using Dino.Entities; using Gee; using Xmpp; using Signal; using Qlite; namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo { public class TrustManager { private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Database db; private DecryptMessageListener decrypt_message_listener; private TagMessageListener tag_message_listener; private HashMap message_device_id_map = new HashMap(Message.hash_func, Message.equals_func); public TrustManager(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.db = db; decrypt_message_listener = new DecryptMessageListener(stream_interactor, db, message_device_id_map); tag_message_listener = new TagMessageListener(stream_interactor, db, message_device_id_map); stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).received_pipeline.connect(decrypt_message_listener); stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).received_pipeline.connect(tag_message_listener); } public void set_blind_trust(Account account, Jid jid, bool blind_trust) { int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(; if (identity_id < 0) return; .with(, "=", identity_id) .with(, "=", jid.bare_jid.to_string()) .set(, blind_trust).perform(); } public void set_device_trust(Account account, Jid jid, int device_id, TrustLevel trust_level) { int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(; db.identity_meta.update() .with(db.identity_meta.identity_id, "=", identity_id) .with(db.identity_meta.address_name, "=", jid.bare_jid.to_string()) .with(db.identity_meta.device_id, "=", device_id) .set(db.identity_meta.trust_level, trust_level).perform(); // Hide messages from untrusted or unknown devices string selection = null; string[] selection_args = {}; var app_db = Application.get_default().db; foreach (Row row in db.content_item_meta.with_device(identity_id, jid.bare_jid.to_string(), device_id).with(db.content_item_meta.trusted_when_received, "=", false)) { if (selection == null) { selection = @"$( = ?"; } else { selection += @" OR $( = ?"; } selection_args += row[db.content_item_meta.content_item_id].to_string(); } if (selection != null) { app_db.content_item.update() .set(app_db.content_item.hide, trust_level == TrustLevel.UNTRUSTED || trust_level == TrustLevel.UNKNOWN) .where(selection, selection_args) .perform(); } } private StanzaNode create_encrypted_key(uint8[] key, Address address, Store store) throws GLib.Error { SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address); CiphertextMessage device_key = cipher.encrypt(key); StanzaNode key_node = new"key", NS_URI) .put_attribute("rid", address.device_id.to_string()) .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(device_key.serialized))); if (device_key.type == CiphertextType.PREKEY) key_node.put_attribute("prekey", "true"); return key_node; } public EncryptState encrypt(MessageStanza message, Jid self_jid, Gee.List recipients, XmppStream stream, Account account) { EncryptState status = new EncryptState(); if (!Plugin.ensure_context()) return status; if ( == null) return status; StreamModule module = stream.get_module(StreamModule.IDENTITY); try { //Check we have the bundles and device lists needed to send the message if (!is_known_address(account, self_jid)) return status; status.own_list = true; status.own_devices = get_trusted_devices(account, self_jid).size; status.other_waiting_lists = 0; status.other_devices = 0; foreach (Jid recipient in recipients) { if (!is_known_address(account, recipient)) { status.other_waiting_lists++; } if (status.other_waiting_lists > 0) return status; status.other_devices += get_trusted_devices(account, recipient).size; } if (status.own_devices == 0 || status.other_devices == 0) return status; //Create a key and use it to encrypt the message uint8[] key = new uint8[16]; Plugin.get_context().randomize(key); uint8[] iv = new uint8[16]; Plugin.get_context().randomize(iv); uint8[] aes_encrypt_result = aes_encrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, iv,; uint8[] ciphertext = aes_encrypt_result[0:aes_encrypt_result.length-16]; uint8[] tag = aes_encrypt_result[aes_encrypt_result.length-16:aes_encrypt_result.length]; uint8[] keytag = new uint8[key.length + tag.length]; Memory.copy(keytag, key, key.length); Memory.copy((uint8*)keytag + key.length, tag, tag.length); StanzaNode header; StanzaNode encrypted = new"encrypted", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns() .put_node(header = new"header", NS_URI) .put_attribute("sid", .put_node(new"iv", NS_URI) .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(iv))))) .put_node(new"payload", NS_URI) .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(ciphertext)))); //Encrypt the key for each recipient's device individually Address address = new Address(, 0); foreach (Jid recipient in recipients) { foreach(int32 device_id in get_trusted_devices(account, recipient)) { if (module.is_ignored_device(recipient, device_id)) { status.other_lost++; continue; } try { = recipient.bare_jid.to_string(); address.device_id = (int) device_id; StanzaNode key_node = create_encrypted_key(keytag, address,; header.put_node(key_node); status.other_success++; } catch (Error e) { if (e.code == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN) status.other_unknown++; else status.other_failure++; } } } // Encrypt the key for each own device = self_jid.bare_jid.to_string(); foreach(int32 device_id in get_trusted_devices(account, self_jid)) { if (module.is_ignored_device(self_jid, device_id)) { status.own_lost++; continue; } if (device_id != { address.device_id = (int) device_id; try { StanzaNode key_node = create_encrypted_key(keytag, address,; header.put_node(key_node); status.own_success++; } catch (Error e) { if (e.code == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN) status.own_unknown++; else status.own_failure++; } } } message.stanza.put_node(encrypted); Xep.ExplicitEncryption.add_encryption_tag_to_message(message, NS_URI, "OMEMO"); message.body = "[This message is OMEMO encrypted]"; status.encrypted = true; } catch (Error e) { warning(@"Signal error while encrypting message: $(e.message)\n"); } return status; } public bool is_known_address(Account account, Jid jid) { int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(; if (identity_id < 0) return false; return db.identity_meta.with_address(identity_id, jid.to_string()).count() > 0; } public Gee.List get_trusted_devices(Account account, Jid jid) { Gee.List devices = new ArrayList(); int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(; if (identity_id < 0) return devices; foreach (Row device in db.identity_meta.get_trusted_devices(identity_id, jid.bare_jid.to_string())) { if(device[db.identity_meta.trust_level] != TrustLevel.UNKNOWN || device[db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64] == null) devices.add(device[db.identity_meta.device_id]); } return devices; } private class TagMessageListener : MessageListener { public string[] after_actions_const = new string[]{ "STORE" }; public override string action_group { get { return "DECRYPT_TAG"; } } public override string[] after_actions { get { return after_actions_const; } } private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Database db; private HashMap message_device_id_map; public TagMessageListener(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db, HashMap message_device_id_map) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.db = db; this.message_device_id_map = message_device_id_map; } public override async bool run(Entities.Message message, Xmpp.MessageStanza stanza, Conversation conversation) { int device_id = 0; if (message_device_id_map.has_key(message)) { device_id = message_device_id_map[message]; message_device_id_map.unset(message); } // TODO: Handling of files ContentItem? content_item = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).get_item(conversation, 1,; if (content_item != null && device_id != 0) { Jid jid = content_item.jid; if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) { jid = message.real_jid; } int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(; TrustLevel trust_level = (TrustLevel) db.identity_meta.get_device(identity_id, jid.bare_jid.to_string(), device_id)[db.identity_meta.trust_level]; if (trust_level == TrustLevel.UNTRUSTED || trust_level == TrustLevel.UNKNOWN) { stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).set_item_hide(content_item, true); } db.content_item_meta.insert() .value(db.content_item_meta.content_item_id, .value(db.content_item_meta.identity_id, identity_id) .value(db.content_item_meta.address_name, jid.bare_jid.to_string()) .value(db.content_item_meta.device_id, device_id) .value(db.content_item_meta.trusted_when_received, trust_level != TrustLevel.UNTRUSTED) .perform(); } return false; } } private class DecryptMessageListener : MessageListener { public string[] after_actions_const = new string[]{ }; public override string action_group { get { return "DECRYPT"; } } public override string[] after_actions { get { return after_actions_const; } } private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Database db; private HashMap message_device_id_map; public DecryptMessageListener(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db, HashMap message_device_id_map) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.db = db; this.message_device_id_map = message_device_id_map; } public override async bool run(Entities.Message message, Xmpp.MessageStanza stanza, Conversation conversation) { Store store = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(conversation.account, StreamModule.IDENTITY).store; StanzaNode? _encrypted = stanza.stanza.get_subnode("encrypted", NS_URI); if (_encrypted == null || MessageFlag.get_flag(stanza) != null || stanza.from == null) return false; StanzaNode encrypted = (!)_encrypted; if (message.body == null && Xep.ExplicitEncryption.get_encryption_tag(stanza) == NS_URI) { message.body = "[This message is OMEMO encrypted]"; // TODO temporary }; if (!Plugin.ensure_context()) return false; MessageFlag flag = new MessageFlag(); stanza.add_flag(flag); StanzaNode? _header = encrypted.get_subnode("header"); if (_header == null) return false; StanzaNode header = (!)_header; int sid = header.get_attribute_int("sid"); if (sid <= 0) return false; foreach (StanzaNode key_node in header.get_subnodes("key")) { if (key_node.get_attribute_int("rid") == store.local_registration_id) { try { string? payload = encrypted.get_deep_string_content("payload"); string? iv_node = header.get_deep_string_content("iv"); string? key_node_content = key_node.get_string_content(); if (payload == null || iv_node == null || key_node_content == null) continue; uint8[] key; uint8[] ciphertext = Base64.decode((!)payload); uint8[] iv = Base64.decode((!)iv_node); Gee.List possible_jids = new ArrayList(); if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) { possible_jids.add(stanza.from); } else { Jid? real_jid = message.real_jid; if (real_jid != null) { possible_jids.add(real_jid); } else { // If we don't know the device name (MUC history w/o MAM), test decryption with all keys with fitting device id foreach (Row row in db.identity_meta.get_with_device_id(sid)) { possible_jids.add(new Jid(row[db.identity_meta.address_name])); } } } foreach (Jid possible_jid in possible_jids) { try { Address address = new Address(possible_jid.bare_jid.to_string(), header.get_attribute_int("sid")); if (key_node.get_attribute_bool("prekey")) { PreKeySignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_pre_key_signal_message(Base64.decode((!)key_node_content)); SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address); key = cipher.decrypt_pre_key_signal_message(msg); } else { SignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_signal_message(Base64.decode((!)key_node_content)); SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address); key = cipher.decrypt_signal_message(msg); } //address.device_id = 0; // TODO: Hack to have address obj live longer if (key.length >= 32) { int authtaglength = key.length - 16; uint8[] new_ciphertext = new uint8[ciphertext.length + authtaglength]; uint8[] new_key = new uint8[16]; Memory.copy(new_ciphertext, ciphertext, ciphertext.length); Memory.copy((uint8*)new_ciphertext + ciphertext.length, (uint8*)key + 16, authtaglength); Memory.copy(new_key, key, 16); ciphertext = new_ciphertext; key = new_key; } message.body = arr_to_str(aes_decrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, iv, ciphertext)); message_device_id_map[message] = address.device_id; message.encryption = Encryption.OMEMO; flag.decrypted = true; } catch (Error e) { continue; } // If we figured out which real jid a message comes from due to decryption working, save it if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT && message.real_jid == null) { message.real_jid = possible_jid; } break; } } catch (Error e) { warning(@"Signal error while decrypting message: $(e.message)\n"); } } } return false; } private string arr_to_str(uint8[] arr) { // null-terminate the array uint8[] rarr = new uint8[arr.length+1]; Memory.copy(rarr, arr, arr.length); return (string)rarr; } } } }