2024-08-18 19:54:18 +02:00

155 lines
3.9 KiB

import Foundation
import GRDB
import Martin
enum MessageType: String, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case chat
case groupchat
case error
enum AttachmentType: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case image
case video
case audio
case file
struct Attachment: Codable & Equatable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
let type: AttachmentType
var localName: String?
var thumbnailName: String?
var remotePath: String?
var localPath: URL? {
guard let attachmentLocalName = localName else { return nil }
return Const.fileFolder.appendingPathComponent(attachmentLocalName)
var thumbnailPath: URL? {
guard let attachmentThumbnailName = thumbnailName else { return nil }
return Const.fileFolder.appendingPathComponent(attachmentThumbnailName)
enum MessageContentType: Codable & Equatable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case text
case typing
case invite
case attachment(Attachment)
var isAttachment: Bool {
if case .attachment = self {
return true
return false
enum MessageStatus: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case pending
case sent
case error
struct Message: DBStorable, Equatable {
static let databaseTableName = "messages"
let id: String
var type: MessageType
var date: Date
var contentType: MessageContentType
var status: MessageStatus
var from: String
var to: String?
var body: String?
var subject: String?
var thread: String?
var oobUrl: String?
extension Message {
func save() async throws {
try await Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
try self.insert(db)
func setStatus(_ status: MessageStatus) async throws {
try await Database.shared.dbQueue.write { db in
var updatedMessage = self
updatedMessage.status = status
try updatedMessage.update(db, columns: ["status"])
static var blank: Message {
id: UUID().uuidString,
type: .chat,
date: Date(),
contentType: .text,
status: .pending,
from: "",
to: nil,
body: nil,
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil
extension Message {
static func map(_ martinMessage: Martin.Message) -> Message? {
// Check that the message type is supported
let chatTypes: [StanzaType] = [.chat, .groupchat]
guard let mType = martinMessage.type, chatTypes.contains(mType) else {
print("Unsupported martinMessage type: \(martinMessage.type?.rawValue ?? "nil")")
return nil
// Type
let type = MessageType(rawValue: martinMessage.type?.rawValue ?? "") ?? .chat
// Content type
var contentType: MessageContentType = .text
if let oob = martinMessage.oob {
contentType = .attachment(.init(
type: oob.attachmentType,
localName: nil,
thumbnailName: nil,
remotePath: oob
} else if martinMessage.hints.contains(.noStore) {
contentType = .typing
// skip for now
return nil
// From/To
let from = martinMessage.from?.bareJid.stringValue ?? ""
let to =
// Msg
let msg = Message(
id: ?? UUID().uuidString,
type: type,
date: Date(),
contentType: contentType,
status: .sent,
from: from,
to: to,
body: martinMessage.body,
subject: martinMessage.subject,
thread: martinMessage.thread,
oobUrl: martinMessage.oob
return msg