refactor conversation item management (accumulate them in libdino)
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ SOURCES
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public interface Dino.Application : GLib.Application {
FileManager.start(stream_interactor, db);
@ -23,7 +23,21 @@ public class FileTransfer : Object {
public DateTime? local_time { get; set; }
public Encryption encryption { get; set; }
public InputStream input_stream { get; set; }
private InputStream? input_stream_ = null;
public InputStream input_stream {
get {
if (input_stream_ == null) {
File file = File.new_for_path(Path.build_filename(storage_dir, path ?? file_name));
try {
input_stream_ =;
} catch (Error e) { }
return input_stream_;
set {
input_stream_ = value;
public OutputStream output_stream { get; set; }
public string file_name { get; set; }
@ -41,9 +55,11 @@ public class FileTransfer : Object {
public string info { get; set; }
private Database? db;
private string storage_dir;
public FileTransfer.from_row(Database db, Qlite.Row row) {
public FileTransfer.from_row(Database db, Qlite.Row row, string storage_dir) {
this.db = db;
this.storage_dir = storage_dir;
id = row[];
account = db.get_account_by_id(row[db.file_transfer.account_id]); // TODO don’t have to generate acc new
@ -75,15 +75,16 @@ public interface ConversationTitlebarWidget : Object {
public abstract interface ConversationItemPopulator : Object {
public abstract string id { get; }
public abstract void init(Conversation conversation, ConversationItemCollection summary, WidgetType type);
public virtual void populate_timespan(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) { }
public virtual void populate_between_widgets(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) { }
public abstract void close(Conversation conversation);
public abstract interface ConversationAdditionPopulator : ConversationItemPopulator {
public virtual void populate_timespan(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) { }
public abstract class MetaConversationItem : Object {
public virtual string populator_id { get; set; }
public virtual Jid? jid { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual string color { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual string display_name { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual bool dim { get; set; default=false; }
public virtual DateTime? sort_time { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual double seccondary_sort_indicator { get; set; }
@ -103,21 +104,4 @@ public interface ConversationItemCollection : Object {
public signal void remove_item(MetaConversationItem item);
public interface MessageDisplayProvider : Object {
public abstract string id { get; set; }
public abstract double priority { get; set; }
public abstract bool can_display(Entities.Message? message);
public abstract MetaConversationItem? get_item(Entities.Message message, Entities.Conversation conversation);
public interface FileWidget : Object {
public abstract Object? get_widget(WidgetType type);
public interface FileDisplayProvider : Object {
public abstract double priority { get; }
public abstract bool can_display(Entities.Message? message);
public abstract FileWidget? get_item(Entities.Message? message);
@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ public class Registry {
internal ArrayList<AccountSettingsEntry> account_settings_entries = new ArrayList<AccountSettingsEntry>();
internal ArrayList<ContactDetailsProvider> contact_details_entries = new ArrayList<ContactDetailsProvider>();
internal Map<string, TextCommand> text_commands = new HashMap<string, TextCommand>();
internal Gee.List<MessageDisplayProvider> message_displays = new ArrayList<MessageDisplayProvider>();
internal Gee.List<ConversationItemPopulator> conversation_item_populators = new ArrayList<ConversationItemPopulator>();
internal Gee.List<ConversationAdditionPopulator> conversation_addition_populators = new ArrayList<ConversationAdditionPopulator>();
internal Gee.Collection<ConversationTitlebarEntry> conversation_titlebar_entries = new Gee.TreeSet<ConversationTitlebarEntry>((a, b) => {
if (a.order < b.order) {
return -1;
@ -70,22 +69,12 @@ public class Registry {
public bool register_message_display(MessageDisplayProvider provider) {
lock (message_displays) {
foreach(MessageDisplayProvider p in message_displays) {
if ( == return false;
return true;
public bool register_conversation_item_populator(ConversationItemPopulator populator) {
lock (conversation_item_populators) {
foreach(ConversationItemPopulator p in conversation_item_populators) {
public bool register_conversation_addition_populator(ConversationAdditionPopulator populator) {
lock (conversation_addition_populators) {
foreach(ConversationItemPopulator p in conversation_addition_populators) {
if ( == return false;
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
using Gee;
using Dino.Entities;
using Xmpp;
namespace Dino {
public class ContentItemAccumulator : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
public static ModuleIdentity<ContentItemAccumulator> IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity<ContentItemAccumulator>("content_item_accumulator");
public string id { get { return; } }
public signal void new_item();
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private Gee.List<ContentFilter> filters = new ArrayList<ContentFilter>();
private HashMap<ContentItemCollection, Conversation> collection_conversations = new HashMap<ContentItemCollection, Conversation>();
public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
ContentItemAccumulator m = new ContentItemAccumulator(stream_interactor);
public ContentItemAccumulator(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
public void init(Conversation conversation, ContentItemCollection item_collection) {
collection_conversations[item_collection] = conversation;
public Gee.List<ContentItem> populate_latest(ContentItemCollection item_collection, Conversation conversation, int n) {
Gee.TreeSet<ContentItem> items = new Gee.TreeSet<ContentItem>(;
Gee.List<Entities.Message>? messages = stream_interactor.get_module(MessageStorage.IDENTITY).get_messages(conversation, n);
if (messages != null) {
foreach (Entities.Message message in messages) {
items.add(new MessageItem(message, conversation));
Gee.List<FileTransfer> transfers = stream_interactor.get_module(FileManager.IDENTITY).get_latest_transfers(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart, n);
foreach (FileTransfer transfer in transfers) {
items.add(new FileItem(transfer));
BidirIterator<ContentItem> iter = items.bidir_iterator();
int i = 0;
while (i < n && iter.has_previous()) {
Gee.List<ContentItem> ret = new ArrayList<ContentItem>();
do {
} while(;
return ret;
public Gee.List<ContentItem> populate_before(ContentItemCollection item_collection, Conversation conversation, ContentItem item, int n) {
Gee.TreeSet<ContentItem> items = new Gee.TreeSet<ContentItem>(;
Gee.List<Entities.Message>? messages = stream_interactor.get_module(MessageStorage.IDENTITY).get_messages_before_message(conversation, item.display_time, n);
if (messages != null) {
foreach (Entities.Message message in messages) {
items.add(new MessageItem(message, conversation));
Gee.List<FileTransfer> transfers = stream_interactor.get_module(FileManager.IDENTITY).get_transfers_before(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart, item.display_time, n);
foreach (FileTransfer transfer in transfers) {
items.add(new FileItem(transfer));
BidirIterator<ContentItem> iter = items.bidir_iterator();
int i = 0;
while (i < n && iter.has_previous()) {
Gee.List<ContentItem> ret = new ArrayList<ContentItem>();
do {
} while(;
return ret;
public void populate_after(Conversation conversation, ContentItem item, int n) {
public void add_filter(ContentFilter content_filter) {
private void on_new_message(Message message, Conversation conversation) {
foreach (ContentItemCollection collection in collection_conversations.keys) {
if (collection_conversations[collection].equals(conversation)) {
MessageItem item = new MessageItem(message, conversation);
insert_item(collection, item);
private void insert_file_transfer(FileTransfer file_transfer) {
foreach (ContentItemCollection collection in collection_conversations.keys) {
Conversation conversation = collection_conversations[collection];
if (conversation.account.equals(file_transfer.account) && conversation.counterpart.equals_bare(file_transfer.counterpart)) {
FileItem item = new FileItem(file_transfer);
insert_item(collection, item);
private void insert_item(ContentItemCollection item_collection, ContentItem content_item) {
bool insert = true;
foreach (ContentFilter filter in filters) {
if (filter.discard(content_item)) {
insert = false;
if (insert) {
public interface ContentItemCollection : Object {
public abstract void insert_item(ContentItem item);
public abstract void remove_item(ContentItem item);
public interface ContentFilter : Object {
public abstract bool discard(ContentItem content_item);
public abstract class ContentItem : Object {
public virtual string type_ { get; set; }
public virtual Jid? jid { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual DateTime? sort_time { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual double seccondary_sort_indicator { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime? display_time { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual Encryption? encryption { get; set; default=null; }
public virtual Entities.Message.Marked? mark { get; set; default=null; }
public static int compare(ContentItem a, ContentItem b) {
int res =;
if (res == 0) {
res =;
if (res == 0) {
res = a.seccondary_sort_indicator - b.seccondary_sort_indicator > 0 ? 1 : -1;
return res;
public class MessageItem : ContentItem {
public const string TYPE = "message";
public override string type_ { get; set; default=TYPE; }
public Message message;
public Conversation conversation;
public MessageItem(Message message, Conversation conversation) {
this.message = message;
this.conversation = conversation;
this.jid = message.from;
this.sort_time = message.local_time;
this.seccondary_sort_indicator = + 0.0845;
this.display_time = message.time;
this.encryption = message.encryption;
this.mark = message.marked;
WeakRef weak_message = WeakRef(message);
message.notify["marked"].connect(() => {
Message? m = weak_message.get() as Message;
if (m == null) return;
mark = m.marked;
public class FileItem : ContentItem {
public const string TYPE = "file";
public override string type_ { get; set; default=TYPE; }
public FileTransfer file_transfer;
public Conversation conversation;
public FileItem(FileTransfer file_transfer) {
this.file_transfer = file_transfer;
this.jid = file_transfer.direction == FileTransfer.DIRECTION_SENT ? file_transfer.account.bare_jid.with_resource(file_transfer.account.resourcepart) : file_transfer.counterpart;
this.sort_time = file_transfer.time;
this.seccondary_sort_indicator = + 0.2903;
this.display_time = file_transfer.time;
this.encryption = file_transfer.encryption;
this.mark = file_to_message_state(file_transfer.state);
file_transfer.notify["state"].connect_after(() => {
this.mark = file_to_message_state(file_transfer.state);
private Entities.Message.Marked file_to_message_state(FileTransfer.State state) {
switch (state) {
case FileTransfer.State.IN_PROCESS:
return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
case FileTransfer.State.COMPLETE:
return Entities.Message.Marked.NONE;
case FileTransfer.State.NOT_STARTED:
return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
case FileTransfer.State.FAILED:
return Entities.Message.Marked.WONTSEND;
@ -78,6 +78,37 @@ public class FileManager : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
return false;
public Gee.List<FileTransfer> get_latest_transfers(Account account, Jid counterpart, int n) {
Qlite.QueryBuilder select =
.with(db.file_transfer.counterpart_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(counterpart))
.with(db.file_transfer.account_id, "=",
.order_by(db.file_transfer.local_time, "DESC")
Gee.List<FileTransfer> ret = new ArrayList<FileTransfer>();
foreach (Qlite.Row row in select) {
FileTransfer file_transfer = new FileTransfer.from_row(db, row, get_storage_dir());
ret.insert(0, file_transfer);
return ret;
public Gee.List<FileTransfer> get_transfers_before(Account account, Jid counterpart, DateTime before, int n) {
Qlite.QueryBuilder select =
.with(db.file_transfer.counterpart_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(counterpart))
.with(db.file_transfer.account_id, "=",
.with(db.file_transfer.local_time, "<", (long)before.to_unix())
.order_by(db.file_transfer.local_time, "DESC")
Gee.List<FileTransfer> ret = new ArrayList<FileTransfer>();
foreach (Qlite.Row row in select) {
FileTransfer file_transfer = new FileTransfer.from_row(db, row, get_storage_dir());
ret.insert(0, file_transfer);
return ret;
public Gee.List<FileTransfer> get_file_transfers(Account account, Jid counterpart, DateTime after, DateTime before) {
Qlite.QueryBuilder select =
.with(db.file_transfer.counterpart_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(counterpart))
@ -88,11 +119,7 @@ public class FileManager : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
Gee.List<FileTransfer> ret = new ArrayList<FileTransfer>();
foreach (Qlite.Row row in select) {
FileTransfer file_transfer = new FileTransfer.from_row(db, row);
File file = File.new_for_path(Path.build_filename(get_storage_dir(), file_transfer.path ?? file_transfer.file_name));
try {
file_transfer.input_stream =;
} catch (Error e) { }
FileTransfer file_transfer = new FileTransfer.from_row(db, row, get_storage_dir());
ret.insert(0, file_transfer);
return ret;
@ -51,23 +51,23 @@ public class MessageStorage : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
return null;
public Gee.List<Message>? get_messages_before_message(Conversation? conversation, Message message, int count = 20) {
SortedSet<Message>? before = messages[conversation].head_set(message);
if (before != null && before.size >= count) {
Gee.List<Message> ret = new ArrayList<Message>(Message.equals_func);
Iterator<Message> iter = before.iterator();
for (int from_index = before.size - count; iter.has_next() && from_index > 0; from_index--);
while(iter.has_next()) {
Message m = iter.get();
return ret;
} else {
Gee.List<Message> db_messages = db.get_messages(conversation.counterpart, conversation.account, Util.get_message_type_for_conversation(conversation), count, message.local_time);
public Gee.List<Message>? get_messages_before_message(Conversation? conversation, DateTime before, int count = 20) {
// SortedSet<Message>? before = messages[conversation].head_set(message);
// if (before != null && before.size >= count) {
// Gee.List<Message> ret = new ArrayList<Message>(Message.equals_func);
// Iterator<Message> iter = before.iterator();
// for (int from_index = before.size - count; iter.has_next() && from_index > 0; from_index--);
// while(iter.has_next()) {
// Message m = iter.get();
// ret.add(m);
// }
// return ret;
// } else {
Gee.List<Message> db_messages = db.get_messages(conversation.counterpart, conversation.account, Util.get_message_type_for_conversation(conversation), count, before);
return db_messages;
// }
public Message? get_message_by_id(string stanza_id, Conversation conversation) {
@ -100,16 +100,12 @@ SOURCES
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
class ChatStatePopulator : Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator, Object {
class ChatStatePopulator : Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator, Plugins.ConversationAdditionPopulator, Object {
public string id { get { return "chat_state"; } }
@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ class ChatStatePopulator : Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator, Object {
public void populate_timespan(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) { }
public void populate_between_widgets(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) { }
private void update_chat_state(Account account, Jid jid) {
HashMap<Jid, string>? states = stream_interactor.get_module(CounterpartInteractionManager.IDENTITY).get_chat_states(current_conversation);
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
using Gee;
using Gdk;
using Gtk;
using Dino.Entities;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
public class ContentItemWidgetFactory : Object {
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private HashMap<string, WidgetGenerator> generators = new HashMap<string, WidgetGenerator>();
public ContentItemWidgetFactory(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
generators[MessageItem.TYPE] = new MessageItemWidgetGenerator(stream_interactor);
generators[FileItem.TYPE] = new FileItemWidgetGenerator(stream_interactor);
public Widget? get_widget(ContentItem item) {
WidgetGenerator? generator = generators[item.type_];
if (generator != null) {
return (Widget?) generator.get_widget(item);
return null;
public void register_widget_generator(WidgetGenerator generator) {
generators[generator.handles_type] = generator;
public interface WidgetGenerator : Object {
public abstract string handles_type { get; set; }
public abstract Object get_widget(ContentItem item);
public class MessageItemWidgetGenerator : WidgetGenerator, Object {
public string handles_type { get; set; default=FileItem.TYPE; }
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
public MessageItemWidgetGenerator(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
public Object get_widget(ContentItem item) {
MessageItem message_item = item as MessageItem;
Conversation conversation = message_item.conversation;
Message message = message_item.message;
MessageTextView text_view = new MessageTextView() { vexpand=true, visible = true };
if (message_item.message.body.has_prefix("/me")) {
} else {
if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) {
if (message_item.message.body.has_prefix("/me")) {
string display_name = Util.get_message_display_name(stream_interactor, message, conversation.account);
string color = Util.get_name_hex_color(stream_interactor, conversation.account, conversation.counterpart, Util.is_dark_theme(text_view));
TextTag nick_tag = text_view.buffer.create_tag(null, foreground: @"#$color");
TextIter iter;
text_view.buffer.get_start_iter(out iter);
text_view.buffer.insert_with_tags(ref iter, display_name, display_name.length, nick_tag);
text_view.style_updated.connect(() => update_style(stream_interactor, message, conversation, nick_tag, text_view));
text_view.realize.connect(() => update_style(stream_interactor, message, conversation, nick_tag, text_view));
return text_view;
public static void update_style(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Message message, Conversation conversation, TextTag nick_tag, TextView text_view) {
string color = Util.get_name_hex_color(stream_interactor, conversation.account, message.real_jid ?? message.from, Util.is_dark_theme(text_view));
nick_tag.foreground = "#" + color;
public class FileItemWidgetGenerator : WidgetGenerator, Object {
public StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
public string handles_type { get; set; default=FileItem.TYPE; }
private const int MAX_HEIGHT = 300;
private const int MAX_WIDTH = 600;
public FileItemWidgetGenerator(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
public Object get_widget(ContentItem item) {
FileItem file_item = item as FileItem;
FileTransfer transfer = file_item.file_transfer;
if (transfer.mime_type != null && transfer.mime_type.has_prefix("image")) {
return getImageWidget(transfer);
} else {
return getDefaultWidget(transfer);
private Widget getImageWidget(FileTransfer file_transfer) {
Image image = new Image() { halign=Align.START, visible = true };
Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
try {
pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file(file_transfer.get_file().get_path());
} catch (Error error) {
return null;
int max_scaled_height = MAX_HEIGHT * image.scale_factor;
if (pixbuf.height > max_scaled_height) {
pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple((int) ((double) max_scaled_height / pixbuf.height * pixbuf.width), max_scaled_height, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
int max_scaled_width = MAX_WIDTH * image.scale_factor;
if (pixbuf.width > max_scaled_width) {
pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(max_scaled_width, (int) ((double) max_scaled_width / pixbuf.width * pixbuf.height), Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
pixbuf = crop_corners(pixbuf, 3 * image.get_scale_factor());
Util.image_set_from_scaled_pixbuf(image, pixbuf);
Util.force_css(image, "* { box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); margin: 2px; border-radius: 3px; }");
Builder builder = new Builder.from_resource("/im/dino/Dino/conversation_summary/image_toolbar.ui");
Widget toolbar = builder.get_object("main") as Widget;
Util.force_background(toolbar, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)");
Util.force_css(toolbar, "* { padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; }");
Label url_label = builder.get_object("url_label") as Label;
Util.force_color(url_label, "#eee");
if (file_transfer.file_name != null && file_transfer.file_name != "") {
string caption = file_transfer.file_name;
url_label.label = caption;
} else {
url_label.visible = false;
Image open_image = builder.get_object("open_image") as Image;
Util.force_css(open_image, "*:not(:hover) { color: #eee; }");
Button open_button = builder.get_object("open_button") as Button;
Util.force_css(open_button, "*:hover { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.3); border-color: transparent; }");
open_button.clicked.connect(() => {
AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(file_transfer.get_file().get_uri(), null);
} catch (Error err) {
print("Tried to open file://" + file_transfer.get_file().get_path() + " " + err.message + "\n");
Revealer toolbar_revealer = new Revealer() { transition_type=RevealerTransitionType.CROSSFADE, transition_duration=400, visible=true };
Grid grid = new Grid() { visible=true };
grid.attach(toolbar_revealer, 0, 0, 1, 1);
grid.attach(image, 0, 0, 1, 1);
EventBox event_box = new EventBox() { halign=Align.START, visible=true };
event_box.enter_notify_event.connect(() => { toolbar_revealer.reveal_child = true; return false; });
event_box.leave_notify_event.connect(() => { toolbar_revealer.reveal_child = false; return false; });
return event_box;
private static Gdk.Pixbuf crop_corners(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, double radius = 3) {
Cairo.Context ctx = new Cairo.Context(new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.ARGB32, pixbuf.width, pixbuf.height));
Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, pixbuf, 0, 0);
double degrees = Math.PI / 180.0;
ctx.arc(pixbuf.width - radius, radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees);
ctx.arc(pixbuf.width - radius, pixbuf.height - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees);
ctx.arc(radius, pixbuf.height - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees);
ctx.arc(radius, radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees);
return Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_surface(ctx.get_target(), 0, 0, pixbuf.width, pixbuf.height);
private Widget getDefaultWidget(FileTransfer file_transfer) {
Box main_box = new Box(Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 4) { halign=Align.START, visible=true };
string? icon_name = ContentType.get_generic_icon_name(file_transfer.mime_type);
Image content_type_image = new Image.from_icon_name(icon_name, IconSize.DND) { visible=true };
Box right_box = new Box(Orientation.VERTICAL, 0) { visible=true };
Label name_label = new Label(file_transfer.file_name) { xalign=0, yalign=0, visible=true};
Label mime_label = new Label("<span size='small'>" + _("File") + ": " + file_transfer.mime_type + "</span>") { use_markup=true, xalign=0, yalign=1, visible=true};
EventBox event_box = new EventBox() { halign=Align.START, visible=true };
event_box.enter_notify_event.connect((event) => {
event.get_window().set_cursor(new Cursor.for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), CursorType.HAND2));
return false;
event_box.leave_notify_event.connect((event) => {
event.get_window().set_cursor(new Cursor.for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), CursorType.XTERM));
return false;
event_box.button_release_event.connect((event_button) => {
if (event_button.button == 1) {
AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(file_transfer.get_file().get_uri(), null);
} catch (Error err) {
print("Tried to open " + file_transfer.get_file().get_path());
return false;
return event_box;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
using Gee;
using Gtk;
using Xmpp;
using Dino.Entities;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
public class ContentProvider : ContentItemCollection, Object {
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private ContentItemWidgetFactory widget_factory;
private Conversation? current_conversation;
private Plugins.ConversationItemCollection? item_collection;
public ContentProvider(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
this.widget_factory = new ContentItemWidgetFactory(stream_interactor);
public void init(Plugins.ConversationItemCollection item_collection, Conversation conversation, Plugins.WidgetType type) {
current_conversation = conversation;
this.item_collection = item_collection;
stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemAccumulator.IDENTITY).init(conversation, this);
public void close(Conversation conversation) { }
public void insert_item(ContentItem item) {
item_collection.insert_item(new ContentMetaItem(item, widget_factory));
public void remove_item(ContentItem item) { }
public Gee.List<ContentMetaItem> populate_latest(Conversation conversation, int n) {
Gee.List<ContentItem> items = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemAccumulator.IDENTITY).populate_latest(this, conversation, n);
Gee.List<ContentMetaItem> ret = new ArrayList<ContentMetaItem>();
foreach (ContentItem item in items) {
ret.add(new ContentMetaItem(item, widget_factory));
return ret;
public Gee.List<ContentMetaItem> populate_before(Conversation conversation, Plugins.MetaConversationItem before_item, int n) {
Gee.List<ContentMetaItem> ret = new ArrayList<ContentMetaItem>();
ContentMetaItem? content_meta_item = before_item as ContentMetaItem;
if (content_meta_item != null) {
Gee.List<ContentItem> items = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemAccumulator.IDENTITY).populate_before(this, conversation, content_meta_item.content_item, n);
foreach (ContentItem item in items) {
ret.add(new ContentMetaItem(item, widget_factory));
return ret;
public class ContentMetaItem : Plugins.MetaConversationItem {
public override Jid? jid { get; set; }
public override DateTime? sort_time { get; set; }
public override DateTime? display_time { get; set; }
public override Encryption? encryption { get; set; }
public ContentItem content_item;
private ContentItemWidgetFactory widget_factory;
public ContentMetaItem(ContentItem content_item, ContentItemWidgetFactory widget_factory) {
this.jid = content_item.jid;
this.sort_time = content_item.sort_time;
this.seccondary_sort_indicator = content_item.seccondary_sort_indicator;
this.display_time = content_item.display_time;
this.encryption = content_item.encryption;
this.mark = content_item.mark;
WeakRef weak_item = WeakRef(content_item);
content_item.notify["mark"].connect(() => {
ContentItem? ci = weak_item.get() as ContentItem;
if (ci == null) return;
this.mark = ci.mark;
this.can_merge = true;
this.requires_avatar = true;
this.requires_header = true;
this.content_item = content_item;
this.widget_factory = widget_factory;
public override bool can_merge { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_avatar { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_header { get; set; default=true; }
public override Object? get_widget(Plugins.WidgetType type) {
return widget_factory.get_widget(content_item);
@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private Gee.TreeSet<Plugins.MetaConversationItem> meta_items = new TreeSet<Plugins.MetaConversationItem>(sort_meta_items);
private Gee.Map<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, Gee.List<Plugins.MetaConversationItem>> meta_after_items = new Gee.HashMap<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, Gee.List<Plugins.MetaConversationItem>>();
private Gee.HashMap<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, ConversationItemSkeleton> item_item_skeletons = new Gee.HashMap<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, ConversationItemSkeleton>();
private Gee.HashMap<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, Widget> widgets = new Gee.HashMap<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, Widget>();
private Gee.List<ConversationItemSkeleton> item_skeletons = new Gee.ArrayList<ConversationItemSkeleton>();
private MessagePopulator message_item_populator;
private ContentProvider content_populator;
private SubscriptionNotitication subscription_notification;
private double? was_value;
@ -39,16 +38,15 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
message_item_populator = new MessagePopulator(stream_interactor);
content_populator = new ContentProvider(stream_interactor);
subscription_notification = new SubscriptionNotitication(stream_interactor);
Application app = GLib.Application.get_default() as Application;
app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_item_populator(new ChatStatePopulator(stream_interactor));
app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_item_populator(new FilePopulator(stream_interactor));
app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_item_populator(new DateSeparatorPopulator(stream_interactor));
app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_addition_populator(new ChatStatePopulator(stream_interactor));
app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_addition_populator(new DateSeparatorPopulator(stream_interactor));
Timeout.add_seconds(60, () => {
foreach (ConversationItemSkeleton item_skeleton in item_skeletons) {
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
private void initialize_for_conversation_(Conversation? conversation) {
Dino.Application app = Dino.Application.get_default();
if (this.conversation != null) {
foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_item_populators) {
foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) {
@ -90,11 +88,14 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
animate = false;
Timeout.add(20, () => { animate = true; return false; });
foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_item_populators) {
foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) {
populator.init(conversation, this, Plugins.WidgetType.GTK);
message_item_populator.init(conversation, this);
message_item_populator.populate_latest(conversation, 40);
content_populator.init(this, conversation, Plugins.WidgetType.GTK);
Gee.List<ContentMetaItem> items = content_populator.populate_latest(conversation, 40);
foreach (ContentMetaItem item in items) {
Idle.add(() => { on_value_notify(); return false; });
subscription_notification.init(conversation, this);
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
public void on_remove_item(Plugins.MetaConversationItem item) {
private void on_remove_item(Plugins.MetaConversationItem item) {
lock (meta_items) {
ConversationItemSkeleton? skeleton = item_item_skeletons[item];
if (skeleton.items.size > 1) {
@ -202,11 +203,11 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
if (index == 0) {
Dino.Application app = Dino.Application.get_default();
if (item_skeletons.size == 1) {
foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_item_populators) {
foreach (Plugins.ConversationAdditionPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) {
populator.populate_timespan(conversation, item.sort_time, new DateTime.now_utc());
} else {
foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_item_populators) {
foreach (Plugins.ConversationAdditionPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) {
populator.populate_timespan(conversation, item.sort_time, meta_items.higher(item).sort_time);
@ -253,7 +254,12 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
private void load_earlier_messages() {
was_value = scrolled.vadjustment.value;
if (!reloading_mutex.trylock()) return;
if (meta_items.size > 0) message_item_populator.populate_before(conversation, meta_items.first(), 20);
if (meta_items.size > 0) {
Gee.List<ContentMetaItem> items = content_populator.populate_before(conversation, meta_items.first(), 20);
foreach (ContentMetaItem item in items) {
private static int sort_meta_items(Plugins.MetaConversationItem a, Plugins.MetaConversationItem b) {
@ -276,7 +282,6 @@ public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection {
private void clear() {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
class DateSeparatorPopulator : Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator, Object {
class DateSeparatorPopulator : Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator, Plugins.ConversationAdditionPopulator, Object {
public string id { get { return "date_separator"; } }
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ class DateSeparatorPopulator : Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator, Object {
public void populate_timespan(Conversation conversation, DateTime after, DateTime before) { }
public void populate_between_widgets(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) { }
private void on_insert_item(Plugins.MetaConversationItem item) {
if (item.display_time == null) return;
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
using Gdk;
using Gtk;
using Dino.Entities;
using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
public class DefaultFileDisplay : Plugins.MetaConversationItem {
public override Jid? jid { get; set; }
public override DateTime? sort_time { get; set; }
public override DateTime? display_time { get; set; }
public override Encryption? encryption { get; set; }
public override Entities.Message.Marked? mark { get; set; }
public override bool can_merge { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_avatar { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_header { get; set; default=true; }
private const int MAX_HEIGHT = 300;
private const int MAX_WIDTH = 600;
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private FileTransfer file_transfer;
public DefaultFileDisplay(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, FileTransfer file_transfer) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
this.file_transfer = file_transfer;
this.jid = file_transfer.direction == FileTransfer.DIRECTION_SENT ? file_transfer.account.bare_jid.with_resource(file_transfer.account.resourcepart) : file_transfer.counterpart;
this.sort_time = file_transfer.time;
this.seccondary_sort_indicator = + 0.2903;
this.display_time = file_transfer.time;
this.encryption = file_transfer.encryption;
this.mark = file_to_message_state(file_transfer.state);
file_transfer.notify["state"].connect_after(() => {
this.mark = file_to_message_state(file_transfer.state);
public override Object? get_widget(Plugins.WidgetType widget_type) {
Box main_box = new Box(Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 4) { halign=Align.START, visible=true };
string? icon_name = ContentType.get_generic_icon_name(file_transfer.mime_type);
Image content_type_image = new Image.from_icon_name(icon_name, IconSize.DND) { visible=true };
Box right_box = new Box(Orientation.VERTICAL, 0) { visible=true };
Label name_label = new Label(file_transfer.file_name) { xalign=0, yalign=0, visible=true};
Label mime_label = new Label("<span size='small'>" + _("File") + ": " + file_transfer.mime_type + "</span>") { use_markup=true, xalign=0, yalign=1, visible=true};
EventBox event_box = new EventBox() { halign=Align.START, visible=true };
event_box.enter_notify_event.connect((event) => {
event.get_window().set_cursor(new Cursor.for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), CursorType.HAND2));
return false;
event_box.leave_notify_event.connect((event) => {
event.get_window().set_cursor(new Cursor.for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), CursorType.XTERM));
return false;
event_box.button_release_event.connect((event_button) => {
if (event_button.button == 1) {
AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(file_transfer.get_file().get_uri(), null);
} catch (Error err) {
print("Tried to open " + file_transfer.get_file().get_path());
return false;
return event_box;
private Entities.Message.Marked file_to_message_state(FileTransfer.State state) {
switch (state) {
case FileTransfer.State.IN_PROCESS:
return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
case FileTransfer.State.COMPLETE:
return Entities.Message.Marked.NONE;
case FileTransfer.State.NOT_STARTED:
return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
case FileTransfer.State.FAILED:
return Entities.Message.Marked.WONTSEND;
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
using Dino.Entities;
using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
public class DefaultMessageDisplay : Plugins.MessageDisplayProvider, Object {
public string id { get; set; default="default"; }
public double priority { get; set; default=0; }
public StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
public DefaultMessageDisplay(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
public bool can_display(Entities.Message? message) { return true; }
public Plugins.MetaConversationItem? get_item(Entities.Message message, Conversation conversation) {
return new MetaMessageItem(stream_interactor, message, conversation);
public class MetaMessageItem : Plugins.MetaConversationItem {
public override Jid? jid { get; set; }
public override DateTime? sort_time { get; set; }
public override DateTime? display_time { get; set; }
public override Encryption? encryption { get; set; }
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private Conversation conversation;
private Message message;
public MetaMessageItem(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Message message, Conversation conversation) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
this.conversation = conversation;
this.message = message;
this.jid = message.from;
this.sort_time = message.local_time;
this.seccondary_sort_indicator = + 0.2085;
this.display_time = message.time;
this.encryption = message.encryption;
public override bool can_merge { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_avatar { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_header { get; set; default=true; }
public override Object? get_widget(Plugins.WidgetType widget_type) {
MessageTextView text_view = new MessageTextView() { visible = true };
if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) {
return text_view;
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
using Gee;
using Gtk;
using Dino.Entities;
using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
class FilePopulator : Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator, Object {
public string id { get { return "file"; } }
private StreamInteractor? stream_interactor;
private Conversation? current_conversation;
private Plugins.ConversationItemCollection? item_collection;
public FilePopulator(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
stream_interactor.get_module(FileManager.IDENTITY).received_file.connect((file_transfer) => {
if (current_conversation != null && current_conversation.account.equals(file_transfer.account) && current_conversation.counterpart.equals_bare(file_transfer.counterpart)) {
public void init(Conversation conversation, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection item_collection, Plugins.WidgetType type) {
current_conversation = conversation;
this.item_collection = item_collection;
public void close(Conversation conversation) { }
public void populate_timespan(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) {
Gee.List<FileTransfer> transfers = stream_interactor.get_module(FileManager.IDENTITY).get_file_transfers(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart, from, to);
foreach (FileTransfer transfer in transfers) {
public void populate_between_widgets(Conversation conversation, DateTime from, DateTime to) { }
private void insert_file(FileTransfer transfer) {
Plugins.MetaConversationItem item = null;
if (transfer.mime_type != null && transfer.mime_type.has_prefix("image")) {
item = new ImageDisplay(stream_interactor, transfer);
} else {
item = new DefaultFileDisplay(stream_interactor, transfer);
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
using Gtk;
using Dino.Entities;
using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
public class ImageDisplay : Plugins.MetaConversationItem {
public override Jid? jid { get; set; }
public override DateTime? sort_time { get; set; }
public override DateTime? display_time { get; set; }
public override Encryption? encryption { get; set; }
public override Entities.Message.Marked? mark { get; set; }
public override bool can_merge { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_avatar { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_header { get; set; default=true; }
private const int MAX_HEIGHT = 300;
private const int MAX_WIDTH = 600;
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private FileTransfer file_transfer;
public ImageDisplay(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, FileTransfer file_transfer) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
this.file_transfer = file_transfer;
this.jid = file_transfer.direction == FileTransfer.DIRECTION_SENT ? file_transfer.account.bare_jid.with_resource(file_transfer.account.resourcepart) : file_transfer.counterpart;
this.sort_time = file_transfer.time;
this.seccondary_sort_indicator = + 0.2903;
this.display_time = file_transfer.time;
this.encryption = file_transfer.encryption;
this.mark = file_to_message_state(file_transfer.state);
file_transfer.notify["state"].connect_after(() => {
this.mark = file_to_message_state(file_transfer.state);
public override Object? get_widget(Plugins.WidgetType widget_type) {
Image image = new Image() { halign=Align.START, visible = true };
Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
try {
pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file(file_transfer.get_file().get_path());
} catch (Error error) {
return null;
int max_scaled_height = MAX_HEIGHT * image.scale_factor;
if (pixbuf.height > max_scaled_height) {
pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple((int) ((double) max_scaled_height / pixbuf.height * pixbuf.width), max_scaled_height, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
int max_scaled_width = MAX_WIDTH * image.scale_factor;
if (pixbuf.width > max_scaled_width) {
pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(max_scaled_width, (int) ((double) max_scaled_width / pixbuf.width * pixbuf.height), Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
pixbuf = crop_corners(pixbuf, 3 * image.get_scale_factor());
Util.image_set_from_scaled_pixbuf(image, pixbuf);
Util.force_css(image, "* { box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); margin: 2px; border-radius: 3px; }");
Builder builder = new Builder.from_resource("/im/dino/Dino/conversation_summary/image_toolbar.ui");
Widget toolbar = builder.get_object("main") as Widget;
Util.force_background(toolbar, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)");
Util.force_css(toolbar, "* { padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; }");
Label url_label = builder.get_object("url_label") as Label;
Util.force_color(url_label, "#eee");
update_info(url_label, file_transfer.file_name);
Image open_image = builder.get_object("open_image") as Image;
Util.force_css(open_image, "*:not(:hover) { color: #eee; }");
Button open_button = builder.get_object("open_button") as Button;
Util.force_css(open_button, "*:hover { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.3); border-color: transparent; }");
open_button.clicked.connect(() => {
AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(file_transfer.get_file().get_uri(), null);
} catch (Error err) {
print("Tried to open file://" + file_transfer.get_file().get_path() + " " + err.message + "\n");
Revealer toolbar_revealer = new Revealer() { transition_type=RevealerTransitionType.CROSSFADE, transition_duration=400, visible=true };
Grid grid = new Grid() { visible=true };
grid.attach(toolbar_revealer, 0, 0, 1, 1);
grid.attach(image, 0, 0, 1, 1);
EventBox event_box = new EventBox() { halign=Align.START, visible=true };
event_box.enter_notify_event.connect(() => { toolbar_revealer.reveal_child = true; return false; });
event_box.leave_notify_event.connect(() => { toolbar_revealer.reveal_child = false; return false; });
return event_box;
private static Gdk.Pixbuf crop_corners(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, double radius = 3) {
Cairo.Context ctx = new Cairo.Context(new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.ARGB32, pixbuf.width, pixbuf.height));
Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, pixbuf, 0, 0);
double degrees = Math.PI / 180.0;
ctx.arc(pixbuf.width - radius, radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees);
ctx.arc(pixbuf.width - radius, pixbuf.height - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees);
ctx.arc(radius, pixbuf.height - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees);
ctx.arc(radius, radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees);
return Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_surface(ctx.get_target(), 0, 0, pixbuf.width, pixbuf.height);
private void update_info(Label url_label, string? info) {
string url = info ?? "";
if (url.has_prefix("https://")) url = url.substring(8);
if (url.has_prefix("http://")) url = url.substring(7);
if (url.has_prefix("www.")) url = url.substring(4);
string[] slash_split = url.split("/");
if (slash_split.length > 2) url = slash_split[0] + "/…/" + slash_split[slash_split.length - 1];
url_label.label = url;
private Entities.Message.Marked file_to_message_state(FileTransfer.State state) {
switch (state) {
case FileTransfer.State.IN_PROCESS:
return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
case FileTransfer.State.COMPLETE:
return Entities.Message.Marked.NONE;
case FileTransfer.State.NOT_STARTED:
return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
case FileTransfer.State.FAILED:
return Entities.Message.Marked.WONTSEND;
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
using Gee;
using Gtk;
using Dino.Entities;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
public class MessagePopulator : Object {
private StreamInteractor? stream_interactor;
private Conversation? current_conversation;
private Plugins.ConversationItemCollection? item_collection;
private HashMap<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, Message> meta_message = new HashMap<Plugins.MetaConversationItem, Message>();
public MessagePopulator(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
Application app = GLib.Application.get_default() as Application;
app.plugin_registry.register_message_display(new DefaultMessageDisplay(stream_interactor));
app.plugin_registry.register_message_display(new SlashmeMessageDisplay(stream_interactor));
public void init(Conversation conversation, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection item_collection) {
current_conversation = conversation;
this.item_collection = item_collection;
public void close(Conversation conversation) { }
public void populate_latest(Conversation conversation, int n) {
Gee.List<Entities.Message>? messages = stream_interactor.get_module(MessageStorage.IDENTITY).get_messages(conversation, n);
if (messages != null) {
foreach (Entities.Message message in messages) {
handle_message(message, conversation);
public void populate_before(Conversation conversation, Plugins.MetaConversationItem item, int n) {
Gee.List<Entities.Message>? messages = stream_interactor.get_module(MessageStorage.IDENTITY).get_messages_before_message(conversation, meta_message[item], n);
if (messages != null) {
foreach (Entities.Message message in messages) {
handle_message(message, conversation);
private void handle_message(Message message, Conversation conversation) {
if (!conversation.equals(current_conversation)) return;
Plugins.MessageDisplayProvider? best_provider = null;
double priority = -1;
Application app = GLib.Application.get_default() as Application;
foreach (Plugins.MessageDisplayProvider provider in app.plugin_registry.message_displays) {
if (provider.can_display(message) && provider.priority > priority) {
best_provider = provider;
priority = provider.priority;
Plugins.MetaConversationItem? meta_item = best_provider.get_item(message, conversation);
if (meta_item == null) return;
meta_message[meta_item] = message;
meta_item.mark = message.marked;
WeakRef weak_meta_item = WeakRef(meta_item);
WeakRef weak_message = WeakRef(message);
message.notify["marked"].connect(() => {
Plugins.MetaConversationItem? mi = weak_meta_item.get() as Plugins.MetaConversationItem;
Message? m = weak_message.get() as Message;
if (mi == null || m == null) return;
mi.mark = m.marked;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class MessageTextView : TextView {
TextIter end_iter;
buffer.get_iter_at_offset(out start_iter, start);
buffer.get_iter_at_offset(out end_iter, end);
buffer.apply_tag_by_name("semibold", start_iter, end_iter);
buffer.apply_tag(bold_tag, start_iter, end_iter);
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class MessageTextView : TextView {
TextIter end_iter;
buffer.get_iter_at_offset(out start_iter, absolute_start + start);
buffer.get_iter_at_offset(out end_iter, absolute_start + end);
buffer.apply_tag_by_name("url", start_iter, end_iter);
buffer.apply_tag(link_tag, start_iter, end_iter);
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
using Gtk;
using Dino.Entities;
using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary {
public class SlashmeMessageDisplay : Plugins.MessageDisplayProvider, Object {
public string id { get; set; default="slashme"; }
public double priority { get; set; default=1; }
public StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
public SlashmeMessageDisplay(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
public bool can_display(Entities.Message? message) {
return message.body.has_prefix("/me");
public Plugins.MetaConversationItem? get_item(Entities.Message message, Conversation conversation) {
return new MetaSlashmeItem(stream_interactor, message, conversation);
public class MetaSlashmeItem : Plugins.MetaConversationItem {
public override Jid? jid { get; set; }
public override DateTime? sort_time { get; set; }
public override DateTime? display_time { get; set; }
public override Encryption? encryption { get; set; }
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private Conversation conversation;
private Message message;
private TextTag nick_tag;
private MessageTextView text_view;
public MetaSlashmeItem(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Message message, Conversation conversation) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
this.conversation = conversation;
this.message = message;
this.jid = message.from;
this.sort_time = message.local_time;
this.seccondary_sort_indicator = + 0.0845;
this.display_time = message.time;
this.encryption = message.encryption;
public override bool can_merge { get; set; default=false; }
public override bool requires_avatar { get; set; default=true; }
public override bool requires_header { get; set; default=false; }
public override Object? get_widget(Plugins.WidgetType widget_type) {
text_view = new MessageTextView() { valign=Align.CENTER, vexpand=true, visible = true };
if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) {
string display_name = Util.get_message_display_name(stream_interactor, message, conversation.account);
string color = Util.get_name_hex_color(stream_interactor, conversation.account, conversation.counterpart, Util.is_dark_theme(text_view));
nick_tag = text_view.buffer.create_tag("nick", foreground: "#" + color);
TextIter iter;
text_view.buffer.get_start_iter(out iter);
text_view.buffer.insert_with_tags(ref iter, display_name, display_name.length, nick_tag);
return text_view;
private void update_style() {
string color = Util.get_name_hex_color(stream_interactor, conversation.account, message.real_jid ?? message.from, Util.is_dark_theme(text_view));
nick_tag.foreground = "#" + color;
@ -81,22 +81,19 @@ public class Manager : StreamInteractionModule, FileSender, Object {
public class FileMessageFilterDisplay : Plugins.MessageDisplayProvider, Object {
public string id { get; set; default="file_message_filter"; }
public double priority { get; set; default=10; }
public class FileMessageFilter : ContentFilter, Object {
public Database db;
public FileMessageFilterDisplay(Dino.Database db) {
public FileMessageFilter(Dino.Database db) {
this.db = db;
public bool can_display(Entities.Message? message) {
return message_is_file(db, message);
public bool discard(ContentItem content_item) {
if (content_item.type_ == MessageItem.TYPE) {
MessageItem message_item = content_item as MessageItem;
return message_is_file(db, message_item.message);
public Plugins.MetaConversationItem? get_item(Entities.Message message, Conversation conversation) {
return null;
return false;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class Plugin : RootInterface, Object {
app.plugin_registry.register_message_display(new FileMessageFilterDisplay(app.db));
app.stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemAccumulator.IDENTITY).add_filter(new FileMessageFilter(app.db));
public void shutdown() {
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