package; import android.util.Log; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import eu.siacs.conversations.Config; import eu.siacs.conversations.R; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Account; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Conversation; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Conversational; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.ReceiptRequest; import eu.siacs.conversations.generator.AbstractGenerator; import eu.siacs.conversations.xml.Namespace; import eu.siacs.conversations.xml.Element; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.OnAdvancedStreamFeaturesLoaded; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.mam.MamReference; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.stanzas.IqPacket; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.stanzas.MessagePacket; import rocks.xmpp.addr.Jid; public class MessageArchiveService implements OnAdvancedStreamFeaturesLoaded { private final XmppConnectionService mXmppConnectionService; private final HashSet queries = new HashSet<>(); private final ArrayList pendingQueries = new ArrayList<>(); public enum Version { MAM_0("urn:xmpp:mam:0", true), MAM_1("urn:xmpp:mam:1", false), MAM_2("urn:xmpp:mam:2", false); public final boolean legacy; public final String namespace; Version(String namespace, boolean legacy) { this.namespace = namespace; this.legacy = legacy; } public static Version get(Account account) { return get(account,null); } public static Version get(Account account, Conversation conversation) { if (conversation == null || conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_SINGLE) { return get(account.getXmppConnection().getFeatures().getAccountFeatures()); } else { return get(conversation.getMucOptions().getFeatures()); } } private static Version get(List features) { final Version[] values = values(); for(int i = values.length -1; i >= 0; --i) { for(String feature : features) { if (values[i].namespace.equals(feature)) { return values[i]; } } } return MAM_0; } public static boolean has(List features) { for(String feature : features) { for(Version version : values()) { if (version.namespace.equals(feature)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static Element findResult(MessagePacket packet) { for(Version version : values()) { Element result = packet.findChild("result", version.namespace); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } }; MessageArchiveService(final XmppConnectionService service) { this.mXmppConnectionService = service; } private void catchup(final Account account) { synchronized (this.queries) { for (Iterator iterator = this.queries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Query query =; if (query.getAccount() == account) { iterator.remove(); } } } MamReference mamReference = MamReference.max( mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.getLastMessageReceived(account), mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.getLastClearDate(account) ); mamReference = MamReference.max(mamReference, mXmppConnectionService.getAutomaticMessageDeletionDate()); long endCatchup = account.getXmppConnection().getLastSessionEstablished(); final Query query; if (mamReference.getTimestamp() == 0) { return; } else if (endCatchup - mamReference.getTimestamp() >= Config.MAM_MAX_CATCHUP) { long startCatchup = endCatchup - Config.MAM_MAX_CATCHUP; List conversations = mXmppConnectionService.getConversations(); for (Conversation conversation : conversations) { if (conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_SINGLE && conversation.getAccount() == account && startCatchup > conversation.getLastMessageTransmitted().getTimestamp()) { this.query(conversation, startCatchup, true); } } query = new Query(account, new MamReference(startCatchup), 0); } else { query = new Query(account, mamReference, 0); } synchronized (this.queries) { this.queries.add(query); } this.execute(query); } void catchupMUC(final Conversation conversation) { if (conversation.getLastMessageTransmitted().getTimestamp() < 0 && conversation.countMessages() == 0) { query(conversation, new MamReference(0), 0, true); } else { query(conversation, conversation.getLastMessageTransmitted(), 0, true); } } public Query query(final Conversation conversation) { if (conversation.getLastMessageTransmitted().getTimestamp() < 0 && conversation.countMessages() == 0) { return query(conversation, new MamReference(0), System.currentTimeMillis(), false); } else { return query(conversation, conversation.getLastMessageTransmitted(), conversation.getAccount().getXmppConnection().getLastSessionEstablished(), false); } } public boolean isCatchingUp(Conversation conversation) { final Account account = conversation.getAccount(); if (account.getXmppConnection().isWaitingForSmCatchup()) { return true; } else { synchronized (this.queries) { for (Query query : this.queries) { if (query.getAccount() == account && query.isCatchup() && ((conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_SINGLE && query.getWith() == null) || query.getConversation() == conversation)) { return true; } } } return false; } } public Query query(final Conversation conversation, long end, boolean allowCatchup) { return this.query(conversation, conversation.getLastMessageTransmitted(), end, allowCatchup); } public Query query(Conversation conversation, MamReference start, long end, boolean allowCatchup) { synchronized (this.queries) { final Query query; final MamReference startActual = MamReference.max(start, mXmppConnectionService.getAutomaticMessageDeletionDate()); if (start.getTimestamp() == 0) { query = new Query(conversation, startActual, end, false); query.reference = conversation.getFirstMamReference(); } else { if (allowCatchup) { MamReference maxCatchup = MamReference.max(startActual, System.currentTimeMillis() - Config.MAM_MAX_CATCHUP); if (maxCatchup.greaterThan(startActual)) { Query reverseCatchup = new Query(conversation, startActual, maxCatchup.getTimestamp(), false); this.queries.add(reverseCatchup); this.execute(reverseCatchup); } query = new Query(conversation, maxCatchup, end, true); } else { query = new Query(conversation, startActual, end, false); } } if (end != 0 && start.greaterThan(end)) { return null; } this.queries.add(query); this.execute(query); return query; } } void executePendingQueries(final Account account) { List pending = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (this.pendingQueries) { for (Iterator iterator = this.pendingQueries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Query query =; if (query.getAccount() == account) { pending.add(query); iterator.remove(); } } } for (Query query : pending) { this.execute(query); } } private void execute(final Query query) { final Account account = query.getAccount(); if (account.getStatus() == Account.State.ONLINE) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid().toString() + ": running mam query " + query.toString()); IqPacket packet = this.mXmppConnectionService.getIqGenerator().queryMessageArchiveManagement(query); this.mXmppConnectionService.sendIqPacket(account, packet, (a, p) -> { Element fin = p.findChild("fin", query.version.namespace); if (p.getType() == IqPacket.TYPE.TIMEOUT) { synchronized (MessageArchiveService.this.queries) { MessageArchiveService.this.queries.remove(query); if (query.hasCallback()) { query.callback(false); } } } else if (p.getType() == IqPacket.TYPE.RESULT && fin != null) { processFin(query, fin); } else if (p.getType() == IqPacket.TYPE.RESULT && query.isLegacy()) { //do nothing } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, a.getJid().asBareJid().toString() + ": error executing mam: " + p.toString()); finalizeQuery(query, true); } }); } else { synchronized (this.pendingQueries) { this.pendingQueries.add(query); } } } private void finalizeQuery(Query query, boolean done) { synchronized (this.queries) { this.queries.remove(query); } final Conversation conversation = query.getConversation(); if (conversation != null) { conversation.sort(); conversation.setHasMessagesLeftOnServer(!done); } else { for (Conversation tmp : this.mXmppConnectionService.getConversations()) { if (tmp.getAccount() == query.getAccount()) { tmp.sort(); } } } if (query.hasCallback()) { query.callback(done); } else { this.mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); } } boolean inCatchup(Account account) { synchronized (this.queries) { for (Query query : queries) { if (query.account == account && query.isCatchup() && query.getWith() == null) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isCatchupInProgress(Conversation conversation) { synchronized (this.queries) { for(Query query : queries) { if (query.account == conversation.getAccount() && query.isCatchup()) { final Jid with = query.getWith() == null ? null : query.getWith().asBareJid(); if ((conversation.getMode() == Conversational.MODE_SINGLE && with == null) || (conversation.getJid().asBareJid().equals(with))) { return true; } } } } return false; } boolean queryInProgress(Conversation conversation, XmppConnectionService.OnMoreMessagesLoaded callback) { synchronized (this.queries) { for (Query query : queries) { if (query.conversation == conversation) { if (!query.hasCallback() && callback != null) { query.setCallback(callback); } return true; } } return false; } } public boolean queryInProgress(Conversation conversation) { return queryInProgress(conversation, null); } public void processFinLegacy(Element fin, Jid from) { Query query = findQuery(fin.getAttribute("queryid")); if (query != null && query.validFrom(from)) { processFin(query, fin); } } private void processFin(Query query, Element fin) { boolean complete = fin.getAttributeAsBoolean("complete"); Element set = fin.findChild("set", ""); Element last = set == null ? null : set.findChild("last"); String count = set == null ? null : set.findChildContent("count"); Element first = set == null ? null : set.findChild("first"); Element relevant = query.getPagingOrder() == PagingOrder.NORMAL ? last : first; boolean abort = (!query.isCatchup() && query.getTotalCount() >= Config.PAGE_SIZE) || query.getTotalCount() >= Config.MAM_MAX_MESSAGES; if (query.getConversation() != null) { query.getConversation().setFirstMamReference(first == null ? null : first.getContent()); } if (complete || relevant == null || abort) { boolean done; if (query.isCatchup()) { done = false; } else { if (count != null) { try { done = Integer.parseInt(count) <= query.getTotalCount(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { done = false; } } else { done = query.getTotalCount() == 0; } } done = done || (query.getActualMessageCount() == 0 && !query.isCatchup()); this.finalizeQuery(query, done); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, query.getAccount().getJid().asBareJid() + ": finished mam after " + query.getTotalCount() + "(" + query.getActualMessageCount() + ") messages. messages left=" + Boolean.toString(!done) + " count=" + count); if (query.isCatchup() && query.getActualMessageCount() > 0) { mXmppConnectionService.getNotificationService().finishBacklog(true, query.getAccount()); } processPostponed(query); } else { final Query nextQuery; if (query.getPagingOrder() == PagingOrder.NORMAL) { nextQuery = == null ? null : last.getContent()); } else { nextQuery = query.prev(first == null ? null : first.getContent()); } this.execute(nextQuery); this.finalizeQuery(query, false); synchronized (this.queries) { this.queries.add(nextQuery); } } } void kill(Conversation conversation) { final ArrayList toBeKilled = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (this.queries) { for (Query q : queries) { if (q.conversation == conversation) { toBeKilled.add(q); } } } for (Query q : toBeKilled) { kill(q); } } private void kill(Query query) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, query.getAccount().getJid().asBareJid() + ": killing mam query prematurely"); query.callback = null; this.finalizeQuery(query, false); if (query.isCatchup() && query.getActualMessageCount() > 0) { mXmppConnectionService.getNotificationService().finishBacklog(true, query.getAccount()); } this.processPostponed(query); } private void processPostponed(Query query) { query.account.getAxolotlService().processPostponed(); query.pendingReceiptRequests.removeAll(query.receiptRequests); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, query.getAccount().getJid().asBareJid() + ": found " + query.pendingReceiptRequests.size() + " pending receipt requests"); Iterator iterator = query.pendingReceiptRequests.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ReceiptRequest rr =; mXmppConnectionService.sendMessagePacket(query.account, mXmppConnectionService.getMessageGenerator().received(query.account, rr.getJid(), rr.getId())); iterator.remove(); } } public Query findQuery(String id) { if (id == null) { return null; } synchronized (this.queries) { for (Query query : this.queries) { if (query.getQueryId().equals(id)) { return query; } } return null; } } @Override public void onAdvancedStreamFeaturesAvailable(Account account) { if (account.getXmppConnection() != null && account.getXmppConnection().getFeatures().mam()) { this.catchup(account); } } public enum PagingOrder { NORMAL, REVERSE } public class Query { private HashSet pendingReceiptRequests = new HashSet<>(); private HashSet receiptRequests = new HashSet<>(); private int totalCount = 0; private int actualCount = 0; private int actualInThisQuery = 0; private long start; private long end; private String queryId; private String reference = null; private Account account; private Conversation conversation; private PagingOrder pagingOrder = PagingOrder.NORMAL; private XmppConnectionService.OnMoreMessagesLoaded callback = null; private boolean catchup = true; public final Version version; Query(Conversation conversation, MamReference start, long end, boolean catchup) { this(conversation.getAccount(), Version.get(conversation.getAccount(), conversation), catchup ? start : start.timeOnly(), end); this.conversation = conversation; this.pagingOrder = catchup ? PagingOrder.NORMAL : PagingOrder.REVERSE; this.catchup = catchup; } Query(Account account, MamReference start, long end) { this(account, Version.get(account), start, end); } Query(Account account, Version version, MamReference start, long end) { this.account = account; if (start.getReference() != null) { this.reference = start.getReference(); } else { this.start = start.getTimestamp(); } this.end = end; this.queryId = new BigInteger(50, mXmppConnectionService.getRNG()).toString(32); this.version = version; } private Query page(String reference) { Query query = new Query(this.account, this.version, new MamReference(this.start, reference), this.end); query.conversation = conversation; query.totalCount = totalCount; query.actualCount = actualCount; query.pendingReceiptRequests = pendingReceiptRequests; query.receiptRequests = receiptRequests; query.callback = callback; query.catchup = catchup; return query; } public void removePendingReceiptRequest(ReceiptRequest receiptRequest) { if (!this.pendingReceiptRequests.remove(receiptRequest)) { this.receiptRequests.add(receiptRequest); } } public void addPendingReceiptRequest(ReceiptRequest receiptRequest) { this.pendingReceiptRequests.add(receiptRequest); } public boolean isLegacy() { return version.legacy; } public boolean safeToExtractTrueCounterpart() { return muc() && !isLegacy(); } public Query next(String reference) { Query query = page(reference); query.pagingOrder = PagingOrder.NORMAL; return query; } Query prev(String reference) { Query query = page(reference); query.pagingOrder = PagingOrder.REVERSE; return query; } public String getReference() { return reference; } public PagingOrder getPagingOrder() { return this.pagingOrder; } public String getQueryId() { return queryId; } public Jid getWith() { return conversation == null ? null : conversation.getJid().asBareJid(); } public boolean muc() { return conversation != null && conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI; } public long getStart() { return start; } public boolean isCatchup() { return catchup; } public void setCallback(XmppConnectionService.OnMoreMessagesLoaded callback) { this.callback = callback; } public void callback(boolean done) { if (this.callback != null) { this.callback.onMoreMessagesLoaded(actualCount, conversation); if (done) { this.callback.informUser(R.string.no_more_history_on_server); } } } public long getEnd() { return end; } public Conversation getConversation() { return conversation; } public Account getAccount() { return this.account; } public void incrementMessageCount() { this.totalCount++; } public void incrementActualMessageCount() { this.actualInThisQuery++; this.actualCount++; } int getTotalCount() { return this.totalCount; } int getActualMessageCount() { return this.actualCount; } public int getActualInThisQuery() { return this.actualInThisQuery; } public boolean validFrom(Jid from) { if (muc()) { return getWith().equals(from); } else { return (from == null) || account.getJid().asBareJid().equals(from.asBareJid()); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (this.muc()) { builder.append("to="); builder.append(this.getWith().toString()); } else { builder.append("with="); if (this.getWith() == null) { builder.append("*"); } else { builder.append(getWith().toString()); } } if (this.start != 0) { builder.append(", start="); builder.append(AbstractGenerator.getTimestamp(this.start)); } if (this.end != 0) { builder.append(", end="); builder.append(AbstractGenerator.getTimestamp(this.end)); } builder.append(", order=").append(pagingOrder.toString()); if (this.reference != null) { if (this.pagingOrder == PagingOrder.NORMAL) { builder.append(", after="); } else { builder.append(", before="); } builder.append(this.reference); } builder.append(", catchup=").append(Boolean.toString(catchup)); builder.append(", ns=").append(version.namespace); return builder.toString(); } boolean hasCallback() { return this.callback != null; } } }