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// OmemoKeys.swift
// Monal
// Created by Jan on 04.05.22.
// Copyright © 2022 Monal.im. All rights reserved.
import OrderedCollections
struct OmemoKeysEntryView: View {
private let contactJid: String
@State private var trustLevel: NSNumber
@State private var showEntryInfo = false
@State private var showClipboardCopy = false
private let deviceId: NSNumber
private let fingerprint: Data
private let address: SignalAddress
private let account: xmpp
private let isOwnDevice: Bool
private let isBrokenSession: Bool
init(account: xmpp, contactJid: String, deviceId: NSNumber, isOwnDevice: Bool) {
self.contactJid = contactJid
self.deviceId = deviceId
self.isOwnDevice = isOwnDevice
self.address = SignalAddress.init(name: contactJid, deviceId: Int32(deviceId.int32Value))
self.fingerprint = account.omemo.getIdentityFor(self.address)
self.trustLevel = account.omemo.getTrustLevel(self.address, identityKey: self.fingerprint)
self.account = account
self.isBrokenSession = account.omemo.isSessionBroken(forJid:contactJid, andDeviceId:deviceId)
func setTrustLevel(_ enableTrust: Bool) {
self.account.omemo.updateTrust(enableTrust, for: self.address)
self.trustLevel = self.account.omemo.getTrustLevel(self.address, identityKey: self.fingerprint)
func getEntryInfoAlert() -> Alert {
if(self.isOwnDevice) {
return Alert(
title: Text("Own device key"),
message: Text("This key belongs to this device and cannot be removed or disabled!"),
dismissButton: nil);
switch(self.trustLevel.int32Value) {
case MLOmemoTrusted:
return Alert(
title: Text("Trusted and verified key"),
message: Text("This key is trusted and verified by manually comparing fingerprints. To stop trusting this key, use the toggle element."),
dismissButton: nil)
case MLOmemoToFU:
return Alert(
title: Text("Trusted but unverified key"),
message: Text("Monal currently trusts this key, but fingerprints were not compared yet. To increase security, please confirm with the contact that the displayed fingerprints do match before trusting this key!"),
primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Trust Key"), action: {
secondaryButton: .default(Text("Okay")))
case MLOmemoNotTrusted:
return Alert(
title: Text("Untrusted key"),
message: Text("Monal does not trust this key. Either it was manually disabled or not manually verified while other keys of that contact are verified. You can trust this key by using the toggle element. Please ensure with the contact that fingerprints are matching before trusting this key."),
dismissButton: nil)
case MLOmemoTrustedButRemoved:
return Alert(
title: Text("Trusted but removed key"),
message: Text("This key is trusted, but the contact does not use it anymore. Consider to disable trust for this key."),
primaryButton: .default(Text("Dont' trust Key"), action: {
secondaryButton: .cancel(Text("Okay")))
case MLOmemoTrustedButNoMsgSeenInTime:
return Alert(
title: Text("Trusted but unused key"),
message: Text("This key is trusted, but the contact has not used it for a long time. Consider to disable trust for this key"),
primaryButton: .default(Text("Don't trust Key"), action: {
secondaryButton: .cancel(Text("Okay")))
return Alert(
title: Text("Invalid State"),
message: Text("The key is in a state that is currently not correctly handled. Please contact the developers if you see this prompt."),
dismissButton: nil)
// @ViewBuilder
func getTrustLevelIcon() -> some View {
var iconColor = Color.yellow
var iconName = "key.fill"
switch(self.trustLevel.int32Value) {
case MLOmemoTrusted:
iconColor = Color.green
case MLOmemoToFU:
case MLOmemoNotTrusted:
iconColor = Color.red
case MLOmemoTrustedButRemoved:
iconName = "trash.fill"
case MLOmemoTrustedButNoMsgSeenInTime:
iconName = "clock.fill"
return Image(systemName: iconName)
.frame(width: 30, height: 30, alignment: .center)
func getDeviceIconForOwnDevice() -> some View {
var deviceImage: String = "iphone.homebutton.circle"
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
#if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
deviceImage = "laptopcomputer"
deviceImage = "ipad"
return Image(systemName: deviceImage)
.frame(width: 30, height: 30, alignment: .center)
var body: some View {
let trustLevelBinding = Binding<Bool>.init(get: {
return (self.trustLevel.int32Value != MLOmemoNotTrusted)
}, set: { keyEnabled in
let fingerprintString: String = self.fingerprint.isEmpty ? "" : HelperTools.signalHexKeyWithSpaces(with: fingerprint)
let clipboardValue = "OMEMO fingerprint of \(self.contactJid), device \(self.deviceId): \(fingerprintString)"
GroupBox {
HStack(alignment:.bottom) {
VStack(alignment:.leading) {
HStack(alignment:.center) {
Text("Device ID: ").font(.headline)
HStack(alignment:.center) {
UIFont.monospacedSystemFont(ofSize: 11.0, weight: .regular)
if(self.isBrokenSession) {
Text("Encrypted session to this device broken beyond repair.").foregroundColor(.red)
.onTapGesture(count: 2) {
UIPasteboard.general.setValue(clipboardValue, forPasteboardType:UTType.utf8PlainText.identifier)
showClipboardCopy = true
// the trust level of our own device should not be displayed
if(!isOwnDevice) {
VStack(alignment:.center) {
Button {
showEntryInfo = true
} label: {
Toggle("", isOn: trustLevelBinding).font(.footnote)
.labelsHidden() //make sure we do not need more space than the actual toggle needs
} else {
Button {
showEntryInfo = true
} label: {
.alert(isPresented: $showEntryInfo) {
.alert(isPresented: $showClipboardCopy) {
title: Text("Copied to clipboard"),
message: Text(clipboardValue),
dismissButton: nil
struct OmemoKeysForContactView: View {
@State private var showDeleteKeyAlert = false
@State private var selectedDeviceForDeletion : NSNumber
@ObservedObject private var devices: OmemoKeysForContact
private var deviceId: NSNumber {
return account.omemo.getDeviceId()
private var deviceIds: OrderedSet<NSNumber> {
return OrderedSet(devices.devices.sorted { $0.intValue < $1.intValue })
private let contactJid: String
private let account: xmpp
private let ownKeys: Bool
init(contact: ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>, devices: OmemoKeysForContact) {
let account = (contact.account as xmpp?)!
self.ownKeys = (account.connectionProperties.identity.jid == contact.obj.contactJid)
self.contactJid = contact.obj.contactJid
self.account = account
self.devices = devices
self.selectedDeviceForDeletion = -1
func deleteButton(deviceId: NSNumber) -> some View {
Button(action: {
selectedDeviceForDeletion = deviceId // SwiftUI does not like to have deviceID nested in multiple functions, so safe this in the struct...
showDeleteKeyAlert = true
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "xmark.circle.fill").foregroundColor(.red)
.offset(x: -7, y: -7)
.alert(isPresented: $showDeleteKeyAlert) {
title: Text("Do you really want to delete this key?"),
message: Text("DeviceID: " + self.selectedDeviceForDeletion.stringValue),
primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Delete Key")) {
if(deviceId == -1) {
return // should be unreachable
account.omemo.deleteDevice(forSource: self.contactJid, andRid: self.selectedDeviceForDeletion)
secondaryButton: .cancel(Text("Abort"))
var body: some View {
ForEach(self.deviceIds, id: \.self) { deviceId in
HStack {
ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) {
OmemoKeysEntryView(account: self.account, contactJid: self.contactJid, deviceId: deviceId, isOwnDevice: (ownKeys && deviceId == self.deviceId))
if(ownKeys == true) {
if(deviceId != self.deviceId) {
deleteButton(deviceId: deviceId)
struct OmemoKeysForChatView: View {
private var viewContact: ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>? // store initial contact with which the view was initialized for refreshs...
private var account: xmpp?
// Needed for the alert message that is displayed when the scanned contact is not in the group
@State private var scannedJid : String = ""
@State private var scannedFingerprints : Dictionary<NSInteger, String> = [:]
@State var selectedContact : ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>? // for reason why see start of body
@State private var navigateToQRCodeView = false
@State private var navigateToQRCodeScanner = false
@State private var showScannedContactMissmatchAlert = false
@ObservedObject private var omemoKeys: OmemoKeysForChat
private var contacts: [(ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>, OmemoKeysForContact)] {
return omemoKeys.contacts.sorted { (entry1, entry2) -> Bool in
let entry1Jid: String = entry1.0.contactJid
let entry2Jid: String = entry2.0.contactJid
return entry1Jid < entry2Jid
init(omemoKeys: OmemoKeysForChat) {
self.account = omemoKeys.viewContact?.account
self.selectedContact = nil
self.viewContact = omemoKeys.viewContact
self.omemoKeys = omemoKeys
private func isOwnKeys() -> Bool {
if let contact = self.viewContact, let account = self.account {
let isMuc = contact.isMuc && contact.mucType == kMucTypeGroup
let isOwnJid = account.connectionProperties.identity.jid == contact.contactJid
return !isMuc && isOwnJid
return false
func resetTrustFromQR(scannedJid : String, scannedFingerprints : Dictionary<NSInteger, String>) {
//don't untrust other devices not included in here, because conversations only exports its own fingerprint
// // untrust all devices from jid
// self.account!.omemo.untrustAllDevices(from: scannedJid)
// trust all devices that were part of the qr code
let knownDevices = Array(self.account!.omemo.knownDevices(forAddressName: scannedJid))
for (qrDeviceId, fingerprint) in scannedFingerprints {
let address = SignalAddress(name: scannedJid, deviceId: Int32(qrDeviceId))
let identityFromHex = HelperTools.signalIdentity(withHexKey: fingerprint)
// insert fingerprint of unkown devices to signalstore
if(!knownDevices.contains(NSNumber(integerLiteral: qrDeviceId))) {
self.account!.omemo.addIdentityManually(address, identityKey: identityFromHex)
assert(self.account!.omemo.getIdentityFor(address) == identityFromHex, "The stored and created fingerprint should match")
// trust device/fingerprint if fingerprints match
let identity = self.account!.omemo.getIdentityFor(address)
let knownIdentity = HelperTools.signalHexKey(with: identity)
if(knownIdentity.uppercased() == fingerprint.uppercased()) {
self.account!.omemo.updateTrust(true, for: address)
var body: some View {
// workaround for the fact that NavigationLink inside a form forces a formatting we don't want
if(self.selectedContact != nil) { // selectedContact is set to a value either when the user presses a QR code button or if there is only a single contact to choose from (-> user views a single account)
NavigationLink(destination:LazyClosureView(OmemoQrCodeView(contact: self.selectedContact!)), isActive: $navigateToQRCodeView){}.hidden().disabled(true) // navigation happens as soon as our button sets navigateToQRCodeView to true...
// NavigationLink(destination: LazyClosureView(MLQRCodeScanner(
// handleContact: { jid, fingerprints in
// // we scanned a contact but it was not in the contact list, show the alert...
// self.scannedJid = jid
// self.scannedFingerprints = fingerprints
// showScannedContactMissmatchAlert = true
// }, handleClose: {}
// )), isActive: $navigateToQRCodeScanner){}.hidden().disabled(true)
List {
let helpDescription = isOwnKeys() ?
Text("These are your encryption keys. Each device is a different place you have logged in. You should trust a key when you have verified it. Double tap onto a fingerprint to copy to clipboard.") :
Text("You should trust a key when you have verified it. Verify by comparing the key below to the one on your contact's screen. Double tap onto a fingerprint to copy to clipboard.")
Section(header:helpDescription) {
if (omemoKeys.contacts.count == 1) {
ForEach(self.contacts, id: \.0) { contact, devices in
OmemoKeysForContactView(contact: contact, devices: devices)
} else {
ForEach(self.contacts, id: \.0) { contact, devices in
DisclosureGroup(content: {
OmemoKeysForContactView(contact: contact, devices: devices)
}, label: {
HStack {
Text("Keys of \(contact.obj.contactJid)")
Button(action: {
self.selectedContact = contact
self.navigateToQRCodeView = true
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "qrcode.viewfinder")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
/*if(self.account != nil) {
Button(action: {
self.navigateToQRCodeScanner = true
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "camera.fill")
if(omemoKeys.contacts.count == 1 && self.account != nil) {
Button(action: {
self.navigateToQRCodeView = true
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "qrcode.viewfinder")
.navigationBarTitle(isOwnKeys() ? Text("My Encryption Keys") : Text("Encryption Keys"), displayMode: .inline)
.onAppear(perform: {
self.selectedContact = self.omemoKeys.contacts.keys.first // needs to be done here as first is nil in init
.alert(isPresented: $showScannedContactMissmatchAlert) {
title: Text("QR code: Fingerprints found"),
message: Text("Do you want to trust the scanned fingerprints of contact \(self.scannedJid) when using your account \(self.account!.connectionProperties.identity.jid)?"),
primaryButton: .cancel(Text("No")),
secondaryButton: .default(Text("Yes"), action: {
resetTrustFromQR(scannedJid: self.scannedJid, scannedFingerprints: self.scannedFingerprints)
self.scannedJid = ""
self.scannedFingerprints = [:]
struct OmemoKeysView: View {
@ObservedObject private var omemoKeys: OmemoKeysForChat
init(omemoKeys: OmemoKeysForChat) {
self.omemoKeys = omemoKeys
private var viewContact: ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>? {
return omemoKeys.viewContact
private var account: xmpp? {
return viewContact?.account
private var contacts: Set<ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>> {
return Set(omemoKeys.contacts.keys)
var body: some View {
if self.account != nil && !self.contacts.isEmpty {
OmemoKeysForChatView(omemoKeys: omemoKeys)
} else if self.account == nil {
ContentUnavailableShimView("Account Disabled", systemImage: "iphone.homebutton.slash", description: Text("Cannot display keys as the account is disabled."))
} else if self.contacts.isEmpty {
ContentUnavailableShimView("No Contacts", systemImage: "person.2.slash", description: Text("Cannot display keys as there are no contacts to display keys for."))
class OmemoKeysForContact: ObservableObject {
@Published var devices: Set<NSNumber>
init(devices: Set<NSNumber>) {
self.devices = devices
class OmemoKeysForChat: ObservableObject {
@Published var contacts: Dictionary<ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>, OmemoKeysForContact>
var viewContact: ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>?
private var subscriptions: Set<AnyCancellable> = Set()
init(viewContact: ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>?) {
self.viewContact = viewContact
self.contacts = OmemoKeysForChat.knownDevices(viewContact: self.viewContact)
subscriptions = [
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: NSNotification.Name("kMonalOmemoStateUpdated"))
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink() { _ in self.updateContactDevices() },
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: NSNotification.Name("kMonalMucParticipantsAndMembersUpdated"))
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink() { _ in self.updateContactDevices() },
private func updateContactDevices() -> Void {
withAnimation() {
self.contacts = OmemoKeysForChat.knownDevices(viewContact: self.viewContact)
private static func knownDevices(viewContact: ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>?) -> Dictionary<ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>, OmemoKeysForContact> {
let contacts: OrderedSet<ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>> = getContactList(viewContact: viewContact)
let devices = contacts.map { ($0, devicesForContact(contact: $0)) }
return Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: devices)
private static func devicesForContact(contact: ObservableKVOWrapper<MLContact>) -> OmemoKeysForContact {
let account: xmpp = (contact.account as xmpp?)!
let devicesForContact: Set<NSNumber> = account.omemo.knownDevices(forAddressName: contact.contactJid)
return OmemoKeysForContact(devices: devicesForContact)
struct OmemoKeys_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
// TODO some dummy views, requires a dummy xmpp obj
OmemoKeysView(omemoKeys: OmemoKeysForChat(viewContact: nil));