Apply message quote style prior to bold/italic style
Quotes apply to the whole line. Having a bold part in that line results in the quote styling only extending up to the bold part.
This commit is contained in:
@ -312,6 +312,18 @@ public static string parse_add_markup(string s_, string? highlight_word, bool pa
if (parse_text_markup) {
Regex quote_regex = new Regex("((?<=\n)>.*(\n|$))|(^>.*(\n|$))");
MatchInfo quote_match_info;
quote_regex.match(s.down(), 0, out quote_match_info);
if (quote_match_info.matches()) {
int start, end;
quote_match_info.fetch_pos(0, out start, out end);
return parse_add_markup(s[0:start], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, already_escaped) +
"<span fgalpha='70%'>" + s[start:end] + "</span>" +
parse_add_markup(s[end:s.length], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, already_escaped);
string[] markup_string = new string[]{"`", "_", "*", "~"};
string[] convenience_tag = new string[]{"tt", "i", "b", "s"};
@ -334,19 +346,6 @@ public static string parse_add_markup(string s_, string? highlight_word, bool pa
Regex regex = new Regex("((?<=\n)>.*(\n|$))|(^>.*(\n|$))");
MatchInfo match_info;
regex.match(s.down(), 0, out match_info);
if (match_info.matches()) {
int start, end;
match_info.fetch_pos(0, out start, out end);
return parse_add_markup(s[0:start], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, already_escaped) +
"<span fgalpha='70%'>" + s[start:end] + "</span>" +
parse_add_markup(s[end:s.length], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, already_escaped);
return s;
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