import Foundation import GRDB import Martin import MartinOMEMO final class ClientMartinOMEMO { let credentials: Credentials init(_ credentials: Credentials) { self.credentials = credentials } var signal: (SignalStorage, SignalContext) { let signalStorage = SignalStorage(sessionStore: self, preKeyStore: self, signedPreKeyStore: self, identityKeyStore: self, senderKeyStore: self) // swiftlint:disable:next force_unwrapping let signalContext = SignalContext(withStorage: signalStorage)! signalStorage.setup(withContext: signalContext) return (signalStorage, signalContext) } } extension ClientMartinOMEMO: SignalSessionStoreProtocol, SignalPreKeyStoreProtocol, SignalSignedPreKeyStoreProtocol, SignalIdentityKeyStoreProtocol, SignalSenderKeyStoreProtocol { func sessionRecord(forAddress address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Data? { // static let omemoSessionRecordLoad = Query("SELECT key FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId") // do { // let data = try { db in // // try Row.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT key FROM omemo_sessions WHERE account = :account AND name = :name AND device_id = :deviceId", arguments: ["account": address.account, "name":, "deviceId": address.deviceId]) // } // return data?["key"] // } catch { // logIt(.error, "Error fetching chats: \(error.localizedDescription)") // return nil // } print(address) return nil } func allDevices(for _: String, activeAndTrusted: Bool) -> [Int32] { print(activeAndTrusted, "allDevices") return [] } func storeSessionRecord(_ data: Data, forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool { print(data, forAddress) return false } func containsSessionRecord(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool { print(forAddress) return false } func deleteSessionRecord(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool { print(forAddress) return false } func deleteAllSessions(for _: String) -> Bool { print("deleteAllSessions") return false } func currentPreKeyId() -> UInt32 { 0 } func loadPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Data? { print(withId) return nil } func storePreKey(_ data: Data, withId: UInt32) -> Bool { print(data, withId) return false } func containsPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool { print(withId) return false } func deletePreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool { print(withId) return false } func flushDeletedPreKeys() -> Bool { false } func countSignedPreKeys() -> Int { 0 } func loadSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Data? { print(withId) return nil } func storeSignedPreKey(_ data: Data, withId: UInt32) -> Bool { print(data, withId) return false } func containsSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool { print(withId) return false } func deleteSignedPreKey(withId: UInt32) -> Bool { print(withId) return false } func keyPair() -> (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyPairProtocol)? { nil } func localRegistrationId() -> UInt32 { 0 } func save(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, key: (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyProtocol)?) -> Bool { print(identity, key) return false } func isTrusted(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, key: (any MartinOMEMO.SignalIdentityKeyProtocol)?) -> Bool { print(identity, key) return false } func save(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, publicKeyData: Data?) -> Bool { print(identity, publicKeyData) return false } func isTrusted(identity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress, publicKeyData: Data?) -> Bool { print(identity, publicKeyData) return false } func setStatus(_ status: MartinOMEMO.IdentityStatus, forIdentity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool { print(status, forIdentity) return false } func setStatus(active: Bool, forIdentity: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> Bool { print(active, forIdentity) return false } func identities(forName: String) -> [MartinOMEMO.Identity] { print(forName) return [] } func identityFingerprint(forAddress address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress) -> String? { print(address) return nil } func storeSenderKey(_ key: Data, address: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress?, groupId: String?) -> Bool { print(key, address, groupId) return false } func loadSenderKey(forAddress: MartinOMEMO.SignalAddress?, groupId: String?) -> Data? { print(forAddress, groupId) return nil } }