This commit is contained in:
fmodf 2024-08-27 15:00:39 +02:00
parent e7d611676c
commit e4e83cbb9e
6 changed files with 250 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -54,8 +54,12 @@ trailing_semicolon:
severity: error
min_length: 3
severity: warning
warninig: 3
error: 0
warninig: 40
error: 80
min_length: 3
@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ identifier_name:
- tz
- to
- db
- _db
# Disable rules from the default enabled set.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Martin
import MartinOMEMO
final class ClientMartinOMEMO {
let credentials: Credentials
init(_ credentials: Credentials) {
self.credentials = credentials
var signal: (SignalStorage, SignalContext) {
let signalStorage = SignalStorage(sessionStore: self, preKeyStore: self, signedPreKeyStore: self, identityKeyStore: self, senderKeyStore: self)
// swiftlint:disable:next force_unwrapping
let signalContext = SignalContext(withStorage: signalStorage)!
signalStorage.setup(withContext: signalContext)
return (signalStorage, signalContext)
extension ClientMartinOMEMO: SignalSessionStoreProtocol, SignalPreKeyStoreProtocol, SignalSignedPreKeyStoreProtocol, SignalIdentityKeyStoreProtocol, SignalSenderKeyStoreProtocol {
func sessionRecord(forAddress address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Data? {
// static let omemoSessionRecordLoad = Query("SELECT key FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId")
// do {
// let data = try { db in
// try Row.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId", arguments: ["account": address.account, "name":, "deviceId": address.deviceId])
// }
// return data?["key"]
// } catch {
// logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// return nil
// }
return nil
func allDevices(for _: String, activeAndTrusted: Bool) -> [Int32] {
print(activeAndTrusted, "allDevices")
return []
func storeSessionRecord(_ data: Data, forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
print(data, forAddress)
return false
func containsSessionRecord(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
return false
func deleteSessionRecord(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
return false
func deleteAllSessions(for _: String) -> Bool {
return false
func currentPreKeyId() -> UInt32 {
func loadPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Data? {
return nil
func storePreKey(_ data: Data, withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
print(data, withId)
return false
func containsPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
return false
func deletePreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
return false
func flushDeletedPreKeys() -> Bool {
func countSignedPreKeys() -> Int {
func loadSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Data? {
return nil
func storeSignedPreKey(_ data: Data, withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
print(data, withId)
return false
func containsSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
return false
func deleteSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool {
return false
func keyPair() -> (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyPairProtocol)? {
func localRegistrationId() -> UInt32 {
func save(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, key: (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyProtocol)?) -> Bool {
print(identity, key)
return false
func isTrusted(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, key: (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyProtocol)?) -> Bool {
print(identity, key)
return false
func save(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, publicKeyData: Data?) -> Bool {
print(identity, publicKeyData)
return false
func isTrusted(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, publicKeyData: Data?) -> Bool {
print(identity, publicKeyData)
return false
func setStatus(_ status: MartinOMEMO.IdentityStatus, forIdentity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
print(status, forIdentity)
return false
func setStatus(active: Bool, forIdentity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool {
print(active, forIdentity)
return false
func identities(forName: String) -> [MartinOMEMO.Identity] {
return []
func identityFingerprint(forAddress address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> String? {
return nil
func storeSenderKey(_ key: Data, address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress?, groupId: String?) -> Bool {
print(key, address, groupId)
return false
func loadSenderKey(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress?, groupId: String?) -> Data? {
print(forAddress, groupId)
return nil

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import Combine
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Martin
import MartinOMEMO
enum ClientState: Equatable {
enum ClientConnectionState {
@ -190,13 +191,17 @@ private extension Client {
client.connectionConfiguration.userJid = .init(credentials.bareJid)
client.connectionConfiguration.credentials = .password(password: credentials.pass)
let omemoManager = ClientMartinOMEMO(credentials)
let (signalStorage, signalContext) = omemoManager.signal
client.modulesManager.register(OMEMOModule(aesGCMEngine: AESGSMEngine.shared, signalContext: signalContext, signalStorage: signalStorage))
// group chats
// client.modulesManager.register(MucModule(roomManager: manager))
// channels
// client.modulesManager.register(MixModule(channelManager: manager))
// add client to clients
return client

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import CryptoKit
import Foundation
import MartinOMEMO
final class AESGSMEngine: AES_GCM_Engine {
static let shared = AESGSMEngine()
private init() {}
func encrypt(iv: Data, key: Data, message: Data, output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Data>?, tag: UnsafeMutablePointer<Data>?) -> Bool {
print(iv, key, message, output, tag)
return false
func decrypt(iv: Data, key: Data, encoded: Data, auth tag: Data?, output: UnsafeMutablePointer<Data>?) -> Bool {
print(iv, key, encoded, tag, output)
return false

View file

@ -59,6 +59,50 @@ extension Database {
migrator.registerMigration("Add OMEMO tables") { db in
try db.create(table: "omemo_sessions", options: [.ifNotExists]) { table in
table.column("account", .text).notNull()
table.column("name", .text).notNull()
table.column("device_id", .integer).notNull()
table.column("key", .text).notNull()
table.primaryKey(["account", "name", "device_id"], onConflict: .replace)
try db.create(table: "omemo_identities", options: [.ifNotExists]) { table in
table.column("account", .text).notNull()
table.column("name", .text).notNull()
table.column("device_id", .integer).notNull()
table.column("fingerprint", .text).notNull()
table.column("key", .blob).notNull()
table.column("own", .integer).notNull()
table.column("status", .integer).notNull()
table.primaryKey(["account", "name", "fingerprint"], onConflict: .ignore)
try db.create(table: "omemo_pre_keys", options: [.ifNotExists]) { table in
table.column("account", .text).notNull()
table.column("id", .integer).notNull()
table.column("key", .blob).notNull()
table.primaryKey(["account", "id"], onConflict: .replace)
try db.create(table: "omemo_signed_pre_keys", options: [.ifNotExists]) { table in
table.column("account", .text).notNull()
table.column("id", .integer).notNull()
table.column("key", .blob).notNull()
table.primaryKey(["account", "id"], onConflict: .replace)
try db.alter(table: "chats") { table in
table.add(column: "encryption", .text)
try db.alter(table: "chat_history") { table in
table.add(column: "encryption", .integer)
table.add(column: "fingerprint", .text)
// return migrator
return migrator

View file

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ targets:
# keychain-access-groups: imt.narayana.ConversationsClassic.ios
- sdk: Security.framework
- sdk: CryptoKit.framework
# - framework: Lib/WebRTC.xcframework
# - target: Engine
- package: SwiftfulRouting