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// MLXMPPManager.h
// Monal
// Created by Anurodh Pokharel on 6/27/13.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class xmpp;
@class MLContact;
A singleton to control all of the active XMPP connections
@interface MLXMPPManager : NSObject
dispatch_source_t _pinger;
+(MLXMPPManager*) sharedInstance;
-(BOOL) allAccountsIdle;
#pragma mark connectivity
Checks if there are any enabled acconts and connects them if necessary.
-(void) connectIfNecessary;
logout all accounts
-(void) reconnectAll;
-(void) disconnectAll;
disconnects the specified account
-(void) disconnectAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID withExplicitLogout:(BOOL) explicitLogout;
connects the specified account
-(void) connectAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID;
#pragma mark XMPP commands
Remove a contact from an account
-(void) removeContact:(MLContact*) contact;
Add a contact from an account
-(void) addContact:(MLContact*) contact;
-(void) addContact:(MLContact*) contact withPreauthToken:(NSString* _Nullable) preauthToken;
Block a jid
-(void) block:(BOOL) isBlocked contact:(MLContact*) contact;
-(void) block:(BOOL) isBlocked fullJid:(NSString*) contact onAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID;
Returns the user set name of the conencted account
-(NSString*) getAccountNameForConnectedRow:(NSUInteger) row;
gets the connected account apecified by id. return nil otherwise
-(xmpp* _Nullable) getEnabledAccountForID:(NSNumber*) accountID;
Returns YES if account is connected
-(BOOL) isAccountForIdConnected:(NSNumber*) accountID;
When the account estblihsed its current connection.
-(NSDate *) connectedTimeFor:(NSNumber*) accountID;
-(NSNumber* _Nullable) login:(NSString*) jid password:(NSString*) password;
-(NSNumber* _Nullable) login:(NSString*) jid password:(NSString*) password hardcodedServer:(NSString* _Nullable) hardcodedServer hardcodedPort:(NSString* _Nullable) hardcodedPort forceDirectTLS:(BOOL) directTLS allowPlainAuth:(BOOL) plainActivated;
-(void) removeAccountForAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID;
-(void) addNewAccountToKeychainAndConnectWithPassword:(NSString*) password andAccountID:(NSNumber*) accountID;
update the password in the keychan and update memory cache
-(BOOL) isValidPassword:(NSString*) password forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID;
-(NSString*) getPasswordForAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID;
-(void) updatePassword:(NSString*) password forAccount:(NSNumber*) accountID;
Sends a message to a specified contact in account. Calls completion handler on success or failure.
-(void) sendMessageAndAddToHistory:(NSString*) message havingType:(NSString*) messageType toContact:(MLContact*) contact isEncrypted:(BOOL) encrypted uploadInfo:(NSDictionary* _Nullable) uploadInfo withCompletionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)(BOOL success, NSString* messageId)) completion;
-(void)sendMessage:(NSString*) message toContact:(MLContact*) contact isEncrypted:(BOOL) encrypted isUpload:(BOOL) isUpload messageId:(NSString*) messageId withCompletionHandler:(void (^ _Nullable)(BOOL success, NSString* messageId)) completion;
-(void) sendChatState:(BOOL) isTyping toContact:(MLContact*) contact;
#pragma mark XMPP settings
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSMutableArray* connectedXMPP;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasConnectivity;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL hasAPNSToken;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* pushToken;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSError* _Nullable apnsError;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isBackgrounded;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isNotInFocus;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL onMobile;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isConnectBlocked;
updates delivery status after message has been sent
-(void) handleSentMessage:(NSNotification*) notification;
-(void) noLongerInFocus;
updates client state on server as inactive
-(void) nowBackgrounded;
sets client state on server as active
-(void) nowForegrounded;
fetch entity software version
-(void) getEntitySoftWareVersionForContact:(MLContact*) contact andResource:(NSString*) resource;
-(void) setPushToken:(NSString* _Nullable) token;
-(void) removeToken;