This commit is contained in:
fmodf 2024-06-27 13:39:41 +02:00
parent 73017d8d80
commit ac58f634a0
10 changed files with 392 additions and 330 deletions

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ enum ConversationAction: Codable {
case messagesUpdated(messages: [Message]) case messagesUpdated(messages: [Message])
case sendMessage(from: String, to: String, body: String) case sendMessage(from: String, to: String, body: String)
case setReplyText(String?) case setReplyText(String)
} }

View file

@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ extension ConversationState {
state.currentMessages = messages state.currentMessages = messages
case .setReplyText(let text): case .setReplyText(let text):
state.replyText = text if text.isEmpty {
state.replyText = ""
} else {
state.replyText = text.makeReply
default: default:
break break

View file

@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ struct ConversationState: Stateable {
var currentRoster: Roster? var currentRoster: Roster?
var currentMessages: [Message] var currentMessages: [Message]
var replyText: String? var replyText: String
} }
// MARK: Init // MARK: Init
extension ConversationState { extension ConversationState {
init() { init() {
currentMessages = [] currentMessages = []
replyText = ""
} }
} }

View file

@ -4,4 +4,12 @@ extension String {
var firstLetter: String { var firstLetter: String {
String(prefix(1)).uppercased() String(prefix(1)).uppercased()
} }
var makeReply: String {
let allLines = components(separatedBy: .newlines)
let nonBlankLines = allLines.filter { !$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty }
var result = nonBlankLines.joined(separator: "\n")
result = "> \(result)"
return result
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import SwiftUI
struct ConversationHeader: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
var body: some View {
ZStack {
// bg
// title
let name = (
store.state.conversationsState.currentRoster?.name ??
) ?? L10n.Chat.title
HStack {
Image(systemName: "chevron.left")
.tappablePadding(.symmetric(12)) {
.padding(.horizontal, 16)
.frame(height: 44)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import SwiftUI
struct ConversationMessageContainer: View {
let message: Message
let isOutgoing: Bool
var body: some View {
Text(message.body ?? "...")
struct MessageAttr: View {
let message: Message
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0) {
Text(, style: .time)
if message.sentError {
Image(systemName: "")
} else if message.pending {
Image(systemName: "clock")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
struct ConversationMessageRow: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
let message: Message
@State private var offset: CGSize = .zero
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
if isOutgoing() {
MessageAttr(message: message)
.padding(.trailing, 4)
ConversationMessageContainer(message: message, isOutgoing: isOutgoing())
.background(isOutgoing() ? Color.Material.greenDark100 : Color.Main.white)
.clipShape(ConversationMessageBubble(isOutgoing: isOutgoing()))
if !isOutgoing() {
MessageAttr(message: message)
.padding(.leading, 4)
.padding(.vertical, 10)
.padding(.horizontal, 16)
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 20, coordinateSpace: .local)
.onEnded { value in
withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 0.1)) {
if value.translation.width < 0 {
offset = CGSize(width: -50, height: 0)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.05) {
store.dispatch(.conversationAction(.setReplyText(message.body ?? "")))
withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 0.1)) {
offset = .zero
} else {
offset = .zero
private func isOutgoing() -> Bool {
message.from == store.state.conversationsState.currentChat?.account
struct ConversationMessageBubble: Shape {
let isOutgoing: Bool
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
let path = UIBezierPath(
roundedRect: rect,
byRoundingCorners: isOutgoing ? [.topLeft, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight] : [.topRight, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight],
cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 10)
return Path(path.cgPath)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
import Combine
import Foundation
import Martin
import SwiftUI
struct ConversationScreen: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
var body: some View {
ZStack {
// Background color
// Content
VStack(spacing: 0) {
// Header
// Msg list
let messages = store.state.conversationsState.currentMessages
if !messages.isEmpty {
List {
ForEach(messages) { message in
ConversationMessageRow(message: message)
} else {
.onTapGesture {
UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)
.safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom, spacing: 0) {
// Preview
struct ConversationScreen_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
static var pStore: AppStore {
let state = pState
return AppStore(initialState: state, reducer: AppState.reducer, middlewares: [])
static var pState: AppState {
var state = AppState()
let acc = ""
let contact = ""
state.conversationsState.currentChat = Chat(id: "1", account: acc, participant: contact, type: .chat)
state.conversationsState.currentMessages = [
id: "1",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: contact,
to: acc,
body: "this is for test sdgdsfg dsfg dsfgdg dsfgdfgsdgsdfgdfg sdfgdsfgdfsg dsfgdsfgsdfg dsfgdfgsdg fgf fgfg sdfsdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdfsdfsdf sdfsdf ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(),
pending: true, sentError: false
id: "2",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: contact,
to: acc,
body: "this is for testsdfsdf sdfsdf sdfs sdf sdffsdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdff sdfffwwe ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(),
pending: false,
sentError: false
Message(id: "3", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "this is for test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: true),
id: "4",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: acc,
to: contact,
body: "this is for test sdfkjwek jwkjfh jwerf jdfhskjdhf jsdhfjhwefh sjdhfh fsdjhfh sd ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(),
pending: false,
sentError: false
Message(id: "5", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "this is for test sdfjkkeke kekkddjw;; w;edkdjfj l kjwekrjfk wef", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "6", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: acc, to: contact, body: "this is for testsdf dsdkkekkddn wejkjfj ", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
id: "7",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: acc,
to: contact,
body: "this is for test sdgdsfg dsfg dsfgdg dsfgdfgsdgsdfgdfg sdfgdsfgdfsg dsfgdsfgsdfg dsfgdfgsdg fgf fgfg sdfsdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdfsdfsdf sdfsdf ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false
Message(id: "8", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: acc, to: contact, body: "so test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "9", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "so test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "10", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: acc, to: contact, body: "so test so test so test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "11", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "xD", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false)
state.conversationsState.replyText = "> Some Text here! And if it a long and very long text sdfsadfsadfsafsadfsadfsadfsadfassadfsadfsafsafdsadfsafdsadfsadfas sdf sdf asdf sdfasdfsd sdfasdf sdfsdfdsasdfsdfa dsafsaf"
return state

View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import SwiftUI
import UIKit
struct ConversationTextInput: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
@State private var messageStr = ""
@FocusState private var isFocused: Bool
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
.frame(height: 0.5)
.padding(.bottom, 8)
if !replyText.isEmpty {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
HStack(alignment: .top) {
.multilineTextAlignment(/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/ .leading/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/)
Image(systemName: "xmark")
.padding(.leading, 8)
.tappablePadding(.symmetric(8)) {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 4)
.shadow(radius: 0.5)
.padding(.bottom, 8)
.padding(.horizontal, 8)
.padding(.horizontal, 8)
HStack {
Image(systemName: "paperclip")
.padding(.leading, 8)
.tappablePadding(.symmetric(8)) {
print("Attach file")
TextField(L10n.Chat.textfieldPrompt, text: $messageStr)
.padding(.horizontal, 8)
.padding(.vertical, 4)
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8))
.padding(.vertical, 4)
let img = messageStr.isEmpty ? "paperplane" : "paperplane.fill"
Image(systemName: img)
.foregroundColor(messageStr.isEmpty ? .Main.separator : .Tango.blueLight)
.padding(.trailing, 8)
.tappablePadding(.symmetric(8)) {
if !messageStr.isEmpty {
guard let acc = store.state.conversationsState.currentChat?.account else { return }
guard let contact = store.state.conversationsState.currentChat?.participant else { return }
from: acc,
to: contact,
body: composedMessage
messageStr = ""
UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)
.padding(.bottom, 8)
.onChange(of: store.state.conversationsState.replyText) { new in
if !new.isEmpty {
isFocused = true
private var replyText: String {
private var composedMessage: String {
var result = ""
if !replyText.isEmpty {
result += replyText + "\n"
result += messageStr
return result

View file

@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
import Combine
import Foundation
import Martin
import SwiftUI
struct ConversationScreen: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
var body: some View {
ZStack {
// Background color
// Content
VStack(spacing: 0) {
// Header
// Msg list
let messages = store.state.conversationsState.currentMessages
if !messages.isEmpty {
List {
ForEach(messages) { message in
ConversationMessageRow(message: message)
} else {
.onTapGesture {
UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)
.safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom, spacing: 0) {
struct ConversationScreenTextInput: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
@State private var messageStr = ""
var body: some View {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "paperclip")
.padding(.leading, 8)
.tappablePadding(.symmetric(8)) {
print("Attach file")
TextField(L10n.Chat.textfieldPrompt, text: $messageStr)
.padding(.horizontal, 8)
.padding(.vertical, 4)
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8))
.padding(.vertical, 4)
let img = messageStr.isEmpty ? "paperplane" : "paperplane.fill"
Image(systemName: img)
.foregroundColor(messageStr.isEmpty ? .Main.separator : .Tango.blueLight)
.padding(.trailing, 8)
.tappablePadding(.symmetric(8)) {
if !messageStr.isEmpty {
guard let acc = store.state.conversationsState.currentChat?.account else { return }
guard let contact = store.state.conversationsState.currentChat?.participant else { return }
from: acc,
to: contact,
body: messageStr
messageStr = ""
UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)
.padding(.vertical, 8)
private struct ConversationScreenHeader: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
var body: some View {
ZStack {
// bg
// title
let name = (
store.state.conversationsState.currentRoster?.name ??
) ?? L10n.Chat.title
HStack {
Image(systemName: "chevron.left")
.tappablePadding(.symmetric(12)) {
.padding(.horizontal, 16)
.frame(height: 44)
private struct ConversationMessageRow: View {
@EnvironmentObject var store: AppStore
let message: Message
@State private var offset: CGSize = .zero
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
if isOutgoing() {
MessageAttr(message: message)
.padding(.trailing, 4)
MessageContainer(message: message, isOutgoing: isOutgoing())
.background(isOutgoing() ? Color.Material.greenDark100 : Color.Main.white)
.clipShape(MessageBubble(isOutgoing: isOutgoing()))
if !isOutgoing() {
MessageAttr(message: message)
.padding(.leading, 4)
.padding(.vertical, 10)
.padding(.horizontal, 16)
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 20, coordinateSpace: .local)
.onEnded { value in
withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 0.1)) {
if value.translation.width < 0 {
offset = CGSize(width: -50, height: 0)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.2) {
withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 0.1)) {
offset = .zero
} else {
offset = .zero
private func isOutgoing() -> Bool {
message.from == store.state.conversationsState.currentChat?.account
struct MessageContainer: View {
let message: Message
let isOutgoing: Bool
var body: some View {
Text(message.body ?? "...")
struct MessageBubble: Shape {
let isOutgoing: Bool
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
let path = UIBezierPath(
roundedRect: rect,
byRoundingCorners: isOutgoing ? [.topLeft, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight] : [.topRight, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight],
cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 10)
return Path(path.cgPath)
struct MessageAttr: View {
let message: Message
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0) {
Text(, style: .time)
if message.sentError {
Image(systemName: "")
} else if message.pending {
Image(systemName: "clock")
// self.conversationLogController?.getTextOfSelectedRows(paths: [indexPath], withTimestamps: false, handler: { [weak self] texts in
// let text: String = texts.flatMap { $0.split(separator: "\n")}.map {
// if $0.starts(with: ">") {
// return ">\($0)";
// } else {
// return "> \($0)"
// }
// }.joined(separator: "\n");
// if let current = self?.messageText, !current.isEmpty {
// self?.messageText = "\(current)\n\(text)\n";
// } else {
// self?.messageText = "\(text)\n";
// }
// })
// Preview
struct ConversationScreen_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
static var pStore: AppStore {
let state = pState
return AppStore(initialState: state, reducer: AppState.reducer, middlewares: [])
static var pState: AppState {
var state = AppState()
let acc = ""
let contact = ""
state.conversationsState.currentChat = Chat(id: "1", account: acc, participant: contact, type: .chat)
state.conversationsState.currentMessages = [
id: "1",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: contact,
to: acc,
body: "this is for test sdgdsfg dsfg dsfgdg dsfgdfgsdgsdfgdfg sdfgdsfgdfsg dsfgdsfgsdfg dsfgdfgsdg fgf fgfg sdfsdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdfsdfsdf sdfsdf ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(),
pending: true, sentError: false
id: "2",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: contact,
to: acc,
body: "this is for testsdfsdf sdfsdf sdfs sdf sdffsdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdff sdfffwwe ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(),
pending: false,
sentError: false
Message(id: "3", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "this is for test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: true),
id: "4",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: acc,
to: contact,
body: "this is for test sdfkjwek jwkjfh jwerf jdfhskjdhf jsdhfjhwefh sjdhfh fsdjhfh sd ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(),
pending: false,
sentError: false
Message(id: "5", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "this is for test sdfjkkeke kekkddjw;; w;edkdjfj l kjwekrjfk wef", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "6", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: acc, to: contact, body: "this is for testsdf dsdkkekkddn wejkjfj ", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
id: "7",
type: .chat,
contentType: .text,
from: acc,
to: contact,
body: "this is for test sdgdsfg dsfg dsfgdg dsfgdfgsdgsdfgdfg sdfgdsfgdfsg dsfgdsfgsdfg dsfgdfgsdg fgf fgfg sdfsdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdf sdfsdf sdfsdfsdf sdfsdf ",
subject: nil,
thread: nil,
oobUrl: nil,
date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false
Message(id: "8", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: acc, to: contact, body: "so test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "9", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "so test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "10", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: acc, to: contact, body: "so test so test so test", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false),
Message(id: "11", type: .chat, contentType: .text, from: contact, to: acc, body: "xD", subject: nil, thread: nil, oobUrl: nil, date: Date(), pending: false, sentError: false)
return state