#!/bin/env ruby

require 'xml'

resolutions = {
	'mdpi' => 1,
	'hdpi' => 1.5,
	'xhdpi' => 2,
	'xxhdpi' => 3,
	'xxxhdpi' => 4,

images = {
	'conversations_baloon.svg' => ['ic_launcher', 48],
    'conversations_baloon.svg' => ['main_logo', 200],
	'conversations_mono.svg' => ['ic_notification', 24],
	'ic_received_indicator.svg' => ['ic_received_indicator', 12],
	'ic_send_text_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_text_offline', 36],
	'ic_send_text_offline_white.svg' => ['ic_send_text_offline_white', 36],
	'ic_send_text_online.svg' => ['ic_send_text_online', 36],
	'ic_send_text_away.svg' => ['ic_send_text_away', 36],
	'ic_send_text_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_text_dnd', 36],
	'ic_send_photo_online.svg' => ['ic_send_photo_online', 36],
	'ic_send_photo_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_photo_offline', 36],
	'ic_send_photo_offline_white.svg' => ['ic_send_photo_offline_white', 36],
	'ic_send_photo_away.svg' => ['ic_send_photo_away', 36],
	'ic_send_photo_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_photo_dnd', 36],
	'ic_send_location_online.svg' => ['ic_send_location_online', 36],
	'ic_send_location_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_location_offline', 36],
	'ic_send_location_offline_white.svg' => ['ic_send_location_offline_white', 36],
	'ic_send_location_away.svg' => ['ic_send_location_away', 36],
	'ic_send_location_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_location_dnd', 36],
	'ic_send_voice_online.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_online', 36],
	'ic_send_voice_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_offline', 36],
	'ic_send_voice_offline_white.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_offline_white', 36],
	'ic_send_voice_away.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_away', 36],
	'ic_send_voice_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_dnd', 36],
	'ic_send_cancel_online.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_online', 36],
	'ic_send_cancel_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_offline', 36],
	'ic_send_cancel_offline_white.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_offline_white', 36],
	'ic_send_cancel_away.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_away', 36],
	'ic_send_cancel_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_dnd', 36],
	'ic_send_picture_online.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_online', 36],
	'ic_send_picture_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_offline', 36],
	'ic_send_picture_offline_white.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_offline_white', 36],
	'ic_send_picture_away.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_away', 36],
	'ic_send_picture_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_dnd', 36],
	'ic_notifications_none_white80.svg' => ['ic_notifications_none_white80', 24],
	'ic_notifications_off_white80.svg' => ['ic_notifications_off_white80', 24],
	'ic_notifications_paused_white80.svg' => ['ic_notifications_paused_white80', 24],
	'ic_notifications_white80.svg' => ['ic_notifications_white80', 24],
	'md_switch_thumb_disable.svg' => ['switch_thumb_disable', 48],
	'md_switch_thumb_off_normal.svg' => ['switch_thumb_off_normal', 48],
	'md_switch_thumb_off_pressed.svg' => ['switch_thumb_off_pressed', 48],
	'md_switch_thumb_on_normal.svg' => ['switch_thumb_on_normal', 48],
	'md_switch_thumb_on_pressed.svg' => ['switch_thumb_on_pressed', 48],
	'message_bubble_received.svg' => ['message_bubble_received.9', 0],
	'message_bubble_received_grey.svg' => ['message_bubble_received_grey.9', 0],
	'message_bubble_received_warning.svg' => ['message_bubble_received_warning.9', 0],
	'message_bubble_received_white.svg' => ['message_bubble_received_white.9', 0],
	'message_bubble_sent.svg' => ['message_bubble_sent.9', 0],
	'message_bubble_sent_grey.svg' => ['message_bubble_sent_grey.9', 0],

# Executable paths for Mac OSX
# "/Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape"

inkscape = "inkscape"
imagemagick = "convert"

def execute_cmd(cmd)
	puts cmd
	system cmd

images.each do |source_filename, settings|
	svg_content = File.read(source_filename)

	svg = XML::Document.string(svg_content)
	base_width = svg.root["width"].to_i
	base_height = svg.root["height"].to_i

	guides = svg.find(".//sodipodi:guide")

	resolutions.each do |resolution, factor|
		output_filename, base_size = settings

		if base_size > 0
			width = factor * base_size
			height = factor * base_size
			width = factor * base_width
			height = factor * base_height

		path = "../src/main/res/drawable-#{resolution}/#{output_filename}.png"
		execute_cmd "#{inkscape} -f #{source_filename} -z -C -w #{width} -h #{height} -e #{path}"

		top = []
		right = []
		bottom = []
		left = []

		guides.each do |guide|
			orientation = guide["orientation"]
			x, y = guide["position"].split(",")
			x, y = x.to_i, y.to_i

			if orientation == "1,0" and y == base_height
				top.push(x * factor)

			if orientation == "0,1" and x == base_width
				right.push((base_height - y) * factor)

			if orientation == "1,0" and y == 0
				bottom.push(x * factor)

			if orientation == "0,1" and x == 0
				left.push((base_height - y) * factor)

		next if top.length != 2
		next if right.length != 2
		next if bottom.length != 2
		next if left.length != 2

		execute_cmd "#{imagemagick} -background none PNG32:#{path} -gravity center -extent #{width+2}x#{height+2} PNG32:#{path}"

		draw_format = "-draw \"rectangle %d,%d %d,%d\""
		top_line = draw_format % [top.min + 1, 0, top.max, 0]
		right_line = draw_format % [width + 1, right.min + 1, width + 1, right.max]
		bottom_line = draw_format % [bottom.min + 1, height + 1, bottom.max, height + 1]
		left_line = draw_format % [0, left.min + 1, 0, left.max]
		draws = "#{top_line} #{right_line} #{bottom_line} #{left_line}"

		execute_cmd "#{imagemagick} -background none PNG32:#{path} -fill black -stroke none #{draws} PNG32:#{path}"