UserStatusLastWeek) UserStatusType() string { return TypeUserStatusLastWeek } // The user is offline, but was online last month type UserStatusLastMonth struct { meta } func (entity *UserStatusLastMonth) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserStatusLastMonth return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserStatusLastMonth) GetClass() string { return ClassUserStatus } func (*UserStatusLastMonth) GetType() string { return TypeUserStatusLastMonth } func (*UserStatusLastMonth) UserStatusType() string { return TypeUserStatusLastMonth } // Represents a list of stickers type Stickers struct { meta // List of stickers Stickers []*Sticker `json:"stickers"` } func (entity *Stickers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Stickers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Stickers) GetClass() string { return ClassStickers } func (*Stickers) GetType() string { return TypeStickers } // Represents a list of emoji type Emojis struct { meta // List of emojis Emojis []string `json:"emojis"` } func (entity *Emojis) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Emojis return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Emojis) GetClass() string { return ClassEmojis } func (*Emojis) GetType() string { return TypeEmojis } // Represents a sticker set type StickerSet struct { meta // Identifier of the sticker set Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Title of the sticker set Title string `json:"title"` // Name of the sticker set Name string `json:"name"` // Sticker set thumbnail in WEBP or TGS format with width and height 100; may be null. The file can be downloaded only before the thumbnail is changed Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Sticker set thumbnail's outline represented as a list of closed vector paths; may be empty. The coordinate system origin is in the upper-left corner ThumbnailOutline []*ClosedVectorPath `json:"thumbnail_outline"` // True, if the sticker set has been installed by the current user IsInstalled bool `json:"is_installed"` // True, if the sticker set has been archived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously IsArchived bool `json:"is_archived"` // True, if the sticker set is official IsOfficial bool `json:"is_official"` // True, is the stickers in the set are animated IsAnimated bool `json:"is_animated"` // True, if the stickers in the set are masks IsMasks bool `json:"is_masks"` // True for already viewed trending sticker sets IsViewed bool `json:"is_viewed"` // List of stickers in this set Stickers []*Sticker `json:"stickers"` // A list of emoji corresponding to the stickers in the same order. The list is only for informational purposes, because a sticker is always sent with a fixed emoji from the corresponding Sticker object Emojis []*Emojis `json:"emojis"` } func (entity *StickerSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StickerSet return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StickerSet) GetClass() string { return ClassStickerSet } func (*StickerSet) GetType() string { return TypeStickerSet } // Represents short information about a sticker set type StickerSetInfo struct { meta // Identifier of the sticker set Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Title of the sticker set Title string `json:"title"` // Name of the sticker set Name string `json:"name"` // Sticker set thumbnail in WEBP or TGS format with width and height 100; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` // Sticker set thumbnail's outline represented as a list of closed vector paths; may be empty. The coordinate system origin is in the upper-left corner ThumbnailOutline []*ClosedVectorPath `json:"thumbnail_outline"` // True, if the sticker set has been installed by the current user IsInstalled bool `json:"is_installed"` // True, if the sticker set has been archived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously IsArchived bool `json:"is_archived"` // True, if the sticker set is official IsOfficial bool `json:"is_official"` // True, is the stickers in the set are animated IsAnimated bool `json:"is_animated"` // True, if the stickers in the set are masks IsMasks bool `json:"is_masks"` // True for already viewed trending sticker sets IsViewed bool `json:"is_viewed"` // Total number of stickers in the set Size int32 `json:"size"` // Up to the first 5 stickers from the set, depending on the context. If the application needs more stickers the full sticker set needs to be requested Covers []*Sticker `json:"covers"` } func (entity *StickerSetInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StickerSetInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StickerSetInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassStickerSetInfo } func (*StickerSetInfo) GetType() string { return TypeStickerSetInfo } // Represents a list of sticker sets type StickerSets struct { meta // Approximate total number of sticker sets found TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of sticker sets Sets []*StickerSetInfo `json:"sets"` } func (entity *StickerSets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StickerSets return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StickerSets) GetClass() string { return ClassStickerSets } func (*StickerSets) GetType() string { return TypeStickerSets } // The call wasn't discarded, or the reason is unknown type CallDiscardReasonEmpty struct { meta } func (entity *CallDiscardReasonEmpty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallDiscardReasonEmpty return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallDiscardReasonEmpty) GetClass() string { return ClassCallDiscardReason } func (*CallDiscardReasonEmpty) GetType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonEmpty } func (*CallDiscardReasonEmpty) CallDiscardReasonType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonEmpty } // The call was ended before the conversation started. It was canceled by the caller or missed by the other party type CallDiscardReasonMissed struct { meta } func (entity *CallDiscardReasonMissed) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallDiscardReasonMissed return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallDiscardReasonMissed) GetClass() string { return ClassCallDiscardReason } func (*CallDiscardReasonMissed) GetType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonMissed } func (*CallDiscardReasonMissed) CallDiscardReasonType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonMissed } // The call was ended before the conversation started. It was declined by the other party type CallDiscardReasonDeclined struct { meta } func (entity *CallDiscardReasonDeclined) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallDiscardReasonDeclined return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallDiscardReasonDeclined) GetClass() string { return ClassCallDiscardReason } func (*CallDiscardReasonDeclined) GetType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonDeclined } func (*CallDiscardReasonDeclined) CallDiscardReasonType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonDeclined } // The call was ended during the conversation because the users were disconnected type CallDiscardReasonDisconnected struct { meta } func (entity *CallDiscardReasonDisconnected) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallDiscardReasonDisconnected return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallDiscardReasonDisconnected) GetClass() string { return ClassCallDiscardReason } func (*CallDiscardReasonDisconnected) GetType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonDisconnected } func (*CallDiscardReasonDisconnected) CallDiscardReasonType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonDisconnected } // The call was ended because one of the parties hung up type CallDiscardReasonHungUp struct { meta } func (entity *CallDiscardReasonHungUp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallDiscardReasonHungUp return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallDiscardReasonHungUp) GetClass() string { return ClassCallDiscardReason } func (*CallDiscardReasonHungUp) GetType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonHungUp } func (*CallDiscardReasonHungUp) CallDiscardReasonType() string { return TypeCallDiscardReasonHungUp } // Specifies the supported call protocols type CallProtocol struct { meta // True, if UDP peer-to-peer connections are supported UdpP2p bool `json:"udp_p2p"` // True, if connection through UDP reflectors is supported UdpReflector bool `json:"udp_reflector"` // The minimum supported API layer; use 65 MinLayer int32 `json:"min_layer"` // The maximum supported API layer; use 65 MaxLayer int32 `json:"max_layer"` // List of supported tgcalls versions LibraryVersions []string `json:"library_versions"` } func (entity *CallProtocol) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProtocol return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProtocol) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProtocol } func (*CallProtocol) GetType() string { return TypeCallProtocol } // A Telegram call reflector type CallServerTypeTelegramReflector struct { meta // A peer tag to be used with the reflector PeerTag []byte `json:"peer_tag"` } func (entity *CallServerTypeTelegramReflector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallServerTypeTelegramReflector return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallServerTypeTelegramReflector) GetClass() string { return ClassCallServerType } func (*CallServerTypeTelegramReflector) GetType() string { return TypeCallServerTypeTelegramReflector } func (*CallServerTypeTelegramReflector) CallServerTypeType() string { return TypeCallServerTypeTelegramReflector } // A WebRTC server type CallServerTypeWebrtc struct { meta // Username to be used for authentication Username string `json:"username"` // Authentication password Password string `json:"password"` // True, if the server supports TURN SupportsTurn bool `json:"supports_turn"` // True, if the server supports STUN SupportsStun bool `json:"supports_stun"` } func (entity *CallServerTypeWebrtc) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallServerTypeWebrtc return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallServerTypeWebrtc) GetClass() string { return ClassCallServerType } func (*CallServerTypeWebrtc) GetType() string { return TypeCallServerTypeWebrtc } func (*CallServerTypeWebrtc) CallServerTypeType() string { return TypeCallServerTypeWebrtc } // Describes a server for relaying call data type CallServer struct { meta // Server identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Server IPv4 address IpAddress string `json:"ip_address"` // Server IPv6 address Ipv6Address string `json:"ipv6_address"` // Server port number Port int32 `json:"port"` // Server type Type CallServerType `json:"type"` } func (entity *CallServer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallServer return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallServer) GetClass() string { return ClassCallServer } func (*CallServer) GetType() string { return TypeCallServer } func (callServer *CallServer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` IpAddress string `json:"ip_address"` Ipv6Address string `json:"ipv6_address"` Port int32 `json:"port"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } callServer.Id = tmp.Id callServer.IpAddress = tmp.IpAddress callServer.Ipv6Address = tmp.Ipv6Address callServer.Port = tmp.Port fieldType, _ := UnmarshalCallServerType(tmp.Type) callServer.Type = fieldType return nil } // Contains the call identifier type CallId struct { meta // Call identifier Id int32 `json:"id"` } func (entity *CallId) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallId return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallId) GetClass() string { return ClassCallId } func (*CallId) GetType() string { return TypeCallId } // Contains the group call identifier type GroupCallId struct { meta // Group call identifier Id int32 `json:"id"` } func (entity *GroupCallId) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallId return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallId) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallId } func (*GroupCallId) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallId } // The call is pending, waiting to be accepted by a user type CallStatePending struct { meta // True, if the call has already been created by the server IsCreated bool `json:"is_created"` // True, if the call has already been received by the other party IsReceived bool `json:"is_received"` } func (entity *CallStatePending) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallStatePending return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallStatePending) GetClass() string { return ClassCallState } func (*CallStatePending) GetType() string { return TypeCallStatePending } func (*CallStatePending) CallStateType() string { return TypeCallStatePending } // The call has been answered and encryption keys are being exchanged type CallStateExchangingKeys struct { meta } func (entity *CallStateExchangingKeys) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallStateExchangingKeys return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallStateExchangingKeys) GetClass() string { return ClassCallState } func (*CallStateExchangingKeys) GetType() string { return TypeCallStateExchangingKeys } func (*CallStateExchangingKeys) CallStateType() string { return TypeCallStateExchangingKeys } // The call is ready to use type CallStateReady struct { meta // Call protocols supported by the peer Protocol *CallProtocol `json:"protocol"` // List of available call servers Servers []*CallServer `json:"servers"` // A JSON-encoded call config Config string `json:"config"` // Call encryption key EncryptionKey []byte `json:"encryption_key"` // Encryption key emojis fingerprint Emojis []string `json:"emojis"` // True, if peer-to-peer connection is allowed by users privacy settings AllowP2p bool `json:"allow_p2p"` } func (entity *CallStateReady) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallStateReady return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallStateReady) GetClass() string { return ClassCallState } func (*CallStateReady) GetType() string { return TypeCallStateReady } func (*CallStateReady) CallStateType() string { return TypeCallStateReady } // The call is hanging up after discardCall has been called type CallStateHangingUp struct { meta } func (entity *CallStateHangingUp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallStateHangingUp return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallStateHangingUp) GetClass() string { return ClassCallState } func (*CallStateHangingUp) GetType() string { return TypeCallStateHangingUp } func (*CallStateHangingUp) CallStateType() string { return TypeCallStateHangingUp } // The call has ended successfully type CallStateDiscarded struct { meta // The reason, why the call has ended Reason CallDiscardReason `json:"reason"` // True, if the call rating must be sent to the server NeedRating bool `json:"need_rating"` // True, if the call debug information must be sent to the server NeedDebugInformation bool `json:"need_debug_information"` } func (entity *CallStateDiscarded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallStateDiscarded return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallStateDiscarded) GetClass() string { return ClassCallState } func (*CallStateDiscarded) GetType() string { return TypeCallStateDiscarded } func (*CallStateDiscarded) CallStateType() string { return TypeCallStateDiscarded } func (callStateDiscarded *CallStateDiscarded) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Reason json.RawMessage `json:"reason"` NeedRating bool `json:"need_rating"` NeedDebugInformation bool `json:"need_debug_information"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } callStateDiscarded.NeedRating = tmp.NeedRating callStateDiscarded.NeedDebugInformation = tmp.NeedDebugInformation fieldReason, _ := UnmarshalCallDiscardReason(tmp.Reason) callStateDiscarded.Reason = fieldReason return nil } // The call has ended with an error type CallStateError struct { meta // Error. An error with the code 4005000 will be returned if an outgoing call is missed because of an expired timeout Error *Error `json:"error"` } func (entity *CallStateError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallStateError return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallStateError) GetClass() string { return ClassCallState } func (*CallStateError) GetType() string { return TypeCallStateError } func (*CallStateError) CallStateType() string { return TypeCallStateError } // The worst available video quality type GroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail struct { meta } func (entity *GroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallVideoQuality } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail) GroupCallVideoQualityType() string { return TypeGroupCallVideoQualityThumbnail } // The medium video quality type GroupCallVideoQualityMedium struct { meta } func (entity *GroupCallVideoQualityMedium) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallVideoQualityMedium return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityMedium) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallVideoQuality } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityMedium) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallVideoQualityMedium } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityMedium) GroupCallVideoQualityType() string { return TypeGroupCallVideoQualityMedium } // The best available video quality type GroupCallVideoQualityFull struct { meta } func (entity *GroupCallVideoQualityFull) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallVideoQualityFull return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityFull) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallVideoQuality } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityFull) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallVideoQualityFull } func (*GroupCallVideoQualityFull) GroupCallVideoQualityType() string { return TypeGroupCallVideoQualityFull } // Describes a recently speaking participant in a group call type GroupCallRecentSpeaker struct { meta // Group call participant identifier ParticipantId MessageSender `json:"participant_id"` // True, is the user has spoken recently IsSpeaking bool `json:"is_speaking"` } func (entity *GroupCallRecentSpeaker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallRecentSpeaker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallRecentSpeaker) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallRecentSpeaker } func (*GroupCallRecentSpeaker) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallRecentSpeaker } func (groupCallRecentSpeaker *GroupCallRecentSpeaker) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ParticipantId json.RawMessage `json:"participant_id"` IsSpeaking bool `json:"is_speaking"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } groupCallRecentSpeaker.IsSpeaking = tmp.IsSpeaking fieldParticipantId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.ParticipantId) groupCallRecentSpeaker.ParticipantId = fieldParticipantId return nil } // Describes a group call type GroupCall struct { meta // Group call identifier Id int32 `json:"id"` // Group call title Title string `json:"title"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the group call is supposed to be started by an administrator; 0 if it is already active or was ended ScheduledStartDate int32 `json:"scheduled_start_date"` // True, if the group call is scheduled and the current user will receive a notification when the group call will start EnabledStartNotification bool `json:"enabled_start_notification"` // True, if the call is active IsActive bool `json:"is_active"` // True, if the call is joined IsJoined bool `json:"is_joined"` // True, if user was kicked from the call because of network loss and the call needs to be rejoined NeedRejoin bool `json:"need_rejoin"` // True, if the current user can manage the group call CanBeManaged bool `json:"can_be_managed"` // Number of participants in the group call ParticipantCount int32 `json:"participant_count"` // True, if all group call participants are loaded LoadedAllParticipants bool `json:"loaded_all_participants"` // At most 3 recently speaking users in the group call RecentSpeakers []*GroupCallRecentSpeaker `json:"recent_speakers"` // True, if the current user's video is enabled IsMyVideoEnabled bool `json:"is_my_video_enabled"` // True, if the current user's video is paused IsMyVideoPaused bool `json:"is_my_video_paused"` // True, if the current user can broadcast video or share screen CanEnableVideo bool `json:"can_enable_video"` // True, if only group call administrators can unmute new participants MuteNewParticipants bool `json:"mute_new_participants"` // True, if the current user can enable or disable mute_new_participants setting CanToggleMuteNewParticipants bool `json:"can_toggle_mute_new_participants"` // Duration of the ongoing group call recording, in seconds; 0 if none. An updateGroupCall update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but the same recording goes on RecordDuration int32 `json:"record_duration"` // True, if a video file is being recorded for the call IsVideoRecorded bool `json:"is_video_recorded"` // Call duration, in seconds; for ended calls only Duration int32 `json:"duration"` } func (entity *GroupCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCall) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCall } func (*GroupCall) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCall } // Describes a group of video synchronization source identifiers type GroupCallVideoSourceGroup struct { meta // The semantics of sources, one of "SIM" or "FID" Semantics string `json:"semantics"` // The list of synchronization source identifiers SourceIds []int32 `json:"source_ids"` } func (entity *GroupCallVideoSourceGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallVideoSourceGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallVideoSourceGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallVideoSourceGroup } func (*GroupCallVideoSourceGroup) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallVideoSourceGroup } // Contains information about a group call participant's video channel type GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo struct { meta // List of synchronization source groups of the video SourceGroups []*GroupCallVideoSourceGroup `json:"source_groups"` // Video channel endpoint identifier EndpointId string `json:"endpoint_id"` // True if the video is paused. This flag needs to be ignored, if new video frames are received IsPaused bool `json:"is_paused"` } func (entity *GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallParticipantVideoInfo } func (*GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallParticipantVideoInfo } // Represents a group call participant type GroupCallParticipant struct { meta // Identifier of the group call participant ParticipantId MessageSender `json:"participant_id"` // User's audio channel synchronization source identifier AudioSourceId int32 `json:"audio_source_id"` // User's screen sharing audio channel synchronization source identifier ScreenSharingAudioSourceId int32 `json:"screen_sharing_audio_source_id"` // Information about user's video channel; may be null if there is no active video VideoInfo *GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo `json:"video_info"` // Information about user's screen sharing video channel; may be null if there is no active screen sharing video ScreenSharingVideoInfo *GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo `json:"screen_sharing_video_info"` // The participant user's bio or the participant chat's description Bio string `json:"bio"` // True, if the participant is the current user IsCurrentUser bool `json:"is_current_user"` // True, if the participant is speaking as set by setGroupCallParticipantIsSpeaking IsSpeaking bool `json:"is_speaking"` // True, if the participant hand is raised IsHandRaised bool `json:"is_hand_raised"` // True, if the current user can mute the participant for all other group call participants CanBeMutedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_muted_for_all_users"` // True, if the current user can allow the participant to unmute themselves or unmute the participant (if the participant is the current user) CanBeUnmutedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_unmuted_for_all_users"` // True, if the current user can mute the participant only for self CanBeMutedForCurrentUser bool `json:"can_be_muted_for_current_user"` // True, if the current user can unmute the participant for self CanBeUnmutedForCurrentUser bool `json:"can_be_unmuted_for_current_user"` // True, if the participant is muted for all users IsMutedForAllUsers bool `json:"is_muted_for_all_users"` // True, if the participant is muted for the current user IsMutedForCurrentUser bool `json:"is_muted_for_current_user"` // True, if the participant is muted for all users, but can unmute themselves CanUnmuteSelf bool `json:"can_unmute_self"` // Participant's volume level; 1-20000 in hundreds of percents VolumeLevel int32 `json:"volume_level"` // User's order in the group call participant list. Orders must be compared lexicographically. The bigger is order, the higher is user in the list. If order is empty, the user must be removed from the participant list Order string `json:"order"` } func (entity *GroupCallParticipant) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GroupCallParticipant return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GroupCallParticipant) GetClass() string { return ClassGroupCallParticipant } func (*GroupCallParticipant) GetType() string { return TypeGroupCallParticipant } func (groupCallParticipant *GroupCallParticipant) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ParticipantId json.RawMessage `json:"participant_id"` AudioSourceId int32 `json:"audio_source_id"` ScreenSharingAudioSourceId int32 `json:"screen_sharing_audio_source_id"` VideoInfo *GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo `json:"video_info"` ScreenSharingVideoInfo *GroupCallParticipantVideoInfo `json:"screen_sharing_video_info"` Bio string `json:"bio"` IsCurrentUser bool `json:"is_current_user"` IsSpeaking bool `json:"is_speaking"` IsHandRaised bool `json:"is_hand_raised"` CanBeMutedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_muted_for_all_users"` CanBeUnmutedForAllUsers bool `json:"can_be_unmuted_for_all_users"` CanBeMutedForCurrentUser bool `json:"can_be_muted_for_current_user"` CanBeUnmutedForCurrentUser bool `json:"can_be_unmuted_for_current_user"` IsMutedForAllUsers bool `json:"is_muted_for_all_users"` IsMutedForCurrentUser bool `json:"is_muted_for_current_user"` CanUnmuteSelf bool `json:"can_unmute_self"` VolumeLevel int32 `json:"volume_level"` Order string `json:"order"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } groupCallParticipant.AudioSourceId = tmp.AudioSourceId groupCallParticipant.ScreenSharingAudioSourceId = tmp.ScreenSharingAudioSourceId groupCallParticipant.VideoInfo = tmp.VideoInfo groupCallParticipant.ScreenSharingVideoInfo = tmp.ScreenSharingVideoInfo groupCallParticipant.Bio = tmp.Bio groupCallParticipant.IsCurrentUser = tmp.IsCurrentUser groupCallParticipant.IsSpeaking = tmp.IsSpeaking groupCallParticipant.IsHandRaised = tmp.IsHandRaised groupCallParticipant.CanBeMutedForAllUsers = tmp.CanBeMutedForAllUsers groupCallParticipant.CanBeUnmutedForAllUsers = tmp.CanBeUnmutedForAllUsers groupCallParticipant.CanBeMutedForCurrentUser = tmp.CanBeMutedForCurrentUser groupCallParticipant.CanBeUnmutedForCurrentUser = tmp.CanBeUnmutedForCurrentUser groupCallParticipant.IsMutedForAllUsers = tmp.IsMutedForAllUsers groupCallParticipant.IsMutedForCurrentUser = tmp.IsMutedForCurrentUser groupCallParticipant.CanUnmuteSelf = tmp.CanUnmuteSelf groupCallParticipant.VolumeLevel = tmp.VolumeLevel groupCallParticipant.Order = tmp.Order fieldParticipantId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.ParticipantId) groupCallParticipant.ParticipantId = fieldParticipantId return nil } // The user heard their own voice type CallProblemEcho struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemEcho) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemEcho return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemEcho) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemEcho) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemEcho } func (*CallProblemEcho) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemEcho } // The user heard background noise type CallProblemNoise struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemNoise) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemNoise return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemNoise) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemNoise) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemNoise } func (*CallProblemNoise) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemNoise } // The other side kept disappearing type CallProblemInterruptions struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemInterruptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemInterruptions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemInterruptions) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemInterruptions) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemInterruptions } func (*CallProblemInterruptions) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemInterruptions } // The speech was distorted type CallProblemDistortedSpeech struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemDistortedSpeech) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemDistortedSpeech return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemDistortedSpeech) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemDistortedSpeech) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemDistortedSpeech } func (*CallProblemDistortedSpeech) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemDistortedSpeech } // The user couldn't hear the other side type CallProblemSilentLocal struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemSilentLocal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemSilentLocal return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemSilentLocal) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemSilentLocal) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemSilentLocal } func (*CallProblemSilentLocal) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemSilentLocal } // The other side couldn't hear the user type CallProblemSilentRemote struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemSilentRemote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemSilentRemote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemSilentRemote) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemSilentRemote) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemSilentRemote } func (*CallProblemSilentRemote) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemSilentRemote } // The call ended unexpectedly type CallProblemDropped struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemDropped) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemDropped return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemDropped) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemDropped) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemDropped } func (*CallProblemDropped) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemDropped } // The video was distorted type CallProblemDistortedVideo struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemDistortedVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemDistortedVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemDistortedVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemDistortedVideo) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemDistortedVideo } func (*CallProblemDistortedVideo) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemDistortedVideo } // The video was pixelated type CallProblemPixelatedVideo struct { meta } func (entity *CallProblemPixelatedVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallProblemPixelatedVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallProblemPixelatedVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassCallProblem } func (*CallProblemPixelatedVideo) GetType() string { return TypeCallProblemPixelatedVideo } func (*CallProblemPixelatedVideo) CallProblemType() string { return TypeCallProblemPixelatedVideo } // Describes a call type Call struct { meta // Call identifier, not persistent Id int32 `json:"id"` // Peer user identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // True, if the call is outgoing IsOutgoing bool `json:"is_outgoing"` // True, if the call is a video call IsVideo bool `json:"is_video"` // Call state State CallState `json:"state"` } func (entity *Call) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Call return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Call) GetClass() string { return ClassCall } func (*Call) GetType() string { return TypeCall } func (call *Call) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` IsOutgoing bool `json:"is_outgoing"` IsVideo bool `json:"is_video"` State json.RawMessage `json:"state"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } call.Id = tmp.Id call.UserId = tmp.UserId call.IsOutgoing = tmp.IsOutgoing call.IsVideo = tmp.IsVideo fieldState, _ := UnmarshalCallState(tmp.State) call.State = fieldState return nil } // Contains settings for the authentication of the user's phone number type PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings struct { meta // Pass true if the authentication code may be sent via a flash call to the specified phone number AllowFlashCall bool `json:"allow_flash_call"` // Pass true if the authentication code may be sent via a missed call to the specified phone number AllowMissedCall bool `json:"allow_missed_call"` // Pass true if the authenticated phone number is used on the current device IsCurrentPhoneNumber bool `json:"is_current_phone_number"` // For official applications only. True, if the application can use Android SMS Retriever API (requires Google Play Services >= 10.2) to automatically receive the authentication code from the SMS. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sms-retriever/ for more details AllowSmsRetrieverApi bool `json:"allow_sms_retriever_api"` // List of up to 20 authentication tokens, recently received in updateOption("authentication_token") in previously logged out sessions AuthenticationTokens []string `json:"authentication_tokens"` } func (entity *PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassPhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings } func (*PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings) GetType() string { return TypePhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings } // Represents a list of animations type Animations struct { meta // List of animations Animations []*Animation `json:"animations"` } func (entity *Animations) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Animations return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Animations) GetClass() string { return ClassAnimations } func (*Animations) GetType() string { return TypeAnimations } // A regular animated sticker type DiceStickersRegular struct { meta // The animated sticker with the dice animation Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` } func (entity *DiceStickersRegular) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DiceStickersRegular return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DiceStickersRegular) GetClass() string { return ClassDiceStickers } func (*DiceStickersRegular) GetType() string { return TypeDiceStickersRegular } func (*DiceStickersRegular) DiceStickersType() string { return TypeDiceStickersRegular } // Animated stickers to be combined into a slot machine type DiceStickersSlotMachine struct { meta // The animated sticker with the slot machine background. The background animation must start playing after all reel animations finish Background *Sticker `json:"background"` // The animated sticker with the lever animation. The lever animation must play once in the initial dice state Lever *Sticker `json:"lever"` // The animated sticker with the left reel LeftReel *Sticker `json:"left_reel"` // The animated sticker with the center reel CenterReel *Sticker `json:"center_reel"` // The animated sticker with the right reel RightReel *Sticker `json:"right_reel"` } func (entity *DiceStickersSlotMachine) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DiceStickersSlotMachine return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DiceStickersSlotMachine) GetClass() string { return ClassDiceStickers } func (*DiceStickersSlotMachine) GetType() string { return TypeDiceStickersSlotMachine } func (*DiceStickersSlotMachine) DiceStickersType() string { return TypeDiceStickersSlotMachine } // Represents the result of an ImportContacts request type ImportedContacts struct { meta // User identifiers of the imported contacts in the same order as they were specified in the request; 0 if the contact is not yet a registered user UserIds []int64 `json:"user_ids"` // The number of users that imported the corresponding contact; 0 for already registered users or if unavailable ImporterCount []int32 `json:"importer_count"` } func (entity *ImportedContacts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ImportedContacts return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ImportedContacts) GetClass() string { return ClassImportedContacts } func (*ImportedContacts) GetType() string { return TypeImportedContacts } // Contains an HTTP URL type HttpUrl struct { meta // The URL Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *HttpUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub HttpUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*HttpUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassHttpUrl } func (*HttpUrl) GetType() string { return TypeHttpUrl } // Represents a link to an animated GIF or an animated (i.e., without sound) H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video type InputInlineQueryResultAnimation struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Title of the query result Title string `json:"title"` // URL of the result thumbnail (JPEG, GIF, or MPEG4), if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // MIME type of the video thumbnail. If non-empty, must be one of "image/jpeg", "image/gif" and "video/mp4" ThumbnailMimeType string `json:"thumbnail_mime_type"` // The URL of the video file (file size must not exceed 1MB) VideoUrl string `json:"video_url"` // MIME type of the video file. Must be one of "image/gif" and "video/mp4" VideoMimeType string `json:"video_mime_type"` // Duration of the video, in seconds VideoDuration int32 `json:"video_duration"` // Width of the video VideoWidth int32 `json:"video_width"` // Height of the video VideoHeight int32 `json:"video_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageAnimation, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultAnimation) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultAnimation } func (*InputInlineQueryResultAnimation) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultAnimation } func (inputInlineQueryResultAnimation *InputInlineQueryResultAnimation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` ThumbnailMimeType string `json:"thumbnail_mime_type"` VideoUrl string `json:"video_url"` VideoMimeType string `json:"video_mime_type"` VideoDuration int32 `json:"video_duration"` VideoWidth int32 `json:"video_width"` VideoHeight int32 `json:"video_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.ThumbnailMimeType = tmp.ThumbnailMimeType inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.VideoUrl = tmp.VideoUrl inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.VideoMimeType = tmp.VideoMimeType inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.VideoDuration = tmp.VideoDuration inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.VideoWidth = tmp.VideoWidth inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.VideoHeight = tmp.VideoHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultAnimation.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a link to an article or web page type InputInlineQueryResultArticle struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // URL of the result, if it exists Url string `json:"url"` // True, if the URL must be not shown HideUrl bool `json:"hide_url"` // Title of the result Title string `json:"title"` // A short description of the result Description string `json:"description"` // URL of the result thumbnail, if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // Thumbnail width, if known ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` // Thumbnail height, if known ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultArticle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultArticle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultArticle) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultArticle) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultArticle } func (*InputInlineQueryResultArticle) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultArticle } func (inputInlineQueryResultArticle *InputInlineQueryResultArticle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Url string `json:"url"` HideUrl bool `json:"hide_url"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultArticle.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultArticle.Url = tmp.Url inputInlineQueryResultArticle.HideUrl = tmp.HideUrl inputInlineQueryResultArticle.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultArticle.Description = tmp.Description inputInlineQueryResultArticle.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultArticle.ThumbnailWidth = tmp.ThumbnailWidth inputInlineQueryResultArticle.ThumbnailHeight = tmp.ThumbnailHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultArticle.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultArticle.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a link to an MP3 audio file type InputInlineQueryResultAudio struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Title of the audio file Title string `json:"title"` // Performer of the audio file Performer string `json:"performer"` // The URL of the audio file AudioUrl string `json:"audio_url"` // Audio file duration, in seconds AudioDuration int32 `json:"audio_duration"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageAudio, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultAudio) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultAudio } func (*InputInlineQueryResultAudio) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultAudio } func (inputInlineQueryResultAudio *InputInlineQueryResultAudio) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Performer string `json:"performer"` AudioUrl string `json:"audio_url"` AudioDuration int32 `json:"audio_duration"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultAudio.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultAudio.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultAudio.Performer = tmp.Performer inputInlineQueryResultAudio.AudioUrl = tmp.AudioUrl inputInlineQueryResultAudio.AudioDuration = tmp.AudioDuration fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultAudio.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultAudio.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a user contact type InputInlineQueryResultContact struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // User contact Contact *Contact `json:"contact"` // URL of the result thumbnail, if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // Thumbnail width, if known ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` // Thumbnail height, if known ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultContact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultContact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultContact) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultContact) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultContact } func (*InputInlineQueryResultContact) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultContact } func (inputInlineQueryResultContact *InputInlineQueryResultContact) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Contact *Contact `json:"contact"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultContact.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultContact.Contact = tmp.Contact inputInlineQueryResultContact.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultContact.ThumbnailWidth = tmp.ThumbnailWidth inputInlineQueryResultContact.ThumbnailHeight = tmp.ThumbnailHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultContact.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultContact.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a link to a file type InputInlineQueryResultDocument struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Title of the resulting file Title string `json:"title"` // Short description of the result, if known Description string `json:"description"` // URL of the file DocumentUrl string `json:"document_url"` // MIME type of the file content; only "application/pdf" and "application/zip" are currently allowed MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // The URL of the file thumbnail, if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // Width of the thumbnail ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` // Height of the thumbnail ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageDocument, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultDocument) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultDocument } func (*InputInlineQueryResultDocument) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultDocument } func (inputInlineQueryResultDocument *InputInlineQueryResultDocument) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` DocumentUrl string `json:"document_url"` MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultDocument.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultDocument.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultDocument.Description = tmp.Description inputInlineQueryResultDocument.DocumentUrl = tmp.DocumentUrl inputInlineQueryResultDocument.MimeType = tmp.MimeType inputInlineQueryResultDocument.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultDocument.ThumbnailWidth = tmp.ThumbnailWidth inputInlineQueryResultDocument.ThumbnailHeight = tmp.ThumbnailHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultDocument.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultDocument.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a game type InputInlineQueryResultGame struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Short name of the game GameShortName string `json:"game_short_name"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultGame) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultGame) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultGame } func (*InputInlineQueryResultGame) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultGame } func (inputInlineQueryResultGame *InputInlineQueryResultGame) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` GameShortName string `json:"game_short_name"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultGame.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultGame.GameShortName = tmp.GameShortName fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultGame.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup return nil } // Represents a point on the map type InputInlineQueryResultLocation struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Location result Location *Location `json:"location"` // Amount of time relative to the message sent time until the location can be updated, in seconds LivePeriod int32 `json:"live_period"` // Title of the result Title string `json:"title"` // URL of the result thumbnail, if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // Thumbnail width, if known ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` // Thumbnail height, if known ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultLocation) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultLocation } func (*InputInlineQueryResultLocation) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultLocation } func (inputInlineQueryResultLocation *InputInlineQueryResultLocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Location *Location `json:"location"` LivePeriod int32 `json:"live_period"` Title string `json:"title"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultLocation.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultLocation.Location = tmp.Location inputInlineQueryResultLocation.LivePeriod = tmp.LivePeriod inputInlineQueryResultLocation.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultLocation.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultLocation.ThumbnailWidth = tmp.ThumbnailWidth inputInlineQueryResultLocation.ThumbnailHeight = tmp.ThumbnailHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultLocation.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultLocation.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents link to a JPEG image type InputInlineQueryResultPhoto struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Title of the result, if known Title string `json:"title"` // A short description of the result, if known Description string `json:"description"` // URL of the photo thumbnail, if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // The URL of the JPEG photo (photo size must not exceed 5MB) PhotoUrl string `json:"photo_url"` // Width of the photo PhotoWidth int32 `json:"photo_width"` // Height of the photo PhotoHeight int32 `json:"photo_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessagePhoto, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultPhoto } func (*InputInlineQueryResultPhoto) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultPhoto } func (inputInlineQueryResultPhoto *InputInlineQueryResultPhoto) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` PhotoUrl string `json:"photo_url"` PhotoWidth int32 `json:"photo_width"` PhotoHeight int32 `json:"photo_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.Description = tmp.Description inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.PhotoUrl = tmp.PhotoUrl inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.PhotoWidth = tmp.PhotoWidth inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.PhotoHeight = tmp.PhotoHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultPhoto.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a link to a WEBP or TGS sticker type InputInlineQueryResultSticker struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // URL of the sticker thumbnail, if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // The URL of the WEBP or TGS sticker (sticker file size must not exceed 5MB) StickerUrl string `json:"sticker_url"` // Width of the sticker StickerWidth int32 `json:"sticker_width"` // Height of the sticker StickerHeight int32 `json:"sticker_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageSticker, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultSticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultSticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultSticker) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultSticker) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultSticker } func (*InputInlineQueryResultSticker) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultSticker } func (inputInlineQueryResultSticker *InputInlineQueryResultSticker) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` StickerUrl string `json:"sticker_url"` StickerWidth int32 `json:"sticker_width"` StickerHeight int32 `json:"sticker_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultSticker.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultSticker.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultSticker.StickerUrl = tmp.StickerUrl inputInlineQueryResultSticker.StickerWidth = tmp.StickerWidth inputInlineQueryResultSticker.StickerHeight = tmp.StickerHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultSticker.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultSticker.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents information about a venue type InputInlineQueryResultVenue struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Venue result Venue *Venue `json:"venue"` // URL of the result thumbnail, if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // Thumbnail width, if known ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` // Thumbnail height, if known ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultVenue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultVenue return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVenue) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVenue) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultVenue } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVenue) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultVenue } func (inputInlineQueryResultVenue *InputInlineQueryResultVenue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Venue *Venue `json:"venue"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` ThumbnailWidth int32 `json:"thumbnail_width"` ThumbnailHeight int32 `json:"thumbnail_height"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultVenue.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultVenue.Venue = tmp.Venue inputInlineQueryResultVenue.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultVenue.ThumbnailWidth = tmp.ThumbnailWidth inputInlineQueryResultVenue.ThumbnailHeight = tmp.ThumbnailHeight fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultVenue.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultVenue.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a link to a page containing an embedded video player or a video file type InputInlineQueryResultVideo struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Title of the result Title string `json:"title"` // A short description of the result, if known Description string `json:"description"` // The URL of the video thumbnail (JPEG), if it exists ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` // URL of the embedded video player or video file VideoUrl string `json:"video_url"` // MIME type of the content of the video URL, only "text/html" or "video/mp4" are currently supported MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` // Width of the video VideoWidth int32 `json:"video_width"` // Height of the video VideoHeight int32 `json:"video_height"` // Video duration, in seconds VideoDuration int32 `json:"video_duration"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageVideo, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVideo) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultVideo } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVideo) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultVideo } func (inputInlineQueryResultVideo *InputInlineQueryResultVideo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnail_url"` VideoUrl string `json:"video_url"` MimeType string `json:"mime_type"` VideoWidth int32 `json:"video_width"` VideoHeight int32 `json:"video_height"` VideoDuration int32 `json:"video_duration"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultVideo.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultVideo.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultVideo.Description = tmp.Description inputInlineQueryResultVideo.ThumbnailUrl = tmp.ThumbnailUrl inputInlineQueryResultVideo.VideoUrl = tmp.VideoUrl inputInlineQueryResultVideo.MimeType = tmp.MimeType inputInlineQueryResultVideo.VideoWidth = tmp.VideoWidth inputInlineQueryResultVideo.VideoHeight = tmp.VideoHeight inputInlineQueryResultVideo.VideoDuration = tmp.VideoDuration fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultVideo.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultVideo.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a link to an opus-encoded audio file within an OGG container, single channel audio type InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Title of the voice note Title string `json:"title"` // The URL of the voice note file VoiceNoteUrl string `json:"voice_note_url"` // Duration of the voice note, in seconds VoiceNoteDuration int32 `json:"voice_note_duration"` // The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` // The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageVoiceNote, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact InputMessageContent InputMessageContent `json:"input_message_content"` } func (entity *InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassInputInlineQueryResult } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote } func (*InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote) InputInlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote } func (inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote *InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` VoiceNoteUrl string `json:"voice_note_url"` VoiceNoteDuration int32 `json:"voice_note_duration"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` InputMessageContent json.RawMessage `json:"input_message_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote.Id = tmp.Id inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote.Title = tmp.Title inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote.VoiceNoteUrl = tmp.VoiceNoteUrl inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote.VoiceNoteDuration = tmp.VoiceNoteDuration fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup fieldInputMessageContent, _ := UnmarshalInputMessageContent(tmp.InputMessageContent) inputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote.InputMessageContent = fieldInputMessageContent return nil } // Represents a link to an article or web page type InlineQueryResultArticle struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // URL of the result, if it exists Url string `json:"url"` // True, if the URL must be not shown HideUrl bool `json:"hide_url"` // Title of the result Title string `json:"title"` // A short description of the result Description string `json:"description"` // Result thumbnail in JPEG format; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultArticle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultArticle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultArticle) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultArticle) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultArticle } func (*InlineQueryResultArticle) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultArticle } // Represents a user contact type InlineQueryResultContact struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // A user contact Contact *Contact `json:"contact"` // Result thumbnail in JPEG format; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultContact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultContact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultContact) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultContact) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultContact } func (*InlineQueryResultContact) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultContact } // Represents a point on the map type InlineQueryResultLocation struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Location result Location *Location `json:"location"` // Title of the result Title string `json:"title"` // Result thumbnail in JPEG format; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultLocation) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultLocation } func (*InlineQueryResultLocation) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultLocation } // Represents information about a venue type InlineQueryResultVenue struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Venue result Venue *Venue `json:"venue"` // Result thumbnail in JPEG format; may be null Thumbnail *Thumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultVenue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultVenue return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultVenue) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultVenue) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultVenue } func (*InlineQueryResultVenue) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultVenue } // Represents information about a game type InlineQueryResultGame struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Game result Game *Game `json:"game"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultGame) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultGame) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultGame } func (*InlineQueryResultGame) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultGame } // Represents an animation file type InlineQueryResultAnimation struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Animation file Animation *Animation `json:"animation"` // Animation title Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultAnimation) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultAnimation } func (*InlineQueryResultAnimation) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultAnimation } // Represents an audio file type InlineQueryResultAudio struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Audio file Audio *Audio `json:"audio"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultAudio) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultAudio } func (*InlineQueryResultAudio) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultAudio } // Represents a document type InlineQueryResultDocument struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Document Document *Document `json:"document"` // Document title Title string `json:"title"` // Document description Description string `json:"description"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultDocument) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultDocument } func (*InlineQueryResultDocument) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultDocument } // Represents a photo type InlineQueryResultPhoto struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Photo Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Title of the result, if known Title string `json:"title"` // A short description of the result, if known Description string `json:"description"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultPhoto } func (*InlineQueryResultPhoto) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultPhoto } // Represents a sticker type InlineQueryResultSticker struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Sticker Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultSticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultSticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultSticker) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultSticker) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultSticker } func (*InlineQueryResultSticker) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultSticker } // Represents a video type InlineQueryResultVideo struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Video Video *Video `json:"video"` // Title of the video Title string `json:"title"` // Description of the video Description string `json:"description"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultVideo) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultVideo } func (*InlineQueryResultVideo) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultVideo } // Represents a voice note type InlineQueryResultVoiceNote struct { meta // Unique identifier of the query result Id string `json:"id"` // Voice note VoiceNote *VoiceNote `json:"voice_note"` // Title of the voice note Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResultVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResultVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResultVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResult } func (*InlineQueryResultVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultVoiceNote } func (*InlineQueryResultVoiceNote) InlineQueryResultType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResultVoiceNote } // Represents the results of the inline query. Use sendInlineQueryResultMessage to send the result of the query type InlineQueryResults struct { meta // Unique identifier of the inline query InlineQueryId JsonInt64 `json:"inline_query_id"` // The offset for the next request. If empty, there are no more results NextOffset string `json:"next_offset"` // Results of the query Results []InlineQueryResult `json:"results"` // If non-empty, this text must be shown on the button, which opens a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with the switch_pm_parameter SwitchPmText string `json:"switch_pm_text"` // Parameter for the bot start message SwitchPmParameter string `json:"switch_pm_parameter"` } func (entity *InlineQueryResults) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InlineQueryResults return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InlineQueryResults) GetClass() string { return ClassInlineQueryResults } func (*InlineQueryResults) GetType() string { return TypeInlineQueryResults } func (inlineQueryResults *InlineQueryResults) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { InlineQueryId JsonInt64 `json:"inline_query_id"` NextOffset string `json:"next_offset"` Results []json.RawMessage `json:"results"` SwitchPmText string `json:"switch_pm_text"` SwitchPmParameter string `json:"switch_pm_parameter"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inlineQueryResults.InlineQueryId = tmp.InlineQueryId inlineQueryResults.NextOffset = tmp.NextOffset inlineQueryResults.SwitchPmText = tmp.SwitchPmText inlineQueryResults.SwitchPmParameter = tmp.SwitchPmParameter fieldResults, _ := UnmarshalListOfInlineQueryResult(tmp.Results) inlineQueryResults.Results = fieldResults return nil } // The payload for a general callback button type CallbackQueryPayloadData struct { meta // Data that was attached to the callback button Data []byte `json:"data"` } func (entity *CallbackQueryPayloadData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallbackQueryPayloadData return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadData) GetClass() string { return ClassCallbackQueryPayload } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadData) GetType() string { return TypeCallbackQueryPayloadData } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadData) CallbackQueryPayloadType() string { return TypeCallbackQueryPayloadData } // The payload for a callback button requiring password type CallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword struct { meta // The password for the current user Password string `json:"password"` // Data that was attached to the callback button Data []byte `json:"data"` } func (entity *CallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword) GetClass() string { return ClassCallbackQueryPayload } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword) GetType() string { return TypeCallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword) CallbackQueryPayloadType() string { return TypeCallbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword } // The payload for a game callback button type CallbackQueryPayloadGame struct { meta // A short name of the game that was attached to the callback button GameShortName string `json:"game_short_name"` } func (entity *CallbackQueryPayloadGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallbackQueryPayloadGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadGame) GetClass() string { return ClassCallbackQueryPayload } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadGame) GetType() string { return TypeCallbackQueryPayloadGame } func (*CallbackQueryPayloadGame) CallbackQueryPayloadType() string { return TypeCallbackQueryPayloadGame } // Contains a bot's answer to a callback query type CallbackQueryAnswer struct { meta // Text of the answer Text string `json:"text"` // True, if an alert must be shown to the user instead of a toast notification ShowAlert bool `json:"show_alert"` // URL to be opened Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *CallbackQueryAnswer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CallbackQueryAnswer return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CallbackQueryAnswer) GetClass() string { return ClassCallbackQueryAnswer } func (*CallbackQueryAnswer) GetType() string { return TypeCallbackQueryAnswer } // Contains the result of a custom request type CustomRequestResult struct { meta // A JSON-serialized result Result string `json:"result"` } func (entity *CustomRequestResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CustomRequestResult return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CustomRequestResult) GetClass() string { return ClassCustomRequestResult } func (*CustomRequestResult) GetType() string { return TypeCustomRequestResult } // Contains one row of the game high score table type GameHighScore struct { meta // Position in the high score table Position int32 `json:"position"` // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // User score Score int32 `json:"score"` } func (entity *GameHighScore) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GameHighScore return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GameHighScore) GetClass() string { return ClassGameHighScore } func (*GameHighScore) GetType() string { return TypeGameHighScore } // Contains a list of game high scores type GameHighScores struct { meta // A list of game high scores Scores []*GameHighScore `json:"scores"` } func (entity *GameHighScores) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub GameHighScores return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*GameHighScores) GetClass() string { return ClassGameHighScores } func (*GameHighScores) GetType() string { return TypeGameHighScores } // A message was edited type ChatEventMessageEdited struct { meta // The original message before the edit OldMessage *Message `json:"old_message"` // The message after it was edited NewMessage *Message `json:"new_message"` } func (entity *ChatEventMessageEdited) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMessageEdited return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMessageEdited) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMessageEdited) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageEdited } func (*ChatEventMessageEdited) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageEdited } // A message was deleted type ChatEventMessageDeleted struct { meta // Deleted message Message *Message `json:"message"` } func (entity *ChatEventMessageDeleted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMessageDeleted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMessageDeleted) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMessageDeleted) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageDeleted } func (*ChatEventMessageDeleted) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageDeleted } // A poll in a message was stopped type ChatEventPollStopped struct { meta // The message with the poll Message *Message `json:"message"` } func (entity *ChatEventPollStopped) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventPollStopped return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventPollStopped) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventPollStopped) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventPollStopped } func (*ChatEventPollStopped) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventPollStopped } // A message was pinned type ChatEventMessagePinned struct { meta // Pinned message Message *Message `json:"message"` } func (entity *ChatEventMessagePinned) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMessagePinned return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMessagePinned) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMessagePinned) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMessagePinned } func (*ChatEventMessagePinned) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMessagePinned } // A message was unpinned type ChatEventMessageUnpinned struct { meta // Unpinned message Message *Message `json:"message"` } func (entity *ChatEventMessageUnpinned) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMessageUnpinned return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMessageUnpinned) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMessageUnpinned) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageUnpinned } func (*ChatEventMessageUnpinned) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageUnpinned } // A new member joined the chat type ChatEventMemberJoined struct { meta } func (entity *ChatEventMemberJoined) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMemberJoined return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMemberJoined) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMemberJoined) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberJoined } func (*ChatEventMemberJoined) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberJoined } // A new member joined the chat via an invite link type ChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink struct { meta // Invite link used to join the chat InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` } func (entity *ChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink } func (*ChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberJoinedByInviteLink } // A new member was accepted to the chat by an administrator type ChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest struct { meta // User identifier of the chat administrator, approved user join request ApproverUserId int64 `json:"approver_user_id"` // Invite link used to join the chat; may be null InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` } func (entity *ChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest } func (*ChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberJoinedByRequest } // A member left the chat type ChatEventMemberLeft struct { meta } func (entity *ChatEventMemberLeft) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMemberLeft return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMemberLeft) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMemberLeft) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberLeft } func (*ChatEventMemberLeft) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberLeft } // A new chat member was invited type ChatEventMemberInvited struct { meta // New member user identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // New member status Status ChatMemberStatus `json:"status"` } func (entity *ChatEventMemberInvited) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMemberInvited return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMemberInvited) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMemberInvited) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberInvited } func (*ChatEventMemberInvited) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberInvited } func (chatEventMemberInvited *ChatEventMemberInvited) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` Status json.RawMessage `json:"status"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatEventMemberInvited.UserId = tmp.UserId fieldStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.Status) chatEventMemberInvited.Status = fieldStatus return nil } // A chat member has gained/lost administrator status, or the list of their administrator privileges has changed type ChatEventMemberPromoted struct { meta // Affected chat member user identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Previous status of the chat member OldStatus ChatMemberStatus `json:"old_status"` // New status of the chat member NewStatus ChatMemberStatus `json:"new_status"` } func (entity *ChatEventMemberPromoted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMemberPromoted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMemberPromoted) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMemberPromoted) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberPromoted } func (*ChatEventMemberPromoted) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberPromoted } func (chatEventMemberPromoted *ChatEventMemberPromoted) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` OldStatus json.RawMessage `json:"old_status"` NewStatus json.RawMessage `json:"new_status"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatEventMemberPromoted.UserId = tmp.UserId fieldOldStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.OldStatus) chatEventMemberPromoted.OldStatus = fieldOldStatus fieldNewStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.NewStatus) chatEventMemberPromoted.NewStatus = fieldNewStatus return nil } // A chat member was restricted/unrestricted or banned/unbanned, or the list of their restrictions has changed type ChatEventMemberRestricted struct { meta // Affected chat member identifier MemberId MessageSender `json:"member_id"` // Previous status of the chat member OldStatus ChatMemberStatus `json:"old_status"` // New status of the chat member NewStatus ChatMemberStatus `json:"new_status"` } func (entity *ChatEventMemberRestricted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMemberRestricted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMemberRestricted) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMemberRestricted) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberRestricted } func (*ChatEventMemberRestricted) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMemberRestricted } func (chatEventMemberRestricted *ChatEventMemberRestricted) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { MemberId json.RawMessage `json:"member_id"` OldStatus json.RawMessage `json:"old_status"` NewStatus json.RawMessage `json:"new_status"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldMemberId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.MemberId) chatEventMemberRestricted.MemberId = fieldMemberId fieldOldStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.OldStatus) chatEventMemberRestricted.OldStatus = fieldOldStatus fieldNewStatus, _ := UnmarshalChatMemberStatus(tmp.NewStatus) chatEventMemberRestricted.NewStatus = fieldNewStatus return nil } // The chat title was changed type ChatEventTitleChanged struct { meta // Previous chat title OldTitle string `json:"old_title"` // New chat title NewTitle string `json:"new_title"` } func (entity *ChatEventTitleChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventTitleChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventTitleChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventTitleChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventTitleChanged } func (*ChatEventTitleChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventTitleChanged } // The chat permissions was changed type ChatEventPermissionsChanged struct { meta // Previous chat permissions OldPermissions *ChatPermissions `json:"old_permissions"` // New chat permissions NewPermissions *ChatPermissions `json:"new_permissions"` } func (entity *ChatEventPermissionsChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventPermissionsChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventPermissionsChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventPermissionsChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventPermissionsChanged } func (*ChatEventPermissionsChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventPermissionsChanged } // The chat description was changed type ChatEventDescriptionChanged struct { meta // Previous chat description OldDescription string `json:"old_description"` // New chat description NewDescription string `json:"new_description"` } func (entity *ChatEventDescriptionChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventDescriptionChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventDescriptionChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventDescriptionChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventDescriptionChanged } func (*ChatEventDescriptionChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventDescriptionChanged } // The chat username was changed type ChatEventUsernameChanged struct { meta // Previous chat username OldUsername string `json:"old_username"` // New chat username NewUsername string `json:"new_username"` } func (entity *ChatEventUsernameChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventUsernameChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventUsernameChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventUsernameChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventUsernameChanged } func (*ChatEventUsernameChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventUsernameChanged } // The chat photo was changed type ChatEventPhotoChanged struct { meta // Previous chat photo value; may be null OldPhoto *ChatPhoto `json:"old_photo"` // New chat photo value; may be null NewPhoto *ChatPhoto `json:"new_photo"` } func (entity *ChatEventPhotoChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventPhotoChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventPhotoChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventPhotoChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventPhotoChanged } func (*ChatEventPhotoChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventPhotoChanged } // The can_invite_users permission of a supergroup chat was toggled type ChatEventInvitesToggled struct { meta // New value of can_invite_users permission CanInviteUsers bool `json:"can_invite_users"` } func (entity *ChatEventInvitesToggled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventInvitesToggled return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventInvitesToggled) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventInvitesToggled) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventInvitesToggled } func (*ChatEventInvitesToggled) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventInvitesToggled } // The linked chat of a supergroup was changed type ChatEventLinkedChatChanged struct { meta // Previous supergroup linked chat identifier OldLinkedChatId int64 `json:"old_linked_chat_id"` // New supergroup linked chat identifier NewLinkedChatId int64 `json:"new_linked_chat_id"` } func (entity *ChatEventLinkedChatChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventLinkedChatChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventLinkedChatChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventLinkedChatChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventLinkedChatChanged } func (*ChatEventLinkedChatChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventLinkedChatChanged } // The slow_mode_delay setting of a supergroup was changed type ChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged struct { meta // Previous value of slow_mode_delay, in seconds OldSlowModeDelay int32 `json:"old_slow_mode_delay"` // New value of slow_mode_delay, in seconds NewSlowModeDelay int32 `json:"new_slow_mode_delay"` } func (entity *ChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged } func (*ChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventSlowModeDelayChanged } // The message TTL was changed type ChatEventMessageTtlChanged struct { meta // Previous value of message_ttl OldMessageTtl int32 `json:"old_message_ttl"` // New value of message_ttl NewMessageTtl int32 `json:"new_message_ttl"` } func (entity *ChatEventMessageTtlChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventMessageTtlChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventMessageTtlChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventMessageTtlChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageTtlChanged } func (*ChatEventMessageTtlChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventMessageTtlChanged } // The sign_messages setting of a channel was toggled type ChatEventSignMessagesToggled struct { meta // New value of sign_messages SignMessages bool `json:"sign_messages"` } func (entity *ChatEventSignMessagesToggled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventSignMessagesToggled return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventSignMessagesToggled) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventSignMessagesToggled) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventSignMessagesToggled } func (*ChatEventSignMessagesToggled) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventSignMessagesToggled } // The has_protected_content setting of a channel was toggled type ChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled struct { meta // New value of has_protected_content HasProtectedContent bool `json:"has_protected_content"` } func (entity *ChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled } func (*ChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventHasProtectedContentToggled } // The supergroup sticker set was changed type ChatEventStickerSetChanged struct { meta // Previous identifier of the chat sticker set; 0 if none OldStickerSetId JsonInt64 `json:"old_sticker_set_id"` // New identifier of the chat sticker set; 0 if none NewStickerSetId JsonInt64 `json:"new_sticker_set_id"` } func (entity *ChatEventStickerSetChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventStickerSetChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventStickerSetChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventStickerSetChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventStickerSetChanged } func (*ChatEventStickerSetChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventStickerSetChanged } // The supergroup location was changed type ChatEventLocationChanged struct { meta // Previous location; may be null OldLocation *ChatLocation `json:"old_location"` // New location; may be null NewLocation *ChatLocation `json:"new_location"` } func (entity *ChatEventLocationChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventLocationChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventLocationChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventLocationChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventLocationChanged } func (*ChatEventLocationChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventLocationChanged } // The is_all_history_available setting of a supergroup was toggled type ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled struct { meta // New value of is_all_history_available IsAllHistoryAvailable bool `json:"is_all_history_available"` } func (entity *ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled } func (*ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled } // A chat invite link was edited type ChatEventInviteLinkEdited struct { meta // Previous information about the invite link OldInviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"old_invite_link"` // New information about the invite link NewInviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"new_invite_link"` } func (entity *ChatEventInviteLinkEdited) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventInviteLinkEdited return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkEdited) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkEdited) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventInviteLinkEdited } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkEdited) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventInviteLinkEdited } // A chat invite link was revoked type ChatEventInviteLinkRevoked struct { meta // The invite link InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` } func (entity *ChatEventInviteLinkRevoked) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventInviteLinkRevoked return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkRevoked) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkRevoked) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventInviteLinkRevoked } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkRevoked) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventInviteLinkRevoked } // A revoked chat invite link was deleted type ChatEventInviteLinkDeleted struct { meta // The invite link InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` } func (entity *ChatEventInviteLinkDeleted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventInviteLinkDeleted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkDeleted) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkDeleted) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventInviteLinkDeleted } func (*ChatEventInviteLinkDeleted) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventInviteLinkDeleted } // A video chat was created type ChatEventVideoChatCreated struct { meta // Identifier of the video chat. The video chat can be received through the method getGroupCall GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` } func (entity *ChatEventVideoChatCreated) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventVideoChatCreated return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventVideoChatCreated) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventVideoChatCreated) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatCreated } func (*ChatEventVideoChatCreated) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatCreated } // A video chat was ended type ChatEventVideoChatEnded struct { meta // Identifier of the video chat. The video chat can be received through the method getGroupCall GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` } func (entity *ChatEventVideoChatEnded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventVideoChatEnded return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventVideoChatEnded) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventVideoChatEnded) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatEnded } func (*ChatEventVideoChatEnded) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatEnded } // A video chat participant was muted or unmuted type ChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled struct { meta // Identifier of the affected group call participant ParticipantId MessageSender `json:"participant_id"` // New value of is_muted IsMuted bool `json:"is_muted"` } func (entity *ChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled } func (*ChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled } func (chatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled *ChatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ParticipantId json.RawMessage `json:"participant_id"` IsMuted bool `json:"is_muted"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled.IsMuted = tmp.IsMuted fieldParticipantId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.ParticipantId) chatEventVideoChatParticipantIsMutedToggled.ParticipantId = fieldParticipantId return nil } // A video chat participant volume level was changed type ChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged struct { meta // Identifier of the affected group call participant ParticipantId MessageSender `json:"participant_id"` // New value of volume_level; 1-20000 in hundreds of percents VolumeLevel int32 `json:"volume_level"` } func (entity *ChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged } func (*ChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged } func (chatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged *ChatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ParticipantId json.RawMessage `json:"participant_id"` VolumeLevel int32 `json:"volume_level"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged.VolumeLevel = tmp.VolumeLevel fieldParticipantId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.ParticipantId) chatEventVideoChatParticipantVolumeLevelChanged.ParticipantId = fieldParticipantId return nil } // The mute_new_participants setting of a video chat was toggled type ChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled struct { meta // New value of the mute_new_participants setting MuteNewParticipants bool `json:"mute_new_participants"` } func (entity *ChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventAction } func (*ChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled } func (*ChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled) ChatEventActionType() string { return TypeChatEventVideoChatMuteNewParticipantsToggled } // Represents a chat event type ChatEvent struct { meta // Chat event identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the event happened Date int32 `json:"date"` // Identifier of the user or chat who performed the action MemberId MessageSender `json:"member_id"` // The action Action ChatEventAction `json:"action"` } func (entity *ChatEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEvent return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEvent) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEvent } func (*ChatEvent) GetType() string { return TypeChatEvent } func (chatEvent *ChatEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` Date int32 `json:"date"` MemberId json.RawMessage `json:"member_id"` Action json.RawMessage `json:"action"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatEvent.Id = tmp.Id chatEvent.Date = tmp.Date fieldMemberId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.MemberId) chatEvent.MemberId = fieldMemberId fieldAction, _ := UnmarshalChatEventAction(tmp.Action) chatEvent.Action = fieldAction return nil } // Contains a list of chat events type ChatEvents struct { meta // List of events Events []*ChatEvent `json:"events"` } func (entity *ChatEvents) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEvents return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEvents) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEvents } func (*ChatEvents) GetType() string { return TypeChatEvents } // Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log type ChatEventLogFilters struct { meta // True, if message edits need to be returned MessageEdits bool `json:"message_edits"` // True, if message deletions need to be returned MessageDeletions bool `json:"message_deletions"` // True, if pin/unpin events need to be returned MessagePins bool `json:"message_pins"` // True, if members joining events need to be returned MemberJoins bool `json:"member_joins"` // True, if members leaving events need to be returned MemberLeaves bool `json:"member_leaves"` // True, if invited member events need to be returned MemberInvites bool `json:"member_invites"` // True, if member promotion/demotion events need to be returned MemberPromotions bool `json:"member_promotions"` // True, if member restricted/unrestricted/banned/unbanned events need to be returned MemberRestrictions bool `json:"member_restrictions"` // True, if changes in chat information need to be returned InfoChanges bool `json:"info_changes"` // True, if changes in chat settings need to be returned SettingChanges bool `json:"setting_changes"` // True, if changes to invite links need to be returned InviteLinkChanges bool `json:"invite_link_changes"` // True, if video chat actions need to be returned VideoChatChanges bool `json:"video_chat_changes"` } func (entity *ChatEventLogFilters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatEventLogFilters return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatEventLogFilters) GetClass() string { return ClassChatEventLogFilters } func (*ChatEventLogFilters) GetType() string { return TypeChatEventLogFilters } // An ordinary language pack string type LanguagePackStringValueOrdinary struct { meta // String value Value string `json:"value"` } func (entity *LanguagePackStringValueOrdinary) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LanguagePackStringValueOrdinary return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LanguagePackStringValueOrdinary) GetClass() string { return ClassLanguagePackStringValue } func (*LanguagePackStringValueOrdinary) GetType() string { return TypeLanguagePackStringValueOrdinary } func (*LanguagePackStringValueOrdinary) LanguagePackStringValueType() string { return TypeLanguagePackStringValueOrdinary } // A language pack string which has different forms based on the number of some object it mentions. See https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html for more info type LanguagePackStringValuePluralized struct { meta // Value for zero objects ZeroValue string `json:"zero_value"` // Value for one object OneValue string `json:"one_value"` // Value for two objects TwoValue string `json:"two_value"` // Value for few objects FewValue string `json:"few_value"` // Value for many objects ManyValue string `json:"many_value"` // Default value OtherValue string `json:"other_value"` } func (entity *LanguagePackStringValuePluralized) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LanguagePackStringValuePluralized return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LanguagePackStringValuePluralized) GetClass() string { return ClassLanguagePackStringValue } func (*LanguagePackStringValuePluralized) GetType() string { return TypeLanguagePackStringValuePluralized } func (*LanguagePackStringValuePluralized) LanguagePackStringValueType() string { return TypeLanguagePackStringValuePluralized } // A deleted language pack string, the value must be taken from the built-in English language pack type LanguagePackStringValueDeleted struct { meta } func (entity *LanguagePackStringValueDeleted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LanguagePackStringValueDeleted return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LanguagePackStringValueDeleted) GetClass() string { return ClassLanguagePackStringValue } func (*LanguagePackStringValueDeleted) GetType() string { return TypeLanguagePackStringValueDeleted } func (*LanguagePackStringValueDeleted) LanguagePackStringValueType() string { return TypeLanguagePackStringValueDeleted } // Represents one language pack string type LanguagePackString struct { meta // String key Key string `json:"key"` // String value; pass null if the string needs to be taken from the built-in English language pack Value LanguagePackStringValue `json:"value"` } func (entity *LanguagePackString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LanguagePackString return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LanguagePackString) GetClass() string { return ClassLanguagePackString } func (*LanguagePackString) GetType() string { return TypeLanguagePackString } func (languagePackString *LanguagePackString) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } languagePackString.Key = tmp.Key fieldValue, _ := UnmarshalLanguagePackStringValue(tmp.Value) languagePackString.Value = fieldValue return nil } // Contains a list of language pack strings type LanguagePackStrings struct { meta // A list of language pack strings Strings []*LanguagePackString `json:"strings"` } func (entity *LanguagePackStrings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LanguagePackStrings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LanguagePackStrings) GetClass() string { return ClassLanguagePackStrings } func (*LanguagePackStrings) GetType() string { return TypeLanguagePackStrings } // Contains information about a language pack type LanguagePackInfo struct { meta // Unique language pack identifier Id string `json:"id"` // Identifier of a base language pack; may be empty. If a string is missed in the language pack, then it must be fetched from base language pack. Unsupported in custom language packs BaseLanguagePackId string `json:"base_language_pack_id"` // Language name Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the language in that language NativeName string `json:"native_name"` // A language code to be used to apply plural forms. See https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html for more info PluralCode string `json:"plural_code"` // True, if the language pack is official IsOfficial bool `json:"is_official"` // True, if the language pack strings are RTL IsRtl bool `json:"is_rtl"` // True, if the language pack is a beta language pack IsBeta bool `json:"is_beta"` // True, if the language pack is installed by the current user IsInstalled bool `json:"is_installed"` // Total number of non-deleted strings from the language pack TotalStringCount int32 `json:"total_string_count"` // Total number of translated strings from the language pack TranslatedStringCount int32 `json:"translated_string_count"` // Total number of non-deleted strings from the language pack available locally LocalStringCount int32 `json:"local_string_count"` // Link to language translation interface; empty for custom local language packs TranslationUrl string `json:"translation_url"` } func (entity *LanguagePackInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LanguagePackInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LanguagePackInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassLanguagePackInfo } func (*LanguagePackInfo) GetType() string { return TypeLanguagePackInfo } // Contains information about the current localization target type LocalizationTargetInfo struct { meta // List of available language packs for this application LanguagePacks []*LanguagePackInfo `json:"language_packs"` } func (entity *LocalizationTargetInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LocalizationTargetInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LocalizationTargetInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassLocalizationTargetInfo } func (*LocalizationTargetInfo) GetType() string { return TypeLocalizationTargetInfo } // A token for Firebase Cloud Messaging type DeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging struct { meta // Device registration token; may be empty to deregister a device Token string `json:"token"` // True, if push notifications must be additionally encrypted Encrypt bool `json:"encrypt"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging } func (*DeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenFirebaseCloudMessaging } // A token for Apple Push Notification service type DeviceTokenApplePush struct { meta // Device token; may be empty to deregister a device DeviceToken string `json:"device_token"` // True, if App Sandbox is enabled IsAppSandbox bool `json:"is_app_sandbox"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenApplePush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenApplePush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenApplePush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenApplePush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenApplePush } func (*DeviceTokenApplePush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenApplePush } // A token for Apple Push Notification service VoIP notifications type DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP struct { meta // Device token; may be empty to deregister a device DeviceToken string `json:"device_token"` // True, if App Sandbox is enabled IsAppSandbox bool `json:"is_app_sandbox"` // True, if push notifications must be additionally encrypted Encrypt bool `json:"encrypt"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenApplePushVoIP } func (*DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenApplePushVoIP } // A token for Windows Push Notification Services type DeviceTokenWindowsPush struct { meta // The access token that will be used to send notifications; may be empty to deregister a device AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenWindowsPush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenWindowsPush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenWindowsPush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenWindowsPush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenWindowsPush } func (*DeviceTokenWindowsPush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenWindowsPush } // A token for Microsoft Push Notification Service type DeviceTokenMicrosoftPush struct { meta // Push notification channel URI; may be empty to deregister a device ChannelUri string `json:"channel_uri"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenMicrosoftPush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenMicrosoftPush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenMicrosoftPush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenMicrosoftPush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenMicrosoftPush } func (*DeviceTokenMicrosoftPush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenMicrosoftPush } // A token for Microsoft Push Notification Service VoIP channel type DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP struct { meta // Push notification channel URI; may be empty to deregister a device ChannelUri string `json:"channel_uri"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP } func (*DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP } // A token for web Push API type DeviceTokenWebPush struct { meta // Absolute URL exposed by the push service where the application server can send push messages; may be empty to deregister a device Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` // Base64url-encoded P-256 elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman public key P256dhBase64url string `json:"p256dh_base64url"` // Base64url-encoded authentication secret AuthBase64url string `json:"auth_base64url"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenWebPush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenWebPush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenWebPush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenWebPush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenWebPush } func (*DeviceTokenWebPush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenWebPush } // A token for Simple Push API for Firefox OS type DeviceTokenSimplePush struct { meta // Absolute URL exposed by the push service where the application server can send push messages; may be empty to deregister a device Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenSimplePush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenSimplePush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenSimplePush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenSimplePush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenSimplePush } func (*DeviceTokenSimplePush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenSimplePush } // A token for Ubuntu Push Client service type DeviceTokenUbuntuPush struct { meta // Token; may be empty to deregister a device Token string `json:"token"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenUbuntuPush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenUbuntuPush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenUbuntuPush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenUbuntuPush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenUbuntuPush } func (*DeviceTokenUbuntuPush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenUbuntuPush } // A token for BlackBerry Push Service type DeviceTokenBlackBerryPush struct { meta // Token; may be empty to deregister a device Token string `json:"token"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenBlackBerryPush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenBlackBerryPush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenBlackBerryPush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenBlackBerryPush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenBlackBerryPush } func (*DeviceTokenBlackBerryPush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenBlackBerryPush } // A token for Tizen Push Service type DeviceTokenTizenPush struct { meta // Push service registration identifier; may be empty to deregister a device RegId string `json:"reg_id"` } func (entity *DeviceTokenTizenPush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeviceTokenTizenPush return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeviceTokenTizenPush) GetClass() string { return ClassDeviceToken } func (*DeviceTokenTizenPush) GetType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenTizenPush } func (*DeviceTokenTizenPush) DeviceTokenType() string { return TypeDeviceTokenTizenPush } // Contains a globally unique push receiver identifier, which can be used to identify which account has received a push notification type PushReceiverId struct { meta // The globally unique identifier of push notification subscription Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` } func (entity *PushReceiverId) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushReceiverId return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushReceiverId) GetClass() string { return ClassPushReceiverId } func (*PushReceiverId) GetType() string { return TypePushReceiverId } // Describes a solid fill of a background type BackgroundFillSolid struct { meta // A color of the background in the RGB24 format Color int32 `json:"color"` } func (entity *BackgroundFillSolid) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BackgroundFillSolid return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BackgroundFillSolid) GetClass() string { return ClassBackgroundFill } func (*BackgroundFillSolid) GetType() string { return TypeBackgroundFillSolid } func (*BackgroundFillSolid) BackgroundFillType() string { return TypeBackgroundFillSolid } // Describes a gradient fill of a background type BackgroundFillGradient struct { meta // A top color of the background in the RGB24 format TopColor int32 `json:"top_color"` // A bottom color of the background in the RGB24 format BottomColor int32 `json:"bottom_color"` // Clockwise rotation angle of the gradient, in degrees; 0-359. Must be always divisible by 45 RotationAngle int32 `json:"rotation_angle"` } func (entity *BackgroundFillGradient) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BackgroundFillGradient return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BackgroundFillGradient) GetClass() string { return ClassBackgroundFill } func (*BackgroundFillGradient) GetType() string { return TypeBackgroundFillGradient } func (*BackgroundFillGradient) BackgroundFillType() string { return TypeBackgroundFillGradient } // Describes a freeform gradient fill of a background type BackgroundFillFreeformGradient struct { meta // A list of 3 or 4 colors of the freeform gradients in the RGB24 format Colors []int32 `json:"colors"` } func (entity *BackgroundFillFreeformGradient) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BackgroundFillFreeformGradient return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BackgroundFillFreeformGradient) GetClass() string { return ClassBackgroundFill } func (*BackgroundFillFreeformGradient) GetType() string { return TypeBackgroundFillFreeformGradient } func (*BackgroundFillFreeformGradient) BackgroundFillType() string { return TypeBackgroundFillFreeformGradient } // A wallpaper in JPEG format type BackgroundTypeWallpaper struct { meta // True, if the wallpaper must be downscaled to fit in 450x450 square and then box-blurred with radius 12 IsBlurred bool `json:"is_blurred"` // True, if the background needs to be slightly moved when device is tilted IsMoving bool `json:"is_moving"` } func (entity *BackgroundTypeWallpaper) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BackgroundTypeWallpaper return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BackgroundTypeWallpaper) GetClass() string { return ClassBackgroundType } func (*BackgroundTypeWallpaper) GetType() string { return TypeBackgroundTypeWallpaper } func (*BackgroundTypeWallpaper) BackgroundTypeType() string { return TypeBackgroundTypeWallpaper } // A PNG or TGV (gzipped subset of SVG with MIME type "application/x-tgwallpattern") pattern to be combined with the background fill chosen by the user type BackgroundTypePattern struct { meta // Fill of the background Fill BackgroundFill `json:"fill"` // Intensity of the pattern when it is shown above the filled background; 0-100. Intensity int32 `json:"intensity"` // True, if the background fill must be applied only to the pattern itself. All other pixels are black in this case. For dark themes only IsInverted bool `json:"is_inverted"` // True, if the background needs to be slightly moved when device is tilted IsMoving bool `json:"is_moving"` } func (entity *BackgroundTypePattern) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BackgroundTypePattern return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BackgroundTypePattern) GetClass() string { return ClassBackgroundType } func (*BackgroundTypePattern) GetType() string { return TypeBackgroundTypePattern } func (*BackgroundTypePattern) BackgroundTypeType() string { return TypeBackgroundTypePattern } func (backgroundTypePattern *BackgroundTypePattern) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Fill json.RawMessage `json:"fill"` Intensity int32 `json:"intensity"` IsInverted bool `json:"is_inverted"` IsMoving bool `json:"is_moving"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } backgroundTypePattern.Intensity = tmp.Intensity backgroundTypePattern.IsInverted = tmp.IsInverted backgroundTypePattern.IsMoving = tmp.IsMoving fieldFill, _ := UnmarshalBackgroundFill(tmp.Fill) backgroundTypePattern.Fill = fieldFill return nil } // A filled background type BackgroundTypeFill struct { meta // The background fill Fill BackgroundFill `json:"fill"` } func (entity *BackgroundTypeFill) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BackgroundTypeFill return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BackgroundTypeFill) GetClass() string { return ClassBackgroundType } func (*BackgroundTypeFill) GetType() string { return TypeBackgroundTypeFill } func (*BackgroundTypeFill) BackgroundTypeType() string { return TypeBackgroundTypeFill } func (backgroundTypeFill *BackgroundTypeFill) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Fill json.RawMessage `json:"fill"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldFill, _ := UnmarshalBackgroundFill(tmp.Fill) backgroundTypeFill.Fill = fieldFill return nil } // Describes a chat background type Background struct { meta // Unique background identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // True, if this is one of default backgrounds IsDefault bool `json:"is_default"` // True, if the background is dark and is recommended to be used with dark theme IsDark bool `json:"is_dark"` // Unique background name Name string `json:"name"` // Document with the background; may be null. Null only for filled backgrounds Document *Document `json:"document"` // Type of the background Type BackgroundType `json:"type"` } func (entity *Background) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Background return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Background) GetClass() string { return ClassBackground } func (*Background) GetType() string { return TypeBackground } func (background *Background) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` IsDefault bool `json:"is_default"` IsDark bool `json:"is_dark"` Name string `json:"name"` Document *Document `json:"document"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } background.Id = tmp.Id background.IsDefault = tmp.IsDefault background.IsDark = tmp.IsDark background.Name = tmp.Name background.Document = tmp.Document fieldType, _ := UnmarshalBackgroundType(tmp.Type) background.Type = fieldType return nil } // Contains a list of backgrounds type Backgrounds struct { meta // A list of backgrounds Backgrounds []*Background `json:"backgrounds"` } func (entity *Backgrounds) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Backgrounds return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Backgrounds) GetClass() string { return ClassBackgrounds } func (*Backgrounds) GetType() string { return TypeBackgrounds } // A background from a local file type InputBackgroundLocal struct { meta // Background file to use. Only inputFileLocal and inputFileGenerated are supported. The file must be in JPEG format for wallpapers and in PNG format for patterns Background InputFile `json:"background"` } func (entity *InputBackgroundLocal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputBackgroundLocal return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputBackgroundLocal) GetClass() string { return ClassInputBackground } func (*InputBackgroundLocal) GetType() string { return TypeInputBackgroundLocal } func (*InputBackgroundLocal) InputBackgroundType() string { return TypeInputBackgroundLocal } func (inputBackgroundLocal *InputBackgroundLocal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Background json.RawMessage `json:"background"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldBackground, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Background) inputBackgroundLocal.Background = fieldBackground return nil } // A background from the server type InputBackgroundRemote struct { meta // The background identifier BackgroundId JsonInt64 `json:"background_id"` } func (entity *InputBackgroundRemote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputBackgroundRemote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputBackgroundRemote) GetClass() string { return ClassInputBackground } func (*InputBackgroundRemote) GetType() string { return TypeInputBackgroundRemote } func (*InputBackgroundRemote) InputBackgroundType() string { return TypeInputBackgroundRemote } // Describes theme settings type ThemeSettings struct { meta // Theme accent color in ARGB format AccentColor int32 `json:"accent_color"` // The background to be used in chats; may be null Background *Background `json:"background"` // The fill to be used as a background for outgoing messages OutgoingMessageFill BackgroundFill `json:"outgoing_message_fill"` // If true, the freeform gradient fill needs to be animated on every sent message AnimateOutgoingMessageFill bool `json:"animate_outgoing_message_fill"` // Accent color of outgoing messages in ARGB format OutgoingMessageAccentColor int32 `json:"outgoing_message_accent_color"` } func (entity *ThemeSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ThemeSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ThemeSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassThemeSettings } func (*ThemeSettings) GetType() string { return TypeThemeSettings } func (themeSettings *ThemeSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { AccentColor int32 `json:"accent_color"` Background *Background `json:"background"` OutgoingMessageFill json.RawMessage `json:"outgoing_message_fill"` AnimateOutgoingMessageFill bool `json:"animate_outgoing_message_fill"` OutgoingMessageAccentColor int32 `json:"outgoing_message_accent_color"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } themeSettings.AccentColor = tmp.AccentColor themeSettings.Background = tmp.Background themeSettings.AnimateOutgoingMessageFill = tmp.AnimateOutgoingMessageFill themeSettings.OutgoingMessageAccentColor = tmp.OutgoingMessageAccentColor fieldOutgoingMessageFill, _ := UnmarshalBackgroundFill(tmp.OutgoingMessageFill) themeSettings.OutgoingMessageFill = fieldOutgoingMessageFill return nil } // Describes a chat theme type ChatTheme struct { meta // Theme name Name string `json:"name"` // Theme settings for a light chat theme LightSettings *ThemeSettings `json:"light_settings"` // Theme settings for a dark chat theme DarkSettings *ThemeSettings `json:"dark_settings"` } func (entity *ChatTheme) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatTheme return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatTheme) GetClass() string { return ClassChatTheme } func (*ChatTheme) GetType() string { return TypeChatTheme } // Contains a list of hashtags type Hashtags struct { meta // A list of hashtags Hashtags []string `json:"hashtags"` } func (entity *Hashtags) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Hashtags return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Hashtags) GetClass() string { return ClassHashtags } func (*Hashtags) GetType() string { return TypeHashtags } // The session can be used type CanTransferOwnershipResultOk struct { meta } func (entity *CanTransferOwnershipResultOk) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CanTransferOwnershipResultOk return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultOk) GetClass() string { return ClassCanTransferOwnershipResult } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultOk) GetType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultOk } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultOk) CanTransferOwnershipResultType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultOk } // The 2-step verification needs to be enabled first type CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded struct { meta } func (entity *CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded) GetClass() string { return ClassCanTransferOwnershipResult } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded) GetType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded) CanTransferOwnershipResultType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordNeeded } // The 2-step verification was enabled recently, user needs to wait type CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh struct { meta // Time left before the session can be used to transfer ownership of a chat, in seconds RetryAfter int32 `json:"retry_after"` } func (entity *CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh) GetClass() string { return ClassCanTransferOwnershipResult } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh) GetType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh) CanTransferOwnershipResultType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultPasswordTooFresh } // The session was created recently, user needs to wait type CanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh struct { meta // Time left before the session can be used to transfer ownership of a chat, in seconds RetryAfter int32 `json:"retry_after"` } func (entity *CanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh) GetClass() string { return ClassCanTransferOwnershipResult } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh) GetType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh } func (*CanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh) CanTransferOwnershipResultType() string { return TypeCanTransferOwnershipResultSessionTooFresh } // The username can be set type CheckChatUsernameResultOk struct { meta } func (entity *CheckChatUsernameResultOk) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckChatUsernameResultOk return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultOk) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckChatUsernameResult } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultOk) GetType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultOk } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultOk) CheckChatUsernameResultType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultOk } // The username is invalid type CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid struct { meta } func (entity *CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckChatUsernameResult } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid) GetType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid) CheckChatUsernameResultType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid } // The username is occupied type CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied struct { meta } func (entity *CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckChatUsernameResult } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied) GetType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied) CheckChatUsernameResultType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied } // The user has too many chats with username, one of them must be made private first type CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch struct { meta } func (entity *CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckChatUsernameResult } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch) GetType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch) CheckChatUsernameResultType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch } // The user can't be a member of a public supergroup type CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable struct { meta } func (entity *CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckChatUsernameResult } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable) GetType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable } func (*CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable) CheckChatUsernameResultType() string { return TypeCheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable } // The name can be set type CheckStickerSetNameResultOk struct { meta } func (entity *CheckStickerSetNameResultOk) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckStickerSetNameResultOk return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultOk) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckStickerSetNameResult } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultOk) GetType() string { return TypeCheckStickerSetNameResultOk } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultOk) CheckStickerSetNameResultType() string { return TypeCheckStickerSetNameResultOk } // The name is invalid type CheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid struct { meta } func (entity *CheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckStickerSetNameResult } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid) GetType() string { return TypeCheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid) CheckStickerSetNameResultType() string { return TypeCheckStickerSetNameResultNameInvalid } // The name is occupied type CheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied struct { meta } func (entity *CheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub CheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied) GetClass() string { return ClassCheckStickerSetNameResult } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied) GetType() string { return TypeCheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied } func (*CheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied) CheckStickerSetNameResultType() string { return TypeCheckStickerSetNameResultNameOccupied } // The password was reset type ResetPasswordResultOk struct { meta } func (entity *ResetPasswordResultOk) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ResetPasswordResultOk return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ResetPasswordResultOk) GetClass() string { return ClassResetPasswordResult } func (*ResetPasswordResultOk) GetType() string { return TypeResetPasswordResultOk } func (*ResetPasswordResultOk) ResetPasswordResultType() string { return TypeResetPasswordResultOk } // The password reset request is pending type ResetPasswordResultPending struct { meta // Point in time (Unix timestamp) after which the password can be reset immediately using resetPassword PendingResetDate int32 `json:"pending_reset_date"` } func (entity *ResetPasswordResultPending) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ResetPasswordResultPending return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ResetPasswordResultPending) GetClass() string { return ClassResetPasswordResult } func (*ResetPasswordResultPending) GetType() string { return TypeResetPasswordResultPending } func (*ResetPasswordResultPending) ResetPasswordResultType() string { return TypeResetPasswordResultPending } // The password reset request was declined type ResetPasswordResultDeclined struct { meta // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the password reset can be retried RetryDate int32 `json:"retry_date"` } func (entity *ResetPasswordResultDeclined) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ResetPasswordResultDeclined return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ResetPasswordResultDeclined) GetClass() string { return ClassResetPasswordResult } func (*ResetPasswordResultDeclined) GetType() string { return TypeResetPasswordResultDeclined } func (*ResetPasswordResultDeclined) ResetPasswordResultType() string { return TypeResetPasswordResultDeclined } // The messages was exported from a private chat type MessageFileTypePrivate struct { meta // Name of the other party; may be empty if unrecognized Name string `json:"name"` } func (entity *MessageFileTypePrivate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageFileTypePrivate return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageFileTypePrivate) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageFileType } func (*MessageFileTypePrivate) GetType() string { return TypeMessageFileTypePrivate } func (*MessageFileTypePrivate) MessageFileTypeType() string { return TypeMessageFileTypePrivate } // The messages was exported from a group chat type MessageFileTypeGroup struct { meta // Title of the group chat; may be empty if unrecognized Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *MessageFileTypeGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageFileTypeGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageFileTypeGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageFileType } func (*MessageFileTypeGroup) GetType() string { return TypeMessageFileTypeGroup } func (*MessageFileTypeGroup) MessageFileTypeType() string { return TypeMessageFileTypeGroup } // The messages was exported from a chat of unknown type type MessageFileTypeUnknown struct { meta } func (entity *MessageFileTypeUnknown) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageFileTypeUnknown return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageFileTypeUnknown) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageFileType } func (*MessageFileTypeUnknown) GetType() string { return TypeMessageFileTypeUnknown } func (*MessageFileTypeUnknown) MessageFileTypeType() string { return TypeMessageFileTypeUnknown } // A general message with hidden content type PushMessageContentHidden struct { meta // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentHidden) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentHidden return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentHidden) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentHidden) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentHidden } func (*PushMessageContentHidden) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentHidden } // An animation message (GIF-style). type PushMessageContentAnimation struct { meta // Message content; may be null Animation *Animation `json:"animation"` // Animation caption Caption string `json:"caption"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentAnimation) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentAnimation } func (*PushMessageContentAnimation) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentAnimation } // An audio message type PushMessageContentAudio struct { meta // Message content; may be null Audio *Audio `json:"audio"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentAudio) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentAudio } func (*PushMessageContentAudio) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentAudio } // A message with a user contact type PushMessageContentContact struct { meta // Contact's name Name string `json:"name"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentContact) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentContact return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentContact) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentContact) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentContact } func (*PushMessageContentContact) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentContact } // A contact has registered with Telegram type PushMessageContentContactRegistered struct { meta } func (entity *PushMessageContentContactRegistered) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentContactRegistered return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentContactRegistered) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentContactRegistered) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentContactRegistered } func (*PushMessageContentContactRegistered) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentContactRegistered } // A document message (a general file) type PushMessageContentDocument struct { meta // Message content; may be null Document *Document `json:"document"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentDocument) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentDocument } func (*PushMessageContentDocument) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentDocument } // A message with a game type PushMessageContentGame struct { meta // Game title, empty for pinned game message Title string `json:"title"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentGame) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentGame) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentGame } func (*PushMessageContentGame) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentGame } // A new high score was achieved in a game type PushMessageContentGameScore struct { meta // Game title, empty for pinned message Title string `json:"title"` // New score, 0 for pinned message Score int32 `json:"score"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentGameScore) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentGameScore return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentGameScore) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentGameScore) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentGameScore } func (*PushMessageContentGameScore) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentGameScore } // A message with an invoice from a bot type PushMessageContentInvoice struct { meta // Product price Price string `json:"price"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentInvoice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentInvoice return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentInvoice) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentInvoice) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentInvoice } func (*PushMessageContentInvoice) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentInvoice } // A message with a location type PushMessageContentLocation struct { meta // True, if the location is live IsLive bool `json:"is_live"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentLocation) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentLocation } func (*PushMessageContentLocation) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentLocation } // A photo message type PushMessageContentPhoto struct { meta // Message content; may be null Photo *Photo `json:"photo"` // Photo caption Caption string `json:"caption"` // True, if the photo is secret IsSecret bool `json:"is_secret"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentPhoto) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentPhoto } func (*PushMessageContentPhoto) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentPhoto } // A message with a poll type PushMessageContentPoll struct { meta // Poll question Question string `json:"question"` // True, if the poll is regular and not in quiz mode IsRegular bool `json:"is_regular"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentPoll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentPoll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentPoll) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentPoll) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentPoll } func (*PushMessageContentPoll) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentPoll } // A screenshot of a message in the chat has been taken type PushMessageContentScreenshotTaken struct { meta } func (entity *PushMessageContentScreenshotTaken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentScreenshotTaken return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentScreenshotTaken) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentScreenshotTaken) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentScreenshotTaken } func (*PushMessageContentScreenshotTaken) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentScreenshotTaken } // A message with a sticker type PushMessageContentSticker struct { meta // Message content; may be null Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` // Emoji corresponding to the sticker; may be empty Emoji string `json:"emoji"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentSticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentSticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentSticker) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentSticker) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentSticker } func (*PushMessageContentSticker) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentSticker } // A text message type PushMessageContentText struct { meta // Message text Text string `json:"text"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentText) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentText return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentText) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentText) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentText } func (*PushMessageContentText) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentText } // A video message type PushMessageContentVideo struct { meta // Message content; may be null Video *Video `json:"video"` // Video caption Caption string `json:"caption"` // True, if the video is secret IsSecret bool `json:"is_secret"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentVideo) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentVideo } func (*PushMessageContentVideo) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentVideo } // A video note message type PushMessageContentVideoNote struct { meta // Message content; may be null VideoNote *VideoNote `json:"video_note"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentVideoNote } func (*PushMessageContentVideoNote) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentVideoNote } // A voice note message type PushMessageContentVoiceNote struct { meta // Message content; may be null VoiceNote *VoiceNote `json:"voice_note"` // True, if the message is a pinned message with the specified content IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentVoiceNote } func (*PushMessageContentVoiceNote) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentVoiceNote } // A newly created basic group type PushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate struct { meta } func (entity *PushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate } func (*PushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentBasicGroupChatCreate } // New chat members were invited to a group type PushMessageContentChatAddMembers struct { meta // Name of the added member MemberName string `json:"member_name"` // True, if the current user was added to the group IsCurrentUser bool `json:"is_current_user"` // True, if the user has returned to the group themselves IsReturned bool `json:"is_returned"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentChatAddMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentChatAddMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentChatAddMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentChatAddMembers) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatAddMembers } func (*PushMessageContentChatAddMembers) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatAddMembers } // A chat photo was edited type PushMessageContentChatChangePhoto struct { meta } func (entity *PushMessageContentChatChangePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentChatChangePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentChatChangePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentChatChangePhoto) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatChangePhoto } func (*PushMessageContentChatChangePhoto) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatChangePhoto } // A chat title was edited type PushMessageContentChatChangeTitle struct { meta // New chat title Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentChatChangeTitle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentChatChangeTitle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentChatChangeTitle) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentChatChangeTitle) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatChangeTitle } func (*PushMessageContentChatChangeTitle) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatChangeTitle } // A chat theme was edited type PushMessageContentChatSetTheme struct { meta // If non-empty, name of a new theme, set for the chat. Otherwise chat theme was reset to the default one ThemeName string `json:"theme_name"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentChatSetTheme) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentChatSetTheme return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentChatSetTheme) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentChatSetTheme) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatSetTheme } func (*PushMessageContentChatSetTheme) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatSetTheme } // A chat member was deleted type PushMessageContentChatDeleteMember struct { meta // Name of the deleted member MemberName string `json:"member_name"` // True, if the current user was deleted from the group IsCurrentUser bool `json:"is_current_user"` // True, if the user has left the group themselves IsLeft bool `json:"is_left"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentChatDeleteMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentChatDeleteMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentChatDeleteMember) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentChatDeleteMember) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatDeleteMember } func (*PushMessageContentChatDeleteMember) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatDeleteMember } // A new member joined the chat via an invite link type PushMessageContentChatJoinByLink struct { meta } func (entity *PushMessageContentChatJoinByLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentChatJoinByLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentChatJoinByLink) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentChatJoinByLink) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatJoinByLink } func (*PushMessageContentChatJoinByLink) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatJoinByLink } // A new member was accepted to the chat by an administrator type PushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest struct { meta } func (entity *PushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest } func (*PushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentChatJoinByRequest } // A forwarded messages type PushMessageContentMessageForwards struct { meta // Number of forwarded messages TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentMessageForwards) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentMessageForwards return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentMessageForwards) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentMessageForwards) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentMessageForwards } func (*PushMessageContentMessageForwards) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentMessageForwards } // A media album type PushMessageContentMediaAlbum struct { meta // Number of messages in the album TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // True, if the album has at least one photo HasPhotos bool `json:"has_photos"` // True, if the album has at least one video HasVideos bool `json:"has_videos"` // True, if the album has at least one audio file HasAudios bool `json:"has_audios"` // True, if the album has at least one document HasDocuments bool `json:"has_documents"` } func (entity *PushMessageContentMediaAlbum) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub PushMessageContentMediaAlbum return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*PushMessageContentMediaAlbum) GetClass() string { return ClassPushMessageContent } func (*PushMessageContentMediaAlbum) GetType() string { return TypePushMessageContentMediaAlbum } func (*PushMessageContentMediaAlbum) PushMessageContentType() string { return TypePushMessageContentMediaAlbum } // New message was received type NotificationTypeNewMessage struct { meta // The message Message *Message `json:"message"` } func (entity *NotificationTypeNewMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationTypeNewMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationTypeNewMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationType } func (*NotificationTypeNewMessage) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewMessage } func (*NotificationTypeNewMessage) NotificationTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewMessage } // New secret chat was created type NotificationTypeNewSecretChat struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationTypeNewSecretChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationTypeNewSecretChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationTypeNewSecretChat) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationType } func (*NotificationTypeNewSecretChat) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewSecretChat } func (*NotificationTypeNewSecretChat) NotificationTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewSecretChat } // New call was received type NotificationTypeNewCall struct { meta // Call identifier CallId int32 `json:"call_id"` } func (entity *NotificationTypeNewCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationTypeNewCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationTypeNewCall) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationType } func (*NotificationTypeNewCall) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewCall } func (*NotificationTypeNewCall) NotificationTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewCall } // New message was received through a push notification type NotificationTypeNewPushMessage struct { meta // The message identifier. The message will not be available in the chat history, but the ID can be used in viewMessages, or as reply_to_message_id MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // Identifier of the sender of the message. Corresponding user or chat may be inaccessible SenderId MessageSender `json:"sender_id"` // Name of the sender SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` // True, if the message is outgoing IsOutgoing bool `json:"is_outgoing"` // Push message content Content PushMessageContent `json:"content"` } func (entity *NotificationTypeNewPushMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationTypeNewPushMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationTypeNewPushMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationType } func (*NotificationTypeNewPushMessage) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewPushMessage } func (*NotificationTypeNewPushMessage) NotificationTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationTypeNewPushMessage } func (notificationTypeNewPushMessage *NotificationTypeNewPushMessage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` SenderId json.RawMessage `json:"sender_id"` SenderName string `json:"sender_name"` IsOutgoing bool `json:"is_outgoing"` Content json.RawMessage `json:"content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } notificationTypeNewPushMessage.MessageId = tmp.MessageId notificationTypeNewPushMessage.SenderName = tmp.SenderName notificationTypeNewPushMessage.IsOutgoing = tmp.IsOutgoing fieldSenderId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.SenderId) notificationTypeNewPushMessage.SenderId = fieldSenderId fieldContent, _ := UnmarshalPushMessageContent(tmp.Content) notificationTypeNewPushMessage.Content = fieldContent return nil } // A group containing notifications of type notificationTypeNewMessage and notificationTypeNewPushMessage with ordinary unread messages type NotificationGroupTypeMessages struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationGroupTypeMessages) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationGroupTypeMessages return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationGroupTypeMessages) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationGroupType } func (*NotificationGroupTypeMessages) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeMessages } func (*NotificationGroupTypeMessages) NotificationGroupTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeMessages } // A group containing notifications of type notificationTypeNewMessage and notificationTypeNewPushMessage with unread mentions of the current user, replies to their messages, or a pinned message type NotificationGroupTypeMentions struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationGroupTypeMentions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationGroupTypeMentions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationGroupTypeMentions) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationGroupType } func (*NotificationGroupTypeMentions) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeMentions } func (*NotificationGroupTypeMentions) NotificationGroupTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeMentions } // A group containing a notification of type notificationTypeNewSecretChat type NotificationGroupTypeSecretChat struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationGroupTypeSecretChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationGroupTypeSecretChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationGroupTypeSecretChat) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationGroupType } func (*NotificationGroupTypeSecretChat) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeSecretChat } func (*NotificationGroupTypeSecretChat) NotificationGroupTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeSecretChat } // A group containing notifications of type notificationTypeNewCall type NotificationGroupTypeCalls struct { meta } func (entity *NotificationGroupTypeCalls) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationGroupTypeCalls return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationGroupTypeCalls) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationGroupType } func (*NotificationGroupTypeCalls) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeCalls } func (*NotificationGroupTypeCalls) NotificationGroupTypeType() string { return TypeNotificationGroupTypeCalls } // Contains information about a notification type Notification struct { meta // Unique persistent identifier of this notification Id int32 `json:"id"` // Notification date Date int32 `json:"date"` // True, if the notification was initially silent IsSilent bool `json:"is_silent"` // Notification type Type NotificationType `json:"type"` } func (entity *Notification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Notification return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Notification) GetClass() string { return ClassNotification } func (*Notification) GetType() string { return TypeNotification } func (notification *Notification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` Date int32 `json:"date"` IsSilent bool `json:"is_silent"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } notification.Id = tmp.Id notification.Date = tmp.Date notification.IsSilent = tmp.IsSilent fieldType, _ := UnmarshalNotificationType(tmp.Type) notification.Type = fieldType return nil } // Describes a group of notifications type NotificationGroup struct { meta // Unique persistent auto-incremented from 1 identifier of the notification group Id int32 `json:"id"` // Type of the group Type NotificationGroupType `json:"type"` // Identifier of a chat to which all notifications in the group belong ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Total number of active notifications in the group TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // The list of active notifications Notifications []*Notification `json:"notifications"` } func (entity *NotificationGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NotificationGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NotificationGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassNotificationGroup } func (*NotificationGroup) GetType() string { return TypeNotificationGroup } func (notificationGroup *NotificationGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` Notifications []*Notification `json:"notifications"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } notificationGroup.Id = tmp.Id notificationGroup.ChatId = tmp.ChatId notificationGroup.TotalCount = tmp.TotalCount notificationGroup.Notifications = tmp.Notifications fieldType, _ := UnmarshalNotificationGroupType(tmp.Type) notificationGroup.Type = fieldType return nil } // Represents a boolean option type OptionValueBoolean struct { meta // The value of the option Value bool `json:"value"` } func (entity *OptionValueBoolean) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub OptionValueBoolean return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*OptionValueBoolean) GetClass() string { return ClassOptionValue } func (*OptionValueBoolean) GetType() string { return TypeOptionValueBoolean } func (*OptionValueBoolean) OptionValueType() string { return TypeOptionValueBoolean } // Represents an unknown option or an option which has a default value type OptionValueEmpty struct { meta } func (entity *OptionValueEmpty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub OptionValueEmpty return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*OptionValueEmpty) GetClass() string { return ClassOptionValue } func (*OptionValueEmpty) GetType() string { return TypeOptionValueEmpty } func (*OptionValueEmpty) OptionValueType() string { return TypeOptionValueEmpty } // Represents an integer option type OptionValueInteger struct { meta // The value of the option Value JsonInt64 `json:"value"` } func (entity *OptionValueInteger) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub OptionValueInteger return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*OptionValueInteger) GetClass() string { return ClassOptionValue } func (*OptionValueInteger) GetType() string { return TypeOptionValueInteger } func (*OptionValueInteger) OptionValueType() string { return TypeOptionValueInteger } // Represents a string option type OptionValueString struct { meta // The value of the option Value string `json:"value"` } func (entity *OptionValueString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub OptionValueString return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*OptionValueString) GetClass() string { return ClassOptionValue } func (*OptionValueString) GetType() string { return TypeOptionValueString } func (*OptionValueString) OptionValueType() string { return TypeOptionValueString } // Represents one member of a JSON object type JsonObjectMember struct { meta // Member's key Key string `json:"key"` // Member's value Value JsonValue `json:"value"` } func (entity *JsonObjectMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub JsonObjectMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*JsonObjectMember) GetClass() string { return ClassJsonObjectMember } func (*JsonObjectMember) GetType() string { return TypeJsonObjectMember } func (jsonObjectMember *JsonObjectMember) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } jsonObjectMember.Key = tmp.Key fieldValue, _ := UnmarshalJsonValue(tmp.Value) jsonObjectMember.Value = fieldValue return nil } // Represents a null JSON value type JsonValueNull struct { meta } func (entity *JsonValueNull) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub JsonValueNull return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*JsonValueNull) GetClass() string { return ClassJsonValue } func (*JsonValueNull) GetType() string { return TypeJsonValueNull } func (*JsonValueNull) JsonValueType() string { return TypeJsonValueNull } // Represents a boolean JSON value type JsonValueBoolean struct { meta // The value Value bool `json:"value"` } func (entity *JsonValueBoolean) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub JsonValueBoolean return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*JsonValueBoolean) GetClass() string { return ClassJsonValue } func (*JsonValueBoolean) GetType() string { return TypeJsonValueBoolean } func (*JsonValueBoolean) JsonValueType() string { return TypeJsonValueBoolean } // Represents a numeric JSON value type JsonValueNumber struct { meta // The value Value float64 `json:"value"` } func (entity *JsonValueNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub JsonValueNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*JsonValueNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassJsonValue } func (*JsonValueNumber) GetType() string { return TypeJsonValueNumber } func (*JsonValueNumber) JsonValueType() string { return TypeJsonValueNumber } // Represents a string JSON value type JsonValueString struct { meta // The value Value string `json:"value"` } func (entity *JsonValueString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub JsonValueString return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*JsonValueString) GetClass() string { return ClassJsonValue } func (*JsonValueString) GetType() string { return TypeJsonValueString } func (*JsonValueString) JsonValueType() string { return TypeJsonValueString } // Represents a JSON array type JsonValueArray struct { meta // The list of array elements Values []JsonValue `json:"values"` } func (entity *JsonValueArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub JsonValueArray return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*JsonValueArray) GetClass() string { return ClassJsonValue } func (*JsonValueArray) GetType() string { return TypeJsonValueArray } func (*JsonValueArray) JsonValueType() string { return TypeJsonValueArray } func (jsonValueArray *JsonValueArray) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Values []json.RawMessage `json:"values"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldValues, _ := UnmarshalListOfJsonValue(tmp.Values) jsonValueArray.Values = fieldValues return nil } // Represents a JSON object type JsonValueObject struct { meta // The list of object members Members []*JsonObjectMember `json:"members"` } func (entity *JsonValueObject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub JsonValueObject return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*JsonValueObject) GetClass() string { return ClassJsonValue } func (*JsonValueObject) GetType() string { return TypeJsonValueObject } func (*JsonValueObject) JsonValueType() string { return TypeJsonValueObject } // A rule to allow all users to do something type UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll } // A rule to allow all of a user's contacts to do something type UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts } // A rule to allow certain specified users to do something type UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers struct { meta // The user identifiers, total number of users in all rules must not exceed 1000 UserIds []int64 `json:"user_ids"` } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers } // A rule to allow all members of certain specified basic groups and supergroups to doing something type UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers struct { meta // The chat identifiers, total number of chats in all rules must not exceed 20 ChatIds []int64 `json:"chat_ids"` } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleAllowChatMembers } // A rule to restrict all users from doing something type UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll } // A rule to restrict all contacts of a user from doing something type UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts } // A rule to restrict all specified users from doing something type UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers struct { meta // The user identifiers, total number of users in all rules must not exceed 1000 UserIds []int64 `json:"user_ids"` } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers } // A rule to restrict all members of specified basic groups and supergroups from doing something type UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers struct { meta // The chat identifiers, total number of chats in all rules must not exceed 20 ChatIds []int64 `json:"chat_ids"` } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRule } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers } func (*UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers) UserPrivacySettingRuleType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictChatMembers } // A list of privacy rules. Rules are matched in the specified order. The first matched rule defines the privacy setting for a given user. If no rule matches, the action is not allowed type UserPrivacySettingRules struct { meta // A list of rules Rules []UserPrivacySettingRule `json:"rules"` } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingRules) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingRules return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingRules) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySettingRules } func (*UserPrivacySettingRules) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingRules } func (userPrivacySettingRules *UserPrivacySettingRules) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Rules []json.RawMessage `json:"rules"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldRules, _ := UnmarshalListOfUserPrivacySettingRule(tmp.Rules) userPrivacySettingRules.Rules = fieldRules return nil } // A privacy setting for managing whether the user's online status is visible type UserPrivacySettingShowStatus struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingShowStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingShowStatus return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowStatus) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowStatus) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowStatus } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowStatus) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowStatus } // A privacy setting for managing whether the user's profile photo is visible type UserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowProfilePhoto } // A privacy setting for managing whether a link to the user's account is included in forwarded messages type UserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages } // A privacy setting for managing whether the user's phone number is visible type UserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber } func (*UserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingShowPhoneNumber } // A privacy setting for managing whether the user can be invited to chats type UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites } // A privacy setting for managing whether the user can be called type UserPrivacySettingAllowCalls struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingAllowCalls) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingAllowCalls return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowCalls) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowCalls) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowCalls } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowCalls) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowCalls } // A privacy setting for managing whether peer-to-peer connections can be used for calls type UserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowPeerToPeerCalls } // A privacy setting for managing whether the user can be found by their phone number. Checked only if the phone number is not known to the other user. Can be set only to "Allow contacts" or "Allow all" type UserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *UserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassUserPrivacySetting } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber } func (*UserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber) UserPrivacySettingType() string { return TypeUserPrivacySettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber } // Contains information about the period of inactivity after which the current user's account will automatically be deleted type AccountTtl struct { meta // Number of days of inactivity before the account will be flagged for deletion; 30-366 days Days int32 `json:"days"` } func (entity *AccountTtl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AccountTtl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AccountTtl) GetClass() string { return ClassAccountTtl } func (*AccountTtl) GetType() string { return TypeAccountTtl } // Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user. Sessions must be shown to the user in the returned order type Session struct { meta // Session identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // True, if this session is the current session IsCurrent bool `json:"is_current"` // True, if a password is needed to complete authorization of the session IsPasswordPending bool `json:"is_password_pending"` // True, if incoming secret chats can be accepted by the session CanAcceptSecretChats bool `json:"can_accept_secret_chats"` // True, if incoming calls can be accepted by the session CanAcceptCalls bool `json:"can_accept_calls"` // Telegram API identifier, as provided by the application ApiId int32 `json:"api_id"` // Name of the application, as provided by the application ApplicationName string `json:"application_name"` // The version of the application, as provided by the application ApplicationVersion string `json:"application_version"` // True, if the application is an official application or uses the api_id of an official application IsOfficialApplication bool `json:"is_official_application"` // Model of the device the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application DeviceModel string `json:"device_model"` // Operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application Platform string `json:"platform"` // Version of the operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application SystemVersion string `json:"system_version"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user has logged in LogInDate int32 `json:"log_in_date"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the session was last used LastActiveDate int32 `json:"last_active_date"` // IP address from which the session was created, in human-readable format Ip string `json:"ip"` // A two-letter country code for the country from which the session was created, based on the IP address Country string `json:"country"` // Region code from which the session was created, based on the IP address Region string `json:"region"` } func (entity *Session) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Session return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Session) GetClass() string { return ClassSession } func (*Session) GetType() string { return TypeSession } // Contains a list of sessions type Sessions struct { meta // List of sessions Sessions []*Session `json:"sessions"` // Number of days of inactivity before sessions will automatically be terminated; 1-366 days InactiveSessionTtlDays int32 `json:"inactive_session_ttl_days"` } func (entity *Sessions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Sessions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Sessions) GetClass() string { return ClassSessions } func (*Sessions) GetType() string { return TypeSessions } // Contains information about one website the current user is logged in with Telegram type ConnectedWebsite struct { meta // Website identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // The domain name of the website DomainName string `json:"domain_name"` // User identifier of a bot linked with the website BotUserId int64 `json:"bot_user_id"` // The version of a browser used to log in Browser string `json:"browser"` // Operating system the browser is running on Platform string `json:"platform"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user was logged in LogInDate int32 `json:"log_in_date"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when obtained authorization was last used LastActiveDate int32 `json:"last_active_date"` // IP address from which the user was logged in, in human-readable format Ip string `json:"ip"` // Human-readable description of a country and a region, from which the user was logged in, based on the IP address Location string `json:"location"` } func (entity *ConnectedWebsite) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ConnectedWebsite return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ConnectedWebsite) GetClass() string { return ClassConnectedWebsite } func (*ConnectedWebsite) GetType() string { return TypeConnectedWebsite } // Contains a list of websites the current user is logged in with Telegram type ConnectedWebsites struct { meta // List of connected websites Websites []*ConnectedWebsite `json:"websites"` } func (entity *ConnectedWebsites) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ConnectedWebsites return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ConnectedWebsites) GetClass() string { return ClassConnectedWebsites } func (*ConnectedWebsites) GetType() string { return TypeConnectedWebsites } // The chat contains spam messages type ChatReportReasonSpam struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonSpam) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonSpam return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonSpam) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonSpam) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonSpam } func (*ChatReportReasonSpam) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonSpam } // The chat promotes violence type ChatReportReasonViolence struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonViolence) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonViolence return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonViolence) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonViolence) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonViolence } func (*ChatReportReasonViolence) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonViolence } // The chat contains pornographic messages type ChatReportReasonPornography struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonPornography) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonPornography return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonPornography) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonPornography) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonPornography } func (*ChatReportReasonPornography) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonPornography } // The chat has child abuse related content type ChatReportReasonChildAbuse struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonChildAbuse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonChildAbuse return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonChildAbuse) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonChildAbuse) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonChildAbuse } func (*ChatReportReasonChildAbuse) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonChildAbuse } // The chat contains copyrighted content type ChatReportReasonCopyright struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonCopyright) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonCopyright return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonCopyright) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonCopyright) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonCopyright } func (*ChatReportReasonCopyright) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonCopyright } // The location-based chat is unrelated to its stated location type ChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation } func (*ChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonUnrelatedLocation } // The chat represents a fake account type ChatReportReasonFake struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonFake) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonFake return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonFake) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonFake) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonFake } func (*ChatReportReasonFake) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonFake } // A custom reason provided by the user type ChatReportReasonCustom struct { meta } func (entity *ChatReportReasonCustom) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatReportReasonCustom return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatReportReasonCustom) GetClass() string { return ClassChatReportReason } func (*ChatReportReasonCustom) GetType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonCustom } func (*ChatReportReasonCustom) ChatReportReasonType() string { return TypeChatReportReasonCustom } // The link is a link to the active sessions section of the app. Use getActiveSessions to handle the link type InternalLinkTypeActiveSessions struct { meta } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeActiveSessions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeActiveSessions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeActiveSessions) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeActiveSessions) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeActiveSessions } func (*InternalLinkTypeActiveSessions) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeActiveSessions } // The link contains an authentication code. Call checkAuthenticationCode with the code if the current authorization state is authorizationStateWaitCode type InternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode struct { meta // The authentication code Code string `json:"code"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode } func (*InternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeAuthenticationCode } // The link is a link to a background. Call searchBackground with the given background name to process the link type InternalLinkTypeBackground struct { meta // Name of the background BackgroundName string `json:"background_name"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeBackground) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeBackground return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeBackground) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeBackground) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeBackground } func (*InternalLinkTypeBackground) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeBackground } // The link is a link to a chat with a Telegram bot. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot, show START button in the chat with the bot, and then call sendBotStartMessage with the given start parameter after the button is pressed type InternalLinkTypeBotStart struct { meta // Username of the bot BotUsername string `json:"bot_username"` // The parameter to be passed to sendBotStartMessage StartParameter string `json:"start_parameter"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeBotStart) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeBotStart return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeBotStart) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeBotStart) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeBotStart } func (*InternalLinkTypeBotStart) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeBotStart } // The link is a link to a Telegram bot, which is supposed to be added to a group chat. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot and can be added to groups, ask the current user to select a group to add the bot to, and then call sendBotStartMessage with the given start parameter and the chosen group chat. Bots can be added to a public group only by administrators of the group type InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup struct { meta // Username of the bot BotUsername string `json:"bot_username"` // The parameter to be passed to sendBotStartMessage StartParameter string `json:"start_parameter"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup } func (*InternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeBotStartInGroup } // The link is a link to the change phone number section of the app type InternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber } func (*InternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeChangePhoneNumber } // The link is a chat invite link. Call checkChatInviteLink with the given invite link to process the link type InternalLinkTypeChatInvite struct { meta // Internal representation of the invite link InviteLink string `json:"invite_link"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeChatInvite) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeChatInvite return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeChatInvite) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeChatInvite) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeChatInvite } func (*InternalLinkTypeChatInvite) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeChatInvite } // The link is a link to the filter settings section of the app type InternalLinkTypeFilterSettings struct { meta } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeFilterSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeFilterSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeFilterSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeFilterSettings) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeFilterSettings } func (*InternalLinkTypeFilterSettings) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeFilterSettings } // The link is a link to a game. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot, ask the current user to select a chat to send the game, and then call sendMessage with inputMessageGame type InternalLinkTypeGame struct { meta // Username of the bot that owns the game BotUsername string `json:"bot_username"` // Short name of the game GameShortName string `json:"game_short_name"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeGame) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeGame return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeGame) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeGame) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeGame } func (*InternalLinkTypeGame) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeGame } // The link is a link to a language pack. Call getLanguagePackInfo with the given language pack identifier to process the link type InternalLinkTypeLanguagePack struct { meta // Language pack identifier LanguagePackId string `json:"language_pack_id"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeLanguagePack) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeLanguagePack return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeLanguagePack) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeLanguagePack) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeLanguagePack } func (*InternalLinkTypeLanguagePack) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeLanguagePack } // The link is a link to a Telegram message. Call getMessageLinkInfo with the given URL to process the link type InternalLinkTypeMessage struct { meta // URL to be passed to getMessageLinkInfo Url string `json:"url"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeMessage) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeMessage } func (*InternalLinkTypeMessage) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeMessage } // The link contains a message draft text. A share screen needs to be shown to the user, then the chosen chat must be opened and the text is added to the input field type InternalLinkTypeMessageDraft struct { meta // Message draft text Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // True, if the first line of the text contains a link. If true, the input field needs to be focused and the text after the link must be selected ContainsLink bool `json:"contains_link"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeMessageDraft) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeMessageDraft return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeMessageDraft) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeMessageDraft) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeMessageDraft } func (*InternalLinkTypeMessageDraft) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeMessageDraft } // The link contains a request of Telegram passport data. Call getPassportAuthorizationForm with the given parameters to process the link if the link was received from outside of the app, otherwise ignore it type InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest struct { meta // User identifier of the service's bot BotUserId int64 `json:"bot_user_id"` // Telegram Passport element types requested by the service Scope string `json:"scope"` // Service's public key PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` // Unique request identifier provided by the service Nonce string `json:"nonce"` // An HTTP URL to open once the request is finished or canceled with the parameter tg_passport=success or tg_passport=cancel respectively. If empty, then the link tgbot{bot_user_id}://passport/success or tgbot{bot_user_id}://passport/cancel needs to be opened instead CallbackUrl string `json:"callback_url"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest } func (*InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest } // The link can be used to confirm ownership of a phone number to prevent account deletion. Call sendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode with the given hash and phone number to process the link type InternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation struct { meta // Hash value from the link Hash string `json:"hash"` // Phone number value from the link PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation } func (*InternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation } // The link is a link to a proxy. Call addProxy with the given parameters to process the link and add the proxy type InternalLinkTypeProxy struct { meta // Proxy server IP address Server string `json:"server"` // Proxy server port Port int32 `json:"port"` // Type of the proxy Type ProxyType `json:"type"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeProxy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeProxy return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeProxy) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeProxy) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeProxy } func (*InternalLinkTypeProxy) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeProxy } func (internalLinkTypeProxy *InternalLinkTypeProxy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Server string `json:"server"` Port int32 `json:"port"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } internalLinkTypeProxy.Server = tmp.Server internalLinkTypeProxy.Port = tmp.Port fieldType, _ := UnmarshalProxyType(tmp.Type) internalLinkTypeProxy.Type = fieldType return nil } // The link is a link to a chat by its username. Call searchPublicChat with the given chat username to process the link type InternalLinkTypePublicChat struct { meta // Username of the chat ChatUsername string `json:"chat_username"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypePublicChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypePublicChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypePublicChat) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypePublicChat) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypePublicChat } func (*InternalLinkTypePublicChat) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypePublicChat } // The link can be used to login the current user on another device, but it must be scanned from QR-code using in-app camera. An alert similar to "This code can be used to allow someone to log in to your Telegram account. To confirm Telegram login, please go to Settings > Devices > Scan QR and scan the code" needs to be shown type InternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication struct { meta } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication } func (*InternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeQrCodeAuthentication } // The link is a link to app settings type InternalLinkTypeSettings struct { meta } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeSettings) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeSettings } func (*InternalLinkTypeSettings) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeSettings } // The link is a link to a sticker set. Call searchStickerSet with the given sticker set name to process the link and show the sticker set type InternalLinkTypeStickerSet struct { meta // Name of the sticker set StickerSetName string `json:"sticker_set_name"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeStickerSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeStickerSet return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeStickerSet) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeStickerSet) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeStickerSet } func (*InternalLinkTypeStickerSet) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeStickerSet } // The link is a link to a theme. TDLib has no theme support yet type InternalLinkTypeTheme struct { meta // Name of the theme ThemeName string `json:"theme_name"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeTheme) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeTheme return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeTheme) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeTheme) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeTheme } func (*InternalLinkTypeTheme) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeTheme } // The link is a link to the theme settings section of the app type InternalLinkTypeThemeSettings struct { meta } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeThemeSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeThemeSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeThemeSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeThemeSettings) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeThemeSettings } func (*InternalLinkTypeThemeSettings) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeThemeSettings } // The link is an unknown tg: link. Call getDeepLinkInfo to process the link type InternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink struct { meta // Link to be passed to getDeepLinkInfo Link string `json:"link"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink } func (*InternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink } // The link is a link to an unsupported proxy. An alert can be shown to the user type InternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy struct { meta } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy } func (*InternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeUnsupportedProxy } // The link is a link to a video chat. Call searchPublicChat with the given chat username, and then joinGoupCall with the given invite hash to process the link type InternalLinkTypeVideoChat struct { meta // Username of the chat with the video chat ChatUsername string `json:"chat_username"` // If non-empty, invite hash to be used to join the video chat without being muted by administrators InviteHash string `json:"invite_hash"` // True, if the video chat is expected to be a live stream in a channel or a broadcast group IsLiveStream bool `json:"is_live_stream"` } func (entity *InternalLinkTypeVideoChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InternalLinkTypeVideoChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InternalLinkTypeVideoChat) GetClass() string { return ClassInternalLinkType } func (*InternalLinkTypeVideoChat) GetType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeVideoChat } func (*InternalLinkTypeVideoChat) InternalLinkTypeType() string { return TypeInternalLinkTypeVideoChat } // Contains an HTTPS link to a message in a supergroup or channel type MessageLink struct { meta // Message link Link string `json:"link"` // True, if the link will work for non-members of the chat IsPublic bool `json:"is_public"` } func (entity *MessageLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageLink return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageLink) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageLink } func (*MessageLink) GetType() string { return TypeMessageLink } // Contains information about a link to a message in a chat type MessageLinkInfo struct { meta // True, if the link is a public link for a message in a chat IsPublic bool `json:"is_public"` // If found, identifier of the chat to which the message belongs, 0 otherwise ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // If found, the linked message; may be null Message *Message `json:"message"` // Timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note playing must start, in seconds; 0 if not specified. The media can be in the message content or in its web page preview MediaTimestamp int32 `json:"media_timestamp"` // True, if the whole media album to which the message belongs is linked ForAlbum bool `json:"for_album"` // True, if the message is linked as a channel post comment or from a message thread ForComment bool `json:"for_comment"` } func (entity *MessageLinkInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageLinkInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageLinkInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageLinkInfo } func (*MessageLinkInfo) GetType() string { return TypeMessageLinkInfo } // Contains a part of a file type FilePart struct { meta // File bytes Data []byte `json:"data"` } func (entity *FilePart) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FilePart return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FilePart) GetClass() string { return ClassFilePart } func (*FilePart) GetType() string { return TypeFilePart } // The data is not a file type FileTypeNone struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeNone) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeNone return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeNone) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeNone) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeNone } func (*FileTypeNone) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeNone } // The file is an animation type FileTypeAnimation struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeAnimation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeAnimation return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeAnimation) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeAnimation) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeAnimation } func (*FileTypeAnimation) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeAnimation } // The file is an audio file type FileTypeAudio struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeAudio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeAudio return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeAudio) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeAudio) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeAudio } func (*FileTypeAudio) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeAudio } // The file is a document type FileTypeDocument struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeDocument return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeDocument) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeDocument) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeDocument } func (*FileTypeDocument) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeDocument } // The file is a photo type FileTypePhoto struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypePhoto } func (*FileTypePhoto) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypePhoto } // The file is a profile photo type FileTypeProfilePhoto struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeProfilePhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeProfilePhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeProfilePhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeProfilePhoto) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeProfilePhoto } func (*FileTypeProfilePhoto) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeProfilePhoto } // The file was sent to a secret chat (the file type is not known to the server) type FileTypeSecret struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeSecret return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeSecret) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeSecret) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeSecret } func (*FileTypeSecret) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeSecret } // The file is a thumbnail of a file from a secret chat type FileTypeSecretThumbnail struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeSecretThumbnail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeSecretThumbnail return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeSecretThumbnail) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeSecretThumbnail) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeSecretThumbnail } func (*FileTypeSecretThumbnail) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeSecretThumbnail } // The file is a file from Secure storage used for storing Telegram Passport files type FileTypeSecure struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeSecure) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeSecure return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeSecure) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeSecure) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeSecure } func (*FileTypeSecure) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeSecure } // The file is a sticker type FileTypeSticker struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeSticker) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeSticker return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeSticker) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeSticker) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeSticker } func (*FileTypeSticker) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeSticker } // The file is a thumbnail of another file type FileTypeThumbnail struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeThumbnail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeThumbnail return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeThumbnail) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeThumbnail) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeThumbnail } func (*FileTypeThumbnail) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeThumbnail } // The file type is not yet known type FileTypeUnknown struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeUnknown) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeUnknown return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeUnknown) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeUnknown) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeUnknown } func (*FileTypeUnknown) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeUnknown } // The file is a video type FileTypeVideo struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeVideo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeVideo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeVideo) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeVideo) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeVideo } func (*FileTypeVideo) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeVideo } // The file is a video note type FileTypeVideoNote struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeVideoNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeVideoNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeVideoNote) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeVideoNote) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeVideoNote } func (*FileTypeVideoNote) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeVideoNote } // The file is a voice note type FileTypeVoiceNote struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeVoiceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeVoiceNote return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeVoiceNote) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeVoiceNote) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeVoiceNote } func (*FileTypeVoiceNote) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeVoiceNote } // The file is a wallpaper or a background pattern type FileTypeWallpaper struct { meta } func (entity *FileTypeWallpaper) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub FileTypeWallpaper return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*FileTypeWallpaper) GetClass() string { return ClassFileType } func (*FileTypeWallpaper) GetType() string { return TypeFileTypeWallpaper } func (*FileTypeWallpaper) FileTypeType() string { return TypeFileTypeWallpaper } // Contains the storage usage statistics for a specific file type type StorageStatisticsByFileType struct { meta // File type FileType FileType `json:"file_type"` // Total size of the files, in bytes Size int64 `json:"size"` // Total number of files Count int32 `json:"count"` } func (entity *StorageStatisticsByFileType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StorageStatisticsByFileType return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StorageStatisticsByFileType) GetClass() string { return ClassStorageStatisticsByFileType } func (*StorageStatisticsByFileType) GetType() string { return TypeStorageStatisticsByFileType } func (storageStatisticsByFileType *StorageStatisticsByFileType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { FileType json.RawMessage `json:"file_type"` Size int64 `json:"size"` Count int32 `json:"count"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } storageStatisticsByFileType.Size = tmp.Size storageStatisticsByFileType.Count = tmp.Count fieldFileType, _ := UnmarshalFileType(tmp.FileType) storageStatisticsByFileType.FileType = fieldFileType return nil } // Contains the storage usage statistics for a specific chat type StorageStatisticsByChat struct { meta // Chat identifier; 0 if none ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Total size of the files in the chat, in bytes Size int64 `json:"size"` // Total number of files in the chat Count int32 `json:"count"` // Statistics split by file types ByFileType []*StorageStatisticsByFileType `json:"by_file_type"` } func (entity *StorageStatisticsByChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StorageStatisticsByChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StorageStatisticsByChat) GetClass() string { return ClassStorageStatisticsByChat } func (*StorageStatisticsByChat) GetType() string { return TypeStorageStatisticsByChat } // Contains the exact storage usage statistics split by chats and file type type StorageStatistics struct { meta // Total size of files, in bytes Size int64 `json:"size"` // Total number of files Count int32 `json:"count"` // Statistics split by chats ByChat []*StorageStatisticsByChat `json:"by_chat"` } func (entity *StorageStatistics) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StorageStatistics return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StorageStatistics) GetClass() string { return ClassStorageStatistics } func (*StorageStatistics) GetType() string { return TypeStorageStatistics } // Contains approximate storage usage statistics, excluding files of unknown file type type StorageStatisticsFast struct { meta // Approximate total size of files, in bytes FilesSize int64 `json:"files_size"` // Approximate number of files FileCount int32 `json:"file_count"` // Size of the database DatabaseSize int64 `json:"database_size"` // Size of the language pack database LanguagePackDatabaseSize int64 `json:"language_pack_database_size"` // Size of the TDLib internal log LogSize int64 `json:"log_size"` } func (entity *StorageStatisticsFast) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StorageStatisticsFast return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StorageStatisticsFast) GetClass() string { return ClassStorageStatisticsFast } func (*StorageStatisticsFast) GetType() string { return TypeStorageStatisticsFast } // Contains database statistics type DatabaseStatistics struct { meta // Database statistics in an unspecified human-readable format Statistics string `json:"statistics"` } func (entity *DatabaseStatistics) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DatabaseStatistics return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DatabaseStatistics) GetClass() string { return ClassDatabaseStatistics } func (*DatabaseStatistics) GetType() string { return TypeDatabaseStatistics } // The network is not available type NetworkTypeNone struct { meta } func (entity *NetworkTypeNone) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkTypeNone return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkTypeNone) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkType } func (*NetworkTypeNone) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeNone } func (*NetworkTypeNone) NetworkTypeType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeNone } // A mobile network type NetworkTypeMobile struct { meta } func (entity *NetworkTypeMobile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkTypeMobile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkTypeMobile) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkType } func (*NetworkTypeMobile) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeMobile } func (*NetworkTypeMobile) NetworkTypeType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeMobile } // A mobile roaming network type NetworkTypeMobileRoaming struct { meta } func (entity *NetworkTypeMobileRoaming) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkTypeMobileRoaming return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkTypeMobileRoaming) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkType } func (*NetworkTypeMobileRoaming) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeMobileRoaming } func (*NetworkTypeMobileRoaming) NetworkTypeType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeMobileRoaming } // A Wi-Fi network type NetworkTypeWiFi struct { meta } func (entity *NetworkTypeWiFi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkTypeWiFi return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkTypeWiFi) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkType } func (*NetworkTypeWiFi) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeWiFi } func (*NetworkTypeWiFi) NetworkTypeType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeWiFi } // A different network type (e.g., Ethernet network) type NetworkTypeOther struct { meta } func (entity *NetworkTypeOther) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkTypeOther return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkTypeOther) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkType } func (*NetworkTypeOther) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeOther } func (*NetworkTypeOther) NetworkTypeType() string { return TypeNetworkTypeOther } // Contains information about the total amount of data that was used to send and receive files type NetworkStatisticsEntryFile struct { meta // Type of the file the data is part of; pass null if the data isn't related to files FileType FileType `json:"file_type"` // Type of the network the data was sent through. Call setNetworkType to maintain the actual network type NetworkType NetworkType `json:"network_type"` // Total number of bytes sent SentBytes int64 `json:"sent_bytes"` // Total number of bytes received ReceivedBytes int64 `json:"received_bytes"` } func (entity *NetworkStatisticsEntryFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkStatisticsEntryFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkStatisticsEntryFile) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkStatisticsEntry } func (*NetworkStatisticsEntryFile) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkStatisticsEntryFile } func (*NetworkStatisticsEntryFile) NetworkStatisticsEntryType() string { return TypeNetworkStatisticsEntryFile } func (networkStatisticsEntryFile *NetworkStatisticsEntryFile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { FileType json.RawMessage `json:"file_type"` NetworkType json.RawMessage `json:"network_type"` SentBytes int64 `json:"sent_bytes"` ReceivedBytes int64 `json:"received_bytes"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } networkStatisticsEntryFile.SentBytes = tmp.SentBytes networkStatisticsEntryFile.ReceivedBytes = tmp.ReceivedBytes fieldFileType, _ := UnmarshalFileType(tmp.FileType) networkStatisticsEntryFile.FileType = fieldFileType fieldNetworkType, _ := UnmarshalNetworkType(tmp.NetworkType) networkStatisticsEntryFile.NetworkType = fieldNetworkType return nil } // Contains information about the total amount of data that was used for calls type NetworkStatisticsEntryCall struct { meta // Type of the network the data was sent through. Call setNetworkType to maintain the actual network type NetworkType NetworkType `json:"network_type"` // Total number of bytes sent SentBytes int64 `json:"sent_bytes"` // Total number of bytes received ReceivedBytes int64 `json:"received_bytes"` // Total call duration, in seconds Duration float64 `json:"duration"` } func (entity *NetworkStatisticsEntryCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkStatisticsEntryCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkStatisticsEntryCall) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkStatisticsEntry } func (*NetworkStatisticsEntryCall) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkStatisticsEntryCall } func (*NetworkStatisticsEntryCall) NetworkStatisticsEntryType() string { return TypeNetworkStatisticsEntryCall } func (networkStatisticsEntryCall *NetworkStatisticsEntryCall) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { NetworkType json.RawMessage `json:"network_type"` SentBytes int64 `json:"sent_bytes"` ReceivedBytes int64 `json:"received_bytes"` Duration float64 `json:"duration"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } networkStatisticsEntryCall.SentBytes = tmp.SentBytes networkStatisticsEntryCall.ReceivedBytes = tmp.ReceivedBytes networkStatisticsEntryCall.Duration = tmp.Duration fieldNetworkType, _ := UnmarshalNetworkType(tmp.NetworkType) networkStatisticsEntryCall.NetworkType = fieldNetworkType return nil } // A full list of available network statistic entries type NetworkStatistics struct { meta // Point in time (Unix timestamp) from which the statistics are collected SinceDate int32 `json:"since_date"` // Network statistics entries Entries []NetworkStatisticsEntry `json:"entries"` } func (entity *NetworkStatistics) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub NetworkStatistics return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*NetworkStatistics) GetClass() string { return ClassNetworkStatistics } func (*NetworkStatistics) GetType() string { return TypeNetworkStatistics } func (networkStatistics *NetworkStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { SinceDate int32 `json:"since_date"` Entries []json.RawMessage `json:"entries"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } networkStatistics.SinceDate = tmp.SinceDate fieldEntries, _ := UnmarshalListOfNetworkStatisticsEntry(tmp.Entries) networkStatistics.Entries = fieldEntries return nil } // Contains auto-download settings type AutoDownloadSettings struct { meta // True, if the auto-download is enabled IsAutoDownloadEnabled bool `json:"is_auto_download_enabled"` // The maximum size of a photo file to be auto-downloaded, in bytes MaxPhotoFileSize int32 `json:"max_photo_file_size"` // The maximum size of a video file to be auto-downloaded, in bytes MaxVideoFileSize int32 `json:"max_video_file_size"` // The maximum size of other file types to be auto-downloaded, in bytes MaxOtherFileSize int32 `json:"max_other_file_size"` // The maximum suggested bitrate for uploaded videos, in kbit/s VideoUploadBitrate int32 `json:"video_upload_bitrate"` // True, if the beginning of video files needs to be preloaded for instant playback PreloadLargeVideos bool `json:"preload_large_videos"` // True, if the next audio track needs to be preloaded while the user is listening to an audio file PreloadNextAudio bool `json:"preload_next_audio"` // True, if "use less data for calls" option needs to be enabled UseLessDataForCalls bool `json:"use_less_data_for_calls"` } func (entity *AutoDownloadSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AutoDownloadSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AutoDownloadSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassAutoDownloadSettings } func (*AutoDownloadSettings) GetType() string { return TypeAutoDownloadSettings } // Contains auto-download settings presets for the current user type AutoDownloadSettingsPresets struct { meta // Preset with lowest settings; supposed to be used by default when roaming Low *AutoDownloadSettings `json:"low"` // Preset with medium settings; supposed to be used by default when using mobile data Medium *AutoDownloadSettings `json:"medium"` // Preset with highest settings; supposed to be used by default when connected on Wi-Fi High *AutoDownloadSettings `json:"high"` } func (entity *AutoDownloadSettingsPresets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub AutoDownloadSettingsPresets return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*AutoDownloadSettingsPresets) GetClass() string { return ClassAutoDownloadSettingsPresets } func (*AutoDownloadSettingsPresets) GetType() string { return TypeAutoDownloadSettingsPresets } // Currently waiting for the network to become available. Use setNetworkType to change the available network type type ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork struct { meta } func (entity *ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork) GetClass() string { return ClassConnectionState } func (*ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork) GetType() string { return TypeConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork } func (*ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork) ConnectionStateType() string { return TypeConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork } // Currently establishing a connection with a proxy server type ConnectionStateConnectingToProxy struct { meta } func (entity *ConnectionStateConnectingToProxy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ConnectionStateConnectingToProxy return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ConnectionStateConnectingToProxy) GetClass() string { return ClassConnectionState } func (*ConnectionStateConnectingToProxy) GetType() string { return TypeConnectionStateConnectingToProxy } func (*ConnectionStateConnectingToProxy) ConnectionStateType() string { return TypeConnectionStateConnectingToProxy } // Currently establishing a connection to the Telegram servers type ConnectionStateConnecting struct { meta } func (entity *ConnectionStateConnecting) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ConnectionStateConnecting return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ConnectionStateConnecting) GetClass() string { return ClassConnectionState } func (*ConnectionStateConnecting) GetType() string { return TypeConnectionStateConnecting } func (*ConnectionStateConnecting) ConnectionStateType() string { return TypeConnectionStateConnecting } // Downloading data received while the application was offline type ConnectionStateUpdating struct { meta } func (entity *ConnectionStateUpdating) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ConnectionStateUpdating return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ConnectionStateUpdating) GetClass() string { return ClassConnectionState } func (*ConnectionStateUpdating) GetType() string { return TypeConnectionStateUpdating } func (*ConnectionStateUpdating) ConnectionStateType() string { return TypeConnectionStateUpdating } // There is a working connection to the Telegram servers type ConnectionStateReady struct { meta } func (entity *ConnectionStateReady) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ConnectionStateReady return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ConnectionStateReady) GetClass() string { return ClassConnectionState } func (*ConnectionStateReady) GetType() string { return TypeConnectionStateReady } func (*ConnectionStateReady) ConnectionStateType() string { return TypeConnectionStateReady } // A category containing frequently used private chats with non-bot users type TopChatCategoryUsers struct { meta } func (entity *TopChatCategoryUsers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TopChatCategoryUsers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TopChatCategoryUsers) GetClass() string { return ClassTopChatCategory } func (*TopChatCategoryUsers) GetType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryUsers } func (*TopChatCategoryUsers) TopChatCategoryType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryUsers } // A category containing frequently used private chats with bot users type TopChatCategoryBots struct { meta } func (entity *TopChatCategoryBots) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TopChatCategoryBots return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TopChatCategoryBots) GetClass() string { return ClassTopChatCategory } func (*TopChatCategoryBots) GetType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryBots } func (*TopChatCategoryBots) TopChatCategoryType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryBots } // A category containing frequently used basic groups and supergroups type TopChatCategoryGroups struct { meta } func (entity *TopChatCategoryGroups) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TopChatCategoryGroups return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TopChatCategoryGroups) GetClass() string { return ClassTopChatCategory } func (*TopChatCategoryGroups) GetType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryGroups } func (*TopChatCategoryGroups) TopChatCategoryType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryGroups } // A category containing frequently used channels type TopChatCategoryChannels struct { meta } func (entity *TopChatCategoryChannels) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TopChatCategoryChannels return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TopChatCategoryChannels) GetClass() string { return ClassTopChatCategory } func (*TopChatCategoryChannels) GetType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryChannels } func (*TopChatCategoryChannels) TopChatCategoryType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryChannels } // A category containing frequently used chats with inline bots sorted by their usage in inline mode type TopChatCategoryInlineBots struct { meta } func (entity *TopChatCategoryInlineBots) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TopChatCategoryInlineBots return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TopChatCategoryInlineBots) GetClass() string { return ClassTopChatCategory } func (*TopChatCategoryInlineBots) GetType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryInlineBots } func (*TopChatCategoryInlineBots) TopChatCategoryType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryInlineBots } // A category containing frequently used chats used for calls type TopChatCategoryCalls struct { meta } func (entity *TopChatCategoryCalls) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TopChatCategoryCalls return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TopChatCategoryCalls) GetClass() string { return ClassTopChatCategory } func (*TopChatCategoryCalls) GetType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryCalls } func (*TopChatCategoryCalls) TopChatCategoryType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryCalls } // A category containing frequently used chats used to forward messages type TopChatCategoryForwardChats struct { meta } func (entity *TopChatCategoryForwardChats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TopChatCategoryForwardChats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TopChatCategoryForwardChats) GetClass() string { return ClassTopChatCategory } func (*TopChatCategoryForwardChats) GetType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryForwardChats } func (*TopChatCategoryForwardChats) TopChatCategoryType() string { return TypeTopChatCategoryForwardChats } // A URL linking to a user type TMeUrlTypeUser struct { meta // Identifier of the user UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *TMeUrlTypeUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TMeUrlTypeUser return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TMeUrlTypeUser) GetClass() string { return ClassTMeUrlType } func (*TMeUrlTypeUser) GetType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeUser } func (*TMeUrlTypeUser) TMeUrlTypeType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeUser } // A URL linking to a public supergroup or channel type TMeUrlTypeSupergroup struct { meta // Identifier of the supergroup or channel SupergroupId int64 `json:"supergroup_id"` } func (entity *TMeUrlTypeSupergroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TMeUrlTypeSupergroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TMeUrlTypeSupergroup) GetClass() string { return ClassTMeUrlType } func (*TMeUrlTypeSupergroup) GetType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeSupergroup } func (*TMeUrlTypeSupergroup) TMeUrlTypeType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeSupergroup } // A chat invite link type TMeUrlTypeChatInvite struct { meta // Chat invite link info Info *ChatInviteLinkInfo `json:"info"` } func (entity *TMeUrlTypeChatInvite) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TMeUrlTypeChatInvite return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TMeUrlTypeChatInvite) GetClass() string { return ClassTMeUrlType } func (*TMeUrlTypeChatInvite) GetType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeChatInvite } func (*TMeUrlTypeChatInvite) TMeUrlTypeType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeChatInvite } // A URL linking to a sticker set type TMeUrlTypeStickerSet struct { meta // Identifier of the sticker set StickerSetId JsonInt64 `json:"sticker_set_id"` } func (entity *TMeUrlTypeStickerSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TMeUrlTypeStickerSet return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TMeUrlTypeStickerSet) GetClass() string { return ClassTMeUrlType } func (*TMeUrlTypeStickerSet) GetType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeStickerSet } func (*TMeUrlTypeStickerSet) TMeUrlTypeType() string { return TypeTMeUrlTypeStickerSet } // Represents a URL linking to an internal Telegram entity type TMeUrl struct { meta // URL Url string `json:"url"` // Type of the URL Type TMeUrlType `json:"type"` } func (entity *TMeUrl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TMeUrl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TMeUrl) GetClass() string { return ClassTMeUrl } func (*TMeUrl) GetType() string { return TypeTMeUrl } func (tMeUrl *TMeUrl) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Url string `json:"url"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } tMeUrl.Url = tmp.Url fieldType, _ := UnmarshalTMeUrlType(tmp.Type) tMeUrl.Type = fieldType return nil } // Contains a list of t.me URLs type TMeUrls struct { meta // List of URLs Urls []*TMeUrl `json:"urls"` } func (entity *TMeUrls) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TMeUrls return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TMeUrls) GetClass() string { return ClassTMeUrls } func (*TMeUrls) GetType() string { return TypeTMeUrls } // Suggests the user to enable "archive_and_mute_new_chats_from_unknown_users" option type SuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats struct { meta } func (entity *SuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats) GetClass() string { return ClassSuggestedAction } func (*SuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats) GetType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats } func (*SuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats) SuggestedActionType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionEnableArchiveAndMuteNewChats } // Suggests the user to check whether they still remember their 2-step verification password type SuggestedActionCheckPassword struct { meta } func (entity *SuggestedActionCheckPassword) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SuggestedActionCheckPassword return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SuggestedActionCheckPassword) GetClass() string { return ClassSuggestedAction } func (*SuggestedActionCheckPassword) GetType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionCheckPassword } func (*SuggestedActionCheckPassword) SuggestedActionType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionCheckPassword } // Suggests the user to check whether authorization phone number is correct and change the phone number if it is inaccessible type SuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber struct { meta } func (entity *SuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber) GetClass() string { return ClassSuggestedAction } func (*SuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber) GetType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber } func (*SuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber) SuggestedActionType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionCheckPhoneNumber } // Suggests the user to view a hint about the meaning of one and two check marks on sent messages type SuggestedActionViewChecksHint struct { meta } func (entity *SuggestedActionViewChecksHint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SuggestedActionViewChecksHint return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SuggestedActionViewChecksHint) GetClass() string { return ClassSuggestedAction } func (*SuggestedActionViewChecksHint) GetType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionViewChecksHint } func (*SuggestedActionViewChecksHint) SuggestedActionType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionViewChecksHint } // Suggests the user to convert specified supergroup to a broadcast group type SuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup struct { meta // Supergroup identifier SupergroupId int64 `json:"supergroup_id"` } func (entity *SuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassSuggestedAction } func (*SuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup) GetType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup } func (*SuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup) SuggestedActionType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionConvertToBroadcastGroup } // Suggests the user to set a 2-step verification password to be able to log in again type SuggestedActionSetPassword struct { meta // The number of days to pass between consecutive authorizations if the user declines to set password AuthorizationDelay int32 `json:"authorization_delay"` } func (entity *SuggestedActionSetPassword) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub SuggestedActionSetPassword return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*SuggestedActionSetPassword) GetClass() string { return ClassSuggestedAction } func (*SuggestedActionSetPassword) GetType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionSetPassword } func (*SuggestedActionSetPassword) SuggestedActionType() string { return TypeSuggestedActionSetPassword } // Contains a counter type Count struct { meta // Count Count int32 `json:"count"` } func (entity *Count) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Count return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Count) GetClass() string { return ClassCount } func (*Count) GetType() string { return TypeCount } // Contains some text type Text struct { meta // Text Text string `json:"text"` } func (entity *Text) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Text return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Text) GetClass() string { return ClassText } func (*Text) GetType() string { return TypeText } // Contains a value representing a number of seconds type Seconds struct { meta // Number of seconds Seconds float64 `json:"seconds"` } func (entity *Seconds) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Seconds return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Seconds) GetClass() string { return ClassSeconds } func (*Seconds) GetType() string { return TypeSeconds } // Contains information about a tg: deep link type DeepLinkInfo struct { meta // Text to be shown to the user Text *FormattedText `json:"text"` // True, if the user must be asked to update the application NeedUpdateApplication bool `json:"need_update_application"` } func (entity *DeepLinkInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DeepLinkInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DeepLinkInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassDeepLinkInfo } func (*DeepLinkInfo) GetType() string { return TypeDeepLinkInfo } // The text uses Markdown-style formatting type TextParseModeMarkdown struct { meta // Version of the parser: 0 or 1 - Telegram Bot API "Markdown" parse mode, 2 - Telegram Bot API "MarkdownV2" parse mode Version int32 `json:"version"` } func (entity *TextParseModeMarkdown) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextParseModeMarkdown return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextParseModeMarkdown) GetClass() string { return ClassTextParseMode } func (*TextParseModeMarkdown) GetType() string { return TypeTextParseModeMarkdown } func (*TextParseModeMarkdown) TextParseModeType() string { return TypeTextParseModeMarkdown } // The text uses HTML-style formatting. The same as Telegram Bot API "HTML" parse mode type TextParseModeHTML struct { meta } func (entity *TextParseModeHTML) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TextParseModeHTML return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TextParseModeHTML) GetClass() string { return ClassTextParseMode } func (*TextParseModeHTML) GetType() string { return TypeTextParseModeHTML } func (*TextParseModeHTML) TextParseModeType() string { return TypeTextParseModeHTML } // A SOCKS5 proxy server type ProxyTypeSocks5 struct { meta // Username for logging in; may be empty Username string `json:"username"` // Password for logging in; may be empty Password string `json:"password"` } func (entity *ProxyTypeSocks5) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ProxyTypeSocks5 return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ProxyTypeSocks5) GetClass() string { return ClassProxyType } func (*ProxyTypeSocks5) GetType() string { return TypeProxyTypeSocks5 } func (*ProxyTypeSocks5) ProxyTypeType() string { return TypeProxyTypeSocks5 } // A HTTP transparent proxy server type ProxyTypeHttp struct { meta // Username for logging in; may be empty Username string `json:"username"` // Password for logging in; may be empty Password string `json:"password"` // Pass true if the proxy supports only HTTP requests and doesn't support transparent TCP connections via HTTP CONNECT method HttpOnly bool `json:"http_only"` } func (entity *ProxyTypeHttp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ProxyTypeHttp return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ProxyTypeHttp) GetClass() string { return ClassProxyType } func (*ProxyTypeHttp) GetType() string { return TypeProxyTypeHttp } func (*ProxyTypeHttp) ProxyTypeType() string { return TypeProxyTypeHttp } // An MTProto proxy server type ProxyTypeMtproto struct { meta // The proxy's secret in hexadecimal encoding Secret string `json:"secret"` } func (entity *ProxyTypeMtproto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ProxyTypeMtproto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ProxyTypeMtproto) GetClass() string { return ClassProxyType } func (*ProxyTypeMtproto) GetType() string { return TypeProxyTypeMtproto } func (*ProxyTypeMtproto) ProxyTypeType() string { return TypeProxyTypeMtproto } // Contains information about a proxy server type Proxy struct { meta // Unique identifier of the proxy Id int32 `json:"id"` // Proxy server IP address Server string `json:"server"` // Proxy server port Port int32 `json:"port"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the proxy was last used; 0 if never LastUsedDate int32 `json:"last_used_date"` // True, if the proxy is enabled now IsEnabled bool `json:"is_enabled"` // Type of the proxy Type ProxyType `json:"type"` } func (entity *Proxy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Proxy return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Proxy) GetClass() string { return ClassProxy } func (*Proxy) GetType() string { return TypeProxy } func (proxy *Proxy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` Server string `json:"server"` Port int32 `json:"port"` LastUsedDate int32 `json:"last_used_date"` IsEnabled bool `json:"is_enabled"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } proxy.Id = tmp.Id proxy.Server = tmp.Server proxy.Port = tmp.Port proxy.LastUsedDate = tmp.LastUsedDate proxy.IsEnabled = tmp.IsEnabled fieldType, _ := UnmarshalProxyType(tmp.Type) proxy.Type = fieldType return nil } // Represents a list of proxy servers type Proxies struct { meta // List of proxy servers Proxies []*Proxy `json:"proxies"` } func (entity *Proxies) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Proxies return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Proxies) GetClass() string { return ClassProxies } func (*Proxies) GetType() string { return TypeProxies } // A static sticker in PNG format, which will be converted to WEBP server-side type InputStickerStatic struct { meta // PNG image with the sticker; must be up to 512 KB in size and fit in a 512x512 square Sticker InputFile `json:"sticker"` // Emojis corresponding to the sticker Emojis string `json:"emojis"` // For masks, position where the mask is placed; pass null if unspecified MaskPosition *MaskPosition `json:"mask_position"` } func (entity *InputStickerStatic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputStickerStatic return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputStickerStatic) GetClass() string { return ClassInputSticker } func (*InputStickerStatic) GetType() string { return TypeInputStickerStatic } func (*InputStickerStatic) InputStickerType() string { return TypeInputStickerStatic } func (inputStickerStatic *InputStickerStatic) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Sticker json.RawMessage `json:"sticker"` Emojis string `json:"emojis"` MaskPosition *MaskPosition `json:"mask_position"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputStickerStatic.Emojis = tmp.Emojis inputStickerStatic.MaskPosition = tmp.MaskPosition fieldSticker, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Sticker) inputStickerStatic.Sticker = fieldSticker return nil } // An animated sticker in TGS format type InputStickerAnimated struct { meta // File with the animated sticker. Only local or uploaded within a week files are supported. See https://core.telegram.org/animated_stickers#technical-requirements for technical requirements Sticker InputFile `json:"sticker"` // Emojis corresponding to the sticker Emojis string `json:"emojis"` } func (entity *InputStickerAnimated) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub InputStickerAnimated return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*InputStickerAnimated) GetClass() string { return ClassInputSticker } func (*InputStickerAnimated) GetType() string { return TypeInputStickerAnimated } func (*InputStickerAnimated) InputStickerType() string { return TypeInputStickerAnimated } func (inputStickerAnimated *InputStickerAnimated) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Sticker json.RawMessage `json:"sticker"` Emojis string `json:"emojis"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } inputStickerAnimated.Emojis = tmp.Emojis fieldSticker, _ := UnmarshalInputFile(tmp.Sticker) inputStickerAnimated.Sticker = fieldSticker return nil } // Represents a date range type DateRange struct { meta // Point in time (Unix timestamp) at which the date range begins StartDate int32 `json:"start_date"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) at which the date range ends EndDate int32 `json:"end_date"` } func (entity *DateRange) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub DateRange return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*DateRange) GetClass() string { return ClassDateRange } func (*DateRange) GetType() string { return TypeDateRange } // A value with information about its recent changes type StatisticalValue struct { meta // The current value Value float64 `json:"value"` // The value for the previous day PreviousValue float64 `json:"previous_value"` // The growth rate of the value, as a percentage GrowthRatePercentage float64 `json:"growth_rate_percentage"` } func (entity *StatisticalValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StatisticalValue return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StatisticalValue) GetClass() string { return ClassStatisticalValue } func (*StatisticalValue) GetType() string { return TypeStatisticalValue } // A graph data type StatisticalGraphData struct { meta // Graph data in JSON format JsonData string `json:"json_data"` // If non-empty, a token which can be used to receive a zoomed in graph ZoomToken string `json:"zoom_token"` } func (entity *StatisticalGraphData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StatisticalGraphData return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StatisticalGraphData) GetClass() string { return ClassStatisticalGraph } func (*StatisticalGraphData) GetType() string { return TypeStatisticalGraphData } func (*StatisticalGraphData) StatisticalGraphType() string { return TypeStatisticalGraphData } // The graph data to be asynchronously loaded through getStatisticalGraph type StatisticalGraphAsync struct { meta // The token to use for data loading Token string `json:"token"` } func (entity *StatisticalGraphAsync) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StatisticalGraphAsync return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StatisticalGraphAsync) GetClass() string { return ClassStatisticalGraph } func (*StatisticalGraphAsync) GetType() string { return TypeStatisticalGraphAsync } func (*StatisticalGraphAsync) StatisticalGraphType() string { return TypeStatisticalGraphAsync } // An error message to be shown to the user instead of the graph type StatisticalGraphError struct { meta // The error message ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message"` } func (entity *StatisticalGraphError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub StatisticalGraphError return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*StatisticalGraphError) GetClass() string { return ClassStatisticalGraph } func (*StatisticalGraphError) GetType() string { return TypeStatisticalGraphError } func (*StatisticalGraphError) StatisticalGraphType() string { return TypeStatisticalGraphError } // Contains statistics about interactions with a message type ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo struct { meta // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // Number of times the message was viewed ViewCount int32 `json:"view_count"` // Number of times the message was forwarded ForwardCount int32 `json:"forward_count"` } func (entity *ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo } func (*ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo } // Contains statistics about messages sent by a user type ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Number of sent messages SentMessageCount int32 `json:"sent_message_count"` // Average number of characters in sent messages; 0 if unknown AverageCharacterCount int32 `json:"average_character_count"` } func (entity *ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo } func (*ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo } // Contains statistics about administrator actions done by a user type ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo struct { meta // Administrator user identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Number of messages deleted by the administrator DeletedMessageCount int32 `json:"deleted_message_count"` // Number of users banned by the administrator BannedUserCount int32 `json:"banned_user_count"` // Number of users restricted by the administrator RestrictedUserCount int32 `json:"restricted_user_count"` } func (entity *ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo } func (*ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo } // Contains statistics about number of new members invited by a user type ChatStatisticsInviterInfo struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // Number of new members invited by the user AddedMemberCount int32 `json:"added_member_count"` } func (entity *ChatStatisticsInviterInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatStatisticsInviterInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatStatisticsInviterInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassChatStatisticsInviterInfo } func (*ChatStatisticsInviterInfo) GetType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsInviterInfo } // A detailed statistics about a supergroup chat type ChatStatisticsSupergroup struct { meta // A period to which the statistics applies Period *DateRange `json:"period"` // Number of members in the chat MemberCount *StatisticalValue `json:"member_count"` // Number of messages sent to the chat MessageCount *StatisticalValue `json:"message_count"` // Number of users who viewed messages in the chat ViewerCount *StatisticalValue `json:"viewer_count"` // Number of users who sent messages to the chat SenderCount *StatisticalValue `json:"sender_count"` // A graph containing number of members in the chat MemberCountGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"member_count_graph"` // A graph containing number of members joined and left the chat JoinGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"join_graph"` // A graph containing number of new member joins per source JoinBySourceGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"join_by_source_graph"` // A graph containing distribution of active users per language LanguageGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"language_graph"` // A graph containing distribution of sent messages by content type MessageContentGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"message_content_graph"` // A graph containing number of different actions in the chat ActionGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"action_graph"` // A graph containing distribution of message views per hour DayGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"day_graph"` // A graph containing distribution of message views per day of week WeekGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"week_graph"` // List of users sent most messages in the last week TopSenders []*ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo `json:"top_senders"` // List of most active administrators in the last week TopAdministrators []*ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo `json:"top_administrators"` // List of most active inviters of new members in the last week TopInviters []*ChatStatisticsInviterInfo `json:"top_inviters"` } func (entity *ChatStatisticsSupergroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatStatisticsSupergroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatStatisticsSupergroup) GetClass() string { return ClassChatStatistics } func (*ChatStatisticsSupergroup) GetType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsSupergroup } func (*ChatStatisticsSupergroup) ChatStatisticsType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsSupergroup } func (chatStatisticsSupergroup *ChatStatisticsSupergroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Period *DateRange `json:"period"` MemberCount *StatisticalValue `json:"member_count"` MessageCount *StatisticalValue `json:"message_count"` ViewerCount *StatisticalValue `json:"viewer_count"` SenderCount *StatisticalValue `json:"sender_count"` MemberCountGraph json.RawMessage `json:"member_count_graph"` JoinGraph json.RawMessage `json:"join_graph"` JoinBySourceGraph json.RawMessage `json:"join_by_source_graph"` LanguageGraph json.RawMessage `json:"language_graph"` MessageContentGraph json.RawMessage `json:"message_content_graph"` ActionGraph json.RawMessage `json:"action_graph"` DayGraph json.RawMessage `json:"day_graph"` WeekGraph json.RawMessage `json:"week_graph"` TopSenders []*ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo `json:"top_senders"` TopAdministrators []*ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo `json:"top_administrators"` TopInviters []*ChatStatisticsInviterInfo `json:"top_inviters"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatStatisticsSupergroup.Period = tmp.Period chatStatisticsSupergroup.MemberCount = tmp.MemberCount chatStatisticsSupergroup.MessageCount = tmp.MessageCount chatStatisticsSupergroup.ViewerCount = tmp.ViewerCount chatStatisticsSupergroup.SenderCount = tmp.SenderCount chatStatisticsSupergroup.TopSenders = tmp.TopSenders chatStatisticsSupergroup.TopAdministrators = tmp.TopAdministrators chatStatisticsSupergroup.TopInviters = tmp.TopInviters fieldMemberCountGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.MemberCountGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.MemberCountGraph = fieldMemberCountGraph fieldJoinGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.JoinGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.JoinGraph = fieldJoinGraph fieldJoinBySourceGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.JoinBySourceGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.JoinBySourceGraph = fieldJoinBySourceGraph fieldLanguageGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.LanguageGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.LanguageGraph = fieldLanguageGraph fieldMessageContentGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.MessageContentGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.MessageContentGraph = fieldMessageContentGraph fieldActionGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.ActionGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.ActionGraph = fieldActionGraph fieldDayGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.DayGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.DayGraph = fieldDayGraph fieldWeekGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.WeekGraph) chatStatisticsSupergroup.WeekGraph = fieldWeekGraph return nil } // A detailed statistics about a channel chat type ChatStatisticsChannel struct { meta // A period to which the statistics applies Period *DateRange `json:"period"` // Number of members in the chat MemberCount *StatisticalValue `json:"member_count"` // Mean number of times the recently sent messages was viewed MeanViewCount *StatisticalValue `json:"mean_view_count"` // Mean number of times the recently sent messages was shared MeanShareCount *StatisticalValue `json:"mean_share_count"` // A percentage of users with enabled notifications for the chat EnabledNotificationsPercentage float64 `json:"enabled_notifications_percentage"` // A graph containing number of members in the chat MemberCountGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"member_count_graph"` // A graph containing number of members joined and left the chat JoinGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"join_graph"` // A graph containing number of members muted and unmuted the chat MuteGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"mute_graph"` // A graph containing number of message views in a given hour in the last two weeks ViewCountByHourGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"view_count_by_hour_graph"` // A graph containing number of message views per source ViewCountBySourceGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"view_count_by_source_graph"` // A graph containing number of new member joins per source JoinBySourceGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"join_by_source_graph"` // A graph containing number of users viewed chat messages per language LanguageGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"language_graph"` // A graph containing number of chat message views and shares MessageInteractionGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"message_interaction_graph"` // A graph containing number of views of associated with the chat instant views InstantViewInteractionGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"instant_view_interaction_graph"` // Detailed statistics about number of views and shares of recently sent messages RecentMessageInteractions []*ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo `json:"recent_message_interactions"` } func (entity *ChatStatisticsChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub ChatStatisticsChannel return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*ChatStatisticsChannel) GetClass() string { return ClassChatStatistics } func (*ChatStatisticsChannel) GetType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsChannel } func (*ChatStatisticsChannel) ChatStatisticsType() string { return TypeChatStatisticsChannel } func (chatStatisticsChannel *ChatStatisticsChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Period *DateRange `json:"period"` MemberCount *StatisticalValue `json:"member_count"` MeanViewCount *StatisticalValue `json:"mean_view_count"` MeanShareCount *StatisticalValue `json:"mean_share_count"` EnabledNotificationsPercentage float64 `json:"enabled_notifications_percentage"` MemberCountGraph json.RawMessage `json:"member_count_graph"` JoinGraph json.RawMessage `json:"join_graph"` MuteGraph json.RawMessage `json:"mute_graph"` ViewCountByHourGraph json.RawMessage `json:"view_count_by_hour_graph"` ViewCountBySourceGraph json.RawMessage `json:"view_count_by_source_graph"` JoinBySourceGraph json.RawMessage `json:"join_by_source_graph"` LanguageGraph json.RawMessage `json:"language_graph"` MessageInteractionGraph json.RawMessage `json:"message_interaction_graph"` InstantViewInteractionGraph json.RawMessage `json:"instant_view_interaction_graph"` RecentMessageInteractions []*ChatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo `json:"recent_message_interactions"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } chatStatisticsChannel.Period = tmp.Period chatStatisticsChannel.MemberCount = tmp.MemberCount chatStatisticsChannel.MeanViewCount = tmp.MeanViewCount chatStatisticsChannel.MeanShareCount = tmp.MeanShareCount chatStatisticsChannel.EnabledNotificationsPercentage = tmp.EnabledNotificationsPercentage chatStatisticsChannel.RecentMessageInteractions = tmp.RecentMessageInteractions fieldMemberCountGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.MemberCountGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.MemberCountGraph = fieldMemberCountGraph fieldJoinGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.JoinGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.JoinGraph = fieldJoinGraph fieldMuteGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.MuteGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.MuteGraph = fieldMuteGraph fieldViewCountByHourGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.ViewCountByHourGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.ViewCountByHourGraph = fieldViewCountByHourGraph fieldViewCountBySourceGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.ViewCountBySourceGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.ViewCountBySourceGraph = fieldViewCountBySourceGraph fieldJoinBySourceGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.JoinBySourceGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.JoinBySourceGraph = fieldJoinBySourceGraph fieldLanguageGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.LanguageGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.LanguageGraph = fieldLanguageGraph fieldMessageInteractionGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.MessageInteractionGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.MessageInteractionGraph = fieldMessageInteractionGraph fieldInstantViewInteractionGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.InstantViewInteractionGraph) chatStatisticsChannel.InstantViewInteractionGraph = fieldInstantViewInteractionGraph return nil } // A detailed statistics about a message type MessageStatistics struct { meta // A graph containing number of message views and shares MessageInteractionGraph StatisticalGraph `json:"message_interaction_graph"` } func (entity *MessageStatistics) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub MessageStatistics return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*MessageStatistics) GetClass() string { return ClassMessageStatistics } func (*MessageStatistics) GetType() string { return TypeMessageStatistics } func (messageStatistics *MessageStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { MessageInteractionGraph json.RawMessage `json:"message_interaction_graph"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldMessageInteractionGraph, _ := UnmarshalStatisticalGraph(tmp.MessageInteractionGraph) messageStatistics.MessageInteractionGraph = fieldMessageInteractionGraph return nil } // A point on a Cartesian plane type Point struct { meta // The point's first coordinate X float64 `json:"x"` // The point's second coordinate Y float64 `json:"y"` } func (entity *Point) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Point return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Point) GetClass() string { return ClassPoint } func (*Point) GetType() string { return TypePoint } // A straight line to a given point type VectorPathCommandLine struct { meta // The end point of the straight line EndPoint *Point `json:"end_point"` } func (entity *VectorPathCommandLine) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub VectorPathCommandLine return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*VectorPathCommandLine) GetClass() string { return ClassVectorPathCommand } func (*VectorPathCommandLine) GetType() string { return TypeVectorPathCommandLine } func (*VectorPathCommandLine) VectorPathCommandType() string { return TypeVectorPathCommandLine } // A cubic Bézier curve to a given point type VectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve struct { meta // The start control point of the curve StartControlPoint *Point `json:"start_control_point"` // The end control point of the curve EndControlPoint *Point `json:"end_control_point"` // The end point of the curve EndPoint *Point `json:"end_point"` } func (entity *VectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub VectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*VectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve) GetClass() string { return ClassVectorPathCommand } func (*VectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve) GetType() string { return TypeVectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve } func (*VectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve) VectorPathCommandType() string { return TypeVectorPathCommandCubicBezierCurve } // A scope covering all users type BotCommandScopeDefault struct { meta } func (entity *BotCommandScopeDefault) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommandScopeDefault return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommandScopeDefault) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommandScope } func (*BotCommandScopeDefault) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeDefault } func (*BotCommandScopeDefault) BotCommandScopeType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeDefault } // A scope covering all private chats type BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats struct { meta } func (entity *BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommandScope } func (*BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats } func (*BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats) BotCommandScopeType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats } // A scope covering all group and supergroup chats type BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats struct { meta } func (entity *BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommandScope } func (*BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeAllGroupChats } func (*BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats) BotCommandScopeType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeAllGroupChats } // A scope covering all group and supergroup chat administrators type BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators struct { meta } func (entity *BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommandScope } func (*BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators } func (*BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators) BotCommandScopeType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators } // A scope covering all members of a chat type BotCommandScopeChat struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` } func (entity *BotCommandScopeChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommandScopeChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommandScopeChat) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommandScope } func (*BotCommandScopeChat) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeChat } func (*BotCommandScopeChat) BotCommandScopeType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeChat } // A scope covering all administrators of a chat type BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` } func (entity *BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommandScope } func (*BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeChatAdministrators } func (*BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators) BotCommandScopeType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeChatAdministrators } // A scope covering a member of a chat type BotCommandScopeChatMember struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` } func (entity *BotCommandScopeChatMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub BotCommandScopeChatMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*BotCommandScopeChatMember) GetClass() string { return ClassBotCommandScope } func (*BotCommandScopeChatMember) GetType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeChatMember } func (*BotCommandScopeChatMember) BotCommandScopeType() string { return TypeBotCommandScopeChatMember } // The user authorization state has changed type UpdateAuthorizationState struct { meta // New authorization state AuthorizationState AuthorizationState `json:"authorization_state"` } func (entity *UpdateAuthorizationState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateAuthorizationState return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateAuthorizationState) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateAuthorizationState) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateAuthorizationState } func (*UpdateAuthorizationState) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateAuthorizationState } func (updateAuthorizationState *UpdateAuthorizationState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { AuthorizationState json.RawMessage `json:"authorization_state"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldAuthorizationState, _ := UnmarshalAuthorizationState(tmp.AuthorizationState) updateAuthorizationState.AuthorizationState = fieldAuthorizationState return nil } // A new message was received; can also be an outgoing message type UpdateNewMessage struct { meta // The new message Message *Message `json:"message"` } func (entity *UpdateNewMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewMessage) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewMessage } func (*UpdateNewMessage) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewMessage } // A request to send a message has reached the Telegram server. This doesn't mean that the message will be sent successfully or even that the send message request will be processed. This update will be sent only if the option "use_quick_ack" is set to true. This update may be sent multiple times for the same message type UpdateMessageSendAcknowledged struct { meta // The chat identifier of the sent message ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // A temporary message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageSendAcknowledged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageSendAcknowledged return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageSendAcknowledged) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageSendAcknowledged) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageSendAcknowledged } func (*UpdateMessageSendAcknowledged) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageSendAcknowledged } // A message has been successfully sent type UpdateMessageSendSucceeded struct { meta // The sent message. Usually only the message identifier, date, and content are changed, but almost all other fields can also change Message *Message `json:"message"` // The previous temporary message identifier OldMessageId int64 `json:"old_message_id"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageSendSucceeded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageSendSucceeded return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageSendSucceeded) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageSendSucceeded) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageSendSucceeded } func (*UpdateMessageSendSucceeded) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageSendSucceeded } // A message failed to send. Be aware that some messages being sent can be irrecoverably deleted, in which case updateDeleteMessages will be received instead of this update type UpdateMessageSendFailed struct { meta // The failed to send message Message *Message `json:"message"` // The previous temporary message identifier OldMessageId int64 `json:"old_message_id"` // An error code ErrorCode int32 `json:"error_code"` // Error message ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageSendFailed) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageSendFailed return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageSendFailed) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageSendFailed) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageSendFailed } func (*UpdateMessageSendFailed) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageSendFailed } // The message content has changed type UpdateMessageContent struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // New message content NewContent MessageContent `json:"new_content"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageContent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageContent return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageContent) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageContent) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageContent } func (*UpdateMessageContent) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageContent } func (updateMessageContent *UpdateMessageContent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` NewContent json.RawMessage `json:"new_content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateMessageContent.ChatId = tmp.ChatId updateMessageContent.MessageId = tmp.MessageId fieldNewContent, _ := UnmarshalMessageContent(tmp.NewContent) updateMessageContent.NewContent = fieldNewContent return nil } // A message was edited. Changes in the message content will come in a separate updateMessageContent type UpdateMessageEdited struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was edited EditDate int32 `json:"edit_date"` // New message reply markup; may be null ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageEdited) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageEdited return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageEdited) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageEdited) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageEdited } func (*UpdateMessageEdited) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageEdited } func (updateMessageEdited *UpdateMessageEdited) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` EditDate int32 `json:"edit_date"` ReplyMarkup json.RawMessage `json:"reply_markup"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateMessageEdited.ChatId = tmp.ChatId updateMessageEdited.MessageId = tmp.MessageId updateMessageEdited.EditDate = tmp.EditDate fieldReplyMarkup, _ := UnmarshalReplyMarkup(tmp.ReplyMarkup) updateMessageEdited.ReplyMarkup = fieldReplyMarkup return nil } // The message pinned state was changed type UpdateMessageIsPinned struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // True, if the message is pinned IsPinned bool `json:"is_pinned"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageIsPinned) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageIsPinned return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageIsPinned) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageIsPinned) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageIsPinned } func (*UpdateMessageIsPinned) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageIsPinned } // The information about interactions with a message has changed type UpdateMessageInteractionInfo struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // New information about interactions with the message; may be null InteractionInfo *MessageInteractionInfo `json:"interaction_info"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageInteractionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageInteractionInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageInteractionInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageInteractionInfo) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageInteractionInfo } func (*UpdateMessageInteractionInfo) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageInteractionInfo } // The message content was opened. Updates voice note messages to "listened", video note messages to "viewed" and starts the TTL timer for self-destructing messages type UpdateMessageContentOpened struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageContentOpened) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageContentOpened return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageContentOpened) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageContentOpened) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageContentOpened } func (*UpdateMessageContentOpened) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageContentOpened } // A message with an unread mention was read type UpdateMessageMentionRead struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // The new number of unread mention messages left in the chat UnreadMentionCount int32 `json:"unread_mention_count"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageMentionRead) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageMentionRead return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageMentionRead) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageMentionRead) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageMentionRead } func (*UpdateMessageMentionRead) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageMentionRead } // A message with a live location was viewed. When the update is received, the application is supposed to update the live location type UpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed struct { meta // Identifier of the chat with the live location message ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Identifier of the message with live location MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` } func (entity *UpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed } func (*UpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateMessageLiveLocationViewed } // A new chat has been loaded/created. This update is guaranteed to come before the chat identifier is returned to the application. The chat field changes will be reported through separate updates type UpdateNewChat struct { meta // The chat Chat *Chat `json:"chat"` } func (entity *UpdateNewChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewChat) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewChat) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewChat } func (*UpdateNewChat) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewChat } // The title of a chat was changed type UpdateChatTitle struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new chat title Title string `json:"title"` } func (entity *UpdateChatTitle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatTitle return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatTitle) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatTitle) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatTitle } func (*UpdateChatTitle) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatTitle } // A chat photo was changed type UpdateChatPhoto struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new chat photo; may be null Photo *ChatPhotoInfo `json:"photo"` } func (entity *UpdateChatPhoto) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatPhoto return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatPhoto) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatPhoto) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPhoto } func (*UpdateChatPhoto) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPhoto } // Chat permissions was changed type UpdateChatPermissions struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new chat permissions Permissions *ChatPermissions `json:"permissions"` } func (entity *UpdateChatPermissions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatPermissions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatPermissions) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatPermissions) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPermissions } func (*UpdateChatPermissions) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPermissions } // The last message of a chat was changed. If last_message is null, then the last message in the chat became unknown. Some new unknown messages might be added to the chat in this case type UpdateChatLastMessage struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new last message in the chat; may be null LastMessage *Message `json:"last_message"` // The new chat positions in the chat lists Positions []*ChatPosition `json:"positions"` } func (entity *UpdateChatLastMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatLastMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatLastMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatLastMessage) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatLastMessage } func (*UpdateChatLastMessage) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatLastMessage } // The position of a chat in a chat list has changed. Instead of this update updateChatLastMessage or updateChatDraftMessage might be sent type UpdateChatPosition struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New chat position. If new order is 0, then the chat needs to be removed from the list Position *ChatPosition `json:"position"` } func (entity *UpdateChatPosition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatPosition return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatPosition) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatPosition) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPosition } func (*UpdateChatPosition) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPosition } // Incoming messages were read or the number of unread messages has been changed type UpdateChatReadInbox struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Identifier of the last read incoming message LastReadInboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_inbox_message_id"` // The number of unread messages left in the chat UnreadCount int32 `json:"unread_count"` } func (entity *UpdateChatReadInbox) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatReadInbox return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatReadInbox) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatReadInbox) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatReadInbox } func (*UpdateChatReadInbox) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatReadInbox } // Outgoing messages were read type UpdateChatReadOutbox struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Identifier of last read outgoing message LastReadOutboxMessageId int64 `json:"last_read_outbox_message_id"` } func (entity *UpdateChatReadOutbox) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatReadOutbox return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatReadOutbox) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatReadOutbox) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatReadOutbox } func (*UpdateChatReadOutbox) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatReadOutbox } // The chat action bar was changed type UpdateChatActionBar struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new value of the action bar; may be null ActionBar ChatActionBar `json:"action_bar"` } func (entity *UpdateChatActionBar) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatActionBar return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatActionBar) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatActionBar) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatActionBar } func (*UpdateChatActionBar) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatActionBar } func (updateChatActionBar *UpdateChatActionBar) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` ActionBar json.RawMessage `json:"action_bar"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateChatActionBar.ChatId = tmp.ChatId fieldActionBar, _ := UnmarshalChatActionBar(tmp.ActionBar) updateChatActionBar.ActionBar = fieldActionBar return nil } // A chat draft has changed. Be aware that the update may come in the currently opened chat but with old content of the draft. If the user has changed the content of the draft, this update mustn't be applied type UpdateChatDraftMessage struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new draft message; may be null DraftMessage *DraftMessage `json:"draft_message"` // The new chat positions in the chat lists Positions []*ChatPosition `json:"positions"` } func (entity *UpdateChatDraftMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatDraftMessage return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatDraftMessage) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatDraftMessage) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatDraftMessage } func (*UpdateChatDraftMessage) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatDraftMessage } // The message sender that is selected to send messages in a chat has changed type UpdateChatMessageSender struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New value of message_sender_id; may be null if the user can't change message sender MessageSenderId MessageSender `json:"message_sender_id"` } func (entity *UpdateChatMessageSender) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatMessageSender return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatMessageSender) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatMessageSender) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatMessageSender } func (*UpdateChatMessageSender) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatMessageSender } func (updateChatMessageSender *UpdateChatMessageSender) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` MessageSenderId json.RawMessage `json:"message_sender_id"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateChatMessageSender.ChatId = tmp.ChatId fieldMessageSenderId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.MessageSenderId) updateChatMessageSender.MessageSenderId = fieldMessageSenderId return nil } // The message Time To Live setting for a chat was changed type UpdateChatMessageTtl struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New value of message_ttl MessageTtl int32 `json:"message_ttl"` } func (entity *UpdateChatMessageTtl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatMessageTtl return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatMessageTtl) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatMessageTtl) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatMessageTtl } func (*UpdateChatMessageTtl) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatMessageTtl } // Notification settings for a chat were changed type UpdateChatNotificationSettings struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new notification settings NotificationSettings *ChatNotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` } func (entity *UpdateChatNotificationSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatNotificationSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatNotificationSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatNotificationSettings) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatNotificationSettings } func (*UpdateChatNotificationSettings) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatNotificationSettings } // The chat pending join requests were changed type UpdateChatPendingJoinRequests struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new data about pending join requests; may be null PendingJoinRequests *ChatJoinRequestsInfo `json:"pending_join_requests"` } func (entity *UpdateChatPendingJoinRequests) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatPendingJoinRequests return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatPendingJoinRequests) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatPendingJoinRequests) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPendingJoinRequests } func (*UpdateChatPendingJoinRequests) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatPendingJoinRequests } // The default chat reply markup was changed. Can occur because new messages with reply markup were received or because an old reply markup was hidden by the user type UpdateChatReplyMarkup struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Identifier of the message from which reply markup needs to be used; 0 if there is no default custom reply markup in the chat ReplyMarkupMessageId int64 `json:"reply_markup_message_id"` } func (entity *UpdateChatReplyMarkup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatReplyMarkup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatReplyMarkup) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatReplyMarkup) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatReplyMarkup } func (*UpdateChatReplyMarkup) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatReplyMarkup } // The chat theme was changed type UpdateChatTheme struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new name of the chat theme; may be empty if theme was reset to default ThemeName string `json:"theme_name"` } func (entity *UpdateChatTheme) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatTheme return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatTheme) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatTheme) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatTheme } func (*UpdateChatTheme) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatTheme } // The chat unread_mention_count has changed type UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The number of unread mention messages left in the chat UnreadMentionCount int32 `json:"unread_mention_count"` } func (entity *UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatUnreadMentionCount } func (*UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatUnreadMentionCount } // A chat video chat state has changed type UpdateChatVideoChat struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New value of video_chat VideoChat *VideoChat `json:"video_chat"` } func (entity *UpdateChatVideoChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatVideoChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatVideoChat) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatVideoChat) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatVideoChat } func (*UpdateChatVideoChat) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatVideoChat } // The value of the default disable_notification parameter, used when a message is sent to the chat, was changed type UpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // The new default_disable_notification value DefaultDisableNotification bool `json:"default_disable_notification"` } func (entity *UpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification } func (*UpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatDefaultDisableNotification } // A chat content was allowed or restricted for saving type UpdateChatHasProtectedContent struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New value of has_protected_content HasProtectedContent bool `json:"has_protected_content"` } func (entity *UpdateChatHasProtectedContent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatHasProtectedContent return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatHasProtectedContent) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatHasProtectedContent) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatHasProtectedContent } func (*UpdateChatHasProtectedContent) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatHasProtectedContent } // A chat's has_scheduled_messages field has changed type UpdateChatHasScheduledMessages struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New value of has_scheduled_messages HasScheduledMessages bool `json:"has_scheduled_messages"` } func (entity *UpdateChatHasScheduledMessages) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatHasScheduledMessages return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatHasScheduledMessages) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatHasScheduledMessages) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatHasScheduledMessages } func (*UpdateChatHasScheduledMessages) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatHasScheduledMessages } // A chat was blocked or unblocked type UpdateChatIsBlocked struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New value of is_blocked IsBlocked bool `json:"is_blocked"` } func (entity *UpdateChatIsBlocked) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatIsBlocked return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatIsBlocked) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatIsBlocked) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatIsBlocked } func (*UpdateChatIsBlocked) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatIsBlocked } // A chat was marked as unread or was read type UpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New value of is_marked_as_unread IsMarkedAsUnread bool `json:"is_marked_as_unread"` } func (entity *UpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread } func (*UpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatIsMarkedAsUnread } // The list of chat filters or a chat filter has changed type UpdateChatFilters struct { meta // The new list of chat filters ChatFilters []*ChatFilterInfo `json:"chat_filters"` } func (entity *UpdateChatFilters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatFilters return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatFilters) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatFilters) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatFilters } func (*UpdateChatFilters) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatFilters } // The number of online group members has changed. This update with non-zero count is sent only for currently opened chats. There is no guarantee that it will be sent just after the count has changed type UpdateChatOnlineMemberCount struct { meta // Identifier of the chat ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // New number of online members in the chat, or 0 if unknown OnlineMemberCount int32 `json:"online_member_count"` } func (entity *UpdateChatOnlineMemberCount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatOnlineMemberCount return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatOnlineMemberCount) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatOnlineMemberCount) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatOnlineMemberCount } func (*UpdateChatOnlineMemberCount) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatOnlineMemberCount } // Notification settings for some type of chats were updated type UpdateScopeNotificationSettings struct { meta // Types of chats for which notification settings were updated Scope NotificationSettingsScope `json:"scope"` // The new notification settings NotificationSettings *ScopeNotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` } func (entity *UpdateScopeNotificationSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateScopeNotificationSettings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateScopeNotificationSettings) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateScopeNotificationSettings) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateScopeNotificationSettings } func (*UpdateScopeNotificationSettings) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateScopeNotificationSettings } func (updateScopeNotificationSettings *UpdateScopeNotificationSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Scope json.RawMessage `json:"scope"` NotificationSettings *ScopeNotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateScopeNotificationSettings.NotificationSettings = tmp.NotificationSettings fieldScope, _ := UnmarshalNotificationSettingsScope(tmp.Scope) updateScopeNotificationSettings.Scope = fieldScope return nil } // A notification was changed type UpdateNotification struct { meta // Unique notification group identifier NotificationGroupId int32 `json:"notification_group_id"` // Changed notification Notification *Notification `json:"notification"` } func (entity *UpdateNotification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNotification return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNotification) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNotification) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNotification } func (*UpdateNotification) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNotification } // A list of active notifications in a notification group has changed type UpdateNotificationGroup struct { meta // Unique notification group identifier NotificationGroupId int32 `json:"notification_group_id"` // New type of the notification group Type NotificationGroupType `json:"type"` // Identifier of a chat to which all notifications in the group belong ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Chat identifier, which notification settings must be applied to the added notifications NotificationSettingsChatId int64 `json:"notification_settings_chat_id"` // True, if the notifications must be shown without sound IsSilent bool `json:"is_silent"` // Total number of unread notifications in the group, can be bigger than number of active notifications TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // List of added group notifications, sorted by notification ID AddedNotifications []*Notification `json:"added_notifications"` // Identifiers of removed group notifications, sorted by notification ID RemovedNotificationIds []int32 `json:"removed_notification_ids"` } func (entity *UpdateNotificationGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNotificationGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNotificationGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNotificationGroup) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNotificationGroup } func (*UpdateNotificationGroup) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNotificationGroup } func (updateNotificationGroup *UpdateNotificationGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { NotificationGroupId int32 `json:"notification_group_id"` Type json.RawMessage `json:"type"` ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` NotificationSettingsChatId int64 `json:"notification_settings_chat_id"` IsSilent bool `json:"is_silent"` TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` AddedNotifications []*Notification `json:"added_notifications"` RemovedNotificationIds []int32 `json:"removed_notification_ids"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateNotificationGroup.NotificationGroupId = tmp.NotificationGroupId updateNotificationGroup.ChatId = tmp.ChatId updateNotificationGroup.NotificationSettingsChatId = tmp.NotificationSettingsChatId updateNotificationGroup.IsSilent = tmp.IsSilent updateNotificationGroup.TotalCount = tmp.TotalCount updateNotificationGroup.AddedNotifications = tmp.AddedNotifications updateNotificationGroup.RemovedNotificationIds = tmp.RemovedNotificationIds fieldType, _ := UnmarshalNotificationGroupType(tmp.Type) updateNotificationGroup.Type = fieldType return nil } // Contains active notifications that was shown on previous application launches. This update is sent only if the message database is used. In that case it comes once before any updateNotification and updateNotificationGroup update type UpdateActiveNotifications struct { meta // Lists of active notification groups Groups []*NotificationGroup `json:"groups"` } func (entity *UpdateActiveNotifications) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateActiveNotifications return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateActiveNotifications) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateActiveNotifications) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateActiveNotifications } func (*UpdateActiveNotifications) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateActiveNotifications } // Describes whether there are some pending notification updates. Can be used to prevent application from killing, while there are some pending notifications type UpdateHavePendingNotifications struct { meta // True, if there are some delayed notification updates, which will be sent soon HaveDelayedNotifications bool `json:"have_delayed_notifications"` // True, if there can be some yet unreceived notifications, which are being fetched from the server HaveUnreceivedNotifications bool `json:"have_unreceived_notifications"` } func (entity *UpdateHavePendingNotifications) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateHavePendingNotifications return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateHavePendingNotifications) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateHavePendingNotifications) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateHavePendingNotifications } func (*UpdateHavePendingNotifications) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateHavePendingNotifications } // Some messages were deleted type UpdateDeleteMessages struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Identifiers of the deleted messages MessageIds []int64 `json:"message_ids"` // True, if the messages are permanently deleted by a user (as opposed to just becoming inaccessible) IsPermanent bool `json:"is_permanent"` // True, if the messages are deleted only from the cache and can possibly be retrieved again in the future FromCache bool `json:"from_cache"` } func (entity *UpdateDeleteMessages) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateDeleteMessages return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateDeleteMessages } func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateDeleteMessages } // A message sender activity in the chat has changed type UpdateChatAction struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // If not 0, a message thread identifier in which the action was performed MessageThreadId int64 `json:"message_thread_id"` // Identifier of a message sender performing the action SenderId MessageSender `json:"sender_id"` // The action Action ChatAction `json:"action"` } func (entity *UpdateChatAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatAction return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatAction) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatAction) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatAction } func (*UpdateChatAction) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatAction } func (updateChatAction *UpdateChatAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` MessageThreadId int64 `json:"message_thread_id"` SenderId json.RawMessage `json:"sender_id"` Action json.RawMessage `json:"action"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateChatAction.ChatId = tmp.ChatId updateChatAction.MessageThreadId = tmp.MessageThreadId fieldSenderId, _ := UnmarshalMessageSender(tmp.SenderId) updateChatAction.SenderId = fieldSenderId fieldAction, _ := UnmarshalChatAction(tmp.Action) updateChatAction.Action = fieldAction return nil } // The user went online or offline type UpdateUserStatus struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // New status of the user Status UserStatus `json:"status"` } func (entity *UpdateUserStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateUserStatus return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateUserStatus) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateUserStatus) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateUserStatus } func (*UpdateUserStatus) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateUserStatus } func (updateUserStatus *UpdateUserStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` Status json.RawMessage `json:"status"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateUserStatus.UserId = tmp.UserId fieldStatus, _ := UnmarshalUserStatus(tmp.Status) updateUserStatus.Status = fieldStatus return nil } // Some data of a user has changed. This update is guaranteed to come before the user identifier is returned to the application type UpdateUser struct { meta // New data about the user User *User `json:"user"` } func (entity *UpdateUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateUser return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateUser) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateUser) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateUser } func (*UpdateUser) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateUser } // Some data of a basic group has changed. This update is guaranteed to come before the basic group identifier is returned to the application type UpdateBasicGroup struct { meta // New data about the group BasicGroup *BasicGroup `json:"basic_group"` } func (entity *UpdateBasicGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateBasicGroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateBasicGroup) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateBasicGroup) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateBasicGroup } func (*UpdateBasicGroup) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateBasicGroup } // Some data of a supergroup or a channel has changed. This update is guaranteed to come before the supergroup identifier is returned to the application type UpdateSupergroup struct { meta // New data about the supergroup Supergroup *Supergroup `json:"supergroup"` } func (entity *UpdateSupergroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateSupergroup return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateSupergroup) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateSupergroup) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateSupergroup } func (*UpdateSupergroup) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateSupergroup } // Some data of a secret chat has changed. This update is guaranteed to come before the secret chat identifier is returned to the application type UpdateSecretChat struct { meta // New data about the secret chat SecretChat *SecretChat `json:"secret_chat"` } func (entity *UpdateSecretChat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateSecretChat return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateSecretChat) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateSecretChat) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateSecretChat } func (*UpdateSecretChat) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateSecretChat } // Some data in userFullInfo has been changed type UpdateUserFullInfo struct { meta // User identifier UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // New full information about the user UserFullInfo *UserFullInfo `json:"user_full_info"` } func (entity *UpdateUserFullInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateUserFullInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateUserFullInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateUserFullInfo) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateUserFullInfo } func (*UpdateUserFullInfo) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateUserFullInfo } // Some data in basicGroupFullInfo has been changed type UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo struct { meta // Identifier of a basic group BasicGroupId int64 `json:"basic_group_id"` // New full information about the group BasicGroupFullInfo *BasicGroupFullInfo `json:"basic_group_full_info"` } func (entity *UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateBasicGroupFullInfo } func (*UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateBasicGroupFullInfo } // Some data in supergroupFullInfo has been changed type UpdateSupergroupFullInfo struct { meta // Identifier of the supergroup or channel SupergroupId int64 `json:"supergroup_id"` // New full information about the supergroup SupergroupFullInfo *SupergroupFullInfo `json:"supergroup_full_info"` } func (entity *UpdateSupergroupFullInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateSupergroupFullInfo return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateSupergroupFullInfo) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateSupergroupFullInfo) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateSupergroupFullInfo } func (*UpdateSupergroupFullInfo) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateSupergroupFullInfo } // A service notification from the server was received. Upon receiving this the application must show a popup with the content of the notification type UpdateServiceNotification struct { meta // Notification type. If type begins with "AUTH_KEY_DROP_", then two buttons "Cancel" and "Log out" must be shown under notification; if user presses the second, all local data must be destroyed using Destroy method Type string `json:"type"` // Notification content Content MessageContent `json:"content"` } func (entity *UpdateServiceNotification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateServiceNotification return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateServiceNotification) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateServiceNotification) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateServiceNotification } func (*UpdateServiceNotification) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateServiceNotification } func (updateServiceNotification *UpdateServiceNotification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Type string `json:"type"` Content json.RawMessage `json:"content"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateServiceNotification.Type = tmp.Type fieldContent, _ := UnmarshalMessageContent(tmp.Content) updateServiceNotification.Content = fieldContent return nil } // Information about a file was updated type UpdateFile struct { meta // New data about the file File *File `json:"file"` } func (entity *UpdateFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateFile) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateFile) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateFile } func (*UpdateFile) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateFile } // The file generation process needs to be started by the application type UpdateFileGenerationStart struct { meta // Unique identifier for the generation process GenerationId JsonInt64 `json:"generation_id"` // The path to a file from which a new file is generated; may be empty OriginalPath string `json:"original_path"` // The path to a file that must be created and where the new file is generated DestinationPath string `json:"destination_path"` // String specifying the conversion applied to the original file. If conversion is "#url#" than original_path contains an HTTP/HTTPS URL of a file, which must be downloaded by the application Conversion string `json:"conversion"` } func (entity *UpdateFileGenerationStart) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateFileGenerationStart return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateFileGenerationStart) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateFileGenerationStart) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateFileGenerationStart } func (*UpdateFileGenerationStart) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateFileGenerationStart } // File generation is no longer needed type UpdateFileGenerationStop struct { meta // Unique identifier for the generation process GenerationId JsonInt64 `json:"generation_id"` } func (entity *UpdateFileGenerationStop) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateFileGenerationStop return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateFileGenerationStop) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateFileGenerationStop) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateFileGenerationStop } func (*UpdateFileGenerationStop) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateFileGenerationStop } // New call was created or information about a call was updated type UpdateCall struct { meta // New data about a call Call *Call `json:"call"` } func (entity *UpdateCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateCall) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateCall) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateCall } func (*UpdateCall) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateCall } // Information about a group call was updated type UpdateGroupCall struct { meta // New data about a group call GroupCall *GroupCall `json:"group_call"` } func (entity *UpdateGroupCall) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateGroupCall return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateGroupCall) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateGroupCall) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateGroupCall } func (*UpdateGroupCall) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateGroupCall } // Information about a group call participant was changed. The updates are sent only after the group call is received through getGroupCall and only if the call is joined or being joined type UpdateGroupCallParticipant struct { meta // Identifier of group call GroupCallId int32 `json:"group_call_id"` // New data about a participant Participant *GroupCallParticipant `json:"participant"` } func (entity *UpdateGroupCallParticipant) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateGroupCallParticipant return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateGroupCallParticipant) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateGroupCallParticipant) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateGroupCallParticipant } func (*UpdateGroupCallParticipant) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateGroupCallParticipant } // New call signaling data arrived type UpdateNewCallSignalingData struct { meta // The call identifier CallId int32 `json:"call_id"` // The data Data []byte `json:"data"` } func (entity *UpdateNewCallSignalingData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewCallSignalingData return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewCallSignalingData) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewCallSignalingData) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCallSignalingData } func (*UpdateNewCallSignalingData) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCallSignalingData } // Some privacy setting rules have been changed type UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules struct { meta // The privacy setting Setting UserPrivacySetting `json:"setting"` // New privacy rules Rules *UserPrivacySettingRules `json:"rules"` } func (entity *UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateUserPrivacySettingRules } func (*UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateUserPrivacySettingRules } func (updateUserPrivacySettingRules *UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Setting json.RawMessage `json:"setting"` Rules *UserPrivacySettingRules `json:"rules"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateUserPrivacySettingRules.Rules = tmp.Rules fieldSetting, _ := UnmarshalUserPrivacySetting(tmp.Setting) updateUserPrivacySettingRules.Setting = fieldSetting return nil } // Number of unread messages in a chat list has changed. This update is sent only if the message database is used type UpdateUnreadMessageCount struct { meta // The chat list with changed number of unread messages ChatList ChatList `json:"chat_list"` // Total number of unread messages UnreadCount int32 `json:"unread_count"` // Total number of unread messages in unmuted chats UnreadUnmutedCount int32 `json:"unread_unmuted_count"` } func (entity *UpdateUnreadMessageCount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateUnreadMessageCount return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateUnreadMessageCount) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateUnreadMessageCount) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateUnreadMessageCount } func (*UpdateUnreadMessageCount) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateUnreadMessageCount } func (updateUnreadMessageCount *UpdateUnreadMessageCount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatList json.RawMessage `json:"chat_list"` UnreadCount int32 `json:"unread_count"` UnreadUnmutedCount int32 `json:"unread_unmuted_count"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateUnreadMessageCount.UnreadCount = tmp.UnreadCount updateUnreadMessageCount.UnreadUnmutedCount = tmp.UnreadUnmutedCount fieldChatList, _ := UnmarshalChatList(tmp.ChatList) updateUnreadMessageCount.ChatList = fieldChatList return nil } // Number of unread chats, i.e. with unread messages or marked as unread, has changed. This update is sent only if the message database is used type UpdateUnreadChatCount struct { meta // The chat list with changed number of unread messages ChatList ChatList `json:"chat_list"` // Approximate total number of chats in the chat list TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` // Total number of unread chats UnreadCount int32 `json:"unread_count"` // Total number of unread unmuted chats UnreadUnmutedCount int32 `json:"unread_unmuted_count"` // Total number of chats marked as unread MarkedAsUnreadCount int32 `json:"marked_as_unread_count"` // Total number of unmuted chats marked as unread MarkedAsUnreadUnmutedCount int32 `json:"marked_as_unread_unmuted_count"` } func (entity *UpdateUnreadChatCount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateUnreadChatCount return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateUnreadChatCount) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateUnreadChatCount) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateUnreadChatCount } func (*UpdateUnreadChatCount) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateUnreadChatCount } func (updateUnreadChatCount *UpdateUnreadChatCount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { ChatList json.RawMessage `json:"chat_list"` TotalCount int32 `json:"total_count"` UnreadCount int32 `json:"unread_count"` UnreadUnmutedCount int32 `json:"unread_unmuted_count"` MarkedAsUnreadCount int32 `json:"marked_as_unread_count"` MarkedAsUnreadUnmutedCount int32 `json:"marked_as_unread_unmuted_count"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateUnreadChatCount.TotalCount = tmp.TotalCount updateUnreadChatCount.UnreadCount = tmp.UnreadCount updateUnreadChatCount.UnreadUnmutedCount = tmp.UnreadUnmutedCount updateUnreadChatCount.MarkedAsUnreadCount = tmp.MarkedAsUnreadCount updateUnreadChatCount.MarkedAsUnreadUnmutedCount = tmp.MarkedAsUnreadUnmutedCount fieldChatList, _ := UnmarshalChatList(tmp.ChatList) updateUnreadChatCount.ChatList = fieldChatList return nil } // An option changed its value type UpdateOption struct { meta // The option name Name string `json:"name"` // The new option value Value OptionValue `json:"value"` } func (entity *UpdateOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateOption return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateOption) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateOption) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateOption } func (*UpdateOption) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateOption } func (updateOption *UpdateOption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Name string `json:"name"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateOption.Name = tmp.Name fieldValue, _ := UnmarshalOptionValue(tmp.Value) updateOption.Value = fieldValue return nil } // A sticker set has changed type UpdateStickerSet struct { meta // The sticker set StickerSet *StickerSet `json:"sticker_set"` } func (entity *UpdateStickerSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateStickerSet return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateStickerSet) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateStickerSet) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateStickerSet } func (*UpdateStickerSet) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateStickerSet } // The list of installed sticker sets was updated type UpdateInstalledStickerSets struct { meta // True, if the list of installed mask sticker sets was updated IsMasks bool `json:"is_masks"` // The new list of installed ordinary sticker sets StickerSetIds []JsonInt64 `json:"sticker_set_ids"` } func (entity *UpdateInstalledStickerSets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateInstalledStickerSets return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateInstalledStickerSets) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateInstalledStickerSets) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateInstalledStickerSets } func (*UpdateInstalledStickerSets) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateInstalledStickerSets } // The list of trending sticker sets was updated or some of them were viewed type UpdateTrendingStickerSets struct { meta // The prefix of the list of trending sticker sets with the newest trending sticker sets StickerSets *StickerSets `json:"sticker_sets"` } func (entity *UpdateTrendingStickerSets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateTrendingStickerSets return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateTrendingStickerSets) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateTrendingStickerSets) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateTrendingStickerSets } func (*UpdateTrendingStickerSets) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateTrendingStickerSets } // The list of recently used stickers was updated type UpdateRecentStickers struct { meta // True, if the list of stickers attached to photo or video files was updated, otherwise the list of sent stickers is updated IsAttached bool `json:"is_attached"` // The new list of file identifiers of recently used stickers StickerIds []int32 `json:"sticker_ids"` } func (entity *UpdateRecentStickers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateRecentStickers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateRecentStickers) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateRecentStickers) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateRecentStickers } func (*UpdateRecentStickers) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateRecentStickers } // The list of favorite stickers was updated type UpdateFavoriteStickers struct { meta // The new list of file identifiers of favorite stickers StickerIds []int32 `json:"sticker_ids"` } func (entity *UpdateFavoriteStickers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateFavoriteStickers return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateFavoriteStickers) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateFavoriteStickers) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateFavoriteStickers } func (*UpdateFavoriteStickers) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateFavoriteStickers } // The list of saved animations was updated type UpdateSavedAnimations struct { meta // The new list of file identifiers of saved animations AnimationIds []int32 `json:"animation_ids"` } func (entity *UpdateSavedAnimations) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateSavedAnimations return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateSavedAnimations) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateSavedAnimations) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateSavedAnimations } func (*UpdateSavedAnimations) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateSavedAnimations } // The selected background has changed type UpdateSelectedBackground struct { meta // True, if background for dark theme has changed ForDarkTheme bool `json:"for_dark_theme"` // The new selected background; may be null Background *Background `json:"background"` } func (entity *UpdateSelectedBackground) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateSelectedBackground return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateSelectedBackground) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateSelectedBackground) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateSelectedBackground } func (*UpdateSelectedBackground) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateSelectedBackground } // The list of available chat themes has changed type UpdateChatThemes struct { meta // The new list of chat themes ChatThemes []*ChatTheme `json:"chat_themes"` } func (entity *UpdateChatThemes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatThemes return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatThemes) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatThemes) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatThemes } func (*UpdateChatThemes) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatThemes } // Some language pack strings have been updated type UpdateLanguagePackStrings struct { meta // Localization target to which the language pack belongs LocalizationTarget string `json:"localization_target"` // Identifier of the updated language pack LanguagePackId string `json:"language_pack_id"` // List of changed language pack strings Strings []*LanguagePackString `json:"strings"` } func (entity *UpdateLanguagePackStrings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateLanguagePackStrings return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateLanguagePackStrings) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateLanguagePackStrings) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateLanguagePackStrings } func (*UpdateLanguagePackStrings) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateLanguagePackStrings } // The connection state has changed. This update must be used only to show a human-readable description of the connection state type UpdateConnectionState struct { meta // The new connection state State ConnectionState `json:"state"` } func (entity *UpdateConnectionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateConnectionState return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateConnectionState) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateConnectionState) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateConnectionState } func (*UpdateConnectionState) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateConnectionState } func (updateConnectionState *UpdateConnectionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { State json.RawMessage `json:"state"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldState, _ := UnmarshalConnectionState(tmp.State) updateConnectionState.State = fieldState return nil } // New terms of service must be accepted by the user. If the terms of service are declined, then the deleteAccount method must be called with the reason "Decline ToS update" type UpdateTermsOfService struct { meta // Identifier of the terms of service TermsOfServiceId string `json:"terms_of_service_id"` // The new terms of service TermsOfService *TermsOfService `json:"terms_of_service"` } func (entity *UpdateTermsOfService) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateTermsOfService return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateTermsOfService) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateTermsOfService) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateTermsOfService } func (*UpdateTermsOfService) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateTermsOfService } // The list of users nearby has changed. The update is guaranteed to be sent only 60 seconds after a successful searchChatsNearby request type UpdateUsersNearby struct { meta // The new list of users nearby UsersNearby []*ChatNearby `json:"users_nearby"` } func (entity *UpdateUsersNearby) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateUsersNearby return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateUsersNearby) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateUsersNearby) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateUsersNearby } func (*UpdateUsersNearby) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateUsersNearby } // The list of supported dice emojis has changed type UpdateDiceEmojis struct { meta // The new list of supported dice emojis Emojis []string `json:"emojis"` } func (entity *UpdateDiceEmojis) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateDiceEmojis return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateDiceEmojis) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateDiceEmojis) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateDiceEmojis } func (*UpdateDiceEmojis) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateDiceEmojis } // Some animated emoji message was clicked and a big animated sticker must be played if the message is visible on the screen. chatActionWatchingAnimations with the text of the message needs to be sent if the sticker is played type UpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Message identifier MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // The animated sticker to be played Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` } func (entity *UpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked } func (*UpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateAnimatedEmojiMessageClicked } // The parameters of animation search through GetOption("animation_search_bot_username") bot has changed type UpdateAnimationSearchParameters struct { meta // Name of the animation search provider Provider string `json:"provider"` // The new list of emojis suggested for searching Emojis []string `json:"emojis"` } func (entity *UpdateAnimationSearchParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateAnimationSearchParameters return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateAnimationSearchParameters) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateAnimationSearchParameters) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateAnimationSearchParameters } func (*UpdateAnimationSearchParameters) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateAnimationSearchParameters } // The list of suggested to the user actions has changed type UpdateSuggestedActions struct { meta // Added suggested actions AddedActions []SuggestedAction `json:"added_actions"` // Removed suggested actions RemovedActions []SuggestedAction `json:"removed_actions"` } func (entity *UpdateSuggestedActions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateSuggestedActions return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateSuggestedActions) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateSuggestedActions) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateSuggestedActions } func (*UpdateSuggestedActions) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateSuggestedActions } func (updateSuggestedActions *UpdateSuggestedActions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { AddedActions []json.RawMessage `json:"added_actions"` RemovedActions []json.RawMessage `json:"removed_actions"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldAddedActions, _ := UnmarshalListOfSuggestedAction(tmp.AddedActions) updateSuggestedActions.AddedActions = fieldAddedActions fieldRemovedActions, _ := UnmarshalListOfSuggestedAction(tmp.RemovedActions) updateSuggestedActions.RemovedActions = fieldRemovedActions return nil } // A new incoming inline query; for bots only type UpdateNewInlineQuery struct { meta // Unique query identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the user who sent the query SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` // User location; may be null UserLocation *Location `json:"user_location"` // The type of the chat, from which the query originated; may be null if unknown ChatType ChatType `json:"chat_type"` // Text of the query Query string `json:"query"` // Offset of the first entry to return Offset string `json:"offset"` } func (entity *UpdateNewInlineQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewInlineQuery return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewInlineQuery) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewInlineQuery) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewInlineQuery } func (*UpdateNewInlineQuery) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewInlineQuery } func (updateNewInlineQuery *UpdateNewInlineQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` UserLocation *Location `json:"user_location"` ChatType json.RawMessage `json:"chat_type"` Query string `json:"query"` Offset string `json:"offset"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateNewInlineQuery.Id = tmp.Id updateNewInlineQuery.SenderUserId = tmp.SenderUserId updateNewInlineQuery.UserLocation = tmp.UserLocation updateNewInlineQuery.Query = tmp.Query updateNewInlineQuery.Offset = tmp.Offset fieldChatType, _ := UnmarshalChatType(tmp.ChatType) updateNewInlineQuery.ChatType = fieldChatType return nil } // The user has chosen a result of an inline query; for bots only type UpdateNewChosenInlineResult struct { meta // Identifier of the user who sent the query SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` // User location; may be null UserLocation *Location `json:"user_location"` // Text of the query Query string `json:"query"` // Identifier of the chosen result ResultId string `json:"result_id"` // Identifier of the sent inline message, if known InlineMessageId string `json:"inline_message_id"` } func (entity *UpdateNewChosenInlineResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewChosenInlineResult return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewChosenInlineResult) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewChosenInlineResult) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewChosenInlineResult } func (*UpdateNewChosenInlineResult) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewChosenInlineResult } // A new incoming callback query; for bots only type UpdateNewCallbackQuery struct { meta // Unique query identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the user who sent the query SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` // Identifier of the chat where the query was sent ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Identifier of the message, from which the query originated MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` // Identifier that uniquely corresponds to the chat to which the message was sent ChatInstance JsonInt64 `json:"chat_instance"` // Query payload Payload CallbackQueryPayload `json:"payload"` } func (entity *UpdateNewCallbackQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewCallbackQuery return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewCallbackQuery) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewCallbackQuery) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCallbackQuery } func (*UpdateNewCallbackQuery) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCallbackQuery } func (updateNewCallbackQuery *UpdateNewCallbackQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` MessageId int64 `json:"message_id"` ChatInstance JsonInt64 `json:"chat_instance"` Payload json.RawMessage `json:"payload"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateNewCallbackQuery.Id = tmp.Id updateNewCallbackQuery.SenderUserId = tmp.SenderUserId updateNewCallbackQuery.ChatId = tmp.ChatId updateNewCallbackQuery.MessageId = tmp.MessageId updateNewCallbackQuery.ChatInstance = tmp.ChatInstance fieldPayload, _ := UnmarshalCallbackQueryPayload(tmp.Payload) updateNewCallbackQuery.Payload = fieldPayload return nil } // A new incoming callback query from a message sent via a bot; for bots only type UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery struct { meta // Unique query identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the user who sent the query SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` // Identifier of the inline message, from which the query originated InlineMessageId string `json:"inline_message_id"` // An identifier uniquely corresponding to the chat a message was sent to ChatInstance JsonInt64 `json:"chat_instance"` // Query payload Payload CallbackQueryPayload `json:"payload"` } func (entity *UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery } func (*UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery } func (updateNewInlineCallbackQuery *UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` InlineMessageId string `json:"inline_message_id"` ChatInstance JsonInt64 `json:"chat_instance"` Payload json.RawMessage `json:"payload"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } updateNewInlineCallbackQuery.Id = tmp.Id updateNewInlineCallbackQuery.SenderUserId = tmp.SenderUserId updateNewInlineCallbackQuery.InlineMessageId = tmp.InlineMessageId updateNewInlineCallbackQuery.ChatInstance = tmp.ChatInstance fieldPayload, _ := UnmarshalCallbackQueryPayload(tmp.Payload) updateNewInlineCallbackQuery.Payload = fieldPayload return nil } // A new incoming shipping query; for bots only. Only for invoices with flexible price type UpdateNewShippingQuery struct { meta // Unique query identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the user who sent the query SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` // Invoice payload InvoicePayload string `json:"invoice_payload"` // User shipping address ShippingAddress *Address `json:"shipping_address"` } func (entity *UpdateNewShippingQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewShippingQuery return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewShippingQuery) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewShippingQuery) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewShippingQuery } func (*UpdateNewShippingQuery) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewShippingQuery } // A new incoming pre-checkout query; for bots only. Contains full information about a checkout type UpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery struct { meta // Unique query identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the user who sent the query SenderUserId int64 `json:"sender_user_id"` // Currency for the product price Currency string `json:"currency"` // Total price for the product, in the smallest units of the currency TotalAmount int64 `json:"total_amount"` // Invoice payload InvoicePayload []byte `json:"invoice_payload"` // Identifier of a shipping option chosen by the user; may be empty if not applicable ShippingOptionId string `json:"shipping_option_id"` // Information about the order; may be null OrderInfo *OrderInfo `json:"order_info"` } func (entity *UpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery } func (*UpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery } // A new incoming event; for bots only type UpdateNewCustomEvent struct { meta // A JSON-serialized event Event string `json:"event"` } func (entity *UpdateNewCustomEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewCustomEvent return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewCustomEvent) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewCustomEvent) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCustomEvent } func (*UpdateNewCustomEvent) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCustomEvent } // A new incoming query; for bots only type UpdateNewCustomQuery struct { meta // The query identifier Id JsonInt64 `json:"id"` // JSON-serialized query data Data string `json:"data"` // Query timeout Timeout int32 `json:"timeout"` } func (entity *UpdateNewCustomQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewCustomQuery return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewCustomQuery) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewCustomQuery) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCustomQuery } func (*UpdateNewCustomQuery) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewCustomQuery } // A poll was updated; for bots only type UpdatePoll struct { meta // New data about the poll Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` } func (entity *UpdatePoll) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdatePoll return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdatePoll) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdatePoll) GetType() string { return TypeUpdatePoll } func (*UpdatePoll) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdatePoll } // A user changed the answer to a poll; for bots only type UpdatePollAnswer struct { meta // Unique poll identifier PollId JsonInt64 `json:"poll_id"` // The user, who changed the answer to the poll UserId int64 `json:"user_id"` // 0-based identifiers of answer options, chosen by the user OptionIds []int32 `json:"option_ids"` } func (entity *UpdatePollAnswer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdatePollAnswer return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdatePollAnswer) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdatePollAnswer) GetType() string { return TypeUpdatePollAnswer } func (*UpdatePollAnswer) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdatePollAnswer } // User rights changed in a chat; for bots only type UpdateChatMember struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Identifier of the user, changing the rights ActorUserId int64 `json:"actor_user_id"` // Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user rights was changed Date int32 `json:"date"` // If user has joined the chat using an invite link, the invite link; may be null InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` // Previous chat member OldChatMember *ChatMember `json:"old_chat_member"` // New chat member NewChatMember *ChatMember `json:"new_chat_member"` } func (entity *UpdateChatMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateChatMember return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateChatMember) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateChatMember) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateChatMember } func (*UpdateChatMember) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateChatMember } // A user sent a join request to a chat; for bots only type UpdateNewChatJoinRequest struct { meta // Chat identifier ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"` // Join request Request *ChatJoinRequest `json:"request"` // The invite link, which was used to send join request; may be null InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"` } func (entity *UpdateNewChatJoinRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub UpdateNewChatJoinRequest return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*UpdateNewChatJoinRequest) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdate } func (*UpdateNewChatJoinRequest) GetType() string { return TypeUpdateNewChatJoinRequest } func (*UpdateNewChatJoinRequest) UpdateType() string { return TypeUpdateNewChatJoinRequest } // Contains a list of updates type Updates struct { meta // List of updates Updates []Update `json:"updates"` } func (entity *Updates) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub Updates return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*Updates) GetClass() string { return ClassUpdates } func (*Updates) GetType() string { return TypeUpdates } func (updates *Updates) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { var tmp struct { Updates []json.RawMessage `json:"updates"` } err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp) if err != nil { return err } fieldUpdates, _ := UnmarshalListOfUpdate(tmp.Updates) updates.Updates = fieldUpdates return nil } // The log is written to stderr or an OS specific log type LogStreamDefault struct { meta } func (entity *LogStreamDefault) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LogStreamDefault return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LogStreamDefault) GetClass() string { return ClassLogStream } func (*LogStreamDefault) GetType() string { return TypeLogStreamDefault } func (*LogStreamDefault) LogStreamType() string { return TypeLogStreamDefault } // The log is written to a file type LogStreamFile struct { meta // Path to the file to where the internal TDLib log will be written Path string `json:"path"` // The maximum size of the file to where the internal TDLib log is written before the file will automatically be rotated, in bytes MaxFileSize int64 `json:"max_file_size"` // Pass true to additionally redirect stderr to the log file. Ignored on Windows RedirectStderr bool `json:"redirect_stderr"` } func (entity *LogStreamFile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LogStreamFile return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LogStreamFile) GetClass() string { return ClassLogStream } func (*LogStreamFile) GetType() string { return TypeLogStreamFile } func (*LogStreamFile) LogStreamType() string { return TypeLogStreamFile } // The log is written nowhere type LogStreamEmpty struct { meta } func (entity *LogStreamEmpty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LogStreamEmpty return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LogStreamEmpty) GetClass() string { return ClassLogStream } func (*LogStreamEmpty) GetType() string { return TypeLogStreamEmpty } func (*LogStreamEmpty) LogStreamType() string { return TypeLogStreamEmpty } // Contains a TDLib internal log verbosity level type LogVerbosityLevel struct { meta // Log verbosity level VerbosityLevel int32 `json:"verbosity_level"` } func (entity *LogVerbosityLevel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LogVerbosityLevel return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LogVerbosityLevel) GetClass() string { return ClassLogVerbosityLevel } func (*LogVerbosityLevel) GetType() string { return TypeLogVerbosityLevel } // Contains a list of available TDLib internal log tags type LogTags struct { meta // List of log tags Tags []string `json:"tags"` } func (entity *LogTags) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub LogTags return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*LogTags) GetClass() string { return ClassLogTags } func (*LogTags) GetType() string { return TypeLogTags } // A simple object containing a number; for testing only type TestInt struct { meta // Number Value int32 `json:"value"` } func (entity *TestInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TestInt return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TestInt) GetClass() string { return ClassTestInt } func (*TestInt) GetType() string { return TypeTestInt } // A simple object containing a string; for testing only type TestString struct { meta // String Value string `json:"value"` } func (entity *TestString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TestString return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TestString) GetClass() string { return ClassTestString } func (*TestString) GetType() string { return TypeTestString } // A simple object containing a sequence of bytes; for testing only type TestBytes struct { meta // Bytes Value []byte `json:"value"` } func (entity *TestBytes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TestBytes return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TestBytes) GetClass() string { return ClassTestBytes } func (*TestBytes) GetType() string { return TypeTestBytes } // A simple object containing a vector of numbers; for testing only type TestVectorInt struct { meta // Vector of numbers Value []int32 `json:"value"` } func (entity *TestVectorInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TestVectorInt return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TestVectorInt) GetClass() string { return ClassTestVectorInt } func (*TestVectorInt) GetType() string { return TypeTestVectorInt } // A simple object containing a vector of objects that hold a number; for testing only type TestVectorIntObject struct { meta // Vector of objects Value []*TestInt `json:"value"` } func (entity *TestVectorIntObject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TestVectorIntObject return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TestVectorIntObject) GetClass() string { return ClassTestVectorIntObject } func (*TestVectorIntObject) GetType() string { return TypeTestVectorIntObject } // A simple object containing a vector of strings; for testing only type TestVectorString struct { meta // Vector of strings Value []string `json:"value"` } func (entity *TestVectorString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TestVectorString return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TestVectorString) GetClass() string { return ClassTestVectorString } func (*TestVectorString) GetType() string { return TypeTestVectorString } // A simple object containing a vector of objects that hold a string; for testing only type TestVectorStringObject struct { meta // Vector of objects Value []*TestString `json:"value"` } func (entity *TestVectorStringObject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { entity.meta.Type = entity.GetType() type stub TestVectorStringObject return json.Marshal((*stub)(entity)) } func (*TestVectorStringObject) GetClass() string { return ClassTestVectorStringObject } func (*TestVectorStringObject) GetType() string { return TypeTestVectorStringObject }