226 lines
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226 lines
11 KiB
using Dino;
using Dino.Entities;
using DinoWinToast;
using Xmpp;
namespace Dino.Plugins.WindowsNotification {
public class WindowsNotificationProvider : NotificationProvider, Object {
// TODO:
// 1. Actions
// 2. Dismissed
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private Dino.Application app;
private WindowsNotificationProvider(Dino.Application app) {
this.stream_interactor = app.stream_interactor;
this.app = app;
public static WindowsNotificationProvider? try_create(Dino.Application app) {
var valid = Init() == 0;
if (valid) {
return new WindowsNotificationProvider(app);
warning("Unable to initialize Windows notification provider");
return null;
public double get_priority() {
return 2;
public async void notify_message(Message message, Conversation conversation, string conversation_display_name, string? participant_display_name) {
yield notify_content_item(conversation, conversation_display_name, participant_display_name, message.body);
public async void notify_file(FileTransfer file_transfer, Conversation conversation, bool is_image, string conversation_display_name, string? participant_display_name) {
string text = "";
if (file_transfer.direction == Message.DIRECTION_SENT) {
text = is_image ? _("Image sent") : _("File sent");
} else {
text = is_image ? _("Image received") : _("File received");
yield notify_content_item(conversation, conversation_display_name, participant_display_name, text);
public async void notify_subscription_request(Conversation conversation) {
string summary = _("Subscription request");
string body = Markup.escape_text(conversation.counterpart.to_string());
if (!show_message(summary, body, get_avatar(conversation), conversation.id, stub)) { // missing actions
warning("Failed showing subscription request notification");
// HashTable<string, Variant> hash_table = new HashTable<string, Variant>(null, null);
// hash_table["image-data"] = yield get_conversation_icon(conversation);
// string[] actions = new string[] {"default", "Open conversation", "accept", _("Accept"), "deny", _("Deny")};
// try {
// uint32 notification_id = dbus_notifications.notify("Dino", 0, "", summary, body, actions, hash_table, 0);
// if (!conversation_notifications.has_key(conversation)) {
// conversation_notifications[conversation] = new ArrayList<uint32>();
// }
// conversation_notifications[conversation].add(notification_id);
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "default", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("open-conversation", new Variant.int32(conversation.id));
// });
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "accept", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("accept-subscription", new Variant.int32(conversation.id));
// });
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "deny", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("deny-subscription", new Variant.int32(conversation.id));
// });
// } catch (Error e) {
// warning("Failed showing subscription request notification: %s", e.message);
// }
public async void notify_connection_error(Account account, ConnectionManager.ConnectionError error) {
string summary = _("Could not connect to %s").printf(account.bare_jid.domainpart);
string body = "";
switch (error.source) {
case ConnectionManager.ConnectionError.Source.SASL:
body = _("Wrong password");
case ConnectionManager.ConnectionError.Source.TLS:
body = _("Invalid TLS certificate");
case ConnectionManager.ConnectionError.Source.STREAM_ERROR:
body = "Stream Error";
case ConnectionManager.ConnectionError.Source.CONNECTION:
body = "Connection";
if (!show_message(summary, body, null, 0, stub)) {
warning("Failed showing connection error notification");
public async void notify_muc_invite(Account account, Jid room_jid, Jid from_jid, string inviter_display_name) {
Conversation direct_conversation = new Conversation(from_jid, account, Conversation.Type.CHAT);
string display_room = room_jid.bare_jid.to_string();
string summary = _("Invitation to %s").printf(display_room);
string body = _("%s invited you to %s").printf(inviter_display_name, display_room);
Conversation group_conversation = stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).create_conversation(room_jid, account, Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT);
if (!show_message(summary, body, get_avatar(direct_conversation), group_conversation.id, stub)) { // action not enabled yet
warning("Failed showing muc invite notification");
// HashTable<string, Variant> hash_table = new HashTable<string, Variant>(null, null);
// hash_table["image-data"] = yield get_conversation_icon(direct_conversation);
// string[] actions = new string[] {"default", "", "reject", _("Reject"), "accept", _("Accept")};
// try {
// uint32 notification_id = dbus_notifications.notify("Dino", 0, "", summary, body, actions, hash_table, 0);
// Conversation group_conversation = stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).create_conversation(room_jid, account, Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT);
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "default", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("open-muc-join", new Variant.int32(group_conversation.id));
// });
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "accept", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("deny-invite", new Variant.int32(group_conversation.id));
// });
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "deny", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("open-muc-join", new Variant.int32(group_conversation.id));
// });
// } catch (Error e) {
// }
public async void notify_voice_request(Conversation conversation, Jid from_jid) {
string display_name = Dino.get_participant_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation, from_jid);
string display_room = Dino.get_conversation_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation, _("%s from %s"));
string summary = _("Permission request");
string body = _("%s requests the permission to write in %s").printf(display_name, display_room);
if (!show_message(summary, body, get_avatar(conversation), conversation.id, stub)) { // missing actions
warning("Failed showing voice request notification");
// HashTable<string, Variant> hash_table = new HashTable<string, Variant>(null, null);
// hash_table["image-data"] = yield get_conversation_icon(conversation);
// string[] actions = new string[] {"deny", _("Deny"), "accept", _("Accept")};
// try {
// uint32 notification_id = dbus_notifications.notify("Dino", 0, "", summary, body, actions, hash_table, 0);
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "accept", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("deny-invite", new Variant.int32(conversation.id));
// });
// add_action_listener(notification_id, "deny", () => {
// GLib.Application.get_default().activate_action("open-muc-join", new Variant.int32(conversation.id));
// });
// } catch (Error e) {
// warning("Failed showing voice request notification: %s", e.message);
// }
public async void retract_content_item_notifications() {
// if (content_notifications != null) {
// foreach (uint32 id in content_notifications.values) {
// try {
// dbus_notifications.close_notification(id);
// } catch (Error e) { }
// }
// content_notifications.clear();
// }
public async void retract_conversation_notifications(Conversation conversation) {
// if (content_notifications.has_key(conversation)) {
// try {
// dbus_notifications.close_notification(content_notifications[conversation]);
// } catch (Error e) { }
// }
// content_notifications.unset(conversation);
private bool show_message(string sender, string message, string? image_path, int conv_id, NotificationCallback callback) {
DinoWinToastTemplate template;
if (image_path != null) {
template = new DinoWinToastTemplate(TemplateType.ImageAndText02);
} else {
template = new DinoWinToastTemplate(TemplateType.Text02);
template.setTextField(sender, TextField.FirstLine);
template.setTextField(message, TextField.SecondLine);
return ShowMessage(template, conv_id, callback) == 0;
private async void notify_content_item(Conversation conversation, string conversation_display_name, string? participant_display_name, string body_) {
string body = body_;
if (participant_display_name != null) {
body = @"$participant_display_name: $body";
var avatar = get_avatar(conversation);
if (!show_message(conversation_display_name, body, avatar, conversation.id, onclick_callback)) {
warning("Failed showing content item notification");
private void onclick_callback(int conv_id) {
this.app.activate_action("open-conversation", conv_id);
private void stub(int conv_id) {
private string? get_avatar(Conversation conversation) {
var avatar_manager = app.stream_interactor.get_module(AvatarManager.IDENTITY);
return avatar_manager.get_avatar_filepath(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart);